How to store EXCEPTION code in separate code block for ease of maintenance?

I'm new to pl/sql and oracle, but I've created a lot of procedures that use the same business logic for security checks. I've tried to outline an example stored procedure below.
If my security checks that I use to raise exceptions are always the same for all of the stored procedures, what's the best way to structure the procedure/environment so that if I ever want to change (such as add or delete) the exceptions, that I don't need to manually edit each individual procedure? Could I call another procedure to do this, and the exceptions will be raised up through it to the calling procedure? Any example would be much appreciated.
create or replace
/***** security check ****/
SELECT col1, col2 INTO v_col1, v_col2
FROM my_table1 WHERE user_email = in_user_id;
-- check 1
IF v_col1 != in_var1 THEN
RAISE e_bad_input;
-- check 2
ELSIF v_col2 = in_var2 THEN
RAISE e_bad_form;
... /* body of code */
WHEN e_bad_input THEN out_msg := 'Error 1 …';
WHEN e_bad_form THEN out_msg := 'Error 2 ...';
WHEN e_bad_output THEN out_msg := 'Error 3 ...';
WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN out_msg := 'Error 4 …';
WHEN OTHERS THEN out_msf := 'Error 5 ...';

Some other languages like ActionScript or C offer "import" or "include" commands that can be used to insert a code block to a function or procedure as if that block was typed exactly where it was imported or included
There is no equivalent of 'include'.
suppose I want to change the text description or error number in the exception
I wonder what others do in this situation?
One way is to use the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure.
See Defining Your Own Error Messages (RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR Procedure) in the PL/SQL Language doc
The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure lets you issue user-defined ORA-n error messages from stored subprograms. That way, you can report errors to your application and avoid returning unhandled exceptions.
To invoke RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, use the following syntax:
error_number, message[, {TRUE | FALSE}]);
where error_number is a negative integer in the range -20000..-20999 and message is a character string up to 2048 bytes long. If the optional third parameter is TRUE, the error is placed on the stack of previous errors. If the parameter is FALSE (the default), the error replaces all previous errors. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is part of package DBMS_STANDARD, and as with package STANDARD, you need not qualify references to it.
An application can invoke raise_application_error only from an executing stored subprogram (or method). When invoked, raise_application_error ends the subprogram and returns a user-defined error number and message to the application. The error number and message can be trapped like any Oracle Database error.
The error_number and message can be variables so for generalization you could define the actual list of each in the package spec and then reference them by variable name in the code.
So instead of
RAISE e_bad_input;
WHEN e_bad_input THEN out_msg := 'Error 1 …';You would code
-- package spec
gc_bad_input_number NUMBER := -20001;
gc_bad_input_message VARCHAR2(30) := 'Bad Input Message';
-- code in procedure
raise_application_error(gc_bad_input_number , gc_bad_input_message [, {TRUE | FALSE}]);Then you can change the message numbes and text used by changing the package spec and recompiling.
NOTE: If you change the package spec it will invalidate related objects and they will need to be recompiled. So this approach is suitable when deploying new code in a window when the system is not available for users.
An alternative is to create a table that contains the error numbers and messages and then load them into the package in the package body using the package level initialization section (a top-level block BEGIN). For that approach though the values might be loaded into an associative array where the key for each entry is the type of exception; for example 'bad_input'.
The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR would reference the associative array for 'error_number's by using 'bad_input' as the key and the text message array the same way.
The first approach hard-codes the codes and messages into the package spec so a code review can see them all.
The second approach is table-driven and indirect so by looking at the code you don't really know what the codes or messages are going to be.
Either approach could use a separate package spec dedicated to exception handling variables and declarations.
Is that more like what you had in mind?

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    You can apply the restriction using below approach in OAF.
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    FROM hr_all_organization_units hrorg, pa_all_organizations paorg
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    If you are printing out large blocks of HTML you shouldn't be using any java command. You should just write the HTML like you have in your example.
    The whole point of JSP was that you didn't have to put out.println() statements into a servlet!.
    If you just want to out.println a value into the HTML, consider using the <%= %> expression tag. ie rather than <%out.println(dersismi.getString("DERS_ADI"));%>
    just have
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    Good luck,

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    hi gray001,
    to have separated Libraries from iTunes for your wife and you, i would recommend that you create a new second windows user account
    thats the easiest way to avoid mix up of itunes content
    if you create a second windows user account - itunes is already installed and only needs to be configured for your wife

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    That was a long post... So, if you already working with LabVIEW 8 with SCC used for large project, please post your knowledge here about project structure (Folders or Libraries) and best practices, its may be helpful and useful for all of us. Any examples/use cases/links etc are appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Regarding your scenarios:
    1. Using your example, let's say both developers checked out version 3
    of the project file. Assuming that there are only files under the
    directories in the example project, when Developer A checks in his
    version of the project, there will be new files in one section of the
    project separate from where Developer B is working. Developer B,
    notices that there is now a version 4 of the project. He needs to
    resolve the changes so will need to merge his changes to the latest
    version of project file. Since the project file is a text file, that is
    easy to do. Where an issue arrises is that after Developer B checks in
    his merged changes, there is a revision 5. When Developer A and B go to
    make another change, they get the latest version which will have the
    merged changes to the project file but not the referenced files from
    both Developer A and B. So when A opens version 5, he sees that he is
    missing the files that B checked in and visa versa. Here is where the
    developers will needs to manually use the source control client and,
    external to LabVIEW, get those new files.
    Where libraries help with the above scenario is that the library is a
    separate file from the project so changes made to it outside of the
    project do not require the project to be modified. So this time, the
    developers are using a single project again which time time references
    two libraries. The developers check out the libraries, make changes to
    the libraries, and then check those changes in. So when each developer
    opens the project file, since it references the project file, the
    changes to the library will be reflected. There is still the issue of
    the new files not automatically coming down when the latest version of
    the library is obtained. Again, the developers will needs to manually
    use the source control client and, external to LabVIEW, get those new
    files. In general, you should take advantage of the the modularity that
    libraries provide.
    2. As noted in the above scenario, there is no intrinsic mechanism to
    get all files referenced by a LabVIEW project. Files that are missing
    will be noted. The developer will then have to use the source control
    provider's IDE to get the initial contents of the project  (or library).
    3. See above scenarios.
    George M
    National Instruments

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    pragma FIPSFLAG('LAST_DAY', 1450);

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            while(it.hasNext()) {
                MailItem mess = (MailItem);
                if(mess.getTo().equals(who)) {
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    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    /* A simple model of a mail server. The server is able to receive
    * messages for storage, and deliver them to clients on demand.
    * @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kolling @version 2001.05.30 */
    public class MailServer
        // Storage for the arbitrary number of messages to be stored on the server.
        private Vector messages;
         // Construct a mail server.
             public MailServer()
                messages = new Vector();
         /* @return How many messages are waiting for the given user.
         * @param who The user to check for. */
        public int howManyMessages(String who)
            int count = 0;
            Iterator it = messages.iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                MailItem mess = (MailItem);
                if(mess.getTo().equals(who)) {
            return count;
         /* Return the next message for who. Return null if there
         * are none.
         * @param who The user requesting their next message.*/
             public MailItem getNextMailItem(String who)
               Iterator it = messages.iterator();
                   MailItem mess = (MailItem);
                       return mess;
             return null;
             /* Add the given message to the message list.
              * @param item The mail item to be stored on the server.*/
                public void post(MailItem item)
    /* A class to model a simple mail item. The item has sender and recipient
    * addresses and a message string.
    * @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kolling
    * @version 2001.05.30 */
    public class MailItem
        // The sender of the item.
        private String from;
        // The intended recipient.
        private String to;
        // The text of the message.
        private String message;
         /* Create a mail item from sender to the given recipient,
         * containing the given message.
         * @param from The sender of this item.
         * @param to The intended recipient of this item.
         * @param message The text of the message to be sent. */
        public MailItem(String from, String to, String message)
            this.from = from;
   = to;
            this.message = message;
          //Return The sender of this message.
             public String getFrom()
            return from;
         // Return The intended recipient of this message.
             public String getTo()
                return to;
         //Return The text of the message.
             public String getMessage()
            return message;
             // Print this mail message to the text terminal.
             public void print()
                System.out.println("From: " + from);
                System.out.println("To: " + to);
                System.out.println("Message:     " + message);
    * A class to model a simple email client. The client is run by a
    * particular user, and sends and retrieves mail via a particular server.
    * @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kolling
    * @version 2001.05.30
    public class MailClient
        // The server used for sending and receiving.
        private MailServer server;
        // The user running this client.
        private String user;
         * Create a mail client run by user and attached to the given server.
        public MailClient(MailServer server, String user)
         this.server = server;
         this.user = user;
         * Return the next mail item (if any) for this user.
        public MailItem getNextMailItem()
         return server.getNextMailItem(user);
         * Print the next mail item (if any) for this user to the text
         * terminal.
        public void printNextMailItem()
         MailItem item = server.getNextMailItem(user);
         if(item == null) {
             System.out.println("No new mail.");
         else {
         * Send the given message to the given recipient via
         * the attached mail server.
         * @param to The intended recipient.
         * @param mess A fully prepared message to be sent.
        public void sendMessage(String to, String message)
         MailItem mess = new MailItem(user, to, message);;
    //In this program we learn about the Vector class and the iterator()
    //we step into the printNewMailItem() method of the MailClient class with bluej
    //we observe the debugger and watch a messege appear.
    public class Try_e_mail
      public static void main(String[] args)
          MailServer myMailServer = new MailServer();
          MailClient Julie = new MailClient(myMailServer, "Julie");
          MailClient Sam = new MailClient(myMailServer, "Sam");
          MailItem messageMonday = new MailItem("Sam", "Julie", "I really enjoy studying Java !");
          MailItem messageTuesday = new MailItem("Julie", "Sam", "Computer Science is an important challenge !");
          MailItem messageWednesday = new MailItem("Sam", "Julie", "It is alot more rewarding than watching TV !");
    //The output I received is:
    //From: Sam
    //To: Julie
    //Message:     I really enjoy studying Java !
    //From: Julie
    //To: Sam
    //Message:     Computer Science is an important challenge !
    //From: Sam
    //To: Julie
    //Message:     It is alot more rewarding than watching TV !

    The for/in coding that worked was for a non-generic collection.
    So I guess that means that a Vector is a non-generic collection.
    What does non-generic mean ?
    Thank you in advance
    //for non-generic collections
           for(Object obj : messages)
              MailItem mess = (MailItem)obj;
              if ( mess.getTo().equals(who))
      //for Generic collections                     
             /*  for(MailItem mess: messages)
                   count++; */

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    Can you help me?
    Sorry for my english

    Form beans will be created in the default package for the project. We don't create them for you automatically though - unless you click on an Action in the Diagram, and choose "Go to Form Bean" from the context menu.
    If you just create a bean in the Struts Structure pane - that will create the XML entry but not the implementation.

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    Just bought a new ipad for my twins' 11th birthday. Would like them to have a separate account for their apps and music only (that I control, of course)Not sure how to do this.

    check out method one from this support article:
    How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer

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    Create a new ID and start using it.
    You will not be able to transfer your existing purchases and updates will require knowing the password for the old ID.

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    Hi Greg,
    Unfortunately, DIAdem Datafinder doesn't really support much in the way
    of Date/Time search outside of the File Level Creation Date property.
    In order to make the creation time of the Channels searchable you would
    want to create some custom properties (or use the existing RegisterInt1
    - RegisterInt6) to define your own searchable properties.
    For example, since you know that you have one TDM file per day, you can
    start your search by find the desired day on the File Property Level,
    searching the "Creation Date" property. When you store your TDM
    properties, you could store the hour creation as an integer (and
    thereby searchable) in one of the RegisterInt properties of the
    channel, or create your own custom "Hour" channel. You could similarly
    save the minute and second property in their own custom properties.
    Then, since you're saving integer values, you can then search those
    values to determine the time that the channel was created.
    I realize that this isn't ideal or elegant, as in total it requires 4
    searches (date, hour, minute, second). But that is the most
    straightforward way of searching your channels by creation date/time.
    Hope this helps Greg, let me know if you have any other questions.
    Dan Weiland

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    How would I go about this please? Would it be better to create a separate management group, with servers dedicated to the customer environment, then connect this to the corporate management group so that the servicedesk can still monitor it, or is there
    another way of doing it? Perhaps using resource pools? Time will be a factor here, though ultimately the goal is ease of administration going forward. 

    Using resource pools will not allow you to separate configuration such as MP installs, security, etc. as they are all part of the same management group.  From Technet, "A resource pool is a collection of management servers used to distribute
    work amongst themselves and take over work from a failed member."  If configuration needs to be completely separate from the base configuration perspective, you could use separate connected management groups. 
    Another option is to separate the configuration within the management group.  For example, if you need to monitor SQL computers in your corp environment but not the customer environment, simply create a group containing customer computers and override
    the SQL discovery.  This applies to other technologies as well.  You can even group computers by environment (corp/customer) by using reg key attributes like Kevin Holman describes here: (While my account is being verified
    I can't post links but you can search "Creating custom dynamic computer groups based on registry keys on agents").  If you are familiar with MP authoring, you could create a new MP with a new Windows Computer based class instead of extending
    the Windows Computer class.  From a capabilities perspective, you can certainly monitor corporate, customer, DMZ, and other domains in the same management group.  If the domain is untrusted or in the case of the DMZ, workgroups computers, you can
    utilize gateway servers with certificate authentication which will be configured for each domain/dmz gateway.
    Ease of administration is a tricky concept here...if you utilize separate management groups, administration will have to be handled completely separate in 2 separate consoles.  If there are separate SCOM admins per management group, this is
    of no issue, but if 1 team/person is managing both, this can be difficult.  Alternatively, there will be some up front work to using groups to separate the environments using groups, discoveries, etc.

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    You can not create a 'sub-account'.
    If the children are 13 or older, they can create their own accounts. If they are younger, the only legal option is to set up Family Sharing and create IDs for them that way.

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    hi gray001,
    to have separated Libraries from iTunes for your wife and you, i would recommend that you create a new second windows user account
    thats the easiest way to avoid mix up of itunes content
    if you create a second windows user account - itunes is already installed and only needs to be configured for your wife

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    Roxpat wrote:
    I'm beginning to consider learning other applications (Dreamweaver and/or specific languages), so feel free to offer those up as well.
    roxpat ~ Since your web site content is community oriented, you may be interested in this free, web-based site builder for social networks:
    ...Their Events feature lets members know about upcoming playgroups, coffee mornings, etc. related to your social network's theme. Read more here.
    You may want to consider hyperlinking from your iWeb site to a Ning site to provide some specific feature that iWeb doesn't offer.

Maybe you are looking for

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