How to create document/literal web services with WLS7

How do you create document/literal web services with WLS7 ( not workshop)
- Is it possible with servicegen and stateless EJBs as the backend component?
The default is RPC/Soap-encoded is there anyway to craft the web-services.xml
to make it document/literal
- Is it possible with the JMS-implemented web services - have not tried this yet
- Is there another mechanism?

That would be the <web-service> element in the web-services.xml file, of course.
"Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Rich,
Try adding a style="document" attribute to the starting <web-service>
The might be a way to get <servicegen> to do this for you, but I haven't
it yet :-)
Mike Wooten
"Rich Muth" <[email protected]> wrote:
How do you create document/literal web services with WLS7 ( not workshop)
- Is it possible with servicegen and stateless EJBs as the backend component?
The default is RPC/Soap-encoded is there anyway to craft the web-services.xml
to make it document/literal
- Is it possible with the JMS-implemented web services - have not tried
this yet
- Is there another mechanism?

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  • Document/literal web service with WSDL

    I is so hard to get an easily written example of how to do a Document/literal web service in java, to generate a WSDL descripbing it and then deploying it on Apache.
    I first belived that I should use JAXM. But I think it is just SOAP and there is no way to generate a WSDL file for the JAXM service, or??
    It seems that u can to document/literal style using JAX-RPC, but this is VERY strange since RPC style is the direct opposite of Document style.
    well, well
    I would be very greatful for information here.

    JWSDP 1.2 includes the WS-I sample application in JWSDP_HOME/wsi-sampleapp. Several components of
    this application use document-literal operations. The architecture of the application is described
    The WSDL for the services is availabe from URLs in the document.
    As you say, the trick is generating the WSDL for a new service. You have two options: 1. Modify
    existing WSDL yourself. This might be fairly easy, since the only major changes will be in the
    schema. Then use a tool to generate Java source code from the WSDL. 2. Use a tool to generate WSDL
    from source files.
    I prefer option 1 myself, since that gives me total control over the schema. It allows me to
    serialize certain parts of the SOAP message as body elements, others as attributes, and others as
    header elements. Then I use the Apache Axis tool WSDL2Java with the "-s" option to generate skeleton
    service files. One big advantage to this approach is that WSDL2Java generates JavaBean class for the
    types in the WSDL schema, so I don't need to build the SOAP message with SAAJ. A service client
    generates stubs and calls the service exactly as it would for an rpc/encoded service.
    wscompile also generates service files from WSDL if you give the "-gen:server" option, but I've only
    used Axis for my services.
    Here's a sample WSDL for a document/literal service you can modify as you need. I checked it with
    the WS-I testing tools to be sure it conforms to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a (available at Notice that the processPo operation is a request-response type operation, even though it has
    a document/literal style. This follows the recommendations in the Basic Profile.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
         <xsd:import namespace=""
         <xsd:complexType name="LineItem">
                 <xsd:element name="itemId" type="xsd:string"/>
                 <xsd:element name="quantity" type="xsd:int"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrder">
                 <xsd:element name="customerName" type="xsd:string"/>
                 <xsd:element name="lineItem" type="tns1:LineItem"
                          minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
             <xsd:attribute name="purchaseOrderId" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
         <xsd:element name="purchaseOrder" nillable="true" type="tns1:PurchaseOrder"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="CallbackEndpoint">
             <xsd:attribute name="location" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
         <xsd:element name="callbackEndpoint" nillable="false" type="tns1:CallbackEndpoint"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrderAck">
                 <xsd:element name="poId" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:element name="purchaseOrderAck" nillable="true" type="tns1:PurchaseOrderAck"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="InvalidCustomerNameException">
           <xsd:element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
           <xsd:element name="customerName" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:element name="invalidCustomerNameException" nillable="true"
       <wsdl:message name="processPoRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="callbackEndpoint" element="tns1:callbackEndpoint"/>
          <wsdl:part name="purchaseOrder" element="tns1:purchaseOrder"/>
       <wsdl:message name="processPoResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="purchaseOrderAck" element="tns1:purchaseOrderAck"/>
       <wsdl:message name="invalidCustomerNameException">
          <wsdl:part name="fault" element="tns1:invalidCustomerNameException"/>
       <wsdl:portType name="PurchaseOrderHandler">
          <wsdl:operation name="processPo">
             <wsdl:input message="impl:processPoRequest" name="processPoRequest"/>
             <wsdl:output message="impl:processPoResponse" name="processPoResponse"/>
             <wsdl:fault message="impl:invalidCustomerNameException" name="invalidCustomerNameException"/>
       <wsdl:binding name="PurchaseOrderHandlerPortSoapBinding" type="impl:PurchaseOrderHandler">
          <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
          <wsdl:operation name="processPo">
             <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
             <wsdl:input name="processPoRequest">
                <wsdlsoap:header message="impl:processPoRequest" part="callbackEndpoint" use="literal"/>
                <wsdlsoap:body parts="purchaseOrder" use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:output name="processPoResponse">
                <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:fault name="invalidCustomerNameException">
                <wsdlsoap:fault name="invalidCustomerNameException" use="literal"/>
       <wsdl:service name="PurchaseOrderHandlerService">
          <wsdl:port binding="impl:PurchaseOrderHandlerPortSoapBinding" name="PurchaseOrderHandlerPort">
             <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/po/services/PurchaseOrderHandlerService"/>

  • How to create Document / Literal WSDL with axis 1.3

    Dear All,
    1. How to create Document / Literal WSDL from java interface ?? or how to create Java 2 WSDL using Document/ Literal.
    2. from document/literal WSDL to java classes(stub, skelton, serivces).
    I am using Axis 1.3 , tomcat-5.5.20 and eclipse.
    Please provide the command and arguments for java2wsdl and wsdl2java for doc/lit.
    is there any tool that help to generate java2wsdl and wsdl2java for doc/lit.

    That would be the <web-service> element in the web-services.xml file, of course.
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Rich,
    Try adding a style="document" attribute to the starting <web-service>
    The might be a way to get <servicegen> to do this for you, but I haven't
    it yet :-)
    Mike Wooten
    "Rich Muth" <[email protected]> wrote:
    How do you create document/literal web services with WLS7 ( not workshop)
    - Is it possible with servicegen and stateless EJBs as the backend component?
    The default is RPC/Soap-encoded is there anyway to craft the web-services.xml
    to make it document/literal
    - Is it possible with the JMS-implemented web services - have not tried
    this yet
    - Is there another mechanism?

  • Leverage Inheritance Benefits in 'document/literal' Web Services

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    I developed it under the assumption that once I create a web service for ParentObject, I'll be able to use the same web service for ChildObject as well, which is a sub-class from ParentObject. Unfortunately, it did not work.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong; is it really not possible to leverage inheritance capabilities web services? And if it's not possible, what workaround(s) do you use in such scenarios when you don't want to create a new web service for each object type despite that they all have the same logic?
    Your thoughts are highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ahmed Motaz

    Jason, have you made any progress with CF7 and WS Security?
    It doesn't seem like enough information on this is available. Is it
    even possible? and how?

  • Problem Generating Document/Literal Web Service

    Hi folks..
    I am currently using JDeveloper 10.1.3 (Preview Edition) and I am having trouble getting the Create Java Web Service wizard to work correctly when generating a document/literal web service. After going through the wizard selecting the appropriate settings to generate a document/literal web service from my implementation I get the following error during generation.
    When I googled this error I actually get a hit for a thread here on this board, that looks VERY promising... but when I attempt to access it I get a message "Duscussion Forms Error" and I cant access it. (Very frustrating believe me.. :-)
    Any help that you can give would be appreciated...

    Hi Dave,
    One reason to have the SeiValidationException is when you do not follow the java bean convention for getter/setter or some of the public methods you want to expose are not throwing the right execption.
    Using the command line utility genProxy [or the ant task] with the debug flag may give you some informations about the WSDL constructs WSA do not understand. Look at the following how-to to get started:
    If this does not help, can you share your WSDL with us ?

  • Question about document/literal web service

    Hello every body.
    I have some question about document/literal web service.
    I’ve been working with Axis before.
    Axis has four valid signatures for your message-style service methods:
    public Element [] method(Element [] bodies);
    public SOAPBodyElement [] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies);
    public Document method(Document body);
    public void method(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp);
    The same I am trying to do with WebLogic API for webservices.
    But when I am trying to test web service (public Document method (Document body); )
    I have serialized exceptions for org.w3c.dom.Document.
    Do I have to write a custom class for org.w3c.dom.Document serialization?
    If yes can you give me some idea or example?
    The all idea behind this web service is. I have just one web service and mane classes for XML processing. Depends what xml document will be during runtime, web service will be using different class for xml processing. It works fine with Axis, but in case of WebLogic I have some problem.
    One more question… How I have to call this web service from java client?
    I have seen this example ,
    but this web service looks like (Document helloDom()). I need to send Document.
    This example works for Dynamic Proxy, but does not work for static call.
    Any ideas?? Thank in advance.

    I am getting a similar issue. I created a Document-style/literal webservice and deployed on Weblogic 9.2 . Then I generated client stubs using clientgen. I get the following exception stack trace:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: web service invoke failed: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:
    failed to serialize class java.lang.Objectweblogic.xml.schema.binding.SerializationException: type mapping lookup failure on
    class=class TypeMapping=TYPEMAPPING SIZE=3
    ENTRY 1:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocumentResponse
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@1125127
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@18dfef8
    ENTRY 2:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocument
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@15e83f9
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@2a5330
    ENTRY 3:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:xsd:anyType
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@bb7465
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@d6c16c

  • Future of Document/Literal Web Services in CF

    I would like some clarification on the future of web services
    in CF. Right now I use CF 7 RPC/encoded CFCs which communicates
    with a Java client product currently using the older JWSDP 1.6 for
    web services. However the new Java SOA with WS-Security has been
    out for a while but I cannot convert to it because it doesn't
    support the outdated RPC/encoded format and CF 7 does not handle
    Document/Literal properly. CF 7 does not properly handle cfproperty
    element arrays in publishing Document/Literal web services (well
    documented problem with CF and the current Axis engine).
    However JavaSE 6 is nearing a release and it too will not
    support RPC/encoded or xsd_AnyType, nor will it support the current
    Document/Literal produced by CF 7 which does not properly handle
    arrays for cfproperty elements. This may become a major problem for
    my application as all the Java environments are upgraded.
    Therefore is this issue being addressed in the upcoming CF 8
    Will CF 8 be upgraded to Axis2 and properly support
    Document/Literal arrays for cfproperty elements?
    When might we expect a release of CF 8?
    Is it possible for CF 7 to use Axis2?
    CF has been a great product but I do need to assess some
    options if CF can not handle Document/Literal arrays for cfproperty
    elements within the near future.
    Jason Baumgartner
    Indiana University

    Jason, have you made any progress with CF7 and WS Security?
    It doesn't seem like enough information on this is available. Is it
    even possible? and how?

  • Document Literal Web Service Stub Error

    I am using jdeveloper 9.0.3 (necessary because we are doing OAF) and have created a Document Literal Web Service Stub. The stub runs perfectly in Jdeveloper, but when I move it to our 9iAS server (, I get the error that it can not find the class \oracle\jdeveloper\webservices\runtime\WrappedDocLiteralStub.
    On my local machine this file is located in jdev-rt.jar, which is in /jdevbin/jdev/lib. Is there a special way to package the web service so that the jar file is included? Or is there a patch I need to apply to the apps server?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I am using jdeveloper 9.0.3 (necessary because we are doing OAF) and have created a Document Literal Web Service Stub. The stub runs perfectly in Jdeveloper, but when I move it to our 9iAS server (, I get the error that it can not find the class \oracle\jdeveloper\webservices\runtime\WrappedDocLiteralStub.
    On my local machine this file is located in jdev-rt.jar, which is in /jdevbin/jdev/lib. Is there a special way to package the web service so that the jar file is included? Or is there a patch I need to apply to the apps server?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Jdeveloper 10.1.2 document literal web service

    I need to write a document literal style web service to deploy to 10gAS 10.1.2.
    I don't really know where to start. I understand that JDeveloper 10.1.2 doesn't have any wizards that do that for me.
    Can anyone point me to example code or documentation on this?
    Thanks so much,

    Or can jdeveloper 10.1.3 create a document/literal web service that can be deployed in 10gAS 10.1.2?

  • How to Create and Deploy Web Services Using Oracle 9i JDeveloper

    My Question is how to create and deploy Web Services using Oracle 9i JDeveloper.Anybody please give me a detailed Reply.Please Reply to [email protected]
    Hopr to Hear From you,
    G Sreekumar

    You could use datasources. You should do this in your BC4J Configuration. Then when deploying your applicaiton use the command -installDataSource (from admin.jar) to create the right datasource.
    You could probably use the name of your connection + "DS" so you can also use it locally in JDeveloper as JDev seesm to create this automaticly for your Connections.

  • Problem with document/literal web services

    I need to publish a document\literal WSDL for a web service on my OC4J because my app has an interface with a .NET system.
    I generated the WSDL with JDEV and tried to deploy it on an OC4J 10.1.2 using JDEV 10.1.2.
    The deployment worked fine but when I'm trying to access the web service with the generated stub I'm getting the following message:
    "These methods do not conform to the restrictions imposed by the web service implementation"
    and then a list of these methods.
    Later I tried to remove the parameters from the methods and regenerated the WSDL and it worked fine, but I need the methods with the parameters.
    What can I do?

    Jason, have you made any progress with CF7 and WS Security?
    It doesn't seem like enough information on this is available. Is it
    even possible? and how?

  • 10gAS 10.1.2 document literal web service

    I need to write a document literal style web service to deploy to 10gAS 10.1.2.
    I don't really know where to start. I references to mostly j2ee 1.4, which doesn't help me.
    Can anyone point me to example code or documentation on this?
    Thanks so much,

    We do not support any tool in 10.1.2 to create Document Literal WS. you can do it by modifying manually the WSDL and the implementation of the service.
    Another solution would be to use Apache Axis deployed in OracleAS 10.1.2, and when moving to 10.1.3/J2EE 1.4 you can use the WSDL to move the implementation to JAX-RPC using a top down generation.
    Tugdual Grall

  • Complex schemas using Document Literal Web Services

    I am trying to use document style web services and top down approach. I prepared a request, response and fault schema. In those schemas i have attributes defined. When i use WSCOMPILE, it does not generate proper classes, if the schema is too complex. It has worked only for simple schemas. Is there any other way of doing it?

    If you are using jwsdp 1.6 or earlier and I remember correctly this uses JAXB 1.0 for databinding, which doesnt support all schema constructs.. Even if I'm wrong on that, you could use the -f:nodatabinding option with wscompile and do your own databinding with for example xmlbeans, which supports all schema constructs and is far more flexible than jaxb 1.0 (= personal opinion ;-)
    good luck!

  • How to create JAX-WS web services using providers?

    I am looking at WebLogic web services, because we are investigating the possibility of migrating our web services from Apache CXF to WegLogic web services. Our web services are implemented using JAX-WS providers. However, I browsed through the Oracle Fusion Middleware document library, but I couldn't find any documents for implementing JAX-WS web services using providers.
    Is there any document, tutorial, or examples of that?
    Thanks in advance!

    Ok just as I expected. So I guess I am left with the following two options
    1) either I switched to using JAXB in my apps instaed of xmlbeans....
    2) or if I still wanna use the old JAX-RPC web services to deploy on the Weblogic 10gR3 server i will have to create my own ant task jwsc shown below in your docs
    Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server (ant tasks)
    Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC
    Will OEPE be supporting the old JAX-RPC anytime in the near future release? or have to create own build ant task to call jwsc ant task directly to compile JAX-RPC web services??

  • How to Retrieve Data From Web Service with Optional Arguments

    This should be a simple one. I have a web service that
    returns a list of books. There are 3 optional arguments that can be
    passed to this (ex. book type, author, id) to filter this list. Do
    I still need to use the <mx:request> tags if I am not going
    to pass any parameters to the web service?
    When I look at the services browser in Flex, it says "unable
    to get meta data for CFC". However, if I remove the arguments from
    the CFC and then call the service again, all my data now appears.
    What's the best way to appoach this?
    Thanks in advance

    I have a similar application. What I have done is create one
    argument in my CFC, with a type of "struct". Then, in the Flex
    Application, I create an Object (Associative Array), and pass this
    to the CFC as that one argument.
    Here is the ActionScript:
    // Create the variable to be passed to the WebService
    private var object:Object = new Object();
    Then in another function, you create the Object, based on
    specified values - perhaps from ComboBox selections:
    object.bookType = comboBox1.selectedItem["bookType"]; = comboBox2.selectedItem["author"]; = comboBox3.selectedItem["id"];
    Then you pass that one argument in your <mx:request>:
    <mx:WebService id="getBooks" wsdl""
    <mx:operation name="sBooks">
    Your CFC might look like this:
    <cffunction method="sBooks">
    <cfargument name="args" type="struct">
    Then you can worry about validating the values passed to the
    CFC in the CFC function. That way, you could send an empty struct
    if you wanted, and the CFC would not throw an exception.
    Hope that helps.

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