How to print html code in sap

Hi gurus
my requirement is to display html code in sap. in transaction o12c i am giving the html code in longtext , i want to display in co60 transaction . now when i am going to co60 it is taking as textfile instead of html.Plz give a solution

Hi Vivek,
You can take reference of BCALV_DEMO_HTML  this program.

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    Could you please tell me how to print bar codes through sapscript (the steps basically)?
    <<text removed by moderator>>
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Matt on Nov 13, 2008 2:04 PM - do not use ASAP or urgent.

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    Best Regards,
    Abnish Jain

    Hello Abnish,
    Welcome to SDN.
    We are able to print barcodes from smartforms. Doing this way, we print barcodes on laser printers.
    We are also printing from sap to zebra printers using two ways:
    1. Download the data to an excel sheet, then creating a macro that opens the printer port and sending the commands to the printer through this "file". All this is done via vb script provided with excel)..
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    You need a barcode reader to read the barcodes, and this scanner acts like a keyboard, it sends the data scanned to the active field on screen. (which might be a notepad, word, excel or an input field or ... ).
    From 4.6c on, you can use smartforms to print barcodes without buying any barcode.dll software nor hardware extention like Bardimm on any laser/inkjet printer (Please Note that I haven't mentioned Zebra printers here!). To do this, you have to create a smartstyle -> character format with the desired barcode font (defined within sap). Then in the smartform, create a window, put the field and associate it the character format. That's all (I mean, that's all we do at least :-). I think, you have to consider the barcode specifications before sending the barcode value to the smartform (Just an example, if you're using 3 of 9, the code should start and end with an asterisk - '*' -) We're printing an interleaved 2 out of 5 barcode in our invoices due to a legal requirement, and we did it this way.
    3. If you have a barcode scanner, then you should not need reading the barcode into an ascii file to get the data read in an standard or custom screen field. You can read it directly to the field you want. (unless... you have complex data coded in the barcode - for example if you're using an ean-ucc 128 compliant code and you're sending several fields in a single code ... In this case, an interface is almost mandatory because you must interpret the data fields according to the ucc standard, split the code into several fields .... and .... pure programming logic ).
    To put it clear: if you have to read, for example, a barcode that holds the legal number of an invoice using a barcode scanner and this number should be sent to migo-> bktxt then you don't need an interface. The scanner itself acts like a fast operator entering the characters using a keyboard and filling in the field.
    We're reading barcodes in several places (when we finish each pallet, when we receive an invoice, and so on. Each case is a different screen. We arent using an ascii file to read these barcodes. Furthermore, we read the invoice legal number into migo bktxt field (Head Text).

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    int i;
         out.println("<h1>Hi ALL</h1><h2>Hi All</h2>");
    %>it works well because the html code is just one line.
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    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td width="800" height="60" valign="top"><div align="center">
                <span class="style1">Ders Ad&#305;</span>:          
              <span class="stilim"><%out.println(dersismi.getString("DERS_ADI"));%></span>
        </table>thanks for your help

    If you are printing out large blocks of HTML you shouldn't be using any java command. You should just write the HTML like you have in your example.
    The whole point of JSP was that you didn't have to put out.println() statements into a servlet!.
    If you just want to out.println a value into the HTML, consider using the <%= %> expression tag. ie rather than <%out.println(dersismi.getString("DERS_ADI"));%>
    just have
    <%= dersismi.getString("DERS_ADI") %>
    If you want to set up a loop, you can intersperse java and html code, but thats ugly. I would recommend using JSTL custom tags for looping.
    Good luck,

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    bar code sheet to print for particular customer when the
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       You create a bar code or change a bar code in the font maintenance transaction (transaction SE73). To do this, proceed as follows:
    &#9675; Start transaction SE73, and choose System Bar Codes ® Change.
    &#9675; If you create a bar code, the system asks whether you want to use the new bar code technology or traditional system bar codes. Choose New.
    You can enter a name and a description for the bar code. Note that the name must begin with a Zto avoid conflict between your bar codes and the standard bar codes.
    2. If you have created a new bar code, you must now add this to a Smart Style as a character format. For information about this, see the section Maintenance of Styles with the Style Builder and its subsections in the Smart Forms documentation.
    If you have only changed the bar code, continue with the next step.
    3. You can now select text in Smart Forms and choose the corresponding style with the bar code as the character format for this text.
    4. You can then print the bar code.
    Check the pdf below..

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    i hav used JavaPrintService for it javax.print....
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    Plz try this code on your system(Jdk1.4 beta) and see whether it detects PrintServices or not
    import javax.print.*;
    import javax.print.attribute.*;
    import javax.print.attribute.standard.*;
    import javax.print.event.*;
    public class PrintHTML {
    FileReader readfile;
    Doc doc;
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              PrintHTML ps = new PrintHTML();
         public PrintHTML() {
              DocFlavor flavor =DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM_TEXT_HTML_HOST;
              PrintRequestAttributeSet aset =
                   new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
              // aset.add(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE);
              aset.add(new Copies(1));
    PrintService[] pservices =
                   PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, aset);
    if (pservices.length > 0) {
                   System.out.println("Available printer " + pservices[0].getName());
                   System.out.println("Available printer " + pservices[1].getName());     
                   System.out.println("Available printer " + pservices[2].getName());     

    The documentation is misleading. You cannot directly print HTML. See:

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    Hi Pravin Sherkar,
    we can do this in SAP Scripts.
    we need to create two pages, one of landscape and another of potrait.
    now after filling the data at last we need to call the page which is of format landscape using START_FORM  function module.
    You can use condition &PAGE& = &FORMPAGES&.
    Please check this link
    Printing Portrait/Landscape in sapscript
    Re: Landscape and potrait in same layout?
    Best regards,

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    You have to, without connecting to the internet, the claim code (if you can get one) is useless.
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    Create the character format in se71, in that select standard barcode. like
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    Barcode: BC_CD39 save the character format.
    you can select from the list.
    in the form coding, can you use barcode like
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    <C1> &itab-matnr <>.    "--->like this
    Then it shows the barcode in output.
    check this.
    2. for vertical text ..
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    a 10 20 30
    b 20 30 50
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    Hi Balu,
    If you are using the Web Application server (WEBAs), Then you can create applications using BSP( Bussiness server pages). Which is some what luike JSP.
    In SE80 , Try to create internet service files uisng BHTML. In the dropdown select internet service. And then try to create the HTML templates

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    R6i wrote:
    ...What I mean is without writing external HTML file, how to run an applet (during practice)?'Practice'? What does that mean? During development? If that is what you are referring to, add an applet tag at the top of inside a Java comment area. Then AppletViewer (in recent SDKs) can then run it with just..
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