How do I consolidate two Adobe IDs into one?

I have inadvertently created two Adobe IDs - one for my PC and one for my Samsung tablet.  I cannot therefore authorize the tablet to read the e-book I have downloaded to the PC.  How can I put this right?

Keith, we can help you, but there may be some confusion based on your use
of the term 'Digital Reader'.  Adobe has two products that get confused
from time to time.  The first is Adobe Reader - which is the one we use
most often to view PDF files.  The other is Adobe Digital Editions, which
is an ebook retrieval and library management system.  So, let's clarify
first whether you're referring to Adobe Reader, or Adobe Digital Editions.
Next, when you obtain an ereader, you register it with the outfit that
supports it - if it's a Kobo ereader, you register it with the KOBO
bookstore.  During that process, you'll be asked for an ID.  If you use
your Adobe ID, then your Kobo ereader can talk to either Reader or Digital
Editions seamlessly.  If you use another ID, then you could have issues.
Then, there is no way to 'deactivate' an Adobe ID account.  If you 'start
over' and establish a new Adobe ID, the one you set up the first time will
still be active in the Adobe computer behind the scenes.
Comment from me:  We all fall into the trap of 'assuming' that obtaining an
ebook, downloading it into an ereader and reading it is straightforward and
'simple'.  It's not - and that's because of technology, not the programs
themselves.  Adobe tries to 'keep things simple' by using one ID for you
whether it's on one or two computers, and up to six ereaders.  What we do
wrong is to 'assume' that we can figure things out on our own as we go.
Not good.
If the truth be known, we'd all be better off if we read the manual before
we did anything with the programs.

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    Hi bettyw,
    Are you still facing this issue. If yes. You may follow below mentioned steps:
    - You don't need to install old version.
    - Once you get the screen to enter Acrobat X serial number enter it. The next screen will ask you for previous version serial number enter that and choose the same version from drop down.
    and that should be it.
    Ajlan Huda. 

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    1. Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff if they'll do it. They probably won't.
    2. Because Apple generally doesn't permit that.
    3. Because the content remains associated with your Apple ID when you share it with other people.

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    Keith, we can help you, but there may be some confusion based on your use
    of the term 'Digital Reader'.  Adobe has two products that get confused
    from time to time.  The first is Adobe Reader - which is the one we use
    most often to view PDF files.  The other is Adobe Digital Editions, which
    is an ebook retrieval and library management system.  So, let's clarify
    first whether you're referring to Adobe Reader, or Adobe Digital Editions.
    Next, when you obtain an ereader, you register it with the outfit that
    supports it - if it's a Kobo ereader, you register it with the KOBO
    bookstore.  During that process, you'll be asked for an ID.  If you use
    your Adobe ID, then your Kobo ereader can talk to either Reader or Digital
    Editions seamlessly.  If you use another ID, then you could have issues.
    Then, there is no way to 'deactivate' an Adobe ID account.  If you 'start
    over' and establish a new Adobe ID, the one you set up the first time will
    still be active in the Adobe computer behind the scenes.
    Comment from me:  We all fall into the trap of 'assuming' that obtaining an
    ebook, downloading it into an ereader and reading it is straightforward and
    'simple'.  It's not - and that's because of technology, not the programs
    themselves.  Adobe tries to 'keep things simple' by using one ID for you
    whether it's on one or two computers, and up to six ereaders.  What we do
    wrong is to 'assume' that we can figure things out on our own as we go.
    Not good.
    If the truth be known, we'd all be better off if we read the manual before
    we did anything with the programs.

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    Hello Jannette92
    You can authorize to play his and your content but you are going to want to stay away from singing in and out each others Apple ID in the same iTunes library as that can lock out one of the Apple ID’s for 90 days. The best way to handle that is to create a separate user and have it just for his stuff and then use your user for just your iPhone.
    Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
    iTunes Store: Associating a device or computer to your Apple ID
    How to use multiple iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices with one computer
    -Norm G.

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    At present that is not possible.

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    Apple IDs cannot be merged. You should use your preferred Apple ID from now on, but you can still access your purchased items such as music, movies, or software using your other Apple IDs.

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    No. All purchases remain tied to the AppleID used to obtain them and cannot be transferred.

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    Donnathemom wrote:
    Well any ideas on how to solve this problem? When my daughter does facetime with someone it says she's Wyatt. She's not real happy about that. 
    Get her an email address, even if she never uses it.  They're free and available almost everywhere.  The only requirement is that the address be a valid one.
    You can even use an "alias" of yours.  That's a fake address that actually sends everything to you.  Check with your current email supplier.

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    Choose the library connected to the iPhone, import the media content from the other one/two libraries. DeDupe.
    I've written a script called DeDuper which can help with the last bit. See this  thread for background.

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  • How do I combine two PDF files into one?

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    Can I do this in Preview?

    You can't do in Preview.
    You can combine individual PDFs into one PDF using one of these freeware utilities.
    PDFMergeX @
    joinPDF @
    Combine PDFs @>
    PDFLab (join & split) @
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do i merge two pdf files into one

    How do i merge 2 pdf files into one.

    Open up the first pdf in Preview
    Then from Menu
    select from Edit Menu
    Select Insert (your choice of)
              Page from Scanner
              Page from File (select your PDF file)
              Blank Page
    You can then save as your first file or rename it

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