How to create a sequence using Toplink for DUAL table

Hi All,
How do I create below sequence using TOPLINK
CREATE sequence my_seq start WITH 1;

Hi Dheeraj,
Sequence Object should be created in Database and specify the type of sequence that will be used in toplink to create sequence value.For example,sequence objects created in database needs to be configured using Native Sequence.
For more information refer to the below link.Use JDeveloper Toplink Wizards for declarative programming of Toplink native Sequencing.
P.Vinay Kumar

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    how to create purchase order using VA01 for BAPI?

    Hi Arun,
    Please check this link
    Example Program for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Questions in BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Problem with BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    *& Report BAPI_PO_CREATE *
    REPORT bapi_po_create.
    Input File Declaration
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_input_file,
    column1 TYPE char50,
    column2 TYPE char50,
    column3 TYPE char50,
    column4 TYPE char50,
    column5 TYPE char50,
    column6 TYPE char50,
    column7 TYPE char50,
    column8 TYPE char50,
    column9 TYPE char50,
    column10 TYPE char50,
    column11 TYPE char50,
    column12 TYPE char50,
    column13 TYPE char50,
    column14 TYPE char50,
    column15 TYPE char50,
    column16 TYPE char50,
    column17 TYPE char50,
    column18 TYPE char50,
    END OF ty_input_file.
    DATA: i_input_file TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_input_file,
    wa_input_file TYPE ty_input_file.
    CONSTANTS: c_path TYPE char20 VALUE 'C:\',
    c_mask TYPE char9 VALUE ',.,..',
    c_mode TYPE char1 VALUE 'O',
    c_filetype TYPE char10 VALUE 'ASC',
    c_x TYPE char01 VALUE 'X'.
    PARAMETERS : p_fname LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    Browse Presentation Server
    PERFORM f4_presentation_file.
    Read presentation server file
    PERFORM f1003_upload_file.
    IF NOT i_input_file[] IS INITIAL.
    PERFORM split_data.
    *& Form f4_presentation_file
    *& F4 Help for presentation server
    FORM f4_presentation_file .
    def_path = c_path
    mask = c_mask
    mode = c_mode
    title = text-001
    filename = p_fname
    inv_winsys = 1
    no_batch = 2
    selection_cancel = 3
    selection_error = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f4_presentation_file
    *& Form f1003_upload_file
    *& Upload File
    FORM f1003_upload_file .
    DATA: lcl_filename TYPE string.
    lcl_filename = p_fname.
    filename = lcl_filename
    filetype = c_filetype
    has_field_separator = c_x
    data_tab = i_input_file
    file_open_error = 1
    file_read_error = 2
    no_batch = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_authority = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    bad_data_format = 8
    header_not_allowed = 9
    separator_not_allowed = 10
    header_too_long = 11
    unknown_dp_error = 12
    access_denied = 13
    dp_out_of_memory = 14
    disk_full = 15
    dp_timeout = 16
    OTHERS = 17.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f1003_upload_file
    *& Form split_data
    Collect data for creating Purchase Order
    FORM split_data .
    DATA: i_poitem TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
    i_poitemx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
    i_poitem_sch TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
    i_poitem_schx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
    i_acct_*** TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
    i_acct_assx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
    i_services TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc ,
    i_srvacc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
    i_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
    wa_header TYPE bapimepoheader,
    wa_headerx TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
    wa_poitem TYPE bapimepoitem,
    wa_poitemx TYPE bapimepoitemx,
    wa_poitem_sch TYPE bapimeposchedule,
    wa_poitem_schx TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
    wa_acct_*** TYPE bapimepoaccount,
    wa_acct_assx TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
    wa_services TYPE bapiesllc,
    wa_srvacc TYPE bapiesklc,
    wa_return TYPE bapiret2,
    ws_po TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number.
    break gbpra8.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_services-line_no = 1.
    wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
    wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
    wa_services-subpckg_no = 20.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    LOOP AT i_input_file INTO wa_input_file.
    IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'HD'.
    wa_header-doc_type = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_header-creat_date = sy-datum.
    wa_header-created_by = sy-uname.
    wa_header-vendor = wa_input_file-column4.
    PERFORM conversion_output USING wa_header-vendor
    CHANGING wa_header-vendor.
    wa_header-comp_code = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-purch_org = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-pur_group = 'DE1'.
    wa_header-vper_start = wa_input_file-column9.
    wa_header-vper_end = wa_input_file-column10.
    wa_headerx-comp_code = c_x.
    wa_headerx-doc_type = c_x.
    wa_headerx-creat_date = c_x.
    wa_headerx-created_by = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vendor = c_x.
    wa_headerx-purch_org = c_x.
    wa_headerx-pur_group = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_start = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_end = c_x.
    IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'IT'.
    wa_poitem-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem-short_text = wa_input_file-column6.
    wa_poitem-plant = wa_input_file-column8.
    wa_poitem-quantity = '1'.
    wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V0'.
    wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
    wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
    wa_poitem-matl_group = wa_input_file-column7.
    wa_poitem-pckg_no = '10'.
    APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
    wa_poitemx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
    APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
    wa_poitem_sch-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem_sch-delivery_date = sy-datum.
    APPEND wa_poitem_sch TO i_poitem_sch.
    wa_poitem_schx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem_schx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitem_schx-delivery_date = c_x.
    APPEND wa_poitem_schx TO i_poitem_schx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_services-line_no = 2.
    wa_services-service = wa_input_file-column9.
    wa_services-quantity = '100'.
    wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
    wa_services-userf1_txt = wa_input_file-column13.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    poheader = wa_header
    poheaderx = wa_headerx
    exppurchaseorder = ws_po
    return = i_return
    poitem = i_poitem
    poitemx = i_poitemx
    poschedule = i_poitem_sch
    poschedulex = i_poitem_schx
    poaccount = i_acct_***
    poaccountx = i_acct_assx
    POCOND =
    poservices = i_services
    posrvaccessvalues = i_srvacc
    break gbpra8.
    LOOP AT i_return INTO wa_return.
    ENDFORM. " split_data
    *& Form conversion_output
    Conversion exit input
    FORM conversion_output USING p_ip
    CHANGING p_op.
    input = p_ip
    output = p_op.
    ENDFORM. " conversion_output
    Best regards,

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    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Varun!,
    Can you please send me also the above said step by step tutorial on [email protected]
    and can you please also guide me any configurations to be done on Sneak Preview SP12 before developing the interactive forms.
    Thank you in advance.

  • How to create parallel tasks using parallel for loops

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    I have created a uniform comm. method for all controllers, and now I find myself programming this method six times to communicate with each system. I am wondering if this could be done more elegant using the parallel for loop, in which case I would program an exchange once and then have six workers running simultaneously. Since a picture is more clear that a thousand words, what I am asking is this:
    Is it possible to replace something like
    and have this for loop running these tasks in parallel (on different cores / in different threads)?
    I have configured the loop to create 8 instances at compile, so I would have 2 instances surplus available at runtime if I find I need an additional system.
    The benefits of the method show in the second picture to me are:
    * takes less space
    * modifications have to be made only once
    * less blocks, wires and stuff makes it more clear what's going on.
    * flexibility in the actual number of tasks running (8 instances available at runtime)
    * if more tasks are required, I need only to update the maximum number of instances and recompile, i.e. no cutting and pasting required. 
    Unfortunately, I don't have those system available yet, so there's no way to test this. Yet, I would like to know if the above works as I expect - unfortunately the labview help is not completely clear to me on this.
    Best regards,
    Go to Solution.

    Dear mfletcher,
    First of all: thanks for confirming that my intuition was right in this case.
    As for your question on the help: below is a copy/paste from the help on the 'configure parallelism dialog box' 
    Number of generated parallel loop instances—Determines the number of For Loop instances LabVIEW generates at compile time. The Number of generated parallel loop instances should equal the number of logical processors on which you expect the VI to execute. If you plan to distribute the VI to multiple computers, Number of generated parallel loop instances should equal the maximum number of logical processors you expect any of those computers to ever contain. Use the parallel instances terminal on the For Loop to specify how many of the generated instances to use at run time. If you wire a larger number to the parallel instances terminal than you specify in this dialog box, LabVIEW only executes as many loop instances as you specify here.The reason for me doubting if what I programmed would work the way I intended lies in the fact that the help only mentions processors here, which would be interpreted as actual cores. Thus on a dual core machine, the number should be 2.
    I think it would be helpful to mention something about threads here, because in some case one would like to have more parallel threads than there are cores in a system.
    In mu case I would like to create six threads, which on my dual core processor would be spread over only two cores. Then these six threads run in parallel.I know that in case of heavy math that would not help, but since I am doing communications, which have timeouts and such, and that probably runs smoother in six parallel tasks even though I only have two cores. 
    Hope this helps in improving the help of the for loop.

  • How to create Search Help using more than 1 table

    Hi all,
    I need to create a search help using more than 1 table.
    Eq:-   Itable1 contains the data and Table2 contains the description of a field.
    In my search help i require A field from Table1 and For the corresponding field description from Table2.

    You can do this with the help of collective search help.
    Collective search helps:- Combination of elementary search helps. When we need to fetch data based on multiple selection criteriau2019s. More than one tables are Selection from multiple tables 
    Steps for creating collective search help.
    1) Enter the search help name and click on create.
    2) Choose Collective search help radio button option as the search help type.
    3) Enter the search help parameters.
    Note that there is no selection method to be entered for a collective search help.
    4) Instead of the selection method, we enter the included search helps for the collective search help.
    5)We need to assign parameters for each of the included search helps.
    6) Complete the parameter assignment by clicking on the push button.
    7) Collective search help offers the user to obtain F4 help using any of the included search helps.
    Hope this will help you:

  • How to create a LEAD using BPs for Company & Contact Person?

    Hi Group,
    I searched for a BAPI called "BAPI_LEAD_CREATEMULTI" to create Leads for the input file which is having the following format:
    Sales prospect     Lead group     status     Qualification level     Origin     Priority     contact person     Lead group     status     Qualification level     Origin     Priority
    The first and last fields being Sales Prospect & Priority fields....
    My file consists of Business Partners (in the fields "Sales Prospect" and "Contact Person" fields)......
    The thing is, I was not able to make use of the BAPI for the fields in the file.
    Please kindly let me know through some sample coding how I can make use of this particular BAPI for my requirement....... Sample code is needed......
    It is very helpful if the solution is sent soon....
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Vishnu,
    Just check this post also:
    You need to fill the "PARTNER" input field table it has "PARTNER_FCT" field for different partne function.
    e.g if you are using handle key , then
    0000000001 A 0000 00000000                        00000012 000000128                        BP BP C
    0000000001 A 0000 00000000                        00000021 000000128                        BP BP C
    0000000001 A 0000 00000000                        00000026 000000128                        BP BP C
    0000000001 A 0000 00000000                        00000015 000000128                        BP BP C
    Where the values of partner_fct
    15  for Contact paerson
    21  for Sales Prospect
    hope it will help
    pl. Reward points................

  • How to create a ztable using program?

    Hi ,
    How to create a ztable using programs for SQL database?
    Can anyone plz explain it with a program!
    Thanks in advance.

    Your purpose can be achieved through BDC programming too..
    t_bdcdata type table of bdcdata with header line.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMSRD0' '0102'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RSRD1-TBMA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RSRD1-TBMA_VAL'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-CONTFLAG'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-MAINFLAG'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-CONTFLAG'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-MAINFLAG'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-ROLLNAME(01)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-FIELDNAME(01)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03P-KEYFLAG(01)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03P-NOTNULL(01)'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-ROLLNAME(02)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-FIELDNAME(02)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03P-KEYFLAG(02)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03P-NOTNULL(02)'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-ROLLNAME(03)'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD03D-FIELDNAME(03)'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSTRD' '0100'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'KO007-L_AUTHOR'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMSEDS' '0050'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD09V-TABART'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD09V-TABKAT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'ALLOWSTATE-NOT_ALLOWED'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMSEDS' '0050'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD09V-TABART'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD09V-TABKAT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'ALLOWSTATE-NOT_ALLOWED'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSEWORKINGAREA' '0205'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLSD41' '2200'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DD02D-DDTEXT'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMSRD0' '0102'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RSRD1-TBMA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RSRD1-TBMA_VAL'
    call transaction 'SE11' using t_bdcdata..
    form BDC_DYNPRO  using    value(p_program)
    clear t_bdcdata.
    t_bdcdata-program = p_program.
    t_bdcdata-dynpro = p_num.
    append t_bdcdata.
    endform.                    " BDC_DYNPRO
    form BDC_FIELD  using    value(p_fnam)
    clear t_bdcdata.
    t_bdcdata-fnam = p_fnam.
    t_bdcdata-fval = p_fval.
    append t_bdcdata.
    endform.                    " BDC_FIELD

  • How to Create Test Sequence Document in HTML using command line

    How to Create Test Sequence Document  in HTML using command line
    I have lot of sequences and I want to create Test Sequence Documentation in HTML format using Command Line automatically, is there a way to automate this task using .bat file or using   C#  .Net

    If you aren't able to figure out how to call a C++ DLL in .net then there may be another option.  Unfortunately I don't know how to do this off the top of my head and I don't have an example.
    The other option would be to change docgen.seq a little bit to the dialog doesn't display and you just hardcode the options.  Then you can use a command line to call testexec.exe:
    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    I use TopLink today, and I can use one table to query, but how can I use TopLink for querys that have two and more tables?
    Thank you for see and answer this question.

    You can write a custom SQL query and map it to an object as needed. You can also use the Toplink query language "anyOf" or "get" commands to map two tables as long as you map them as one to one (get command) or one to many (anyOf command) in the toplink mapping workbench.
    check out oracle.toplink.expressions.Expression in the 10.1.3 API

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    Thanks in advance.
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    Hi Suresh Kumar,
    Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2, Patch Set 3 ( is required to be fully certified on OEL 5.x or RHEL 5.x.
    Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 or versions are not supported with Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5.0 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.0. It is recommended that version be obtained and installed.
    Which implies Oracle AS 10.1.2.x is some what certified on RHEL 5.x
    I think it would be better if you get in touch with Oracle Support regarding this .
    Sorry , I am not aware of any document on migration from Sun Solaris to RH Linux 5.2 .

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    Thanks and Regards,

          Login into the Configtool(C:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS<inst no>\j2ee\configtool) if ABAP+JAVA stack or C:\usr\sap\SID\JC<inst no>\j2ee\configtool) if JAVA stack
    click on the instance and and select the addserver button on the top to create a servernode for J2EE server.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    How to create backup file on itunes for ipod touch 4g game apps data? Is there a way to do it? I want to try an app on my friend's computer, but you can't add apps on another computer without having your own ipod's data being deleted. Thx for any help!
    I want to know how to create a backup file (because I'm pretty new with itunes, and it's hard to use it for me still), how to store my app data/media/videos, etc. And how I can retrieve them back when I'm done with the app I tried on my friend's computer.
    If anyone can help, it'd be great! Thank you so much!

    Sure-glad to help you. You will not lose any data by changing synching to MacBook Pro from imac. You have set up Time Machine, right? that's how you'd do your backup, so I was told, and how I do my backup on my mac.  You should be able to set a password for it. Save it.  Your stuff should be saved there. So if you want to make your MacBook Pro your primary computer,  I suppose,  back up your stuff with Time machine, turn off Time machine on the iMac, turn it on on the new MacBook Pro, select the hard drive in your Time Capsule, enter your password, and do a backup from there. It might work, and it might take a while, but it should go. As for clogging the hard drive, I can't say. Depends how much stuff you have, and the hard drive's capacity.  As for moving syncing from your iMac to your macbook pro, should be the same. Your phone uses iTunes to sync and so that data should be in the cloud. You can move your iTunes Library to your new Macbook pro
    you should be able to sync your phone on your new MacBook Pro. Don't know if you can move the older backups yet-maybe try someone else, anyways,
    This handy article from Apple explains how
    How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support''
    don't forget to de-authorize your iMac if you don't want to play purchased stuff there
    and re-authorize your new macBook Pro
    time machine is an application, and should be found in the Applications folder. it is built in to OS X, so there is nothing else to buy. double click on it, get it going, choose the Hard drive in your Time capsule/Airport as your backup Time Machine  and go for it.  You should see a circle with an arrow on the top right hand of your screen (the Desktop), next to the bluetooth icon, and just after the wifi and eject key (looks sorta like a clock face). This will do automatic backups  of your stuff.

  • How to create a SEQUENCE in MSSQL2005

    I am also having a similar problem which opened the thread
    Actually i am using a Repositery which is created in MSSQL2005.
    Now i want to create a SEQUENCE similar to Oracle and populate My surrogate Key Column.
    Can u tell me how to create a SEQUENCE in MSSQL2005?
    Does anyone is having the sql syntax?

    Hi Gourisankar,
    There is no sequence concept in MS SQL Server rather it has IDENTITY.
    In MS SQL Server if you declare a column type as a Identity it will be auto increment when a new record inserts.
    So in you underlying table create a column as ID and type as "Identity" and in your mapping leave that field un mapped.
    Have a look and google more on "identity in ms sql server" ;)

  • How to create a New Tranport Request for changed  Extract structure

    How to create a New Tranport Request for changed  Extract structure ?
    Hi Experts,
    I have a FI AP Generic Datasource containing extract structure with appended fields.
    It has already been activated and transported to Testing System.
    Now, I am to create a new transport request for this DataSource and Extract structure.
    I do not want to delete and recreate the Generic Datasource.
    I am trying to look at the options in the extract structure top menu from where I can create a new Tranport Request.
    Please let me know the steps

    Hi Dev,
    Once you send the transport request for any data source from Dev to Testing you wont find that again in your Dev (I mean the TR). So, when you change anything for this data source or view now in Dev and try to save it, it will ask for a new transport request and here you can mention a new one starting from View then activate it and go to RSO2 regenerate it and use the same transport request for this too. When you transport this TR to Testing Environment the data source will automatically get changed.
    Hope it helps...

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