How to reset display settings?

My Sharp TV only support 1080i, so I use a DVI-DVI cable to connect a monitor, then use Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter connect Sharp TV.
Then boot Mac mini, I got Open Screen on Monitor, and I set HDMI adapter to 1080i, then I power off and unplug DVI cable and boot again.
Well, I got what I want on Sharp TV, it is 1080i, but I found a 720p, I selected it, now the TV becomes to black screen with "Invalid video signal"!
I reconnect monitor, so Sharp TV is ok, but if I unconnect monitor, the sharp TV will be black screen.
I thought it might be some display settings are saved, because it was good when I first use TV after set to 1080i, but I selected 720p that is PAL TV, not for mine NTSC TV, after that selected, THe sharp TV can't be used alone, how can I reset display settings? what can I do for this case?
Please help me, GOD!

In the folder of your main user account, which is generally a folder with your name on it, find and open the Library folder. Then in the Library folder open the Preferences folder. In the Preferences folder open the folder named ByHost. Inside that folder is a file called where xxxx is a string of numbers and letters. Drag that file out onto the desktop and restart the mini.
When OS X restarts, if it finds the above mentioned file missing from the expected location, if should build a fresh copy of the file in the original location. The fresh copy will have default values in it so the Mac will forget that bad setting that happened. Hopefully that will cause the display to work again.

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    Can you start up in "safe mode"? If so, you can reset your display settings and reboot. If not, you have a problem either with your video card or your DVI/VGA adaptor

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    Message was edited by: QQleQ

    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    a PRAM reset should reset the display settings.

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    500   Internal Server Error
    SAP NetWeaver Application Server/Java AS
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system administrator.
    Error Summary
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document (e.g. email or simple text file).
    Root Cause
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
        ... 70 more
    See full exception chain for details.
    System Environment
    Web Dynpro Client Type     HTML Client
    User agent     Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
    Client Type     msie6
    Client Type Profile     ie6
    ActiveX     enabled
    Java Applets     enabled
    Web Dynpro Runtime     vendor: '', name: 'tc/wd/webdynpro', location: 'SAP AG', counter: '7.1003.20071016135601.0000', change number: '465215', codeline: 710_VAL_REL
    J2EE Engine     7.10.3301.162847.20070927153007
    Server Node ID     |1482650|14826|Server 00 00_14826||SERVER|RUNNING
    Java VM     SAP Java Server VM, version:5.1.010, vendor: SAP AG
    Operating system     Windows XP, version: 5.1, architecture: x86
    Session & Other
    Session Locale     en_US
    Session Timezone     sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="Asia/Calcutta",offset=19800000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=6,lastRule=null]
    Time of Failure     Wed Dec 26 16:30:30 IST 2007 (Java Time: 1198666830237)
    Web Dynpro Code Generation Infos
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationCore     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:11:08+0000, changelist=114982, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:11:17+0000, changelist=114982, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore     7.1003.20070830144925.0000
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:27:06+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:00:27+0000, changelist=114724, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T16:59:09+0000, changelist=114724, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:07:44+0000, changelist=116315, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:13:07+0000, changelist=460161, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:27:14+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:27:20+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen     7.1003.20070830144925.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-09-15T17:25:44+0000, changelist=460162, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationCore     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:26:12+0000, changelist=114982, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:26:22+0000, changelist=114982, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore     7.1003.20071010221049.0000
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:42:07+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:16:27+0000, changelist=114724, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:15:08+0000, changelist=114724, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:22:45+0000, changelist=116315, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:28:55+0000, changelist=460161, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:42:15+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:42:35+0000, changelist=456929, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen     7.1003.20071010221049.0000 (release=710_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-10-13T17:40:46+0000, changelist=463252, host=pwdfm193, is-central=true)
    Detailed Error Information
    Detailed Exception Chain Exception was thrown in preprocessing phase of application session ApplicationSession(id=c576b534b3a111dccf4f00123f5c3785, The causing exception is nested. RID=c576b531b3a111dc9dd300123f5c3785
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         ... 41 more
    After few second I am getting a blank page.
    Please help me in configuration.

    I will check for sure when I have access to the server and will write.
    But I think it was under the node in the configtool. Something with uddi~ or sr~. One must search for it, then click on edit and change the configurations.
    best regards,
    v s

  • HT3255 original display settings

    Simple question.  How to reset display settings to factory.  macair summer 2013

    Try resetting PRAM as described here:
    ... but first, go to System Preferences > Displays and set:
    Resolution > Best for Display
    Brightness > (center of sliding scale)
    Automatically adjust brightness = "on"

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    After a shutdown, my Mac Mini's display settings will change on startup. This happens about 80% to 90% of the time.
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    The strange thing is that it isn't a change in resolution. The resolution stays the same. It is always 1080p after every shutdown. But something in the display changes. Curved shaped look more pixelized, like some kind of smoothing or antialiasing has been turned off. And bright things are too bright, dark things too dark, so images lose some detail. It is also a bit painful on the eyes. Everything looks less vivid and very dull.
    Someone in an older post suggested changing refresh rates. Unfortunately, my Mac Mini doesn't show that option. It was also suggested to connect to a different monitor to possibly make the options appear. But I don't have another monitor.
    My current solution is to reset NVRAM (command+option+P+R) on startup. It seems to reset the display settings and fixes the display problem 100% of the time. But the thing is, I have to now keep doing this almost everytime I start up my Mac, which is annoying.
    Is there a way to ensure that the Mac Mini keeps my display settings and prevent it from losing them on startup? Or perhaps, a way to reset display settings from within the OS without having to shutdown again and reset NVRAM?

    hey p26grinz,
    without the external monitor and after setting the display, will the setting remain ?
    have you tried uninstalling the graphic driver from your unit and then testing it with generic driver ?
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    Quote from: Blazer on 06-January-07, 23:32:54
    or just remove the battery for about 30 seconds
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    nevermind solved

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