JDev 10.1.2 : Check for Updates

In "Getting Started With Unit-testing" (*1) dated December 2004, on page 7 I read this:
"When you have an account on OTN, you can plug JUnit easily into JDeveloper from the menu: Help -> Check for Updates -> check the JUnit Extension -> next. It will automatically download the JUnit plug-in files to your [JDeveloper home]\jdev\lib\ext directory (in Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.2 and previous versions)."
If I tried it, I got this: "No updates are available."
Did I do something wrong or are there no updates available?
Jan Vervecken
(*1) http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/collateral/papers/10g/GettingStartedWithUnitTesting.pdf
related threads I found :
- "JUnit plugin?"
JUnit plugin?
- "JDev 10.1.2 : JUnit extension"
JDev 10.1.2 : JUnit extension

In 10.1.2 and earlier, check for updates only tracks extensions installed by check for updates. If you install extensions manually, it doesn't know anything about them (in case you're interested, the technical reason for this is that prior to 10.1.3, we did not store sufficient version information and a unique identifier for each extension in the extension manifest, so it was impossible to identify an extension already installed in the product in lib/ext as matching an extension available on the update center.
If you do install an already installed extension via Check for Updates, it's harmless (it will just copy the extension jar back over itself and CfU will "realize" you have it installed).

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    at java.util.StringTokenizer.<init>(StringTokenizer.java:146)
    at javax.ide.util.Version.convert(Unknown Source)
    at javax.ide.util.Version.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.ExtensionManagerImpl$ExtensionInformation.sartElement(ExtensionManagerImpl.java:1225)
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    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.ExtensionManagerImpl$ExtensionInformation.gtInformation(ExtensionManagerImpl.java:1184)
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    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.ExtensionManagerImpl.extensionToInitialize(xtensionManagerImpl.java:627)
    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.ExtensionManagerImpl.findExtension(ExtensioManagerImpl.java:196)
    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.AddinManagerImpl.startup(AddinManagerImpl.jva:980)
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    at oracle.ide.Ide.startup(Ide.java:563)
    at oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloper.launch(JDeveloper.java:77)
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    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.JDevExtension.getExtensionUserHome(JDevExtesion.java:67)
    at oracle.ideimpl.extension.AddinManagerImpl.getExtensionUserHomeURL(AdinManagerImpl.java:333)
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    check for upgrades is used for Service Updates (SU) only. JDeveloper is a new JDeveloper release that also includes upgrades applied to the runtime

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    Im 100% sure that this worked some time ago without problems.
    I can access http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/101/update/center.xml#oracle.jdeveloper.junit and download the extension manually.

    no problems on my side with my account. I did it yesterday without any problem.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Go to:
    Download the extension as zip, then load from zip from the Help | Check for Updates...

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    First; Hi. Long time no speak. I have been into Eclipse for the past, oh, > 12 months.
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    You have a 1st generation iPod Touch. It can not be upgraded beyond iOS 3.1.3, it is available at the link below.

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    Tap to enlarge.

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    To identify your iPhone see:

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    To reset, press and hold the Home and power buttons until the silver apple appears.
    I would delete the app, reset the phone and then download the app again. Your calendar information should be stored on the phone as Week Cal uses the Calendar app information.
    Best of luck.

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    There is some kind of error. The new version of iTunes is 11.1, which although is not available via updates, it can be downloaded from the Apple website here:
    After updating iTunes to the newest version you should be able to update your iOS
    EDIT: I just did that and it works

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