How to retrieve selected item details (Product Id, Quantity) in Action clas

I want to retrieve the selected item details (Product Id, Quantity) in my custom action class .I am calling custom action event after u2018add to cartu2019 button clicked.  I basically need these details to pass to custom BAPI. I can able to retrieve User Name and itemkey successfully.  I Tried to retrieve the product , productID using WebCatItem but I was getting run time error and when I debug the code I can see webCatItem coming  as null. Below is my code. 
public class Z_AddToBasketAction extends BaseAction {
     /* (non-Javadoc)
@see, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
     public ActionForward doPerform(
          ActionMapping mapping,
          ActionForm form,
          HttpServletRequest request,
          HttpServletResponse response)
          throws IOException, ServletException {
          //Cache.Access access = null;
          Map returnValues = null;
          UserSessionData userSessionData =
               BusinessObjectManager bom =
                         (BusinessObjectManager) userSessionData.
     String selectedPartnerID = bom.getUser().getUserId();
     String strItemkey=request.getParameter("itemkey");
     WebCatItem webCatItem =     (WebCatItem) request.getAttribute(
     //If you are looking at Product attributes.
      String att =  webCatItem.getProduct()", "webCatItem.getProductID();
     ZBOM mybom = (ZBOM) userSessionData.getBOM(ZBOM.ZCUSTOM_BOM);
     return mapping.findForward("success");
Please help
Edited by: Aravinda Boyapati on Nov 30, 2010 10:21 PM

Hi Arvinda,
From which page you are trying to add products in cart? Are you selecting only 1 item at a time and then click on Add to cart button or you select more then 1 items to add into cart.
You can ceate hidden input filed and set their value through java script when you select any item. If more then 1 items then you can create an arry and set in the request parameter and then retrieve it in your custome class.
eCommerce Developer.

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    If you have instances returned by your filter, you could extract variable information for each instance by doing something like this:
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    endInside the above "for" loop, you could retrieve these predefined variables (this example assumes you use "inst" in your "for" loop):
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    Similarly, you might want to try to get instance information using the Fuego.Papi.VarDefinition object a try. Never used it, but the logic might be as simple as:
        logMessage "who created? = " + inst.getVar(Fuego.Papi.VarDefinition.CREATOR_ID) using severity = DEBUG
        logMessage "does it have attachments? = " + inst.getVar(Fuego.Papi.VarDefinition.HAS_ATTACHMENTS) using severity = DEBUG   
        logMessage "does it have notes? = " + inst.getVar(Fuego.Papi.VarDefinition.hasnotes) using severity = DEBUGDan

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    Please make sure that you follow the following steps:
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    2. Click on the u201CService Selu201D icon to select the required
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    Best Regards,
    Arminda Jack

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    Using JDeveloper, freshly downloaded off OTN. I used the following code to try and identify the problem you are encountering. I attempted to use a valueChangeListener in combination with af:selectOneChoice components that use SelectItems and the singular SelectItem. I could not reproduce the error in either case. Please post more information about your development environment.
              <af:selectOneChoice label="Label 1"
                                  autoSubmit="true" immediate="true">
                <af:selectItem label="1" value="1"
                <af:selectItem label="2" value="2"
                <af:selectItem label="3" value="3"
              <af:selectOneChoice label="Label 2"
                                  id="selectOneChoice2"                              valueChangeListener="#{backing_test.valueChangeListener}"
                                  autoSubmit="true" immediate="true">
                <f:selectItems value="#{backing_test.items}"
        public void valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent evt){
            // returns a UISelectOneChoice object
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    const TARGETURL="https://.../ews/exchange.asmx"
    const USERNAME="username"
    const PASSWORD="pasword"
    Const strEmailAddress = "[email protected]"
    Dim objXmlHttp, xmlDoc
    Set objXmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    Set objXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    'XML request
    strXmlData = ""
    strXmlData = strXmlData & "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="""" "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " xmlns:t=""""> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <soap:Body> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <FindItem xmlns="""" "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " xmlns:t="""" "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " Traversal=""Shallow""> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <ItemShape> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <t:BaseShape>AllProperties</t:BaseShape> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " </ItemShape> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <CalendarView StartDate=""2014-01-20T13:00:00"" EndDate=""2014-01-30T23:59:59""/>"
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <ParentFolderIds> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <t:DistinguishedFolderId Id=""calendar""> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " <t:Mailbox><t:EmailAddress>" & strEmailAddress & "</t:EmailAddress></t:Mailbox> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " </t:DistinguishedFolderId> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " </ParentFolderIds> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " </FindItem> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & " </soap:Body> "
    strXmlData = strXmlData & "</soap:Envelope> " "POST", TARGETURL, False, USERNAME, PASSWORD
    objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    objXmlHttp.send strXmlData
    'status 200
    If objXmlHttp.Status = "200" Then
    If objXmlDoc.loadXML(objXmlHttp.responseText) Then
    Set soap_Body = objXmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.item(1)
    Set m_FindItemResponse = soap_Body.childNodes.item(0)
    Set m_ResponseMessages = m_FindItemResponse.childNodes.item(0)
    Set m_FindItemResponseMessage = m_ResponseMessages.childNodes.item(0)
    Set m_RootFolder = m_FindItemResponseMessage.childNodes.item(1)
    Set t_Items = m_RootFolder.childNodes.item(0)
    For Each calendarItem In t_Items.childNodes
    Dim t_Subject
    t_Subject = calendarItem.getElementsByTagName("t:Subject").item(0).text
    msgbox t_Subject 'Show the subject of the item
    End If
    wscript.echo "Error: " & objXmlHttp.Status & " - " & objXmlHttp.statusText
    End If
    But now I would like to add a filter in the XML code to retrieve only the calendar items of a category called "TEST".
    How can I do this please?

    >> Do you have an example with ItemView to add a filter for a category? I didn't manage to make the query.
    Firstly I would suggest you use Powershell and the EWS Managed API, this will save you hours of work and many many lines of code.
    Because the category field is a multivalued property the best way to query this is to use a AQS query string the SOAP would look like
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:soap="">
    <t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010_SP2" />
    <m:FindItem Traversal="Shallow">
    <m:IndexedPageItemView MaxEntriesReturned="1000" Offset="0" BasePoint="Beginning" />
    <t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="calendar" />
    <m:QueryString>System.Category:'Green Category'</m:QueryString>
    Because this is a 2010 feature versioning you request is critical.

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        <f:selectItems binding="#{Monitor.dropdown1SelectItems}" id="dropdown1SelectItems" value="#{Monitor.pageItems}"/>
    </h:selectOneMenu>I tried to use dropdown1.setValue to set it, but I wonder which class type I can use.

    Initialize the value to the value you want to select:
    <h:selectOneMenu id="model" value="#{SearchVehicle.modelField}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{SearchVehicle.models}"></f:selectItems>
    </h:selectOneMenu>public class SearchVehicle{
    private String modelField = "XYZ";

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    How can I read this value?

    Thank, yes, I realized that right after I posted my question -:)
    I casted the selectedItem property to String and voila.

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    This seems so easy so why am I struggling so much.
    I have a simple shuttle:
    1 Adam
    2 Baker
    3 Charlie
    4 Delta
    5 Echo
    6 Foxtrot
    Select Name D, UserID R from UserTable
    The values are stored in a VARCHAR2 field MULTI_USER (for example 1:2:4:6)
    When I want to get the names back from the selected item, how do I reference the colon-separated items?
    For example:
    Select Name from UserTable
    where UserID in (select MULTI_USER from MULTI_USER where MULTI_USER_ID = 1)
    should return:
    Why is this so difficult for me to figure out?
    Thank you in advance

    This might help
    My Blog:

  • SRM 7 SOCO enhancement - from step1 to step2, how to get selected items?

    Hi all gurus,
    I'm enhancing the WD /SAPSRM/WDC_DO_SOCO_GAF_1, specifically my requirement is to block FPM navigation if certain conditions based on the selection are met.
    An user searches for some PR in sourcing cockpit's step 1, select just a subset from the search result (say, he selects item 1 and item 3, leaving item 2 unselected).
    Then press the NEXT STEP button (which is, as far as I understood, an element managed by the COMPONENTCONTROLLER)..
    Let's suppose the condition we talked about is that each position of a specific PR should be selected; the example above does not meet that condition (only positions 1 and 3 are selected).
    What I'd like to implement is as follows:
    - if the user presses the NEXT_STEP, navigation to the newt WD is cancelled (user remains in STEP 1) and an explicative error message is raised in the message area (e.g. "all positions must be selected").
    Looking for the best, effective way to do this... In particular, I have to:
    -1- identify which positions have been selected when the NEXT_STEP button is pressed;
    -2- implement the check based on positions (that's the easy job);
    -3- raise a message into the messagearea (easy one) and STOP the process so that the user still remains into STEP 1 view (obviously, until his selection meets the specifics).
    I actually overwrote via enhancement the standard PROCESS_EVENT method in the COMPONENTCONTROLLER of that Webdynpro (/SAPSRM/WDC_DO_SOCO_GAF_1), and I'm trying to get the selected lines.
    IF  io_event->mv_event_id = 'FPM_NEXT_STEP'.
        DATA: test           TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/cl_ch_wd_ao_soco.
        DATA: gaf1           TYPE REF TO /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1.
        DATA: selected_items TYPE WDR_CONTEXT_ELEMENT_SET.
        DATA: selected_item  TYPE /sapsrm/s_cll_wd_soco_workarea.
        test ?= wd_this->ig_componentcontroller~mo_aom_soco.
        CALL METHOD test->/sapsrm/if_cll_ao_soco~get_dom_soco_gaf1
    *    ion_wd_set                 =
    *    io_wd_view_controller      =
    *    io_wd_component_controller =
            ro_dom_soco_gaf1           = gaf1.
        DATA: tabselected  TYPE /SAPSRM/T_CLL_WD_SOCO_SEARCH.
            SELECTED_ITEMS = tabselected.
    where ZR7_IF_CLL_DOM_SOCO_GAF1~GET_SELECTED_ITEMS returns the SEARCH_RESULT node of the view GAF1.  This however returns the SEARCH_RESULTS table which contains ALL the positions in the Search table and not just the selected ones... I basically have to modify the get_selected_items, in order to get the selected lines, but actually don't know how and if it's possible; as far as I've seen in debug, there's no way to get the selection ... maybe it has already been cleared at this point?
    Any help provided on these 3 task is highly appreciated and welcome

    Solved! Quite a tricky solution, but it works.

  • How to change selected item color and the selected area size of listview

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    2. Size of selected area 
    Thanks in advance.
    Dileepa S. Rajapaksa
    Trainee Developer
    Microsoft, Sri Lanka
    Twitter : @dsrajapaksa
    Blog :

    Hi Dileepa,
    It is possible by customize the control by its template, see this for more information:
    ListViewItem styles and templates.
    By changing the selected visual state, you can change the color of the ListView item background, also the size of the selected item.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to get  selected item page number?

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    which the item is selected.

    Just access the 'currentCountry' property in the action method.
    public void submit() {
        System.out.println("JSF has already set the property: " + currentCountry);
        // Now do your thing with it. E.g. saving it or so.;

  • How to get selected record details when single selection is used in a table

    Hi All,
    Inside a query region I have created a table using region wizard,for this table I have added a singleSelection Item. What I want is , on selection of a particular record i want to update or view that record in a new page , for this I have added update and view icons in each row.
    But I am unable to get the particular selected record
    OATableBean tableBean = (OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("ResultTableRN");
    OASingleSelectionBean singleSelection = (OASingleSelectionBean)tableBean.getTableSelection();
    For this singleSelection object I was unable to find any method which will give the value of the view attribute associated with it.
    Anybody any suggestions regarding it ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Anant NImbalkar.

    Hi Anant,
    here is how you have to do it
    1) you need to enable PPR on that Singl selection , by changining the Action type =fireAction.
    2) define the envent , EVENT
    3) define paramters for that event. This is place that gives you handle to the Attribute of VO.
    So you can define paremters such
    Name = PARAM1
    value =${oa.EqxContactPrivEOVO1.ContactPrivilegeId}
    You can define as many paramters as you can for the vo field that u wanted to have.
    Now in the procesformRequest() , all you do it handle the event EVENT and get the parameters
    if ("EVENT".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
    String accountid= pageContext.getParameter("PARAM1");
    You can refer developer guide for further details.

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