Limiting DB connections from IAS to DB

I'm using IAS connecting to an 8.1.7 DB using modplsql. I'm experiencing problems with IAS overloading the Database during periods of high usage.What setting(s) on the IAS machine control the number of connections that IAS (modplsql) makes to the database?

In my experience I think you would want to have a managed data source setup to allow the application server to manage the pool. Based on the data-source.xml you provided, this doesn't look like it is configured for that.
also the driver class to use for a pooled data source should be: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
I would think it should be structured like:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<managed-data-source connection-pool-name="Pool_WebAppDataSource" jndi-name="WebAppDataSource" name="WebAppDataSource"/>
<managed-data-source connection-pool-name="Pool_WebAppDataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/core/WebAppDataSource" name="jdbc/core/WebAppDataSource" />
<managed-data-source connection-pool-name="Pool_WebAppDataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/WebAppDataSource" name="jdbc/WebAppDataSource" />
<managed-data-source connection-pool-name="Pool_WebAppDataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/xa/WebAppDataSource" name="jdbc/xa/WebAppDataSource" />
<connection-pool name="Pool_WebAppDataSource" connection-retry-interval="0" inactivity-timeout="60" wait-timeout="10" min-connections="50" max-connections="500" property-check-interval="30" validate-connection="true" validate-connection-statement="select 1 from dual">
<connection-factory factory-class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" username="app_portal" password="portal_03" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" />

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    That is not possible on ACE. You can define the limits on servers in serverfarm itself but for a particular HOST there is no such provision.

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    Since it is a default profile you can just create a new profile with the resource type you are interested it.
    And if you want to copy the existing profile extract its ddl through below command, change the profile name and required resource and run against the db.
    select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('PROFILE','<Profile_name>') from dual;Regards

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    Have you tried to eliminate everything extraneous. In other words, do you experience the same delays with a simple Java program (no lookups, JNDI) that loads the drivermanager and creates a connection.
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    &amp;nbsp;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/misc/separator.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;7&quot; height=&quot;7&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp;
    &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:submitToURL(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/publishXslt&apos;,&apos;root##857&apos;,0,false,&apos;;);&quot; title=&quot;Publish XSLT&quot;&gt; XSLT&lt;/a&gt;
    &lt;td height=&quot;10&quot; colspan=&quot;4&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/sh.gif&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/0.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;1&quot; height=&quot;10&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;table width=&quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;
    &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td class=&quot;DialogOffset_5px&quot;&gt;
    &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/table&gt;
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    &lt;div class=&quot;DialogOffset_5px&quot;&gt;
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    &lt;td width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;30&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/bl.gif&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/table/cc01.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;30&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td height=&quot;30&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; class=&quot;frameTop&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/hdr_bg.gif&quot; nowrap&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;DialogName&quot; style=&quot;float:left&quot;&gt;Oracle Application Server Service Registry&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;
    &lt;td width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;30&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/br.gif&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/table/c02.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;10&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;30&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/sv.gif&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/table/sc02.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;10&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td width=&quot;10&quot; background=&quot;gfx/table/bl.gif&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;gfx/0.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;10&quot; height=&quot;305&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
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    &lt;!-- anchor to quickly Skip to Content --&gt;
    &lt;a name=&quot;Main&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;!-- normal frame header end --&gt;
    &lt;p class=&quot;horizontalSpace&quot;&gt;
    &lt;ul class=&quot;bigtitle&quot;&gt;
    &lt;li style=&quot;width:80%&quot;&gt;&lt;h2 style=&quot;padding:0 !important;&quot;&gt;Oracle Application Server Service Registry;/h2&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;docLink&quot; href=&quot;javascript:void(0);&quot; onClick=&apos;;;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;scrollbars=yes,width=390, height=535, resizable=yes&quot;)&apos;&gt;Registry Step By Step Guide&lt;/a&gt;
    &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/about&apos;,&apos;root##804&apos;,-1,false);&quot; title=&quot;&quot;&gt; About Oracle Registry&lt;/a&gt;
    &lt;p class=&quot;horizontalSpace&quot;&gt;Oracle Application Server Service Registry is the most complete and proven business services registry providing a foundation for the governance and lifecycle management of your business services. The Registry provides you with what you need to obtain enterprise-wide insight, control and economic leverage of your organization&apos;s business services assets. Much more than just a UDDI registry, the Registry captures and makes discoverable business service descriptions into a centrally managed, reliable and searchablelocation, becoming the system of record for your business services&lt;br/&gt;
    Oracle Application Server Service Registry provides two user interfaces.
    &lt;table width=&quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;
    &lt;td valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;50%&quot;&gt; &lt;h3 class=&quot;horizontalSpace&quot;&gt;Registry Control&lt;/h3&gt;
    &lt;ul class=&quot;list1&quot;&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;Using the &lt;b&gt;Registry Control&lt;/b&gt; users can browse and publish registry content, create subscription and perform ownership changes. The Registry Control is the primary console for administrators to perform registry management.&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;h4 class=&quot;horizontalSpace&quot;&gt;Getting Started with the Registry Control&lt;/h4&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;b&gt;Register&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:submitToURL(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/createAccount&apos;,&apos;root##805&apos;,0,false,&apos;;);&quot;&gt;Register&lt;/a&gt; so that you can later publish business service content to the registry
    &lt;b&gt;Login&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:submitToURL(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;&apos;,&apos;root#login#806&apos;,-1,false,&apos;;);&quot;&gt;Login&lt;/a&gt; to publish content to the registry
    &lt;b&gt;Browse&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;mbrowse&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/browseTaxonomy&apos;,&apos;root##807&apos;,0,false);&quot;&gt;Browse&lt;/a&gt; registry content using enterprise taxonomies
    &lt;b&gt;Search&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/simpleFind&apos;,&apos;root##808&apos;,0,false);&quot;&gt;Search&lt;/a&gt; registry content including services, service providers, service endpoints and interfaces, and business service artifacts
    &lt;ul class=&quot;vlist2&quot;&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findBusiness&apos;,&apos;root##809&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search business&quot;&gt; Business &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findService&apos;,&apos;root##810&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search services&quot;&gt; Services &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findBinding&apos;,&apos;root##811&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search bindings&quot;&gt; Bindings &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findTModel&apos;,&apos;root##812&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search tModels&quot;&gt; tModels &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/directGet&apos;,&apos;root##813&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Direct get&quot;&gt; Direct get &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findWsdl&apos;,&apos;root##814&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search WSDL&quot;&gt; WSDL &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findXML&apos;,&apos;root##815&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search XML&quot;&gt; XML &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findXsd&apos;,&apos;root##816&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search XSD&quot;&gt; XSD &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:navSave(&apos;msearch&apos;);submitPage(&apos;form&apos;,&apos;/findXslt&apos;,&apos;root##817&apos;,0,false);&quot; title=&quot;Search XSLT&quot;&gt; XSLT &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    Pls. help me out with this..

    Yes, I am able to open the url and the results are:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <definitions name="UDDI_API_V3" targetNamespace="urn:uddi-org:api_v3generated/" xmlns:tns="urn:uddi-org:api_v3generated/" xmlns="">
    <import namespace="urn:uddi-org:api_v2" location="" />
    <import namespace="urn:uddi-org:api_v3" location="" />
    <import namespace="urn:uddi-org:inquiry" location="" />
    Did u get any clue to this now what might be the problem? Any services are down?

  • Sendmail in Solaris 10 - 554 Too many connections from origin

    I recently upgraded a server from Solaris 9 to Solaris 10. One of the apps that worked fine on S9 is now having a problem. I believe I have discovered the cause, but I'm not having any luck coming up with a solution.
    The app in question queries a database for a list of e-mail addresses (all within our own domain) and then sends e-mail to each user. The messages are sent to our Barracuda firewall/spam filtering appliance, and it relays the messages on to our Exchange server.
    The problem that arose after the upgrade is that sendmail is opening too many concurrent connections to the Barracuda, and the 'Cuda is replying with "554 Too many connections from origin".
    I see that there is a sendmail configuration parameter "SingleThreadDelivery" that will only allow one connection to the Barracuda at a time. That appears to be overly restrictive, though.
    My question is this: is there a way to tell sendmail to only allow some number of concurrent connections to the 'Cuda so as not to hit this limit?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes, I did look at those, but my understanding was that those parameters effect inbound connection and in our case, the problem is that we want to limit the number of outbound connections.
    As it turns out, the S10 upgrade was not the cause of this problem. At the same time that we upgraded we also added a second network interface (and IP address). Unknown to either myself or the current Barracuda admin, the old IP had been configured into the 'Cuda so that rate limits did not apply. The fix was to add the second IP, too (well actually, he decided to open it up to all of our servers' internal IPs).

  • Error when extracting data using DB Connect from an Oracle database

    Hi All,
    We are on BI 3.5 and loading data from a non-SAP (Oracle 10g) database using DB Connect.
    I received the following error messages when trying to perform "Check DataSource" using the DB Connect setup in RSA1.
    Event with errors RSDL_META_UPLOAD in DataSource
    Message no. R8287
    Warning Messages;
    Message no. RSDL053
    Field name ReceiptID contains non-alpha-numeric characters
    Field name ActivityDate contains non-alpha-numeric characters
    Field name ReceiptDate contains non-alpha-numeric characters
    Field name ReceiptLineNumber must have between 000001 and 000016 digits
    Views are created under the owner's user name. I have checked with DB personnel and they confirm that all the authorization and security access privileges have been correctly granted to the views.
    We are also able to extract the data by running a sql query statement from the views using SQL Plus
    Currently we also have a similar extraction process set up with an Oracle 9 database, which extracts the information without any issues.

    Hi Mr Loh.
    I know that this thread has over a year ago but i was looking for something similar for over 2 weeks ago and i ialways found this thread...I want to share my experience even that maybe you already found the same solution or something similar (i saw that you check your own post as answered):
    I made a similar connection from BI 7 SP 18, but in my case was to a Microsoft SQL database 2005. When i "check the datasource" i receive like almost 150 warnings and 1 error and all the warnings and errors are the same ones as you describe above. What i did is create a custom view in the MSSQL database and convert all the column names to uppercase and the column names i limited to 16 characters at most. after doing that all the warnings and the error described disappear and i can view the database content when you made click in the "view content table" button.
    I hope that this will help somebody and best regards
    Martin Olmos

  • Retrieving JDBC connection from datasource in JAAS login module

    I have a custom JAAS login module which calls a DAO for accessing user login details. The DAO looks up the datasource to retrieve connections from when the LoginModule is initialized. The datasource is simply defined through the admin interface. When a user tries to login (through the web container) an exception is thrown as shown below:
         at com.sun.enterprise.resource.PoolManagerImpl.getResource(
         at com.sun.enterprise.resource.JdbcDataSource.internalGetConnection(
         at com.sun.enterprise.resource.JdbcDataSource.getConnection(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at Method)
         at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator.authenticate(
         at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    It seems the datasource is valid but trying to retrieve connections from it will fail.
    Anyone had any similar problems??

    Nope, sorry ... I am also having other troubles with JNDI lookups, this time from within the init method of a filter ... Seems there may still be some issues here for Sun to iron out ...

  • Limited Access Connectivity

    We are using 5508 WLAN controllers in our corporate environment. Few users started getting Limited Access Connectivity. Eventhough we enable and disable wifi adapter it was the same case..The signal strength of the Radio is Excellend and when i see was showing 169.X.X.X .... default IP...

    Client authentication is successful.  Yes other clients are able to join the same SSID.
    One more thing, one user who is able to connect to wifi at his cubicle is getting limited connectivity if he moves to any conference room. In the same conference room other users are able to authenticate and successfully connecting to the wifi with same SSID. The user who is not able to connect in the conferece room, eventhough if he enable / disable wifi adapter or if he restarts also the same getting limited access..if he moves again to his cubicle he is able to connect to wifi...I am sure DHCP pool is not full. If DHCP scope is full we get a notification from monitoring system.

  • RV110W drops PPTP connections from a Windows client (MS CHAP v2 and MPPE)

    This might be a tough problem to diagnose. I am trying to setup an RV100W for an office gateway with VPN access using PPTP. The office is located in another state, so I'm trying to do a "dry run" from home by setting up the RV110W on the local network. That is, my home network is and I have assigned the RV110W a static IP address of on its WAN side and a DHCP NAT internal network of Its LAN IP is (because of legacy limitations, the address will be reserved for another host on the actual office network) and I set up the PPTP server on and clients in the to 24 range. I have enabled MPPE encryption and NetBIOS over VPN (rather important to have).
    At first, I couldn't login at all. I had an underscore (_) in the user names (of which I have setup all five) and after I changed that, I was able to connect from a Windows 7 x64 host on the home LAN ( I don't know if that was the problem as I got disconnected and reconnecting was a hit-or-miss - sometimes it would work, sometimes - it wouldn't. Below is the log from the session, showing the reasons for the disconnection. When I try to connect and it gets rejected, otherwise, the reason is the same: protocol not available.
    But, first - here's the kicker. I had the exact same experience earlier with a DD-WRT router. I thought the problem lied with the amateurish firmware and that's why I decided to get the Cisco, but it seems like this might not be the problem, after all. Here is that discussion for full details: (to see all of the attached images and logs, you'll need an account). Briefly, with the same setup, I can establish a stable VPN connection from four Windows XP clients and one Windows 7 client, but I get the problems with two other Windows 7 clients. The Win7 clients that give me trouble can connect just fine to other PPTP VPN servers (with the built-in Microsoft PPTP client) and all three Win7 machines are clones of each other (only the hardware is different). No software firewalls, anti-virus/malware, user-permission limitations (e.g., UAC), or anything that could hamper the connections, are present on either machine.
    I don't see how the fact that the RV110W is on a LAN and not exposed to the Internet on its WAN side could cause any trouble, but even then - why some clients work fine and others - not? I would appreciate any help with this issue.
    This is the log from the session, showing the connection of the VPN client and then, not two minutes later, the disconnection.
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W pptpd[4582]: CTRL: Client control connection started
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W pptpd[4582]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: pppd 2.4.5 started by (unknown), uid 0
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: using channel 2
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W pppd[4583]: Using interface ppp0
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.warning pppd[4583]: Warning - secret file /tmp/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <auth chap MS-v2> <magic 0x4269dad6>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <mru 1400> <magic 0x5eec49d5> <pcomp> <accomp> <callback CBCP>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <pcomp> <accomp> <callback CBCP>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <auth chap MS-v2> <magic 0x4269dad6>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1400> <magic 0x5eec49d5>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1400> <magic 0x5eec49d5>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x4269dad6]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [CHAP Challenge id=0xfb <454ee20916a665999fdaa66778e1c4c5>, name = \"RV110W\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x2 magic=0x5eec49d5 \"MSRASV5.20\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x3 magic=0x5eec49d5 \"MSRAS-0-SOFTWAREONE64\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x4 magic=0x5eec49d5 \"H\\37777777772\\37777777612\\37777777633F\\177\\37777777752J\\37777777640[\\377777776451\\37777777610\\\\Ob\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x5eec49d5]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [CHAP Response id=0xfb <2aeb8dac876cbec7c23036952cfc270c00000000000000006f4cafa17228047ac82f26e47ae69eda8fe8650d5866e44b00>, name = \"sakor001\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.warning pppd[4583]: Warning - secret file /tmp/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group access
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [CHAP Success id=0xfb \"S=ACBA0BE9B8A98DDB757B234A1C69E9508DE169DE M=Access granted\"]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-up started (pid 4587)
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mppe +H -M +S +L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-up finished (pid 4587), status = 0x16
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x5 <mppe +H -M +S -L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x5 <mppe +H -M +S -L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x6 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-wins> <ms-dns2> <ms-wins>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [IPCP TermAck id=0x6]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [CCP ConfNak id=0x1 <mppe +H -M +S -L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mppe +H -M +S -L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mppe +H -M +S -L -D -C>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: MPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:40 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x7 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-wins> <ms-dns2> <ms-wins>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [IPCP ConfRej id=0x7 <ms-wins> <ms-wins>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x8 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [IPCP ConfNak id=0x8 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x9 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x9 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: local  IP address
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: remote IP address
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-up started (pid 4661)
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 4661), status = 0x0
    2012-02-22 21:44:42 RV110W user.debug syslog: Nbsrelay start (pid= 4678)
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: Modem hangup
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-down started (pid 4858)
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W pppd[4583]: Connect time 1.5 minutes.
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W pppd[4583]: Sent 10404 bytes, received 17264 bytes.
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-down started (pid 4861)
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.err pppd[4583]: MPPE disabled
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 \"MPPE disabled\"]
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[4583]: Connection terminated.
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-down finished (pid 4858), status = 0x16
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]:   script /tmp/ppp/ip-down, pid 4861
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[4583]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-down finished (pid 4861), status = 0x0
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W pppd[4583]: Exit.
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.err pptpd[4582]: GRE: read(fd=11,buffer=449be4,len=8260) from network failed: status = -1 error = Protocol not available
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.err pptpd[4582]: CTRL: GRE read or PTY write failed (gre,pty)=(11,10)
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W daemon.debug pptpd[4582]: CTRL: Reaping child PPP[4583]
    2012-02-22 21:46:10 RV110W pptpd[4582]: CTRL: Client control connection finished

    Update: things are getting even weirder. In short - it seems to be working now (on the next day) without anything changing. First thing I did was just try another desperate tweak - I disabled the LCP extensions on the Windows client, which I've done before. It connected and stayed that way. Then, I reverted that setting back to exactly how it was before and connected again - no problems: it stayed connected for an hour (before I disconnected so I can connect to the real VPN), I could access a test-PC on the private network (a single machine just for the test) and do different tasks (resolve host names, browse UNC paths, copy files, Remote Desktop to it, etc.)
    I hate it when things happen, for which there is no explanation. I couldn't be confident sending this to the main office to replace the existing router (hardware) and VPN server (implemented in software on a Windows 2003 server). Any thoughts?
    P.S. I'm attaching the logs from the successful session in case someone wants to compare them, but they seems quite identical (some different ConfAck / ConfNak  sequences, but that doesn't seem to make much difference).
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W pptpd[944]: CTRL: Client control connection started
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W pptpd[944]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: pppd 2.4.5 started by (unknown), uid 0
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: using channel 5
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W pppd[946]: Using interface ppp0
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.warning pppd[946]: Warning - secret file /tmp/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x11372b0b]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CHAP Challenge id=0x66 <74f93b7b6de315aaaac930f984c219e4>, name = \"RV110W\"]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x2 magic=0x67c80cba \"MSRASV5.20\"]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x3 magic=0x67c80cba \"MSRAS-0-SOFTWAREONE64\"]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP Ident id=0x4 magic=0x67c80cba \"
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x67c80cba]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [CHAP Response id=0x66 <2f0330cb61ba1c8e29324410e0df24d3000000000000000025d1ef07d4cd82beaa93fe36ccc1e863b2652087eb02c39400>, name = \"sakor001\"]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.warning pppd[946]: Warning - secret file /tmp/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group access
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CHAP Success id=0x66 \"S=9A5FB4C8B7C633FD6DEB868E150D0511BD93E0B4 M=Access granted\"]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-up started (pid 949)
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-up finished (pid 949), status = 0x16
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x5 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CCP ConfNak id=0x5 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x6 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [IPCP TermAck id=0x6]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [CCP ConfNak id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x2 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x7 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x7 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x2 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: MPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:26 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x8 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [IPCP ConfRej id=0x8 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x9 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [IPCP ConfNak id=0x9 ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xa ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xa ]
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: local  IP address
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: remote IP address
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-up started (pid 1028)
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 1028), status = 0x0
    2012-02-23 10:01:28 RV110W user.debug syslog: Nbsrelay start (pid= 1040)
    2012-02-23 10:17:56 RV110W daemon.err pptpd[944]: GRE: Bad checksum from pppd.
    2012-02-23 10:31:51 RV110W udhcpd[807]: received INFORM from 00:13:46:E6:D3:FA
    2012-02-23 10:48:20 RV110W httpd[376]: Administrator session timeout.
    2012-02-23 10:48:27 RV110W httpd[376]: Administrator logined from
    2012-02-23 10:52:50 RV110W udhcpd[807]: received INFORM from 00:26:F2:B7:49:42
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0xb \"g\\37777777710\\014\\37777777672\\000<
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W pppd[946]: LCP terminated by peer (gM-H^LM-:^@
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-down started (pid 6011)
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W pppd[946]: Connect time 57.4 minutes.
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W pppd[946]: Sent 272072987 bytes, received 6264878 bytes.
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-down started (pid 6015)
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0xb]
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/auth-down finished (pid 6011), status = 0x16
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: Modem hangup
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.notice pppd[946]: Connection terminated.
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]:   script /tmp/ppp/ip-down, pid 6015
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pppd[946]: Script /tmp/ppp/ip-down finished (pid 6015), status = 0x0
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W pppd[946]: Exit.
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W daemon.debug pptpd[944]: CTRL: Reaping child PPP[946]
    2012-02-23 10:58:49 RV110W pptpd[944]: CTRL: Client control connection finished

  • Need to accept VPN connections from "Any"

    I had previously been using two WRV54G wireless routers to establish a site to site VPN connection between a branch office and our corporate Headquarters. Because of the limited DHCP scope configuration options, I decided to "upgrade" to the WRVS4400N devices. I have now been able to establish the VPN again between the two new boxes but I've now gotten to the point where I would like to add an additional remote site. In the WRV54G, it was easy to configure the one at HQ to accept connections from "any" but this new router does not seem to be as simple.
    Oh yeah, I am running firmware version 1.1.03 on both routers.
    Does anyone have any idea how I can set up the HQ router to accept VPN connections from "any"?
    Thanks! I appreciate the help.

    And this is the VPN log on the HQ router:
    Mar 4 11:11:39 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper": cannot initiate connection without knowing peer IP address (kind=CK_TEMPLATE)
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Openswan (this version) cvs2006Jan12_11:29:56 X.509-1.5.4 PLUTO_SENDS_VENDORID PLUTO_USES_KEYRR]
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=109
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03] meth=108, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02] meth=107, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00]
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[4] (Remote router WAN IP) #4: responding to Main Mode from unknown peer (Remote router WAN IP)
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[4] (Remote router WAN IP) #4: Can't authenticate: no preshared key found for `(HQ Router WAN IP)' and `%any'. Attribute OAKLEY_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[4] (Remote router WAN IP) #4: no acceptable Oakley Transform
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[4] (Remote router WAN IP) #4: sending notification NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN to (Remote router WAN IP):500
    Mar 4 11:11:47 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[4] (Remote router WAN IP): deleting connection "gatekeeper" instance with peer (Remote router WAN IP) {isakmp=#0/ipsec=#0}
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Openswan (this version) cvs2006Jan12_11:29:56 X.509-1.5.4 PLUTO_SENDS_VENDORID PLUTO_USES_KEYRR]
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=109
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03] meth=108, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02] meth=107, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00]
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[5] (Remote router WAN IP) #5: responding to Main Mode from unknown peer (Remote router WAN IP)
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[5] (Remote router WAN IP) #5: Can't authenticate: no preshared key found for `(HQ Router WAN IP)' and `%any'. Attribute OAKLEY_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[5] (Remote router WAN IP) #5: no acceptable Oakley Transform
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[5] (Remote router WAN IP) #5: sending notification NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN to (Remote router WAN IP):500
    Mar 4 11:11:57 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[5] (Remote router WAN IP): deleting connection "gatekeeper" instance with peer (Remote router WAN IP) {isakmp=#0/ipsec=#0}
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Openswan (this version) cvs2006Jan12_11:29:56 X.509-1.5.4 PLUTO_SENDS_VENDORID PLUTO_USES_KEYRR]
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=109
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03] meth=108, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02] meth=107, but already using method 109
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: packet from (Remote router WAN IP):500: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00]
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[6] (Remote router WAN IP) #6: responding to Main Mode from unknown peer (Remote router WAN IP)
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[6] (Remote router WAN IP) #6: Can't authenticate: no preshared key found for `(HQ Router WAN IP)' and `%any'. Attribute OAKLEY_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[6] (Remote router WAN IP) #6: no acceptable Oakley Transform
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[6] (Remote router WAN IP) #6: sending notification NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN to (Remote router WAN IP):500
    Mar 4 11:12:17 - [VPN Log]: "gatekeeper"[6] (Remote router WAN IP): deleting connection "gatekeeper" instance with peer (Remote router WAN IP) {isakmp=#0/ipsec=#0}
    Thanks much.

  • The server license allows connections from only 5 unique IP addresses

    Hi All,
    For a project, i did "/Installing Oracle BPEL Process Manager with the
    BEA WebLogic Server/".
    While accessing the BPEL Console from more than 2 machine, i am
    getting the following error message.
    "/The Server is not able to service this request:
    [Server:002621]Connection rejected, the server license allows
    connections from only 5 unique IP addresses./"
    I am running the " /Oracle WebLogic Server 9.2 MP3/" weblogic server,
    which i downloaded from the following oracle internal site.
    I have downloaded the license key from the following location.
    /I have updated the license key using the "/UpdateLicense.cmd" /file.
    I manually checked the "/license.bea/" file it got changed
    "/expiration="never"/" mode.
    But still i wasn't able to get rid of the above error message. Still
    the license is not updated to the server.

    Hi James,
    Thanks a lot for your answer.
    I tried all the possible way to update the license file, i was able to update the file but the problem was not solved.
    I just tried downloading the software from another location and tried updating the license key and now its working fine, i don't see the issue.
    The below link is where i downloaded the software, you can get the license key also.

  • HTTPs connection from SAP WebAS

    I have to establish a connection from SAP WebAS to an iSaSiLk server via HTTPS.
    The iSaSiLk authentication is based on client certificates.
    I've created a SSL client PSE, generated the Certificate Request, imported the certificate response and the chain of certificates associated  with no errors. When testing the connection we're getting the following error message:
    SAP icm log:
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLSessionInit(&sssl_hdl=0x2aaaba679980, role=1 (CLIENT), auth_type=3 (USE_CLIENT_CERT))
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- SapSSLSessionInit()==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 1087400256]      in: args = "role=1 (CLIENT), auth_type=3 (USE_CLIENT_CERT)"
    [Thr 1087400256]     out: sssl_hdl = 0x1a3310c0
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLSetNiHdl(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0, ni_hdl=22)
    [Thr 1087400256] NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 22 TRUE
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- SapSSLSetNiHdl(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0, ni_hdl=22)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLSetSessionCredential(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0, &cred_name=0x1a49e4e0)
    [Thr 1087400256]   SapISSLComposeFilename(): Filename = "/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/sec/SAPSSLSPHTID.pse"
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- SapSSLSetSessionCredential(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 1087400256]      in: cred_name = "/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/sec/SAPSSLSPHTID.pse"
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLSetTargetHostname(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0, &hostname=0x1a4a09e0)
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- SapSSLSetTargetHostname(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 1087400256]      in: hostname = "<remoteServer_to_be_accessed>"
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0)
    [Thr 1087400256]   SapISSLUseSessionCache(): Creating NEW session (0 cached)
    [Thr 1087400256] Tue Jan 13 10:10:22 2009
    *[Thr 1087400256] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_connect()==SSL_ERROR_SSL*
    [Thr 1087400256]    session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/sec/SAPSSLSPHTID.pse"
    [Thr 1087400256] SecudeSSL_SessionStart: SSL_connect() failed
      secude_error 536871693 (0x2000030d) = "none of the PSEs registered with hSsl can suffice the negotiated SSL cipher suite"
    [Thr 1087400256] >>            Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack            >>
    [Thr 1087400256] ERROR in ssl3_get_certificate_request: (536871693/0x2000030d) none of the PSEs registered with hSsl can suffice
    [Thr 1087400256] <<            End of Secude-SSL Errorstack
    [Thr 1087400256]   SSL_get_state() returned 0x00002150 "SSLv3 read server certificate request A"
    [Thr 1087400256]   No certificate request received from Server
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=0x1a3310c0)==SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT
    [Thr 1087400256] ->> SapSSLErrorName(rc=-57)
    [Thr 1087400256] <<- SapSSLErrorName()==SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT
    [Thr 1087400256] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitClientSSL: SapSSLSessionStart failed (-57): SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT [icxxconn_mt
    On the iSaSiLk server we're getting:
    ssl_debug(2): Starting handshake (iSaSiLk 3.06)...
    ssl_debug(2): Received v3 client_hello handshake message.
    ssl_debug(2): Client requested SSL version 3.0, selecting version 3.0.
    ssl_debug(2): Creating new session 11:5F:04:C9:0D:32:15:B9...
    ssl_debug(2): CipherSuites supported by the client:
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5
    ssl_debug(2): SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
    ssl_debug(2): CompressionMethods supported by the client:
    ssl_debug(2): NULL
    ssl_debug(2): Sending server_hello handshake message.
    ssl_debug(2): Selecting CipherSuite: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
    ssl_debug(2): Selecting CompressionMethod: NULL
    ssl_debug(2): Sending certificate handshake message with server certificate...
    ssl_debug(2): Sending certificate_request handshake message...
    ssl_debug(2): Sending server_hello_done handshake message...
    ssl_debug(2): IOException while handshaking: Connection closed by remote host.
    ssl_debug(2): Sending alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
    ssl_debug(2): Shutting down SSL layer...
    ssl_debug(2): Closing transport...
    From the iSaSiLk everything seems to be OK, but on the SAP WebAS the error "none of the PSEs registered with hSsl can suffice the negotiated SSL cipher suite" is really unclear, since the cipher chosen by the iSaSiLk is one of the ciphers sent by SAP WebAS...
    Can anyone give me any suggestion?

    Hello Olivier,
    Thanks for your answer.
    I've implemented note 800240 which facilitates the PSE analysis by implementing the report ZSSF_TEST_PSE. With this report I'm able to check all the PSE content, which are:
    Filename            SAPSSLSPHTID.pse
    PIN                 <no>
    Signature           X
    Encryption          X
    Profile Parameter
    DIR_INSTANCE                   /usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00                       /usr/sap/XID/D00
    sec/dsakeylengthdefault                                                     1024
    sec/libsapsecu                 /usr/sap/XID/SYS/exe/run/
    sec/rsakeylengthdefault                                                     1024
    ssf/name                       SAPSECULIB
    ssf/ssf_md_alg                                                              SHA1
    ssf/ssf_symencr_alg                                                         DES-CBC
    ssf/ssfapi_lib                 /usr/sap/XID/SYS/exe/run/
    ssf2/ssf_md_alg                                                             SHA1
    ssf2/ssf_symencr_alg                                                        DES-CBC
    ssf3/ssf_md_alg                                                             SHA1
    ssf3/ssf_symencr_alg                                                        DES-CBC
    Environment variables
    USER                xidadm
    SECUDIR             /usr/sap/XID/DVEBMGS00/sec
    Validity            18.12.2008 19:47:04   18.12.2009 19:47:04
    Algorithm           RSA (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
    Test signature
    Signature OK
    Verification OK
    Test encryption
    Encryption OK
    Decryption OK
    As you can see, the cipher algorithm used is RSA. Any suggestion... ?
    An iSaSiLk server "is a Java programming language implementation of the SSLv2 (client-side), SSLv3, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols. It supports all defined cipher suites (except for Fortezza), including all AES and PSK cipher suites. iSaSiLk implements all standard TLS extensions, comes with an easy to use API and operates on top of the IAIK-JCE Javau2122 Cryptography Extension. iSaSiLk is highly configurable and will work with any alternative JCE implementation supported by a proper provider for supplying the required cryptographic algorithms".
    Once again thanks for your answer.

  • Cannot send email via ActiveSync when user connect from Internet (Exchange 2010 SP3 RU5)

    Hi All. 
    This is the first time I encounter this kind of issue, whenever user connect from the internet they cannot send email from their Phone or Windows Mail App, but they can retrieve email 
    But when they connect from Internal Network they can send email. I already test ActiveSync from internet using and it pass all tests. 
    I also check the Firewall and all the necessary ports already opened (we even open all ports) , the default TTL on the firewall 3600 second. 
    From what I read ActiveSync use some kind of HTTP POST or in MS terminology "PING" command, but still have no idea what kind of configuration that should be made to the Firewall so it can pass this "PING" command. Because from what I
    see in Android Logcat the problem always related to this PING command 
    10-07 08:12:38.714 I/Exchange(31971): Interrupt with reason 1
    10-07 08:12:38.714 I/Exchange(31971): Ping task ending with status: -1
    10-07 08:12:38.904 D/Exchange(31971): created outputstream
    10-07 08:12:39.204 W/Exchange(31971): IOException sending mail
    10-07 08:12:39.204 E/Exchange(31971): Generic error for operation SendMail: status 200, result -100
    10-07 08:12:39.204 W/Exchange(31971): Aborting outbox sync for error -99
    10-07 08:12:39.274 I/Exchange(31971): Ping task starting for 3
    10-07 08:12:39.304 D/SyncManager(644): failed sync operation [email protected] u0 (,, USER, latestRunTime 71219435, EXPEDITED, reason: 10040, SyncResult: stats [ numIoExceptions: 1]
    10-07 08:12:39.304 D/SyncManager(644): not retrying sync operation because SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY was specified [email protected]  u0 (,, USER, latestRunTime 71220078, EXPEDITED, reason: 10040

    Hi ronaldosy,
    How about the work flow of Outlook or OWA on PC internally/externally?
    If only phone has this issue, I suggest ask ActiveSync Forum for help so that you can get more professional suggestions. For your convenience:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

  • Hi Apple Team, my iphone can't share files with my macbook pro. But other devices can share bluetooth files with my mac book pro. Please, kindly open up bluetooth to accept all connections from all devices. Now it becoming difficult for me to share.

    Hi Apple Team, my iphone can't share bluetooth files with my macbook pro. But other devices can share bluetooth files with my mac book pro. Please, kindly open up bluetooth to accept all connections from all devices. Now it difficult for me to share bluetooth files from my mac bookpro to my iphone, unless i attached it through email.
    We need it to be acceptable to all devices.
    Thank you!

    You can tell Apple directly at the link below.

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