How to calculate table size given the structure.

Today i was asked how to estimate the size of the table given th transactions,.
table has 90 column all varchar(10)
How to calculate the size of table which has no data.
Message was edited by:

SQL> create table test as select * from all_objects ;
Table created.
SQL> create table test1 as select * from all_objects where 1 = 2 ;
Table created.
sql>select segment_name,bytes/1024/1024 "size", blocks
from dba_segments
where segment_name in ('TEST','TEST1')
      size     BLOCKS
     .0625          8
         6        768regards

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    You want to make sure you include space for the F fact table and the E fact table, assuming you compress the infocube. If you use DB02 and use wild cards you migh be able to get all teh size info in one shot.
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    Hello Mark
    If the fields belong to the PO header then EKKO is the table you should look for.
    In case of item related data the table is EKPO.
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    Further Reading:
    [Purchase order item - cl_po_header_handle_mm|]

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    Hi Andreas,
    I think you have nothing into SAP to find the structure of a cluster table.
    The way I use, is to find a standard program that use this cluster, and I look in the ABAP code the structure used by SAP.
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    Hi Madhavi,
    can u please let us know how u have solved the problem.
    It will be helpful to everyone.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    kumar wrote:
    Finally we dont have down time to do by exp/imp method.You have two problems to address:
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    Figuring out what you want to do when you get there so that you can stay there.
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    Jonathan Lewis

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    Hi ,
    Please find the link below for understanding BW CRM analysis.
    activate the CRM DSs by scenario:
    1) Activate the application component hierarchy (tcode RSA9). Changes made to the application component hierarchy in the CRM system can be transferred to the BW using the "Edit Application Component Hierarchy" (SBIW - Postprocessing of DataSources).
    SAP Note 434886 must be implemented in CRM 3.0 before the application component hierarchy is activated.
    2) Activate the Business Content DataSources (tcode RSA5).
    Select/enter the application component and choose Execute (F8).
    To compare the shipped and active versions, choose the 'Select Delta' pushbutton. If there is no active version of the DataSource, it is selected automatically.
    To activate the shipped version, choose the 'Transfer DataSources' pushbutton.
    3) Management of the versions of the BW-Adapter metadata (tcode BWA5). All DataSources are displayed that are managed by the BW Adapter.
    As in transaction RSA5 (Service API Metadata Activation), the 'Select Delta' function can be used to select the inactive DataSources or compare shipped and active versions.
    You can also go directly to the screen for maintaining DataSources that are managed by the BW Adapter.
    The 'Compare Version' function makes a detailed comparison of the shipped and active versions.
    All BW-Adapter metadata is considered when versions are compared:
    Header information (Table SMOXHEAD)
    Mapping information (Table SMOXRELP)
    Global selection conditions (Table SMOXGSEL)
    Attribute key fields (Table SMOXAFLD)
    Hope this helps.
    csm reddy

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