I am in need to burn a DVD, I have installed the CC 2014 but having difficulty locating a DVD burning solution.

I am in need to burn a DVD, I have installed the CC 2014 but having difficulty locating a DVD burning solution.

Thank you. I will do that.

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    Oh, you do have the C2D! That's great!
    I'm no technical expert, I just like to help out whenever or wherever I can so... I don't know if this can help you, but let me tell you about how I got my Snow Leopard to run in 64 bit mode. When I got my (late 2008) iMac it was running in 32 bit mode under Tiger (2.4 GHz/Core 2 Duo). I eventually upgraded to Snow Leopard & it was running in 32 bit mode (by default) w/1 GB RAM.  
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    I hope that something I've mentioned can help you achieve your overall goal.
    Finally, it's hard to jump onto a train, a large cat, or a surfboard that's already moving. But don't be surprised when someone a fraction of your age shows you how to.
    Best Regards,

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        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Web content:
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    Från: Mylenium 
    Skickat: den 29 december 2014 16:48
    Till: Tony Bohman
    Ämne:  I have tried to reinstall CS3 extended student version to my new comuter from the dvd and also from the web download but it does not work - I get the information that the server does not work- why. How should I do?
    I have tried to reinstall CS3 extended student version to my new comuter from the dvd and also from the web download but it does not work - I get the information that the server does not work- why. How should I do?
    created by Mylenium <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Mylenium>  in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/7050595#7050595>

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    Please don't post here about beta software. There are confidential forums set aside for developers to use. Developer Forums. If you are a paid developer or seed tester then it's a violation of your NDA to post in these forums. If you aren't a developer or seed tester then you have an illegal copy.

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    I’d purchased the full CC 2014 and downloaded from your web site.
    Unfortunately, I installed the Illustrator 2014 in its English version only and I would like to install the Illustrator ME with
    Hebrew support as well as right to left support.
    How can I add the Hebrew support to my current installation?

    Hi Hans-Günter,
    Thank you for your quick reply, I looked at the website and if I understood correctly, in order to change my CC applications to support the ME/RTL I must
    un-install the Illustrator 2014, and re-install it, selecting this option in the Language preferences.
    Do I need to re-install the whole CC package? or only the Illustrator?

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    Does this happen with all Flash content?  Do you see the animation and version info when you go to this page?
    Flash Player Version
    If not, please go into Safari's preferences dialog, the security tab, and verify that Enable Plug-Ins is checked.

  • Trying to watch the live tv add on. have installed the windows media plug in, but it keeps saying in order to watch the channel need the plug in which I have already installed. Any ideas?

    Every time I choose a channel, it will not load. A box opens and it says I need to download the windows media player firefox plugin. I have done this though

    The Windows Media Player plug-in frequently installs in the wrong place. Try copying it to the correct place as instructed in the following article section to see if that solves your problem.
    <br />
    <br />
    '''Other issues needing your attention'''
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post. You can also see your plugins from the Firefox menu, Tools > Add-ons > Plugins.<br />
    <br />
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.0
    **Several updates behind
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
    **Appears to be an old version
    **Current versions are 9.2.4 and 10.0.1 (Reader X)
    **More info about version 10.0.1 (Reader X):
    ***New Adobe Reader X (version 10) with Protected Mode was released 2010-11-19
    ***See: http://www.securityweek.com/adobe-releases-acrobat-reader-x-protected-mode
    *Java Plug-in 1.6.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
    **24 updates behind
    #'''''Check your plugin versions''''' on either of the following links':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Shockwave for Director'''
    #*NOTE: this is not the same as Shockwave Flash; this installs the Shockwave Player.
    #*Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the link in the article below (Desktop is a good place so you can find it).
    #*When the download is complete, exit Firefox (File > Exit)
    #*locate and double-click in the installer you just downloaded, let the install complete.
    #*Restart Firefox and check your plugins again.
    #*'''<u>Download link and more information</u>''': http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Shockwave+plugin+with+Firefox
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**Use the links below to avoid getting the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager and other "extras" you may not want
    #**Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the appropriate link below
    #**Click "Save to File"; save to your Desktop (so you can find it)
    #**After download completes, close Firefox
    #**Click the installer you just downloaded and allow the install to continue
    #***Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**'''<u>Download link</u>''': ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/
    #***Choose your OS
    #***Choose the latest #.x version (example 9.x, for version 9)
    #***Choose the highest number version listed
    #****NOTE: 10.x is the new Adobe Reader X (Windows and Mac only as of this posting)
    #***Choose your language
    #***Download the file, SAVE it to your hard drive, when complete, close Firefox, click on the installer you just downloaded and let it install.
    #***Windows: choose the .exe file; Mac: choose the .dmg file
    #*Using either of the links below will force you to install the "getPlus" Adobe Download Manager. Also be sure to uncheck the McAfee Scanner if you do not want the link forcibly installed on your desktop
    #**''<u>Also see Download link</u>''': http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
    #**Also see: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Adobe+Reader+plugin+with+Firefox (do not use the link on this page for downloading; you may get the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager (Adobe DLM) and other "extras")
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #**'''''Be sure to <u>un-check the Yahoo Toolbar</u> option during the install if you do not want it installed.
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article to update from the Java Control Panel in Windows Control Panel: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Java+plugin+with+Firefox#Updates
    #* Removing old versions (if needed): http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/remove_olderversions.xml
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed): http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_Install_Java#Multiple_Java_Console_extensions
    #*Java Test: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml

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