I am thinking of replacing my laptop with an IPad 2?

I am wanting to replace my laptop with an IPad 2 but I am trying to figure out if its an good idea. I am done with college so the only kind of paper I need to type is a resume. Is this a good idea?

I wouldn't. An iPad is a good toy and a good 'comsumer of data' device, but not so great for data creation. I'd go for the laptop and keep an iPad as a graduation gift idea.

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    the USB does not out out enough power to charge anything.
    And if you want to share chargers it's best to share your iPad charger with your iPhone. the iPad charger is a 10W charger, the iPod ones are 5W. So it'll charge, just not as fast as 'normal'

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    enjoy your magic machine

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    I'll go down your list one by one.
    1. Access mail - which I know that the iPad can do.
    Enough said.
    2. Save an excel or word or ppt of PDF attachment for review.
    You can view these types of documents natively on the iPad as Tgara has mentioned.
    3. Open an review and maybe change a excel or word file.
    There are many apps that allow this.  I personally prefer Apples iWork programs, Pages, Numbers, Keynote.  They tightly integrate with iCloud.
    4. Resave such above files.
    With Pages, Number, Keynote you can save/resave files in iCloud and locally.  Also you could use dropbox to save your files on dropbox and provide a way for you to share a folder with coworkers/family and they can add/view/review files from there and you can see the changes on your device.
    5. Reply to a mail attaching a file.
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    6. Be able to rename files and store them in specific folders.
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    Dam Commander wrote:
    I want to replace my PC with an iPad Air.
    I love my iPad Air. However, you may want to give the idea of using it to replace a full-fledged PC some thought. If your primary uses are websurfing, email. writing, reading, light photo editing, it will be fine. Other things may not work so well on an iPad.

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    The iPad is not a computer, it cannot replace one, and it cannot sync music or media to other devices.
    You need to keep a computer around if you want  to sync ther Classic and Nano. It may also be useful if you ever need to backup the iPad in case a restore is necessarry.

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    Alexh7 wrote:
    I want to buy an ipad2 to replace my laptop (I pretty much only use it for email, reading website, online gaming, Facebook etc, and don't really feel the need to have one for anything else. Rarely write documents etc.)
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    Thanks in advance
    1) ios5 devices no longer need to be synced with a computer, though they can be. You can't sync your iphone to your iPad, but you can treat each independently.
    2) I've never had a problem with my bank's site. Adobe themselves have abandoned Flash for mobile devices, so in time this issue will become less and less significant. In fact even now it's rarely an issue.
    3) MS office doesn't run on iPad, but Apples iworks suite does. You can open MS office files and even export them back into MS Office formats. In truth it's so simple and straightforward that you quickly forget that they're entirely separate formats. There is also the option of 3rd party Apps, Freeware, that can handle MS Office files.
    4) I found the key is not to expect the iPad to be a laptop with a few differences. It's an entirely separate product needing entirely different inputs. If your use is as you describe, mostly web-based, email etc, then iPad suits perfectly. Where it doesn't suit so well is where lots of keyboard input is required. Good though the ios software keyboards are, they are not the same thing as a physical keyboard. Fedback is entirely different etc.  For that reason, iPad would not be ideally suited if there is lots of that type of input required.
    Go for it. I'm sure you'll love it.
    Good luck

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    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
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    Using the battery level meter in this manner is comparable to using your car's fuel gauge to calculate miles per gallon. The only thing that matters is the total amount of operating time from full charge to auto-shutdown.
    Use the wall-mount charger that came with the iPad and charge overnight.  Do NOT use an iPod/iPhone charger.  Do NOT use a computer's USB port.  Then, operate it normally until auto shut-down (ignore any low level alerts that may appear).  An irony is that doing that test to determine the total operating time is also the procedure necessary to calibrate the battery level meter.
    I'm not claiming that you do not have a problem.  I am stating, however, that we don't yet know.  If the above test does, in fact, indicate a problem, read this.
    Also, according to Apple:
    Use Your iPad Regularly
    For proper reporting of the battery’s state of charge, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).
    Elsewhere, Apple elaborates and explains that two half-discharges (or four quarter-discharges, etc.) equals one full discharge.

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    It's possible. You just have to be very diligent about signing out of one account to use the other.

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    If this is all doable then we will be freed from the office and able to take calls anywhere. 
    As we only have 4 consultants we dont really need a pbx, or do you advise us to get one. ?
    Please advise me as to how to proceed. 
    M Parak
    Durban South Africa. 

    the USB does not out out enough power to charge anything.
    And if you want to share chargers it's best to share your iPad charger with your iPhone. the iPad charger is a 10W charger, the iPod ones are 5W. So it'll charge, just not as fast as 'normal'

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