How to know about the User_Exit being called in MB31

Dear Sir,
Kindly guide us about the steps to be followed , for knowing that which USER_EXIT are being called during the MB31 transaction .
Also request you to kindly guide us about the steps to be followed in debugging of transaction MB31 .
We assure to give full points for the suggested solution pl .
B Mittal

Check the code below. This will give you the list of Active User Exits.
Hope this helps.
&& This report displays all the active customer enhancements in the
*& system and also displays whether they are active or implemented
*Data decleration
types: begin of s_function,
fname like MOD0-FUNCNAME,
ftext like tftit-stext,
end of s_function.
TYPEs : BEGIN OF display_str,
project type modact-name,
enhancement type modact-member,
fm type modsap-member,
status type char20,
END OF display_str.
constants: c_true type char4 value 'True'.
data : lt_member type table of modact-member,
ls_member like LINE OF lt_member,
lt_fm type table of modsap-member,
ls_fm like LINE OF lt_fm,
lt_modname type table of modact-name,
ls_modname like line of lt_modname,
lt_display type TABLE OF display_str,
ls_display like LINE OF lt_display,
ls_function type s_function,
*Select active customer enhancement.
select name from modattr into ls_modname
where status = 'A'.
append ls_modname to lt_modname.
CLEAR ls_modname.
if lt_modname is INITIAL.
WRITE / 'no active enhancements'.
*Determine the details about the customer enhancement.
LOOP AT lt_modname INTO ls_modname.
CLEAR : ls_display.
SELECT member from modact into ls_member where name = ls_modname.
select member from modsap into ls_fm where name = ls_member and typ = 'E'.
ls_display-project = ls_modname.
ls_display-enhancement = ls_member.
ls_display-fm = ls_fm.
clear : ls_function.
ls_function-fname = ls_fm.
perform get_impl_status USING ls_function.
if ls_function-impl = 'X'.
ls_display-status = 'Implemented'.
ls_display-status = 'Active'.
APPEND ls_display to lt_display.
*Displaying results
format color = 1.
write : 'Please double-click on the object for follow-on action'.
new-LINE. uline.
write : 'Customer Project', at 30 'SAP Enhancement', at 60 'Exit Func Mod', at 100 'Active/Implem'.
format color = 0.
loop at lt_display into ls_display.
write : ls_display-project, at 30 ls_display-enhancement, at 60 ls_display-fm,
at 100 ls_display-status.
*For calling transaction CMOD / SMOD / SE37.
at line-selection.
get cursor field field1.
CASE field1.
set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field sy-lisel(10).
call transaction 'CMOD' and skip first screen.
set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+29(10).
call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen.
set parameter id 'LIB' field sy-lisel+59(30).
call transaction 'SE37' and skip first screen.
message 'Click on the right place.' TYPE 'I'.
**& Form get_impl_status
*This FORM checks whether an EXIT FM is implemented or not
form get_impl_status using p_function type s_function.
data : l_mand LIKE tfdir-mand,
l_incl_names TYPE smod_names OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
l_incl_names-itype = 'C'.
APPEND l_incl_names.
CLEAR l_mand.
SELECT SINGLE mand FROM tfdir INTO l_mand WHERE funcname = p_function-fname.
IF sy-subrc = 0 AND l_mand(1) = 'C'.
p_function-active = 'X'.
*l_status-active = c_true.
p_function-active = ' '.
*l_status-inactive = c_true.
funcname = p_function-fname
incl_names = l_incl_names
IF sy-subrc = 0.
LOOP AT l_incl_names.
SELECT SINGLE name FROM trdir INTO l_incl_names-iname
WHERE name = l_incl_names-iname.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
p_function-impl = 'X'.
p_function-impl = ' '.
endform. "get_impl_status
Also Check the code posted by me in the lonk below ,to get the List of available User exits and Badi for a particular tcode . very useful program.
Re: User Exit for IW22 - to populate custom fields
Hope it helps.

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    You can use function on sql side which to proper transid returns desciption.
    The function is as
    create FUNCTION [dbo].[trans](@trans integer)
    RETURNS varchar(100)
    DECLARE @ret varchar(100)
    select @ret =
    case @trans
    when     1     then     'oChartOfAccounts'
    when     2     then     'oBusinessPartners'
    when     3     then     'oBanks'
    when     4     then     'oItems'
    when     5     then     'oVatGroups'
    when     6     then     'oPriceLists'
    when     7     then     'oSpecialPrices'
    when     8     then     'oItemProperties'
    when     12     then     'oUsers'
    when     13     then     'oInvoices'
    when     14     then     'oCreditNotes'
    when     15     then     'oDeliveryNotes'
    when     16     then     'oReturns'
    when     17     then     'oOrders'
    when     18     then     'oPurchaseInvoices'
    when     19     then     'oPurchaseCreditNotes'
    when     20     then     'oPurchaseDeliveryNotes'
    when     21     then     'oPurchaseReturns'
    when     22     then     'oPurchaseOrders'
    when     23     then     'oQuotations'
    when     24     then     'oIncomingPayments'
    when     28     then     'oJournalVouchers'
    when     30     then     'oJournalEntries'
    when     31     then     'oStockTakings'
    when     33     then     'oContacts'
    when     36     then     'oCreditCards'
    when     37     then     'oCurrencyCodes'
    when     40     then     'oPaymentTermsTypes'
    when     42     then     'oBankPages'
    when     43     then     'oManufacturers'
    when     46     then     'oVendorPayments'
    when     48     then     'oLandedCostsCodes'
    when     49     then     'oShippingTypes'
    when     50     then     'oLengthMeasures'
    when     51     then     'oWeightMeasures'
    when     52     then     'oItemGroups'
    when     53     then     'oSalesPersons'
    when     56     then     'oCustomsGroups'
    when     57     then     'oChecksforPayment'
    when     59     then     'oInventoryGenEntry'
    when     60     then     'oInventoryGenExit'
    when     64     then     'oWarehouses'
    when     65     then     'oCommissionGroups'
    when     66     then     'oProductTrees'
    when     67     then     'oStockTransfer'
    when     68     then     'oWorkOrders'
    when     70     then     'oCreditPaymentMethods'
    when     71     then     'oCreditCardPayments'
    when     73     then     'oAlternateCatNum'
    when     77     then     'oBudget'
    when     78     then     'oBudgetDistribution'
    when     81     then     'oMessages'
    when     91     then     'oBudgetScenarios'
    when     97     then     'oSalesOpportunities'
    when     93     then     'oUserDefaultGroups'
    when     101     then     'oSalesStages'
    when     103     then     'oActivityTypes'
    when     104     then     'oActivityLocations'
    when     112     then     'oDrafts'
    when     116     then     'oDeductionTaxHierarchies'
    when     117     then     'oDeductionTaxGroups'
    when     125     then     'oAdditionalExpenses'
    when     126     then     'oSalesTaxAuthorities'
    when     127     then     'oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes'
    when     128     then     'oSalesTaxCodes'
    when     134     then     'oQueryCategories'
    when     138     then     'oFactoringIndicators'
    when     140     then     'oPaymentsDrafts'
    when     142     then     'oAccountSegmentations'
    when     143     then     'oAccountSegmentationCategories'
    when     144     then     'oWarehouseLocations'
    when     145     then     'oForms1099'
    when     146     then     'oInventoryCycles'
    when     147     then     'oWizardPaymentMethods'
    when     150     then     'oBPPriorities'
    when     151     then     'oDunningLetters'
    when     152     then     'oUserFields'
    when     153     then     'oUserTables'
    when     156     then     'oPickLists'
    when     158     then     'oPaymentRunExport'
    when     160     then     'oUserQueries'
    when     162     then     'oMaterialRevaluation'
    when     163     then     'oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice'
    when     164     then     'oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceReversal'
    when     165     then     'oCorrectionInvoice'
    when     166     then     'oCorrectionInvoiceReversal'
    when     170     then     'oContractTemplates'
    when     171     then     'oEmployeesInfo'
    when     176     then     'oCustomerEquipmentCards'
    when     178     then     'oWithholdingTaxCodes'
    when     182     then     'oBillOfExchangeTransactions'
    when     189     then     'oKnowledgeBaseSolutions'
    when     190     then     'oServiceContracts'
    when     191     then     'oServiceCalls'
    when     193     then     'oUserKeys'
    when     194     then     'oQueue'
    when     198     then     'oSalesForecast'
    when     200     then     'oTerritories'
    when     201     then     'oIndustries'
    when     202     then     'oProductionOrders'
    when     205     then     'oPackagesTypes'
    when     206     then     'oUserObjectsMD'
    when     211     then     'oTeams'
    when     212     then     'oRelationships'
    when     214     then     'oUserPermissionTree'
    when     217     then     'oActivityStatus'
    when     218     then     'oChooseFromList'
    when     219     then     'oFormattedSearches'
    when     221     then     'oAttachments2'
    when     223     then     'oUserLanguages'
    when     224     then     'oMultiLanguageTranslations'
    when     229     then     'oDynamicSystemStrings'
    when     231     then     'oHouseBankAccounts'
    when     247     then     'oBusinessPlaces'
    when     250     then     'oLocalEra'
    when     280     then     'oSalesTaxInvoice'
    when     281     then     'oPurchaseTaxInvoice'
    when     300     then     'BoRecordset'
    when     305     then     'BoBridge'
    when     260     then     'oNotaFiscalUsage'
    when     258     then     'oNotaFiscalCFOP'
    when     259     then     'oNotaFiscalCST'
    when     261     then     'oClosingDateProcedure'
    when     10     then     'oBusinessPartnerGroups'
    when     278     then     'oBPFiscalRegistryID'
    else '?' end
    return @ret
    and call it as
    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT T0.DocDate, dbo.trans(T0.TransType), CAST(T0 ....

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    Hi valelorandi,
    I understand that you are seeing an issue with your connection to the iTunes Store and Mac App Store. I have an article for you that will help you address this issue, and it can be found below:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    Yes. Delete the Apps that were not Purchased using Your Apple ID.
    But a Restore as New is the way to go.

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    we can not help you as we are not apple employees.  Provide feedback directly to Apple:

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    Best regards

    Raakh wrote:
    I can check the whole tables of the db users with select * from tab; BUT can I know the whole META DATA of tables, sequences, triggers, procedures of a specific user?
    Oracle doesn't expose the metadata just like that but shows it in the various columns of various views based on the object type, for example like for tables, it would be in the user_tables and so on. If you are interested in knowing about the metadata of a specific object, you should use dbms_metadata package.

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    I was also wondering if there's been any sort of answer on what the mailed-in nanos are being replaced with. Brand new first gen nanos, new nanos of a different generation, refurbished nanos (first gen or otherwise)? Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places, but I haven't seen a definitive answer. Has anyone completed the whole replacement program who can answer this?
    Thanks for all the help! I was so excited when I first got the email telling me about this replacement program, but it's difficult when everything seems so vague.

    I was also wondering if there's been any sort of answer on what the mailed-in nanos are being replaced with.
    Call the replacement program (phone# is listed) & ask them. 

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    How can i find out where the data has stuck.
    Please help.

    please have a look at the link below..
    this may help u !!!
    [Re: how can i debug a rfc being called from .net connector (NCO) v2.0?;
    Best of Luck !!1

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    Thank you,

    Hi Ashok,
    For a content type, there is an attribute called Inherits, the value of this attribute determines whether the content type inherits fields from its parent content type when it is created.
    If Inherits is TRUE, the child content type inherits all fields that are in the parent, including fields that users have added.
    If Inherits is FALSE or absent and the parent content type is a built-in type, the child content type inherits only the fields that were in the parent content type when SharePoint Foundation was
    installed. The child content type does not have any fields that users have added to the parent content type.
    More information, please refer to the link:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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