How to call a JavaScript in Photoshop?

I created 3 simple scripts (converted PS Actions to JavaScript) as a test:   Script1.jsx,  Script2.jsx,  Script3.jsx
How would I go about creating another  JavaScript that runs these three JavaScript consecutively (while in photoshop)
..I can create a simple PS Action of opening the three scripts (which works)..  but  when I convert this back to a Javascript, I receive an error.
My goal is for the ability to create a JavaScript that can call the three scripts.
call Script1.jsx
call Script2.jsx
call Script3.jsx
  Can this be done?
Thanks for any help

Thanks, Paul.
Worked!...  with a slight modification.
Received errors until I added a backslash at the end of the SCRIPTS_FOLDER path, and removed the backslash  from the FILE  name begining.
var SCRIPTS_FOLDER =  "/z/ANIMATION/Max_Renders/FaceLevels/ActionsScripts/";
var Script1 = File(SCRIPTS_FOLDER + "Script1.jsx");
var Script2 = File(SCRIPTS_FOLDER + "Script2.jsx");
var Script3 = File(SCRIPTS_FOLDER + "Script3.jsx");
$.evalFile (Script1);
$.evalFile (Script2);
$.evalFile (Script3);
Thanks allot!

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    You can place Acrobat JavaScripts in various form elements, document actions, documents, and the application folder or user application folder. See the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference and Guide fo rmore information, .
    From within Acrobat's JavaScript's debugging console, one can use the following code to locate the JavaScript folders used by Acrobat/Reader:
    function JSInfo() {
    /* define function to report JS information */
    // some basic system information
    console.println(app.viewerType + ' ' + app.viewerVersion + ' is running on ' + app.platform);
    // user level script folder
    try {
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    Hey, I got it.
    I handled the ADF Controller's PREPARE_RENDER_ID phase of the lifecycle, and then called the
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    I haven't the foggiest idea, except to perhaps suggest firing a script by using the AIActionManager::PlayAction command. That's assuming you can 'action' the use of a script though. If you can, it should be possible that way, if not, I have no idea.

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    You can also look into use of COM scripting interface to the Adobe programs. Unfortunately, this means you have to do some programming/scripting to create a (command line) script that you can execute like
    cscript C:\somePath\myScriptLauncher.vbs  C:\somePath\anAdobeScript.jsx
    cscript C:\somePath\myScriptLauncher.js  C:\somePath\anAdobeScript.jsx
    the scripts can be written in VBScript (*.vbs) or Microsoft JScript (*.js) which can access COM objects thus the Adobe program's COM APIs.
    Nothing purely simple as a command line option in this solution. But it does offer customization as an advantage.
    This might be a slightly useful reference. ide-extendscript
    there's one post mentioning COM in there.
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    You can place Acrobat JavaScripts in various form elements, document actions, documents, and the application folder or user application folder. See the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference and Guide fo rmore information, .
    From within Acrobat's JavaScript's debugging console, one can use the following code to locate the JavaScript folders used by Acrobat/Reader:
    function JSInfo() {
    /* define function to report JS information */
    // some basic system information
    console.println(app.viewerType + ' ' + app.viewerVersion + ' is running on ' + app.platform);
    // user level script folder
    try {
    var userJS = 'User level JS folder: ' + app.getPath("user","javascript");
    } catch(e) {
    var userJS = "User has not defined use JS folder level scripts";
    // application level script folder
    try {
    var appJS = 'Application level JS folder: ' + app.getPath("app","javascript");
    } catch(e) {
    var appJS = "There are no defined application level JS folder level scripts";
    } // end of JSInfo function
    JSInfo(); // call the function

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    Download that script and save in layout folder or within a site. Then use below script tag in webpart:
    <SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink2" Name="location/jquery-1.5.min.js" runat="server" OnDemand="false" Localizable="false" />
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help



    Here is an example of how to call a javascript function
    1. Drag and drop a hyperlink component
    2. Click on the JSP tab to go to the JSP source editor
    3. Insert the following block of javascript code in the ui:head tag
    <script type="text/javascript">
                            function popup() {
                            alert("Hello World")
    </script>4. Return to the design editor
    5. Select the hyperlink component
    6. In the properties sheet, under the section Javascript, click on the ... button next to the onClick property
    7. A dialog window pops up. Enter the following line
    8. Click on OK
    9. Save and run the application
    10. When the page is rendered click on the hyperlink and an alert saying Hello World appears
    Hope this helps

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    your questions are not correct because you are mixing up server side operations with client side operations.
    First server side code executes then the page is sent to the browser , then any javascript executes on the browser. So asking for javascript to be called from backing file (server side) doesn't make sense or asking for javascript to read a parameter doesnt exactly work either.
    However in your server code suppose you have a variable action in the request that you want javascript to know then in your JSP you would add something like
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var action = '${requestScope.action}';
    alert(action);//or whatever you want to do
    <c:if test="${requestScope.someOthervariable == ''xyz'}"><%-- this check is done on the server --%>
    callSomeJavascript(); <%--this javascript is only executed when the server side value of someOtherVariable is xyz --%>
    i.e. you can output the javascript that has the variables you need or the function calls you want.
    Like I said understand whats server side and whats client side.

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