I have a copy of my iTunes data and I'm looking to restore it all back into a new version of iTunes reloaded after a hard drive crash.  How do I do this?

After having a hard drive crash, I've reloaded Windows 7 and all of my applications on a new hard drive.  I have also downloaded and installed a new version of iTunes on my computer.  I now want to restore all of my iTunes tracks, videos, movies, books, podcasts and all my playlists into the new version of iTunes from a back up of all of my previous hard drive before it crashed.  I have tried importing the data but iTunes drops all kinds of data (artist names, album names, track number, etc.) and have to now manually go through all of my iTunes data (18,000 tracks) to restore the data.  The data consists of a combination of purchased tracks (approx. 6,000) and my own personal CDs copied into iTunes.  I need help badly here as I'm lost on how to proceed.  Thanks.

Hi Toboggan,
If you are looking to restore your iTunes data from a backup, you may find the following article useful (while it is focused on moving between computers, many of the steps should also apply to your situation):
iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
- Brenden

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