How to play multiple instruments simultaneously on different MIDI channels?

I'm very new (today!) to Mainstage and I have a Yamaha HX-3 organ with three keyboards (Upper - Channel 1, Lower - Channel 2, Pedalboard - Channel 3). I'd like to play all three channels live simultaneously with a different instrument on each one (ie. Piano, Organ and Bass) but I can't figure out how to do this.
I've managed to setup a concert with all three keyboards on different MIDI channels with three different instruments but I can only play one of the keyboards at a time. The other two show MIDI keyboard activity but no sound...HELP!
I also have Native Instruments Komplete 7 if that would help in this regard (I know the Hammond organ sound in Komplete lets me play all three keyboards at the same time).
Don Thompson.

First create 3 keyboards in Layout mode and assign each to its own MIDI channel (I think you may have done this already). Then, create three channel strips, either at the Concert, Set, or Patch level with the three sounds you want to use. Each Channel Strip can be assigned to a different keyboard from your layout. To do this, go to Edit mode, select a Channel Strip, and look at its attributes in the pane below your layout. I don't have MS in front of me but there should be a dropdown list with the keyboards that you have in your layout. Just pick the right one for each strip and you should be good to go.

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    Basically right click the artits in that left column and select Add to Up Next.
    You can also select individual albums by right clicking the album cover a little to the right and choosing the same option.

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    Thanks for the help! Here's a summary of the solution from the posts above:
    Let's say you have a MIDI controller transmitting on more than one MIDI channel. Naturally you want to trigger different sounds on each MIDI channel. In my case, it's a Kurzweil MIDI keyboard/controller capable of 4 MIDI channels at once with split points and layers created in the MIDI performance setup.
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    Here's what worked:
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    In the edit tab I created a single patch with multiple channel strips. I selected the first channel strip and assigned the sound I wanted in the channel strip itself. On the left side, in the channel strip inspector, I assigned the channel strip to one of the MIDI chanels (one of the keyboards I created in the layout tab).
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    It worked very well at my gig last week. Still a couple of details to iron out, such as disabling volume control for certain channel strips.
    Hope others find this helpful.

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    So, essentially, you're trying to take a recording of say, a singer and a guitar player, and end up with the singer in one file and the guitar in the other. Got it.
    That sample will merge multiple input files into a single file. Because you want to play the files together rather than save them, just take the sample and strip out all of the DataSink stuff, and add the following line right after the Processor "outputProcessor" is realized...
    So, it'll make the following revision to the code:
         // Create the output processor
         ProcessorModel outputPM = new MyPMOut(merger);
         try {
             outputProcessor = Manager.createRealizedProcessor(outputPM);
             outputDataSource = outputProcessor.getDataOutput();
         } catch (Exception exc) {
             System.err.println("Failed to create output processor: " + exc);
         }That'll make the outputProcessor play the file, as if it was a Player object. You won't have any visual controls, but if you need visual controls, then don't do that, and just create a Player object to play the outputDataSource.

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    Logon screen can be customized. This .<a href="">url</a> might help you do this.
    Please check out this <a href="">blog</a> on language display of logon screen.
    Another <a href="">blog</a>.
    <a href="">Another</a> one here.

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    let $total := count(...)
    for $x in (1 to $total)
         let $lineItems := $someVariable/*:Items/*:Item[$x]
                             else     ""
                             else ""
                   {                                       if(...)
                             else ""
                             let $totalcount(...)
                             for $y in (1 to $totalcount(...)
                                  let $DTL := $someVariable*:DTL[$y]
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    Input document ($d) :
    <ns0:Items xmlns:ns0="">
      <ns0:Item type="A">
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location1</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location2</ns0:Destination>
      <ns0:Item type="B">
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location3</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location4</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="2">Location5</ns0:Destination>
    </ns0:Items>XQuery :
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
      for $i in $d/ns0:Items/ns0:Item
        if ($i/@type = "A")
          then <Amount>{xs:decimal($i/ns0:Qty * $i/ns0:UnitPrice)}</Amount>
          else <Weight>{concat($i/ns0:Mass, " ", $i/ns0:Unit)}</Weight>
      , for $j in $i/ns0:DTL
        , <Dt>{data($j/ns0:DispatchDate)}</Dt>
        , if ($j/ns0:Destination/@direct = "1")
            then <Dest>{data($j/ns0:Destination)}</Dest>
            else ()
    </DispatchInfo>Output :
        <Weight>5 kg</Weight>

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    Thanks in advance for your reply!

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    For this scenario, you add 2 MIDI actvity or keyboards to your workspace. Name one "Organ" abd the other one "Drums" and assign both to your Axiom, but set the MIDI channel for the "Organ" to 1 and for the "Drums" to 10. Here's where the splitting by MIDI channel happens.
    Now, switch from Layout to Edit mode and set the MIDI input of the organ channel strip to Keyboard "Organ" and the MIDI input of the drum channel strip to Keybaods "Drums". The Multitimbral setting in that section converts the MIDI events from the Keyboard objects and if the instrument reacts to all channels, it won't make a difference. This is meant for some AUs, that support Multitimbrality, like NIs Kontakt or the Apple's Vintage B3, that can make different sounds for upper, lower and pedal manuals.
    Small re-cap: If you need to split by MIDI channels, you need to do this in Layout mode by adding objects, that react to a specific MIDI channel only.
    Hope this helps!

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    thanks for the help.

    I found the answer I'm looking for! version 1.5 came out with the CyclicBarrier class that causea a thread to pause when it calls the barriers await() function until a predetermined number of threads call await().
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    Is there a way or another player where the files selected to be played consecutively are all opened and listed in one window and played consecutively?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Hi manoka,
    Have you tried creating a playlist with them in iTunes?
    I see compatible movies from my Movies folder in the Movies section under Library in iTunes.
    When a playlist is created for selected movies, they play sequentially in iTunes. It plays MP3s too .

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    Any help is much appreciated,

    If you imported a previous iphoto library into your new one, it created a folder inside the iphoto called "imported".
    That was the problem. One should never import one library into another.  Only iPhoto 6 libraries and earlier can be imported into a library now.  With the introduction of iPhoto 7 the library was changed from a folder to a package which can't be imported by the current iPhoto version.
    To use an older library with a new iPhoto version one just opens that library with iPhoto and lets iPhoto update it as necessary.  No importing necessary.
    Also you can use the paid verson of  iPhoto Library Manager  to merge those additional libraries into your current working library (be sure to have a current backup of your current library before merging).  What will be included are albums, Events, keywords, titles, descriptions, places.  Books, slideshows, calendars in the other libraries will be copied over as just albums.

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    Does anyone know if this is possible to:
    Define the e-mail channel or service and support team as an condition in the notification rules.
    Define the outgoing "from" e-mail address for a notification rule.
    Thanks for any insight the community might have!
    T-Mobile USA

    Hi Mike,
    As of release 1402, your analysis is correct.  The out-of-the-box notification rules do not include the "incoming email channel" as one of fields on which to build condition, and all notifications are sent from a common do-not-reply address.
    You can easily overcome the first limitation by using the SDK.  For example, when the ticket is created you could set an extension field based on the email channel, and then use the extension field to define different notification rules, using different templates.  All extension fields are automatically available to be used as conditions.
    Thank you for your feedback and for bringing this item to our attention.  We will definitely keep this in mind as we plan for future releases.
    Kind regards,
    Gabriele Bodda
    Product Management

  • Play multiple sound files in different frames from library in flash

    My assessment task for college is to create a webpage of my work.  So far it runs brilliantly except for this.  I only need this to be working in like 2 days!  Help!
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at Carolyns_Media_Portfolio_Scene1_fla::MainTimeline/frame5()
    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
    Trying to be able to play sound clips from the library with the option to play and stop the sound file. Each sound has its own frame, with stop and play buttons. I can run the first sound file perfectly being able to start and stop it but when trying to play the next sound it creates the above error on output. I have dead buttons as well on the second sound.
    The top buttons take you to each scene
    The script runs from frame 5.
    function clickListener7(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function clickListener8(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function clickListener9(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function clickListener10(event:MouseEvent):void {
    This was the script I found and edited.  Only Trivia works
    var triviaSound:trivia = new trivia()
    var triviaChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    buplay1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound1);
    buStop1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound1)
    function playSound1(event:MouseEvent):void;
    function stopSound1(event:MouseEvent):void
    /*buplay2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound2);
    bustop2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound2)
    var toysSound:toys = new toys();
    var toysChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    function playSound2(event:MouseEvent):void;
    function stopSound2(event:MouseEvent):void
    Basically I want to play all the sounds, from the library, individually in different frames using the option to play and stop that sound.  I found the above script but only works for one sound.  I am new at scripting in flash so any help or even a better script option would be awesome.  Thank you

    The 1009 error indicates that one of the objects being targeted by your code is out of scope.  This could mean that the object....
    - is declared but not instantiated
    - doesn't have an instance name (or the instance name is mispelled)
    - does not exist in the frame where that code is trying to talk to it
    - is animated into place but is not assigned instance names in every keyframe for it
    - is one of two or more consecutive keyframes of the same objects with no name assigned in the preceding frame(s).
    If you go into your Publish Settings Flash section and select the option to Permit debugging, your error message should have a line number following the frame number which will help you isolate which object is involved.

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    Front Row will ONLY look inside your user's "Movies" folder for QuickTime movies. If you have your movie files in another folder, you can add an "alias" (a.k.a. "shortcut") to the other folder inside your "Movies" folder. Front Row will follow an alias from there to the new folder.
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