Implementing JDBC / scalar functions

I am part of a team implementing a JDBC driver to allow third party software to query our data stores. We want to implement the full range of scalar functions listed in the JDBC spec. At the start of Appendix C there is a reference to the Open Group CLI specification for "more information on the semantics of the scalar functions". However, I cannot find any reference to scalar functions in the CLI spec found here:
Does anyone know where detailed specifications of the scalar functions may be found? I am particularly interested in behaviour when encountering null arguments.
Thanks for any help,

Thanks for the link. However, I've already found definitions of a similar detail. I'm really interested in tracking down the original specification that the authors of JDBC were looking at, which will hopefully offer detailed desciptions of the required behaviour when dealing with null and invalid arguments.

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    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      <c:set var="tumuiBundle" value="#{adfBundle['sni.tum.view.TestUIBundle']}"/>
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        var globalLastVisitedField = null;
        function captureTableFieldName()
          return function (evt)
            globalLastVisitedField = evt.getSource();
        function copyMenu(evt)
          if (globalLastVisitedField == null)
            alert("copyMenu() Error: No field could be
                                     identified to be in focus");
          else if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet
            alert("Copy function is only
                                     supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer");
            var txt = globalLastVisitedField.getProperty("ItemValue");
            window.clipboardData.setData('Text', "" + txt);
      <af:subform id="f1" defaultCommand="srchcb">
        <af:panelStretchLayout id="psl1" topHeight="auto" bottomHeight="auto"
          <f:facet name="center">
            <af:panelCollection id="tab" styleClass="AFStretchWidth">
              <af:table value="#{bindings.TestVO.collectionModel}"
                        emptyText="#{bindings.TestVO.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                        id="Table" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
                <f:facet name="contextMenu">
                  <af:popup id="pMenu" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">
                    <af:menu id="mMenu">
                      <af:commandMenuItem text="Copy" id="cmiCopy">
                        <af:clientListener method="copyMenu" type="action"/>
                <af:column sortProperty="Name" sortable="true"
                  <af:outputText value="#{row.Name}" id="Nam">
                    <af:clientListener method="captureTableFieldName()"
                    <af:clientAttribute name="ItemValue"

    I can't tell. What I can tell is that the code in the sample you reference for sure doesn't cause this - but it doesn't help you I guess.
    Btw.: Here is a solution that works on all browsers. The solution in the blog (Chris - please forgive me) is a bit awkward to be honest.

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    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[InvoicePaidLateInFull](@Invoice bigint, @DueDate datetime, @Total decimal(14, 4), @EndDate datetime)
    RETURNS bit
    DECLARE @PaidLate bit, @Paydate datetime, @Amount decimal(14, 4)
    declare @Check int, @CurrentStatus bigint
    declare @AmtTol decimal(14,4), @CID bigint
    Set @PaidLate = 0
    Set @CurrentStatus = (Select top 1 StatusID from RebateData Where InvoiceNo = @Invoice order by ID)
    if @CurrentStatus <> 1
    Goto NotDueYet
    Set @CID = (Select top 1 CID from RebateData Where InvoiceNo = @Invoice order by ID)
    Set @AmtTol = (Select AmountTolerance from MasterCustomerProgramContracts where ID = @CID)
    If datediff(dd, @DueDate, @EndDate) < 0
    GoTo NotDueYet
    Set @Check = (Select count(*) from Payments Where InvoiceNo = @Invoice)
    if @Check = 0
    --No payments have been received at all. Consider as 'Unpaid'
    GoTo NotDueYet
    Set @Amount = isnull((Select round(sum(Amount) , 2)
    from Payments
    where invoiceno = @Invoice
    and PayDate <= @DueDate
    Group by InvoiceNo), 0)
    Set @Amount = -(@Amount)
    If @Amount between (@Total - (@Total * @AmtTol)) and (@Total + (@Total * @AmtTol))
    Set @PaidLate = 0
    If @Amount < (@Total - (@Total * @AmtTol))
    Set @PaidLate = 1
    RETURN @PaidLate
    The Call:
    Set @PL = (Select dbo.InvoicePaidLateInFull(@Inv, @DueDate, @Total, @EndDate))
    Seems like I read the other day of a script that can be run to 'update' SQL, but I can't remember it now.

    Leaving the Intellisense issue, permit me to point out that incorrectly used, this function can be a performance killer. An occasional call - no problem. But if you do something like:
    SELECT ..., dbo.InvoicePaidLateInFull(invoice_id, due_date) AS PaidLade
    FROM   MillionRowTable
    This is a performance disaster. SQL Server cannot optimize the function, so you will have a cursor in disguise.
    Overall, you should be very restrictive with scalar functions that perfoms data access.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    We want to implement alternate component functionality our plant, but we do not know how to do it.
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    Check these links to explore the functionality of the alternative item definiton in a BOM,
    concept of alternative items
    Re: Discontinuation&Production Order
    But the system does not automatically check the availability of the component and propose the component which is available.

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    any help would be appreciated.

    The get more function works in the browser becuase there is a seperate "list" servlet which retrievs the data. It relies on certain HTTP context data for correct operation. Unfortunately the "get more" function is not supported by the XAI Servlet (it does not about the HTTP context data). Your only option is to roll your own paging mechnaism for the data you require.
    The pattern goes likes this...
    1. Work out the SQL for what you want to paginate
    2. Create a new "List Service" class that will act as the underlying service
    3. Annotate the service with inputs which include the page size, and the page number you want to retrieve
    4. Annotate the service with a list data that will be returned
    5. Use the page size and page number to create and execute the query and build the return result
    6. Register the service as an XAI Inbound Service
    7. Deploy the code
    8. Test using Dynamic Submission
    eg. Here is an example of Get More for Lookup Values....
    import com.splwg.base.api.BusinessEntity;
    import com.splwg.base.api.SimpleEntityList;
    import com.splwg.base.api.service.DataElement;
    import com.splwg.base.api.service.ItemList;
    import com.splwg.base.api.service.ListBody;
    import com.splwg.base.domain.common.lookup.LookupField_Id;
    import com.splwg.base.domain.common.lookup.LookupValue;
    import com.splwg.base.domain.common.lookup.LookupValue_Id;
    import com.splwg.shared.environ.ServiceListConstant;
    import com.splwg.shared.logging.Logger;
    import com.splwg.shared.logging.LoggerFactory;
    * @author edhoi
    @ListService (name = CmGetMoreListValues, size = 10000, program = CMLGETMRL, service = CMLGETMRL,
    * body = @DataElement (contents = { @DataField (name = COUNTER)
    * , @RowField (entity = lookupValue, name = lookupValue)}),
    * headerFields = { @DataField (name = ELEM_SIZE)
    * , @DataField (name = FIELD_NAME)
    * , @DataField (name = FIELD_VALUE)})
    public class CmGetMoreListMaintenance extends CmGetMoreListMaintenance_Gen {
         private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CmGetMoreListMaintenance.class);
         protected ItemList<DataElement> readList() {
              // Call CmGetMoreBusinessComponent
              CmGetMoreBusinessComponent cmGetMoreBusinessComponent = CmGetMoreBusinessComponent.Factory
              LookupField_Id lookupField_Id = new LookupField_Id(getHeader().get(
              LookupValue_Id lookupValueId = new LookupValue_Id(lookupField_Id,
              BigInteger pageSize = getHeader().get(
              LookupValue lastValue = lookupValueId.getEntity();
              List<LookupValue> values = cmGetMoreBusinessComponent
                        .getLookupValuePageData(lookupField_Id, lastValue, pageSize
              long count = cmGetMoreBusinessComponent
              if (values.size() > 0) {
                   lastValue = values.get(values.size() - 1);
              } else {
                   lastValue = null;
              ItemList<DataElement> itemList = new ItemList<DataElement>(;
              ListBody listBody = itemList.newListBody();
              listBody.put(CmGetMoreListMaintenance.STRUCTURE.list_CmGetMoreListValues.COUNTER, new BigInteger(
              if(lastValue != null) {
                   listBody.put(CmGetMoreListMaintenance.STRUCTURE.list_CmGetMoreListValues.FIELD_VALUE, lastValue.getId().getFieldValue());
              for (LookupValue value : values) {
                   DataElement listElement= itemList.newDataElement();
              return itemList;
         protected void afterPopulateList_CmGetMoreListValues(
                   ItemList<DataElement> targetList, SimpleEntityList sourceList,
                   BusinessEntity sourceListParent) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              super.afterPopulateList_CmGetMoreListValues(targetList, sourceList,

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