ITunes us not allowing me to add a credit card????

I am getting the following message when I try to update my credit card information: "Your request cannot be completed because your Apple ID has been associated with too many credit cards."  When I asked for tech support to fix it, they told me there is no solution other than to buy a gift card at a store.  I just want to use my credit card.   Never heard of such a silly thing.  Can anyone offer a suggestion???

Never mind I got it.  Just had to re-enter credit card info, then it took from balance.  Thanks anyway!

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    I have never before heard of cards being locked to a single device... but your case has shown me that it happens.
    If I am getting it right you try to log in to your account and it asks for billing information, and when you enter your card details it tells you that the card cannot be used. If that is the case then I'm sorry to say that my only suggestion would be to contact iTunes support directly; the contact form can be found in here: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us

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    Message was edited by: 5Gmel

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    Had same issue. You'll just have to call them.
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    You may need to contact iTunes Support

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    Refer to this article
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    iPod shuffle and iPhone are intended for use with a single computer. You cannot load music from multiple computers or iTunes libraries onto iPod shuffle and iPhone like you can with other devices.

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    Forget the pad for a moment and just think about I tunes on your computer.  Every now and then( 3 times over 6 years) when doing an I tunes upgrade, I tunes seems to lose track of some of my music files.  They show up in the I tunes listing, but when you try to play, it cannot find the source.   The cause is always that I have somehow moved some or all of the music to a library that is outside of the set of libraries I have dragged into I tunes.
    On your computer, search for one of the songs.  All the missing ones are probably together, and when you find one, you will find the rest.  When you find it, note the directory  and file path to where it lives, then add that path to your I tunes
    Note, the original listing will still be in I tunes, so you will get double listings for theses songs, and no easy way to tell which is the valid ane and which is not, other than the ! Symbol when it cannot find the file.  I know of no good way to get rid of the duplicate listing except manually going through and deleting them.
    One you get them back into your I tunes library, they will sync and play fine.
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    What computer did yu last sync with?  Yu can only sync with one computer/iTunes library.
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    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
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