? Using Config.getProperty

Hi all,
This one has been causing me a bit of a headache! I am using the to create a file which looks like this:
#Tue Sep 13 19:15:06 GMT+02:00 2002
Name=Tristan\ Webb
Rights=Tristan\ Webb
#Tue Sep 13 19:15:35 GMT+02:00 2002
Name=Adam\ Jones
Rights=Adam\ Jones
The problem comes when I try to read the information back and put it in a Vector. Using the code below, it only ever puts the last users details (i.e. adam, Newcastle etc..) into the file and skips the first one. I have tried adding more users details, but it only ever reads the last entry. Is there anyway of forcing the config.getProperty to read the first entry in the file and then all the subsequesnt user details ?? I am thinking there must be a way of looping through the file, but im not sure where to start and am quite lost!
Many Thanks,
Properties config;
FileInputStream file;
file = new FileInputStream("password.cfg");
config = new Properties();
User2 = config.getProperty("User");
Password = config.getProperty("Password");
name = config.getProperty("Name");
rights = config.getProperty("Rights");
UserDetails user = new UserDetails(User2, Password, name, rights);

The java.util.Properties class works like a dictionary: it stores values, which you can access using the keys.
The keys must be unique. In your case, the keys are not unique. If you do: String s = config.getProperty("User"); then how do you expect to get two values back (tristan and adam)?
You must make the keys unique in some way. For example, write your properties file like this:
#Tue Sep 13 19:15:06 GMT+02:00 2002
Name.1=Tristan\ Webb
Rights.1=Tristan\ Webb
#Tue Sep 13 19:15:35 GMT+02:00 2002
Name.2=Adam\ Jones
Rights.2=Adam\ Jones
Now use for example: String s = config.getProperty("User.1"); to get the name of the first user, etc.

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    The API for that method includes this:
    That means it's a Java 2 method. The JVM in Internet Explorer doesn't support Java 2 methods (unless you load a plugin that does).

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    I'm sure this has something to do with backwards compatibility, but what exactly woud it break?

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    java.util.Properties : private java.util.HashtableWhat does that actually buy you though?
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        final Hashtable m_contents = new Hashtable();
        public String getProperty(String key) {
                return (String) m_contents.get(key);
    class Properties private extends Hashtable {
        public String getProperty(String key) {
                return (String) super.get(key);
    }Which is nice and all, but it strikes me as syntactic sugar more than anything else.
    I don't disagree: Properties should never have extended Hashtable, it should have encapsulated a Hashtable. Also Stack should not extend Vector, Booleans should not have a public constructor, it would even have been nicer if people actually used the Dictionary interface occassionally in 1.0/1.1.
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    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class PropertyTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Properties validProp = new Properties();
    //add some data
    validProp.put("key1", "key1Value");
    validProp.put("key2", "key2Value");
    validProp.put("key3", "key3Value");
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    String key = (String);
    System.out.println(key + "=" + prop.getProperty(key));
    I have searched the bug database, but didn't find any open bugs related to this issue.
    Could someone let me know if this is a existing bug or has this bug already been addressed.
    My setup.
    NT 4.0 / jdk1.3.1

    I found this works.
    Iterator e = _props.keySet().iterator();
    String str = (String);
    System.out.println("key(" + str + ")=" + _props.getProperty(str));
    but the display sequence is always in descending order ???
    Anyone has a clue ?
    Input :
    catch#2 Prop catch#2
    prop2 Properties.test.2
    catch#6 Prop catch#6
    catch#3 Prop catch#3
    catch#5 Prop catch#5
    catch#4 Prop catch#4
    prop3 test Properties
    prop4 test Properties4
    prop1 Properties.test.1
    catch#1 Prop catch#1
    prop4=test Properties4<
    prop3=test Properties<
    catch#6=Prop catch#6<
    catch#5=Prop catch#5<
    catch#4=Prop catch#4<
    catch#3=Prop catch#3<
    catch#2=Prop catch#2<
    catch#1=Prop catch#1<

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    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
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      <entry key="bottleneckServer.address"></entry>
      <entry key="bottleneckServer.port">8206</entry>
      <entry key="bottleneckServer.confirmDelay">10</entry>
      <entry key="bottleneckServer.cleanupDelay">120</entry>
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    This xml file works perfectly.
    Here is some test code:
            Properties p = new Properties();
            assert "8206".equals(p.getProperty("bottleneckServer.port")) : "Property 'bottleneckServer.port' != 8206";

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    public-read def PROPERTIES_PARSER = StreamParser {
    override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
    var props = javafx.util.Properties {};
    MemoryRecordSet {
    records: [
    MapRecord {
    fields: props
    due to under line portion an error is appearing:
    "incompatible types
    found : javafx.util.Properties
    required: java.util.Map
    fields: props".
    Please suggest some solution.
    Thanks in advance.
    Choudhary Nafees Ahmed
    Edited by: ChoudharyNafees on Jul 5, 2010 3:48 AM

    package org.netbeans.javafx.datasrc;
    import org.netbeans.javafx.datasrc.MemoryRecordSet;
    public-read def PROPERTIES_PARSER = StreamParser {
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var props =java.util.Properties{};
            MemoryRecordSet {
                records: [
                    MapRecord {
                        fields: props
    public-read def LINE_PARSER_FIELD_LINE = ".line";
    public-read def LINE_PARSER = StreamParser {
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var line : String;
            var result : Record [] = [];
            line = readLine(input);
            // BEWARE  ("" == null) is true
            while (line != null or "".equals(line)) {
                var map = new java.util.HashMap();
                map.put(LINE_PARSER_FIELD_LINE, line);
                var record = MapRecord {
                    fields: map
                insert record into result;
                line = readLine(input);
            MemoryRecordSet {
                records: result
    function readLine(in : : String {
        var str = new java.lang.StringBuilder;
        while (true) {
            var c =;
            if (c == -1) {
                return if (str.length() == 0) then null else str.toString();
            } else if (c == 0x0D) {
                c =;
                if (c == 0x0A or c == -1) {
                    return str.toString();
            } else if (c == 0x0A) {
                return str.toString();
            str.append(c as Character);
    public-read def JSON_PARSER = StreamParser {
        function toSequence(list : java.util.List) : Record [] {
            var result : Record [] = [];
            var ii = list.iterator();
            while (ii.hasNext()) {
                var r = as Record;
                insert r into result;
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var topLevel : Object;
            def parser = PullParser {
                documentType: PullParser.JSON
                input: input
                var mapStack = new java.util.Stack();
                var currentMap : java.util.Map;
                var recordsStack = new java.util.Stack();
                var currentRecords : java.util.List;
                var lastEvent: Event;
                onEvent: function(event: Event) {
                    if (event.type == PullParser.TEXT) {
                        currentMap.put(, event.text)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.INTEGER) {
                        currentMap.put(, event.integerValue)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.NULL) {
                        currentMap.put(, null)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ELEMENT) {
                        if (lastEvent.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY_ELEMENT) return;
                        var oldMap = currentMap;
                        var temp = new java.util.HashMap();
                        temp.put(new Object(), null);
                        currentMap = temp;
                        if (topLevel == null) topLevel = currentMap;
                        if (oldMap != null) {
                            var mr = MapRecord {
                                fields: currentMap
                            if ( == "" and lastEvent.type == PullParser.START_VALUE) {
                                oldMap.put(, mr)
                            } else {
                                oldMap.put(, mr)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY_ELEMENT) {
                        var temp = new java.util.HashMap();
                        temp.put(new Object(), null);
                        currentMap = temp;
                        var mr = MapRecord {
                            fields: currentMap
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ELEMENT) {
                        if (not mapStack.empty()) {
                            currentMap = mapStack.peek() as java.util.HashMap;
                        } else {
                            currentMap = null;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ARRAY_ELEMENT) {
                        if (lastEvent.type == PullParser.END_ELEMENT) return;
                        if (not mapStack.empty()) {
                            currentMap = mapStack.peek() as java.util.HashMap;
                        } else {
                            currentMap = null;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY) {
                        currentRecords = new java.util.ArrayList();
                        if (topLevel == null) topLevel = currentRecords;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ARRAY) {
                        var set = MemoryRecordSet {
                            records: toSequence(currentRecords)
                        currentMap.put(, set);
                        if (not recordsStack.empty()) {
                            currentRecords = recordsStack.peek() as java.util.List;
                        } else {
                            currentRecords = null;
                    lastEvent = event;
            if (topLevel instanceof java.util.Map) {
                var mr = MapRecord {
                    fields: topLevel as java.util.Map
                MemoryRecordSet {
                   records: [mr]
            } else {
                // List
                var rs = MemoryRecordSet {
                    records: toSequence(topLevel as java.util.List)
            var mr = MapRecord {
                fields: topLevel as java.util.Map
            MemoryRecordSet {
               records: [mr]

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    Is it possible to see the same Java System properties using WebLogic Server Administration Console? If so, how?
    ( via http://localhost:7101/console )
    - [1] at SystemPropertiesApp/SystemPropertiesWeb/deploy/systempropertiesweb.war
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    Thanks for your reply Timo.
    Timo Hahn wrote:
    I don't think that there is an option to see this in the admin console. ...Thanks for the confirmation.
    ... There my be a mbean but I did not find it.Well, if I start JConsole (e.g. at C:\oracle\jdevstudio111240-mw\jdk160_24\bin\jconsole.exe ) and connect to e.g. Local Process "weblogic.Server", on the MBeans tab I can navigate to java.lang:type=Runtime which has an SystemProperties attribute.
    But, I don't know how to get to this same MBean using the WebLogic Server Administration Console (if possible).
    Jan Vervecken

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    import java.util.*;
    import com.protomatter.syslog.SyslogHandler;
    public class SyslogTest
    public static void main(String argv[]){
    Logger logger2 = Logger.getLogger("local3");
    SyslogHandler ch = new SyslogHandler();
    logger2.warning("this is a log message");
    if (logger2.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
    System.out.println("Is LOGGABLE");
    else {
    System.out.println("Is not loggable");
    When this is run nothing is printed to any of the local3 facilities. I've verified that syslog is running fine from the command line using unix logger, so the problem seems to be isolated to my java.

    What is in your file? Can you also include the contents of this file?

  • USage of import java.util.* & using another package

    When we use import java.util.*; from where does JAVA take the class that are related to util, when I did search for "util" in my machine, I got about 50 results for folders named util and also some where in a folder called "java" when I opened it it did not have the classes, that I was expecting. So I am not clear where does it get the class files from. This is not only for this but for any import commands like import*;
    When we get another package or source code which was written in java and want to use it in our code where do we have keep the files ? eg. i have the java code that i m writing in c:\java then do I put all the downloaded related files in that folder and then run the code ? or i keep a folder inside java folder and then import them into my code ?
    please do advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    When we use import java.util.*; from where does JAVA
    take the class that are related to util,It means when you use a classname in your code, and that classname is neither in the same package as the class you're writing, nor imported specifically by classname, that it will search for it.
    Where it searches is every folder called util whose parent folder is called java which in turn is at the root level of one of the classpath elements. That is, if classpath contains "A" and "B", and you refer to a class called "Foo", then it will look for "A/java/util/Foo.class" and "B/java/util/Foo.class".
    search for "util" in my machine, I got about 50
    results for folders named util and also some where in
    a folder called "java" when I opened it it did not
    have the classes, that I was expecting. So I am not
    clear where does it get the class files from. This is
    not only for this but for any import commands like
    import*; All the java.* and javax.* and whatever else it part of the core API is in rt.jar, which lives inside the Java distribution. Classpath elements can be directories or jar files or zip files.

  • Java.util.ResourceBundle VS java.util.Properties

    I want to keep some key values pair outside program in a properties file and use that in my program. There is no requirement of localization. Should i use ResourceBundle or Properties class? Previously I have used Properties class for this purpose but in my current project ResourceBundle is being used. Is there any benefits in using ResourceBundle? will it be faster to read properties using ResourceBundle?

    ResourceBundles support internationalization. If you know that don't need it and Properties suffice, okay then.
    Forget about "fast", both will have to read from the disk (slow) and both will use hashmaps (fast look-up). And both will probably do it in the same way.

  • Doubt in java.util.Properties

    I have a configuration file which consists of name & value pairs. For editing this file i am using Properties class. The problem is , when it finds any property value which consists of character : (colon), its automatically inserting \ (backslash) before the colon(:). How can i get rid of this problem. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you

    Well, basically that's part of the formatdefinition
    that Properties uses. If you don't do it, then you
    aren't really using Properties format and you'llhave
    to do your own IO.Thanks for the reply. Is there anyother api or class
    that can be used to resolve my problem.What is the problem? A character is escaped, but you will get : when you read the value. You don't have a problem as long as all reading / writing is done through that class.

  • Java.util.Properties.load() not loading all properties

    I'm trying to load the following properties into my Properties class. However, Im only able to load SOME properties not ALL (11 to be precise)
    This is my properties file :
    This is my java code snippet:
         private void loadProperties()
                   GDSConfigurationAdapter adapter = new GDSConfigurationAdapter();
                   String configurationResource = adapter.getConfigurationPropertiesResource();
                   String eventingPropsResource = adapter.getEventingPropertiesResource();
              } catch (IOException e)
                   throw new RuntimeException("Could not load GDS/Eventing properties");
         private InputStream loadStream(String propFile) throws IOException
    InputStream propStream = ResourceLocator.getResourceAsStream(propFile);
    if (propStream == null)
    logger.warning("could not find in JAR! Looking in classpath: " + propFile);
    propStream = ResourceLocator.getResourceAsStream(propFile);
    if (propStream == null)
    IOException t = new IOException("Failed to load property file: " + propFile);
    logger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "loadProperties", t);
    throw t;
    return propStream;
    Any help will be appreciated.

    I'm trying to load the following properties into my Properties class. However, Im only able to load SOME properties not ALL (11 to be precise)
    This is my properties file :
    This is my java code snippet:
         private void loadProperties()
                   GDSConfigurationAdapter adapter = new GDSConfigurationAdapter();
                   String configurationResource = adapter.getConfigurationPropertiesResource();
                   String eventingPropsResource = adapter.getEventingPropertiesResource();
              } catch (IOException e)
                   throw new RuntimeException("Could not load GDS/Eventing properties");
         private InputStream loadStream(String propFile) throws IOException
    InputStream propStream = ResourceLocator.getResourceAsStream(propFile);
    if (propStream == null)
    logger.warning("could not find in JAR! Looking in classpath: " + propFile);
    propStream = ResourceLocator.getResourceAsStream(propFile);
    if (propStream == null)
    IOException t = new IOException("Failed to load property file: " + propFile);
    logger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "loadProperties", t);
    throw t;
    return propStream;
    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Java.util.Properties

    I execute this piece of code on application startup
    public final Properties loadProperties() throws VmsBaseException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.setProperty("", "C:/projects/folders/input");
    prop.setProperty("", "C:/projects/folders/output");
    prop.setProperty("", "*.xml");
    prop.setProperty("", "6000");
    prop.setProperty("", "100");
    prop.setProperty("", "C:/projects/folders/archiveFolder/");
    prop.setProperty("", "C:/projects/folders/errorFolder/");
    return prop;
    Later on I would like my other beans to get hold of this properties and use the value inside it.
    Any Idea how to achieve it

    Manjit wrote:
    Later on I would like my other beans to get hold of this properties and use the value inside it.
    Any Idea how to achieve itYes, put the properties object somewhere where you can always reach it. Either that or let any piece of code that needs it call your loadProperties() method.
    I'm sorry but your question is very open ended, so it is nearly impossible to be more specific.

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