I want to delete password protect on Palm Pre

I had my work e-mail being sent to my Palm Pre and therefore had to add password protection.  I am no longer doing e-mail on my phone and have deleted my e-mail account, but it's still requiring a password in order to use the phone.  I know I didn't have to do this before I added my work e-mail.  How do I get rid of it?
Post relates to: Pre 2 p102eww (Verizon)

Perhaps the "Screen & Lock" app is what you're looking for?
Turn off "Secure Unlock".
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    you’ll need to contact Apple directly to purchase a replacement pair of its model-specific grey installation discs. Be sure to have your MacBook Pro’s serial number handy. Once you’ve received the discs, you can boot from one of them to undo the password protection.

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    Jodalee wrote:
    Hey I've read the FAQ's and glanced at some threads already on here so I hope I'm not asking a question thats been asked a million times but...
    If I delete the music off my computer (because there's too much of it!) can I still listen to it by just plugging in my Zen Sleek? As in, to play it off my mp3 player through my computer.
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    thank you
    You can play your songs from your MP3 player via the PC sound card using Creative MediaSource. Your USB connection must be USB 2.0 though.

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    A such can be controlled by your network, the printer will be available for any device connected to the same network and a such cannot be controlled by the printer.
    To prevent accessing your network password protect your network, if this is a shared network the HP device will be accessible for any other connected device within that network.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

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    Thank You,

    sbtalhaj wrote:
    Is there another way of password protecting a folder besides Disk Image?
    Might be a third-party app, but why? Disk Image will do exactly what you want.
    And since I am talking about Disk Image here, what is the difference between 128-bit AES encryption (recommended) VS the 256-bit AES encryption
    If would take one billion billion years to crack 128Bit using Brute Force...more time than the age of the Universe...thus 256Bit is not needed.

  • Need javascript/VB code to open password protected PDF file by passing password in code itself.

    I have used PDFcreator to create the PDF file with password security
    'To create PDF file with password security
    With PDFCreator1
    .cOption("UseAutosave") = 1
    .cOption("UseAutosaveDirectory") = 1
    ' ==============
    .cOption("AutosaveDirectory") = strBackupPath '& "\" & Format(Trim(Sheets("Form16_Database").Range("A" &
    I).Value), "0#####") & "\" 'ActiveWorkbook.Path
    Debug.Print Trim(Sheets("Form16_Database").Range("A" & I).Value) & "Form16-" & Format(Trim(Sheets
    ("Form16_Database").Range("A" & I).Value), "0#####") & "-" & Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") & ".PDF"
    .cOption("AutosaveFilename") = Format(Trim(Sheets("Form16_Database").Range("B" & I).Value), "0#####") & ".PDF"
    FileName = Format(Trim(Sheets("Form16_Database").Range("B" & I).Value), "0#####") & ".PDF"
    .cOption("AutosaveFormat") = 0
    .cOptions.PDFUseSecurity = 1
    .cOption("PDFOwnerPass") = 1
    .cOption("PDFOwnerPasswordString") = "mypass"
    .cOption("PDFUserPass") = 1
    .cOption("PDFUserPasswordString") = "mypass"
    End With
    'Printing to PDF Creator
    ActiveSheet.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="PDFCreator"
    'Making the system wait for the PDF creator to create the file
    Do Until PDFCreator1.cCountOfPrintjobs = 1
    Sleep 1000
    PDFCreator1.cPrinterStop = False
    Sleep 1000
    ''and To fix digital signature used below code from Acrobat SDK 8.1..
    ''VB code for fixing Digital Signature --calling jaascript file from SDK.
    Sub GetDigitalSignature(PDFFilepath As String, PDFFileName As String, PFXfile As String, Password As String, Top As Double,
    Left As Integer)
    Dim gapp As Acrobat.AcroApp
    Dim gpddoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim jso As Object
    Dim FullPath As String
    Dim avDoc As CAcroAVDoc
    Dim boK As Boolean
    Dim ppklite As Object
    Set avDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
    Set gapp = CreateObject("acroexch.app")
    Set gpddoc = CreateObject("acroexch.pddoc")
    boK = avDoc.Open(PDFFilepath, PDFFileName)
    gpddoc.Open (PDFFilepath)
    Set jso = gpddoc.GetJSObject()
    jso.SetUserPassword (Password)
    jso.SetUserDigitalIDPath (PFXfile)
    jso.SetSignTop (Top)
    jso.SetSignLeft (Left)
    jso.app.execMenuItem ("ADBESDK:AddSignature")
    avDoc.Close (True)
    End Sub
    Now i am able to create PDF with Digital signature. But We want to assign password protection too..and problem is once we fix Digital signature we can't change security.
    My problem is to pass password at the time of opening PDF for embedding signature. Password window should not prompt to the user while running VBA application.
    Can you please help me to pass password on fly when file prompt password while opening PDF file. As file need to be opened at the time of fixing signature using sdk javascript code.

    Correct, you need to encrypt then sign.
    Unfortunately, there is no way to pass a password for opening.

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    I search for hours but with no results...
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    Moreover, I only want a simple password-protection.
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    Is there a free app ? Or do I have to buy a software (in that case which one would you recommend me)?
    Thanks for your advices.

    Thank you Kappy but you didn't read all my post. I quote "Encryption with disk utility is not a solution for me since my 10.6.8 computer would not recognize the disk."

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    Does anybody have an idea to read password protected excel file and convert dat into internal table using OLE??
    Message was edited by:
            sapsudha rao
    Message was edited by:
            sapsudha rao

    Look at OLE class/methods and demo programs using OLE technology. Look at transaction ABAPDOCU and the Reuse Library (SE84, as far as I remember). It should be fairly simple.
    Don't forget to reward points.

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    I want to create password protected excel file using Java. So when you manually open this file it should prompt for password.
    There are APIs but they are licensed and are for trial period. I want solution which is free.
    I need this solution urgently..

    Swati.S wrote:
    Hi Administrator,
    Moderator. Administrators post with the Sun logo.
    I'm sorry I wasnt aware that we cannot have off forum communication. Can you please communicate how I can spread this message taht solution for this is available.If you like, you can post the code here or on [SDN Share|http://sdnshare.sun.com/]. Apart from that, there's no shortage of blog sites.

  • Generating password protected pdf document  usuing as_pdf_mini package

    Actually i want to implement password protected pdf file which is generated using as_pdf_mini.
    so i want help on that.....

    - Read the specs on PDF 1.3
    - take as_pdf3
    - the next is some code I used to check several steps of the encryption
      t_encryption_padding raw(32) := hextoraw( '28BF4E5E4E758A4164004E56FFFA01082E2E00B6D0683E802F0CA9FE6453697A' );
      p_owner_password varchar2(32) := '';
      p_user_password varchar2(32) := 'abc';
      t_tmp raw(32);
      t_tmp_u raw(32);
      t_o raw(320);
      t_u raw(320);
      t_tmp_u := utl_raw.substr( utl_raw.concat( utl_raw.cast_to_raw( p_user_password ), t_encryption_padding), 1, 32 );
      if p_owner_password is null
        t_tmp := t_tmp_u;
        t_tmp := utl_raw.substr( utl_raw.concat( utl_raw.cast_to_raw( p_owner_password ), t_encryption_padding), 1, 32 );
      end if;
      t_tmp := dbms_crypto.hash( t_tmp, dbms_crypto.hash_md5 );
      t_o := dbms_crypto.encrypt( t_tmp_u, dbms_crypto.encrypt_rc4, utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, 1, 5 ) );
    --dbms_output.put_line( t_o );
      t_tmp := dbms_crypto.hash( utl_raw.concat( t_tmp_u
                                               , t_o
                                               , utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer( -4, utl_raw.little_endian )  -- waarde van /P
                                               , hextoraw( 'fb3642e78f13a14ef522287f16d63195' ) -- waarde van /ID
                               , dbms_crypto.hash_md5
      t_u := dbms_crypto.encrypt( t_encryption_padding, dbms_crypto.encrypt_rc4,  utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, 1, 5 ) );
    --dbms_output.put_line( t_u );
      t_tmp := utl_raw.concat( utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, 1, 5 )
                             , utl_raw.substr( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer( 8, utl_raw.little_endian ), 1, 3 ) -- object nr
                             , utl_raw.substr( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer( 0, utl_raw.little_endian ), 1, 2 ) -- generation nr
      t_tmp := dbms_crypto.hash( t_tmp, dbms_crypto.hash_md5 );
      dbms_output.put_line( dbms_crypto.encrypt( 'FEFF', dbms_crypto.encrypt_rc4,  utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, 1, 10 ) ) );
      dbms_output.put_line( dbms_crypto.encrypt( utl_raw.cast_to_raw( 'AS-PDF 0.3.0 by Anton Scheffer' ), dbms_crypto.encrypt_rc4,  utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, 1, 10 ) ) );

  • Open password-protected XLSX files in Numbers '09

    Hi @ all,
    I've just started using Numbers a few days ago. I want to open password-protected xlsx-files. Numbers refuses opening it.

    This is true. However as a workaround I found out the Quick View function allows you to type in the password and then at least get a preview of its contents. Note that this was not the case earlier on Snow Leopard (I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion).

  • How to create password protected folder (with unlimited storage) on Mac?

    I want to create password protected folder on my mac. I tried the method where you create a dmg file and mount it whenever you want to use the folder and unmount it when you don't. However, this method only lets me store, for example, 2 gb data. I cannot store beyong that level as an error message pops up saying... "the following files cannot be copied because there is not enough storage space in the dmg file"
    How can I create a passpord protected folder which can store as much available space that is on my mac?
    Is there an application that does that? Suggest me some names if someone already is using something like that.
    Thanks much!

    You need to choose the size of the image when you create it. If you are getting that message, you only set the image to hold 2GB of data.
    If you choose a Sparse Disk Image or a Sparse Bundle Disk Image, you can set it to any size, however, it will only be able to store up to the space available on your Hard Disk. Physically, it will only be the size of the stuff you saved into it, but It doesn't shrink automatically when you remove things.
    A Sparse Bundle differs from a Sparse Image in that it writes the contents to small files so that when Time Machine sees changes, it only backs up the small file change, not the 100 GB (or whatever) of the total image size.
    Notice that having created a 10 TB disk image (as shown above), there is only 80 GB available on the mounted image as that is all the space I have available on the 500 GB drive.

  • How to apply Password Protection On attachment send through mail from SAP

    Hi All,
       I want to apply Password Protection on file send as an attachment from SAP on Email.
    I know how to send email from sap with attachment in it.  A smartform is coverted to a attachment and send on email.
    But how can i apply password protection on it.
    Any type of file format will be fine. I just need to know how can i make that file as password protected.
    Thanks in advance.
    Sonal Jain.

    Sonal Jain wrote:
    But how can i convert the PDF to folder and than how can i zip that folder with password protection.
    Not folder but file (I do hope you understand the difference). Have you tried to search SDN at all? I don't have much time, but before replying initially I did just a quick search and it brought several posts mentioning the archiving functionality. And I'm sure 'Smartform to PDF' will bring up gozillion posts. Also I find the Google search with addition 'site:sap.com' to be quite helpful.
    However, I would still recommend to review the requirements. Why exactly do you need this password protection? If there is a fear that someone other than a recipient might get access to the email account then there is really a bigger security issue in the organization and it should be resolved by some other means. As I have mentioned, password does not really add much protection.
    Out of curiosity I briefly looked at the IRM description on the Microsoft's web site and it doesn't seem to be very helpful. First of all, it's the MS software and has to be installed on the user's PC and configured (how do we know the emai recipients are even on Windows?). Also it does say "Prevent an unauthorized recipient from accessing e-mail content", but I didn't quite get how exactly. Is there a retinal scan that comes with it? And the list of things it does not do gives you the whole another perspective on the email security.

Maybe you are looking for

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