How to create multiple toolbar buttons in jsp ?

hi all,
how to create multiple toolbar buttons in jsp ?
plz help me

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Eric Steven Raymond
Rick Moen
Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.
So expressing your question clearly and well is important. If you can't be bothered to do that, we can't be bothered to pay attention. Spend the extra effort to polish your language. It doesn't have to be stiff or formal ? in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.
Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse "its" with "it's", "loose" with "lose", or "discrete" with "discreet". Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All-smalls is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read. Alan Cox can get away with it, but you can't.)
More generally, if you write like a semi-literate b o o b you will very likely be ignored. So don't use instant-messaging shortcuts. Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate b o o b to save two entire keystrokes.

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    Im using a jsp page which have got some 'n' no submit buttons according to the Iterator ..each iterator display a row contains few fields plus submit button ..ex., If ' n' rows means 'n' respective submit buttons..the problem here is when i click any of the submit button only the value of the first row goes
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    remember the page displays all the rows correctly and though the values of submit button are also different it gives the same result...
    what could be the reason please help it out...
    my jsp page contains
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page language="java" import="*" %>
    <form name="frmChangeCorrection" method="post" target="childwindow" action="popup.jsp" >
    RFTrackerDAOFactory factory = new RFTrackerDAOFactory();
         DailyDataDAO dailyDAO = factory.getDailyDataDAO();
         String month = request.getParameter("month");
         String year = request.getParameter("year");
         String empNo = request.getParameter("empno");          
         Collection coll = dailyDAO.getMonthyEmployeeData(empNo,month,year);
    Iterator iter = coll.iterator();     
    <div align="center">
    <table border="1" width="75%" bgcolor="#B6C7E5">
    <th width="11%">EMPNO</th>
    <th width="30%">EMPLOYEE NAME</th>
    <th width="11%">DATE</th>
    <th width="11%">IN TIME</th>
    <th width="11%" >OUT TIME </th>
    <th width="15%" >TOTAL HRS</th>
    <th width="11%" >MODIFY</th>
    int count=0;
         EmployeeData data = (EmployeeData);
         String str=data.getDuration();
         String str1= str.substring( 0, 5 );
    <div align="center">
    <table border="1" width="75%" bgcolor="#B6C7E5">
    <td width="11%"> <%= data.getEmpNo() %> </td>
    <input type="hidden" name="empno" value="<%=data.getEmpNo() %>">
    <td width="30%"> <%= data.getEmpName() %> </td>
    <input type="hidden" name="empname" value="<%= data.getEmpName() %>">
    <td width="11%"><%= data.getDate() %> </td>
    <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<%= data.getDate() %>">
    <td width="11%"><%= data.getInTime() %> </td>
    <td width="11%" > <%= data.getOutTime() %> </td>
    <td width="15%" > <%= str1 %> </td>
    <td width="11%" > <input type="submit" name="Change" value="<% =count%>" onclick="popupResult()" >
    <input type="hidden" name="Change" value="<%=count%>" >
    function popupResult(){'about:blank','childwindow', 'height=300,width=300');

    It is assumed that one submit button will function for a form..if you want more that one submit form try to build as many forms as u need and put the submit inside that
    that will cure your problem
    and y do you want to create so many submit buttons.. instead you can make use of select button

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    Duplicate of  How To Create On Submit Button For Master_detail Page ?
    Please don'r post your question multiple times.

  • How to create a custom Button in a SNP planning book

    Hi Experts,
    I created my own Planning Book and Dataview in SNP with 3 Key Figures: KF1, KF2, KF3. Now I want to create one my own button with Macro so that when I press that button, the Macro will run to calculate: KF3 = KF1 + KF2.
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    My question are:
    1. How to create a custom button on the toolbar of SNP Planning book and writing macro for the button?
    2. Please give me any document, material teaching about writing macro and relating to my above scenario.
    Thanks very much!
    Edited by: xuanduyen on Sep 6, 2011 9:20 AM

    Access the transaction "/n/sapapo/advm". In the list select your planning book/ data view and click 'Start Macro Builder' button.
    In the Macro builder screen, drag and drop your macro from Macro depot to the work area.
    Right click on your macro name and select 'properties'. In the pop up, next to the Assigned Push button field, there is a button 'Choose'. Click that. It will display all the available icons. In standard system, it displays more than 1000 icon. Choose any one icon which is suitable for your macro function. Close the pop up and save the macro. This will assign a push button to your macro.
    In the Planning book tool bar, you can see the selected icon in the header tool bar. Just by clicking that icon, you can execute the macro interactively.
    And I don't know whether we can include/design our own icon. But there are already 1000+ standard icons to choose.
    Manimaran M.

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    Any help would be greatl appreciated.

    Ok so spoon feeding is not an option in this forum.
    So could someone humour me with at least the "yes" word or "no" word.
    I can create a toolbar button which will automatically load when Acrobat loads by making a Plug-in?
    If my Target "Acrobat" family member is Acrobat Standard 8.1.5 (note not pro) I need to get the 8.0/8.1 SDK to help me?
    My Plug-in is going to be written in Visual Studio 2005/2008?
    I must learn/use C/C++ for my plugin language?
    I will compile the .dll and then make it an .api file extension?
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  • How to create a radio button in ALV Reports

    Hi all,
    Best wishes to all..
    Kindly reply me to this question... that is "How to create a radio button in ALV Report"
    Thanks and Regards

    here is an example :
    Based on: BCALV_GRID_DEMO.
    TYPE-POOLS: icon.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_sflight.
    INCLUDE TYPE sflight.
    TYPES: button1    TYPE lvc_emphsz.
    TYPES: button2    TYPE lvc_emphsz.
    TYPES: button3    TYPE lvc_emphsz.
    TYPES: button4    TYPE lvc_emphsz.
    TYPES: END OF ty_s_sflight.
      gt_sflight    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_sflight,
      gt_fcat       TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
    DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm,
         gt_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight,
          g_container TYPE scrfname VALUE 'BCALV_GRID_DEMO_0100_CONT1',
          grid1  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
          g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
          CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION.
          md_cnt    TYPE i.
          handle_hotspot_click FOR EVENT hotspot_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_hotspot_click.
    define local data
          <ls_entry>    TYPE ty_s_sflight,
          <ld_fld>      TYPE ANY.
        READ TABLE gt_sflight ASSIGNING <ls_entry> INDEX es_row_no-row_id.
        CHECK ( <ls_entry> IS ASSIGNED ).
      Set all radio buttons "unselected"
        <ls_entry>-button1 =  icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
        <ls_entry>-button2 =  icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
        <ls_entry>-button3 =  icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
        <ls_entry>-button4 =  icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT e_column_id-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <ls_entry>
                                                  TO <ld_fld>.
        IF ( <ld_fld> IS ASSIGNED ).
        Set selected radio button "selected".
          <ld_fld> = icon_wd_radio_button.
      Force PAI followed by refresh of table display in PBO
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code
            new_code = 'DUMMY'
           RC       =
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_hotspot_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
          MAIN                                                          *
      PERFORM select_data.
      CALL SCREEN 100.
          MODULE PBO OUTPUT                                             *
      SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN100'.
      IF g_custom_container IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container
               EXPORTING container_name = g_container.
        CREATE OBJECT grid1
               EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container.
        PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
        CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display
           i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
            it_fieldcatalog  = gt_fcat
            it_outtab        = gt_sflight.
      Set event handler for event TOOLBAR
        SET HANDLER:
          lcl_eventhandler=>handle_hotspot_click FOR grid1.
        CALL METHOD grid1->refresh_table_display
           IS_STABLE      =
           I_SOFT_REFRESH =
            FINISHED       = 1
            others         = 2.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                   WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDMODULE.                    "PBO OUTPUT
          MODULE PAI INPUT                                              *
      to react on oi_custom_events:
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
      CASE ok_code.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          PERFORM exit_program.
        WHEN OTHERS.
        do nothing
      CLEAR ok_code.
    ENDMODULE.                    "PAI INPUT
          FORM EXIT_PROGRAM                                             *
    FORM exit_program.
    ENDFORM.                    "EXIT_PROGRAM
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM build_fieldcatalog .
    define local data
        ls_fcat        TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
        ls_hype        TYPE lvc_s_hype.
        I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
          i_structure_name             = 'LVC_S_FCAT'
        I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
        I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
        I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =
          ct_fieldcat                  = gt_fcat
          inconsistent_interface       = 1
          program_error                = 2
          OTHERS                       = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      DELETE gt_fcat WHERE ( fieldname <> 'EMPHASIZE' ).
        I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
          i_structure_name             = 'SFLIGHT'
        I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
        I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
        I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =
          ct_fieldcat                  = gt_fcat
          inconsistent_interface       = 1
          program_error                = 2
          OTHERS                       = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      READ TABLE gt_fcat INTO ls_fcat
           WITH KEY fieldname = 'EMPHASIZE'.
      IF ( syst-subrc = 0 ).
        DELETE gt_fcat INDEX syst-tabix.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'BUTTON4'.
      ls_fcat-icon    = 'X'.
      ls_fcat-hotspot = 'X'.
      INSERT ls_fcat INTO gt_fcat INDEX 4.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'BUTTON3'.
      INSERT ls_fcat INTO gt_fcat INDEX 4.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'BUTTON2'.
      INSERT ls_fcat INTO gt_fcat INDEX 4.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'BUTTON1'.
      INSERT ls_fcat INTO gt_fcat INDEX 4.
      LOOP AT gt_fcat INTO ls_fcat.
        ls_fcat-col_pos = syst-tabix.
        MODIFY gt_fcat FROM ls_fcat INDEX syst-tabix.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  SELECT_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM select_data .
    define local data
        ls_sflight    TYPE ty_s_sflight.
      ls_sflight-button1 = icon_wd_radio_button.
      ls_sflight-button2 = icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
      ls_sflight-button3 = icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
      ls_sflight-button4 = icon_wd_radio_button_empty.
      MODIFY gt_sflight FROM ls_sflight
          TRANSPORTING button1 button2 button3 button4
        WHERE ( carrid IS NOT INITIAL ).
    ENDFORM.                    " SELECT_DATA
    Reward all helpful answers

  • How to Add C3PO Toolbar Buttons with GroupWise in C#

    i try How to Add C3PO Toolbar Buttons with GroupWise in C#. I do all like
    i read here
    But i can see any result
    i create file with Wizard(witout project)
    Then i add this file to my EXE project
    and add 2 button "Reg C3PO"(RegC3po();) and "Unreg C3PO"(UnRegC3po();)
    and init
    what i do wrong?
    i try find ansver but find only this
    what its mean?
    news:SR%Zg.16416$[email protected]:
    about this question
    C3POs still don't work in the address book?

    Kirill wrote:
    > Hello and Merry Chritmas :)
    > regsvr32 onlu for DLL. My project create EXE file :(
    > Kirill
    You'll, according to the readme generated by your C3PO Wizard, have to run
    Regasm.exe <your C3PO server>
    That will create the needed regkeys...
    Also, you might have to add the typelib wrapper and assambly to the GAC, bu typing:
    Gacutil -i <your C3PO server>
    Best Regards
    Tommy Mikkelsen
    IT Quality A/S
    Novell Developer Forums SYSOP
    Please Report back any success or failure, That way we all learn
    Sorry, but no support through email
    "I hate bugs".......Tommy Lee Jones, MIB
    Be a GroupWiseR, go

  • [How-to] Create multiple Artboards in existing document?

    I'm wondering how to create multiple artboards at once in an existing document. I can manually re-arrange them later, that's fine. But I often find myself needing to create 20+ artboards for some of my complex projects.
    Currently, adding those 20+ artboards manually is a pain as you can imagine.

    open the Artboards panel. (Window->Artboards)
    then down the bottom start clacking away at the new artboard button.

  • How to create a toolbar on firefox 4 and above?

    How to create a toolbar on firefox 4 and above?
    I am new to add on development, Please tell me How to create a persistent panel(should display below toolbar), which should contain a button, textfield and a combo box and is available to new tabs/windows.

    There's a link on the main page under "Customizing Firefox", to this article: [[How do I customize the toolbars?]] in case it helps you or anyone else finding this topic. It has a section on adding a new toolbar to Firefox.
    I can't help you on creating your own button, textfield and a combo box for the new toolbar but I see you (Dinesh) asked this question on Jan 5, here: ''how to create a toolbar using add on sdk''

  • How to create user defined button in alv report

    how to create user defined button in alv report
    thnks in advance.

    U can define it the the PF-STATUS ( Menu for ALV ).
    For that u have to define it in the EVENTCAT.
    form z_eventcat  using    p_i_eventcat type slis_t_event.
      data: i_event type slis_alv_event.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET'
          i_list_type     = 0
          et_events       = p_i_eventcat
          list_type_wrong = 1
          others          = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      clear i_event.
      read table p_i_eventcat with key name = slis_ev_top_of_page into
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move 'TOP_OF_PAGE' to i_event-form.
        append i_event to p_i_eventcat.
      read table p_i_eventcat with key name = slis_ev_pf_status_set into i_event.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move 'SET_PF_STATUS' to i_event-form.
        append i_event to p_i_eventcat.
      clear i_event.
      read table p_i_eventcat into i_event with key name = slis_ev_user_command .
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move 'USER_COMMAND' to i_event-form.
        append i_event to p_i_eventcat.
    And in the DISPLAY
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
         i_callback_program                = v_progname
         i_callback_pf_status_set          = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
         i_callback_user_command           = 'USER_COMMAND'
         i_callback_top_of_page            = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
         i_grid_title                      = v_gridtitle
         i_save                            = 'A'
         is_layout                         = i_layout
         it_fieldcat                       = i_fieldcat[]
         it_sort                           = i_sortinfo
         it_events                         = i_eventcat
      E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER           =
      ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER            =
          t_outtab                          = it_final
         program_error                     = 1
         others                            = 2
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    form set_pf_status using rt_extab type slis_t_extab.
      set pf-status 'ALV_MENU'.
    endform.                    "SET_PF_STATUS
    endform.                    " Z_EVENTCAT
    Now double click on ALV MENU nad u can create a button in the application bar.

  • How to create multiple instance on same database

    Hi ,
    I would like to know how to create multiple instance on same database . I know that some people use database configuration assistant to do this but i could not figure out how they did it.
    Any how if some one can help me with this and can give me links of this it would be great help for me.
    Thank you for reading my problem and helping me !
    please if possible mail me on [email protected]

    How to create multiple instance?????Do you mean multiple instances on the same database, or multiple databases on the same machine ?
    I m new to this field....
    Willin to learn a lot about oracle....Then it wouldn't be bad reading a bit of Database Concepts

  • How to create a radio button on OA Page using Personalization

    I am trying to create a radio button on OA Page using Personalization. The item style , I can see is Message Radio Group.
    How to create Message Radio Button and bring them under one group.

    You should use jdev to define a radiogroup and radio buttons under that, wrap that definition inside a stackLayout in jdev, use personalization to add a stackLayout and extend the region which you had created earlier in jdev.

  • How to create multiple Tree Type Region In Tabular Form ?

    Dear Friends,
    i have to design tabular form to Distribute User Rioght to emp to access application
    eg if i have Three module in application
    1 Administration have 5 Pages A,B,C,D,E.
    2 Attendance HAVE 4 Pages F,G,H,I
    3 Accounts HAVE 7 Pages J,K,L,M,N,O,P
    I need these three module divided into three section in tabular form as a tree Type like
    Module 1 Tree Open in Tabular Form like
    - (Tree Mark Open )
    PAGE_ID-------------SUBPAGE_ID-------VIEW-------------------MODIFY-------------------CREATE----------------------------TABLE COLUMN NAME
    Administration-----------A------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Administration-----------B------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Administration-----------C------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Administration-----------D------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Administration-----------E------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    - (Tree Mark Open )
    Module 2 Tree Open in Tabular Form like
    Attendance-----------F------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Attendance-----------G------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Attendance-----------H------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Attendance-----------I------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    - (Tree Mark Open )
    Module 3 Tree Open in Tabular Form like
    Accounts-------------J------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------K------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------L------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------M------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------N------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------O------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOX
    Accounts-------------P------------------CHECK bOX------------CHECK BOX-------------CHECK BOXi need divided these three Module in Tabular form in three region as tree.
    ID                   NUMBER
    PAGE_ID             NUMBER
    SUB_PAGE_ID          NUMBER
    ID                  NUMBER
    EMP_ID            NUMBER
    PAGE_ID            NUMBER
    VIEW                    VARCHAR2(1)
    MODIFY                VARCHAR2(1)
    CREATE                VARCHAR2(1)How to create multiple Tree Type Region In Tabular Form ?
    How can i do this ?
    Edited by: Vedant on Oct 4, 2011 3:21 AM
    Edited by: Vedant on Oct 4, 2011 9:09 PM
    Edited by: Vedant on Oct 13, 2011 8:57 PM

    Well think of it I believe the scenario is too bird viewed hence the solution can't be exact.
    But thinking of a possible solution every time a child operation fails have a catch block where you you go back to system if the parent needs to be deleted if yes, call Delete Method on the parent.
    Note: Make sure that the decision on whether or not the parent record needs to be deleted will depends on the question "Does Parent Record already has several other children associated to it or not"
    Hope this clarifies.

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    Why not just put four copies of the same CosObj reference into the Pages array/tree?

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    So the user does not see any button to navigate out of the gallery to another article.
    Any ideas how to create the persistent button ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Depending on if you are using the HTML as either an article or in an overlay, you may be able to either use the standard navto and goto hyperlinks syntax or place a blank button on top of your link in the HTML.
    I am not sure if using the standard navto and goto syntax will work between an HTML article and an Indesign article. Maybe Bob Bringhurst, Bob Levine, or one of the staff members can clarify. If you are using your HTML in an overlay, you can add a transparent button on top of your link or image to return to whatever page you like.

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