Load/ Unload external .swf

vita | web | design | illustration
"main" here
I try to have external .swf on this "main" part of my flash
design automatically using load actionscript.
I have 3 different sets of actionscripts for load/unload.
But, the problem is when I click vita or other menu on the
top after loading "main" external .swf, they are overlapped.
How can I unload the external .swf from the automatically
loaded .swf?
(As I know, there are mostly buttons to click on loading
external .swf. But for my design, I want it loads automatically.)
Thanks in advance for suggestions. Please let me know if my
description/question is not clear to answer.

Are you using AS2 or AS3. The approach is completely
different for both.

Similar Messages

  • How to Load/Unload external SWF

    Hey all, I'm in a desperate struggle to meet a deadline for college coursework. I am unable to UNLOAD an external SWF file that I have put inside another SWF file. The problem that is occurring is, although it loads successfully, when I attempt to navigate to another page after viewing the external SWF, I expect it to close as it goes on to another page however, it remains in place. If i then go back on to the page that it is loading from, it will start to keep adding more and more SWF's. The print screens should explain it easier... Below i'll post the code that I'm using currently. The external SWF I am trying to load/unload is an interactive hangman game (whether it being interactive has an effect I do not know), but any and all help with this would be seriously appreciated!
    The code currently being used is:
    var _swfLoader:Loader;
    var _swfContent:MovieClip;
    loadSWF("Real Hangman.swf");
    function loadSWF(path:String):void {
       var _req:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
       _req.url = path;
       _swfLoader = new Loader();
    function setupListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
       dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addSWF);
       dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, preloadSWF);
    function preloadSWF(event:ProgressEvent):void {
       var _perc:int = (event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal) * 100;
       // swfPreloader.percentTF.text = _perc + "%";
    function addSWF(event:Event):void {
       event.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addSWF);
       event.target.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, preloadSWF);
       _swfContent = event.target.content;
       _swfContent.addEventListener("close", unloadSWF);
    function unloadSWF(event:Event):void {
       _swfContent = null;
    This printscreen is showing what it looks like in the Flash view (plain background and external SWF loads when this SWF is published)
    What it looks like when loaded as published swf
    Picture of the external SWF working inside the other SWF
    Picture of it not being able to unload when i navigate to another page!
    Finally, a picture of it doubling up when i proceed to go on the 'game' page again, it just keeps loading the SWF's rather than unloading them!

    for example, file1 consits of two buttons, and also considered as main page. As i click on these two buttons , it will lead me go to open the external file2.swf, and file3.swf respectively. (file2.swf and file3.swf could have other navigation buttons, however, i am just simplify here).
    the code you provided is working fine. but i want to totally remove/unlink the orginal file (file1.swf) when i click on either buttons which could lead me to other page (file1.swf or file2.swf).
    Besides that, in file2.swf and file3.swf could have another "back" button to turn it back to the main page (file1.swf). When the user click on that back button, the file2.swf will unloaded...and file1.swf will be called back again...
    can it  be done?
    so sorry if my poor explanation makes you confuse..
    thank you.

  • Remove / unload external swf file(s) from the main flash file and load a new swf file and garbage collection from memory.

    I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
    This is the error message(s) I am receiving: "TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at index_fla::MainTimeline/Down3()"
    import nl.demonsters.debugger.MonsterDebugger;
    var d:MonsterDebugger=new MonsterDebugger(this);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
    // loader is the loader for portfolio page swf
    var loader:Loader;
    var loader2:Loader;
    var loader3:Loader;
    var loader1:Loader;
    //  resize content
    function resizeHandler(event:Event):void {
        // resizes portfolio page to center
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - loader.width) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - loader.height) * .5;
    // resizes about page to center
    loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
    loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    /*loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
    loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;*/
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame,false, 0, true);
    function onEnterFrame(ev:Event):void {
    var requesterb:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
    loader = null;
    loader = new Loader();
    loader.name ="carousel1"
    //adds gallery.swf to stage at begining of movie
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    // stop gallery.swf from duplication over and over again on enter frame
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
    //adds eventlistner so that gallery.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    function Down(event:MouseEvent):void {
    // re adds listener for contact.swf and about.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    //unloads gallery.swf from enter frame if users presses portfolio button in nav
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
        loader = null;
    loader = new Loader();
    loader.name ="carousel"
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    removeChild( getChildByName("about") );
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel1") );
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of gallery.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down);
    //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
    function Down1(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("contactLoader.swf");
    loader2 = null;
    loader2 = new Loader();
    loader2.name ="contact"
    loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
    loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1);
    //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    function Down3(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("aboutLoader.swf");
    loader3 = null;
    loader3 = new Loader();
    loader3.name ="about"
    loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
    loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel") );
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel1") );
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3);

    Thank you for the helpful advice. I made the changes as you suggested but I am receiving a #1009 error message even though my site is working the way I wan it to work. I would still like to fix the errors so that my site runs and error free. This is the error I am receiving:
    "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."
    I'm sure this is not the best method to unload loaders and I am guessing this is why I am receiving the following error message.
    I also tried creating a function to unload the loader but received the same error message and my portfolio swf was not showing at all.
         function killLoad():void{
         try { loader.close(); loader2.close; loader3.close;} catch (e:*) {}
         loader.unload(); loader2.unload(); loader3.unload();
    I have a question regarding suggestion you made to set Mouse Event to "null". What does this do setting the MouseEvent do exactly?  Also, since I've set the MouseEvent to null do I also have to set the loader to null? e.g.
    ---- Here is my updated code ----
    // variable for external loaders
    var loader:Loader;
    var loader1:Loader;
    var loader2:Loader;
    var loader3:Loader;
    // makes borders resize with browser size
    function resizeHandler(event:Event):void {
    // resizes portfolio page to center
         loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - loader.width) * .5;
         loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - loader.height) * .5;
    // resizes about page to center
         loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
         loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    //adds gallery.swf to stage at begining of moviie
    //adds eventlistner so that gallery.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    function Down(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
    // re adds listener for contact.swf and about.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    //unloads gallery.swf from enter frame if users presses portfolio button in nav
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
         loader = new Loader();
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
         } catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
         loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    // sure this is not the best way to do this - but it is unload external swfs
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of gallery.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down);
         //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
         function Down1(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
         //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("contactLoader.swf");
         loader2 = null;
         loader2 = new Loader();
         loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);    
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
    }      catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
         loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;
         // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1);
         //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
         function Down3(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
         //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root).nav.info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down1, false, 0, true);
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("aboutLoader.swf");
         loader3 = null;
         loader3 = new Loader();
         loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
    }      catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
         loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
         // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3);

  • Loading an external swf and unloading the parent one

    Hi there i have made a navigation in flash and 3 buttons that load some external swf's. Problem is that when they load the parent swf keeps playing in the background. How can i make them play separately and make the navigation stage dissapear completely when they load?

    I have attempted to use the same Loader but it doesnt replace it i dont know why.
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();       
    var myLoaderMain:URLRequest = new URLRequest("main1.swf");
    var myLoaderQuiz:URLRequest = new URLRequest("quiz.swf");
    var myLoaderAnimation:URLRequest = new URLRequest("athens_animation.swf");
    var myLoaderVideo:URLRequest = new URLRequest("videogallery.swf");
    videogallerybtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, videoFunc);
    function videoFunc(curEvt:MouseEvent) {
    Quizbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, quizFunc);
    function quizFunc(curEvt:MouseEvent) {
    Animationbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, AnimationFunc);
    function AnimationFunc(curEvt:MouseEvent) {

  • FAQ: How do I load an external SWF file into a parent SWF file?

    A ton of Flash users visit Adobe’s we site every month wondering  about how to load an external SWF file from within another SWF.
    Adobe's own TechNote on the subject attempts to answer the basic question, along with some common follow-up questions, including:
    How do I load more than one SWF?
    How do I load a SWF into a specific location in the display list?
    How do I resize the loaded SWF?
    How do I set its X and Y location?
    Here are some additional resources that elaborate on loading content and on working with the display list:
    Sample files for the above TechNote. A set of 3 FLA and 3 corresponding SWF files, including a parent SWF and 2 SWFs that the parent loads.
    Help > AS3 Developer’s Guide > Loading an external SWF file
    Help > AS3 Developer’s Guide > Loading display content dynamically
    Loading multiple external SWFs within a main SWF – CreativeCow.net forums
    Video tutorial: ActionScript 101 – Episode 6: Adding named objects to the Stage. By Doug Winnie. An example of how to add the loaded external asset to the Stage and modify its location or other properties.
    Video tutorial: Preloading in ActionScript 3.0.  By Lee Brimelow. A slightly more complicated example, showing how to  make the parent SWF display information about the progress of loading  the external SWF.
    Tutorial: Loading and unloading SWFs - FlashAndMath.com
    This article provides several examples of how to communicate between a parent SWF file and the loaded SWF:
    SWF to SWF Communcation via ActionScript 3.0 (by kglad)

    Originally posted by:
    You now seem to want to get rid of the swf once it has loaded
    and played itself thru. To do that you would need to have something
    in the swf itself that triggers its removal in its last frame. The
    following might work...
    Unfortunately I couldn't get this to work. I placed it on the
    last frame of the SWF to be called - is that right?
    I am not sure I am doing it correctly...

  • Loading an external swf into my parent swf?

    Does anyone know how I can load an external .swf file into my
    parent file? I have tried to use loader actionscript but think I am
    using the incorrect script or putting it in the wrong place? If
    anyone can tell me the script and where to/how to use it that would
    be amazing? Thanks

    thanks GWD!
    I am using the unloadMovieNum(); command, i have loaded the
    child into level 5 of my parent swf. the parent has multiple scenes
    this one with a layer with a stop(); action and another layer with
    the loadMovieNum("portfolioone.swf", 5); script. it loads the child
    perfectly. The child has a number of pictures in it and a back
    button at the end. I have been adding the
    on (release) {
    script to the button which unloads the child but stops
    because of the stop action in the first frame of the particular
    scene within the parent. I want to be able to add a script to this
    button which will take me back to a labeled frame in a particular
    scene of the parent, I tried the this.removeMovieClip(); but
    doesn't seem to be working for me, Thanks for the reply, hope you
    can help me further??

  • AS3 Unloading external SWF piling up problem

    I have two buttons on main SWF what loads and Unload two external SWFs back and forth.
    Also one timer function is calling external Screen saver SWF and unload the existing one when no interaction found.
    I am using unloadAndStop() function to unload the external SWFs.
    But after loading and unloading external SWFs, I am facing piling up or stack overflow problem.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    import flash.net.NetConnection;
    import flash.net.NetStream;
    import flash.media.Video;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.*;
    var myLoader_Map_1:Loader = new Loader();
    var myLoader_Map_2:Loader = new Loader();
    var myLoader_Screen_Saver:Loader = new Loader();
    var Ss:Boolean = false;
    var Maps:Boolean = true;
    //--------------------Screen Saver---------------------------------
      function ScreenSaver():void{
      var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("screensaver.swf");
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Screen_Saver, 1);
      Maps = false;
      Ss = true;
      function ScreenSaver_Unload():void{
    //--------------------Map Buttons---------------------------------
    function MPstart():void{
      Tweener.addTween(MC_Maps_Btns,{alpha:1, x:778.25, y:1070.65, time:1, delay:1, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
      setChildIndex(MC_Maps_Btns, 2);
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = true;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = true;
    function MPclose():void{
      Tweener.addTween(MC_Maps_Btns,{alpha:0, x:778.25, y:1179.85, time:1, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
    //--------------------Map 1 ---------------------------------
      function OpenMap1(e:MouseEvent):void{
      var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Map_1.swf");
      myLoader_Map_1.alpha = 1;
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Map_1, 2);
      Maps = true;
      Ss = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = true;
    //--------------------Map 1 ---------------------------------
      function OpenMap2(e:MouseEvent):void {
      var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Map_2.swf");
      myLoader_Map_2.alpha = 1;
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Map_2, 2);
      Maps = true;
      Ss = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = true;
    //--------------------Timer ---------------------------------
    var inactiveTime:int = 10000;
    var t:Timer = new Timer(inactiveTime);
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown1);
    t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
      function onMouseDown1(e:MouseEvent):void {
      trace("Interaction detected");
      function onTimer(e:TimerEvent):void {
      function handleInactivity():void {
      trace('You\'re inactive.');
      if (Maps == true){
      trace("No Maps");
      if (Ss == false ){
      trace("ScreenSaver already loaded");

    This is how I applied
    import flash.net.NetConnection;
    import flash.net.NetStream;
    import flash.media.Video;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.*;
    var myLoader_Map_1:Loader = new Loader();
    var myLoader_Map_2:Loader = new Loader();
    var myLoader_Screen_Saver:Loader = new Loader();
    var Ss:Boolean = false;
    var Maps:Boolean = true;
    //--------------------Screen Saver---------------------------------
    function unloadAllF():void{
    trace("ss unloaded");
    trace("map_1 unloaded");
    trace("map_2 unloaded");
      function ScreenSaver():void{
      var url_ss:URLRequest = new URLRequest("screensaver.swf");
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Screen_Saver, 1);
      Maps = false;
      Ss = true;
        function ScreenSaver_Unload():void{
    //--------------------Map Buttons---------------------------------
    function MPstart():void{
      Tweener.addTween(MC_Maps_Btns,{alpha:1, x:778.25, y:1070.65, time:1, delay:1, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
      setChildIndex(MC_Maps_Btns, 2);
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = true;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = true;
    function MPclose():void{
      Tweener.addTween(MC_Maps_Btns,{alpha:0, x:778.25, y:1179.85, time:1, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
    //--------------------Map 1 ---------------------------------
      function OpenMap1(e:MouseEvent):void{
      var url_map_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Map_1.swf");
      myLoader_Map_1.alpha = 1;
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Map_1, 2);
      Maps = true;
      Ss = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = true;
    //--------------------Map 1 ---------------------------------
      function OpenMap2(e:MouseEvent):void {
      var url_map_2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Map_2.swf");
      myLoader_Map_2.alpha = 1;
      setChildIndex(myLoader_Map_2, 2);
      Maps = true;
      Ss = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_2.visible = false;
      MC_Maps_Btns.Btn_Map_1.visible = true;
    //--------------------Timer ---------------------------------
    var inactiveTime:int = 10000;
    var t:Timer = new Timer(inactiveTime);
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown1);
    t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
      function onMouseDown1(e:MouseEvent):void {
      trace("Interaction detected");
      function onTimer(e:TimerEvent):void {
      function handleInactivity():void {
      trace('You\'re inactive.');
      if (Maps == true){
      trace("No Maps");
      if (Ss == false ){
      trace("ScreenSaver already loaded");

  • Unloading external swf file keeps memory usage growing up

    Hello everybody,
    The idea is very simple: I have a submain.swf with 5 buttons. Each button loads an external .swf file.
    After playing first external swf, before I go to next one, I try to unload it:
    1. remove all its associated listeners:
    com_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT-PROGRESS-COMPLETE, idFunction);
    2. unload it:
    3. set to null:
    com_loader = null;
    and load next external swf file and so on.
    The problem is that the FireFox/IE8.0 Memory Usage in Task Manager is going up and I see no sign of GC activity even after 5 mins of playing. Can anyone light me up pls? This is the second week working around and no good news until now.
    Thanks in advance.
    If I try com_loader.unloadAndStop(); it gives me the error: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.

    Hi Ice,
    The loaded swf file contains only a small photo, just for testing, with no listeners or other stuff in it.

  • Transition_Manager and unloading external swf problems

    Hi there
    I´m having a few problems with my project which i although it work it has some unpleasant bugs that i´m trying to solve for days.
    When i load external swf´s they show up on top of the Menu button.Maybe because the button i´m pressing is inside the same movieclip as the Menu.
    Explaining better here´s a little diagram of my site:
    con2 MC (Instance of Menu) ---> cont3 MC (Instance of subMenu) and mainButton MC (Instance of Main)
    Here´s the general code which is inside the Painel.as
    package {
        import com.greensock.TweenLite;
        import com.greensock.TweenMax;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import fl.transitions.*;
        import fl.transitions.easing.*;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        public class Painel3 extends MovieClip
            private var inFocus:MovieClip;
            public function Painel3():void
                addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
            private function setupClips():void
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onOver);
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onOut);
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                var len:int = con2.cont3.numChildren;
                for(var i:int=0; i<len; i++)
                    var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(con2.cont3.getChildAt(i));
                    mc.buttonMode = true;
                    mc.loc = [mc.x, mc.y];
                    mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                    con2.cont3.visible = false;
            private function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void
            private function onOut(e:MouseEvent):void
            private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
                con2.cont3.visible = true;
    TransitionManager.start(con2.cont3, {type:Wipe, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1, easing:None.easeNone, startPoint:5} );                       
            private function loop(e:Event):void
                var distx:Number = mouseX / 1400;
                var disty:Number = mouseY / 1400;
                TweenLite.to(con2, 2, {
                            rotationY:(-70 +(145*distx)),
                            rotationX:(70 -(145*disty)),
    And then inside the subMenu.as class for the movieclip subMenu i have the buttons that load the external swf´s:
    package  {
        import com.greensock.TweenLite;
        import com.greensock.TweenMax;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import fl.transitions.*;
        import fl.transitions.easing.*;
        public class subMenu extends MovieClip {
            public function subMenu() {
                // constructor code
                menu1.buttonMode = true;
                menu2.buttonMode = true;
                menu3.buttonMode = true;
                menu4.buttonMode = true;
            function link1(e:MouseEvent) {
               function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("AugmentedReality_v1.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
            function link2(e:MouseEvent) {
                function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Fotos.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
            function link3(e:MouseEvent) {
            function link4(e:MouseEvent){
                function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Texto.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
    Like i said the swf´s show up on top of the Menu and i need it to dissapear.
    Also i want to unload the swf currently in scene so that when i load another one they don´t pile on top of each other.
    Pls help. Thanks

    Oh btw, i´m having an error 1069 Property TransitionManager not found in subMenu and there is no default value
    at fl.transitions::TransitionManager$/start()
        at Painel3/onClick()
    This doesn´t happen when i uncheck the Export for actionscript in the subMenu class but i can´t do that or else the buttons wont work.

  • Unloading external swf

    Hello everyone,
    I'm kind of new to AS3
    I created a flash file and i have several buttons on the main
    I have given the buttons instance names and whenever a button
    is clicked an external swf is loaded on the main stage.
    The problem which occurred is that ehenever i click on the
    same button again i can see a glimpse of the previous swf that was
    loaded meaning that i didnt get rid of the swf on the click of
    another button.
    What i want to achieve is to load the external swf and then
    when i click on another button i wish for it to unload.
    Here is the code.
    var externalSWF6:URLRequest = new URLRequest("dress6.swf");
    var myLoader6:Loader = new Loader();
    button6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick6);
    function onButtonClick6(event:MouseEvent):void
    function swfComplete6(event:Event):void
    myLoader6.x = 0
    myLoader6.y = 0
    function swfLoading6(event:ProgressEvent):void
    var externalSWF7:URLRequest = new URLRequest("dress7.swf");
    var myLoader7:Loader = new Loader();
    button7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick7);
    function onButtonClick7(event:MouseEvent):void
    function swfComplete7(event:Event):void
    myLoader.x = 0
    myLoader.y = 0
    myLoader7.addEventListener("UnloadMe", unloadFunction7); //
    <-- My line
    function unloadFunction7(event:Event):void {
    // event.target is the loader reference.. so cast it as
    function swfLoading7(event:ProgressEvent):void
    var externalSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("dress4.swf");
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    button4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);
    function onButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
    function swfComplete(event:Event):void
    myLoader.x = 0
    myLoader.y = 0
    function swfLoading(event:ProgressEvent):void
    var externalSWF8:URLRequest = new URLRequest("dress8.swf");
    var myLoader8:Loader = new Loader();
    button8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick8);
    function onButtonClick8(event:MouseEvent):void
    function swfComplete8(event:Event):void
    myLoader.x = 0
    myLoader.y = 0
    myLoader8.addEventListener("UnloadMe", unloadFunction8); //
    <-- My line
    function unloadFunction8(event:Event):void {
    // event.target is the loader reference.. so cast it as
    function swfLoading8(event:ProgressEvent):void
    var externalSWF9:URLRequest = new URLRequest("dress9.swf");
    var myLoader9:Loader = new Loader();
    button9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick9);
    function onButtonClick9(event:MouseEvent):void
    function swfComplete9(event:Event):void
    myLoader.x = 0
    myLoader.y = 0
    function swfLoading9(event:ProgressEvent):void
    //you can do something here while the swf is loading... }
    button4.buttonMode = true;
    button6.buttonMode = true;
    button7.buttonMode = true;
    button8.buttonMode = true;
    button9.buttonMode = true;
    function buttonOver4(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOut4(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOver6(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOut6(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOver7(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOut7(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOver8(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOut8(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOver9(e:MouseEvent):void
    function buttonOut9(e:MouseEvent):void
    If anyone can be of assistance i would greatly appreciate

    Your choices for removing objects are removeChild() and
    So you need some way of tracking the objects that are added
    so that they can be removed. IF the buttons are the only things
    that add new content while the movie is playing, then the last
    thing added will have an index = numChildren-1,
    So if you want to remove the last movie before the new movie
    is added, then use removeChildAt(numChildren-1)
    Now, for the first time you use this, it will remove the last
    element on the stage, which you don't want, so you should probably
    have a variable that is set when any button is clicked and a
    conditional that checks it....
    var buttonClicked:Boolean = false; // set to true when a
    button is clicked
    in the handler:
    buttonClicked = true;
    There are other ways of targeting in the event the movie was
    not the last thing added to the stage when another button gets
    clicked, such as assigning name to the movie or capturing which
    index it has when it is loaded.

  • Unable to unload external swf which is using runtime sharing

    Unable to unload external swf which is using runtime sharing of some symbols and classes.
    Due to this problem i am unable to load another swf or the same for the second time and getting errors at runtime.
    It works fine when the swf is opened in IE.
    Can anyone please help me in solving the issue.

    thank you
    i have tried to use   this.parent.Click_To_Close  but it gives compilation error
    i checked the tutorial about custom events i think its little complex for me now to understand the typeriter app.
    also i cheked the similer thread and tried to test that code myself..i found that the last block of main movie does not works and does not unload the loader2. however  all the trace are showing in the output windows that i added to check the code but last trace from the main movie is not showig...   
    trace("child removed from Main Movie") 
    so if this can work somehow i will use this method of event dispatch in my application that i am working...
    Thank you
    -----main movie ---------
    var loader1:Loader = new Loader();
    var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
    loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, assignMovie1Listener);
    loader1.load(new URLRequest("movie_1.swf"));
    loader2.load(new URLRequest("movie_2.swf"));
    function assignMovie1Listener(evt:Event):void {
          MovieClip(evt.currentTarget.content).addEventListener("eventTriggered", removeLoader2);
                trace("listner is listning..")
    function removeLoader2(evt:Event):void {
             loader2 = null;
                trace("child removed from Main Movie")
    //------------- movie_1.swf code:
    removeMovie2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , removeMovie2);
    function removeMovie2(event:MouseEvent):void
          dispatchEvent(new Event("eventTriggered"));
                trace("event triggered form Child Movie-1");
    as u can see when i click close button its triggering the trace from movie-1 but its not unloadign the movie2

  • Unload external swf

    I loaded an external SWF file, now I need to understand how to unload the external SWF file. Is it possible to add the code to the last frame of the external SWFs internal timeline, so when it exits the last frame, it unloads itself.
    The script to load the SWF is below. Can I add the unload code to the last frame of timeline of the SWF?
    var Xpos:Number = 0;
    var Ypos:Number = 0;
    var swf:MovieClip;
    var loader:Loader=new Loader();
    var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("c1room.swf");
    loader.x = Xpos;
    loader.y = Ypos;

    in the last frame of your loaded swf:
    if (this.parent is Loader) {
        this.parent.parent.dispatchEvent(new Event("playCompleted"));
    and on the timeline that contains yoru loader in your main loading swf:
    function f(e:Event){
        removeChild(ldr);  // where ldr is your loader that loads your external swf

  • Unload external SWF using event dispatch

    Hi i am working on a flash website where i have a main movie named as Navigation where i have all the navigation buttons and drop menus. i am using switch case method to load multiples external SWFs. so as user clicks on any of the navigation button...it loads the external SWF
    now i have a close_btn in the loaded SWF and i simply want the unload the external SWF when user clicks on the close_btn.
    I come to know that i can do this by event dispach but i am not sure what code to put in external swf  so when close_btn is clicked it can access the unloader function in main movie and unload the External SWF.
    Could you Please help, Thank you !
    this is my code
    //--------main swf---------------------
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
              ourstory_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              facility_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              customers_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              sustainability_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              contactus_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    //  Dropdown Menu1 Buttons
              menu1.menu_mc1.organicinitiative_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, clickHandler);
              menu1.menu_mc1.myhope_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              menu1.menu_mc1.target2015_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    //  Dropdown Menu2 Buttons
              menu2.menu_mc2.mens_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              menu2.menu_mc2.womans_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              menu2.menu_mc2.teans_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
              menu2.menu_mc2.babies_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    function clickHandler(e:Event):void{
        case "ourstory_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("ourstory.swf")); break;
        case "facility_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("facility.swf")); break;
              case "customers_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("customers.swf")); break;
              case "sustainability_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("sustainability.swf")); break;
              case "contactus_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("contactus.swf")); break;
              case "organicinitiative_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("organicinitiative.swf")); break;
              case "myhope_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("myhope.swf")); break;
              case "target2015_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("target2015.swf")); break;
              case "mens_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("mens.swf")); break;
              case "womans_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("womans.swf")); break;
              case "teans_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("teens.swf")); break;
              case "babies_btn": loader.load(new URLRequest("babies.swf")); break;
    //-----------my unloader function in main swf --------------------
    function Click_To_Close(event:MouseEvent):void
                  if(loader != null) {

    thank you
    i have tried to use   this.parent.Click_To_Close  but it gives compilation error
    i checked the tutorial about custom events i think its little complex for me now to understand the typeriter app.
    also i cheked the similer thread and tried to test that code myself..i found that the last block of main movie does not works and does not unload the loader2. however  all the trace are showing in the output windows that i added to check the code but last trace from the main movie is not showig...   
    trace("child removed from Main Movie") 
    so if this can work somehow i will use this method of event dispatch in my application that i am working...
    Thank you
    -----main movie ---------
    var loader1:Loader = new Loader();
    var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
    loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, assignMovie1Listener);
    loader1.load(new URLRequest("movie_1.swf"));
    loader2.load(new URLRequest("movie_2.swf"));
    function assignMovie1Listener(evt:Event):void {
          MovieClip(evt.currentTarget.content).addEventListener("eventTriggered", removeLoader2);
                trace("listner is listning..")
    function removeLoader2(evt:Event):void {
             loader2 = null;
                trace("child removed from Main Movie")
    //------------- movie_1.swf code:
    removeMovie2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , removeMovie2);
    function removeMovie2(event:MouseEvent):void
          dispatchEvent(new Event("eventTriggered"));
                trace("event triggered form Child Movie-1");
    as u can see when i click close button its triggering the trace from movie-1 but its not unloadign the movie2

  • What is or isn't possible on iOS?  (Not having Loader, loadBytes(), external swfs, etc)

    My basic question is:  "What are the classes which we should not use for iOS using the packager."
    I have been trying for a few days trying to get a simple Flash app to run on the iPad.  A very simple app (with sound!) with just 2 classes works fine (Performance is a whole other issue.  We will get to that).  But if I try anything else, all I get is a white/black screen on the iPad.  So it would be really nice to know what classes, functions, etc we CANNOT use for the Packager.
    I have fairly simple app (not as simple as 2 classes) which loads some art assets via URLRequest/Loader, puts them on the stage.  Fairly common standard practice in AS3.
    I've read about not able to load an external file using the Packager.  So to fix the situation of loading assets, I have looked into the [embed] tag, which seems to work.  I hope the blogger doesn't mind, but this page is an excellent source on what works and doesn't work with the [embed] tag in it's various flavors:  http://www.richardleggett.co.uk/blog/index.php/2010/03/08/flash_builder_and_flash_pro_asse t_workflows.  For example, AS3 in a swf is stripped out from an external swf using [embed].
    The best way to load an external swf file for iOS seems to be using [embed] with "application/octet-stream" and load the swf through ByteArray (Option #4 in the link above).  This works great on the PC.  HOWEVER, on iPad, it fails.  The [embed] tag works on the iPad with the other ways, so my guess is that loadBytes() does not work.  Is this true Adobe/Flash guys?  Can you confirm this?
    My initial question is "why is this not allowed on iOS?".  If it is because of the fact that it uses a Loader, can it be changed so it's not using a Loader to construct a MovieClip?  I have a ByteArray with the raw swf/MovieClip data.  Why can't I construct a MovieClip from it without going through Loader?
    This loadBytes() failure seems to be the only thing preventing me from using the normal pipeline of Flash development in loading external assets.  If there are other ways people have found, please share!
    Now on to performance.  Adobe, can you post some examples/samples of code which runs at decent performance?  Like a "tech demo" of what is possible using the Packager running on iPad/iPhone.  That would be extremely helpful for everyone.  I have done a lot of the optimizing suggestions on various sites and pages ( and by Adobe http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/optimize_content_ios.html), but I am not seeing the 30 fps performance that is MORE than possible on iPhone/iPad.  Displaying and moving around Bitmaps (I don't use any vector graphics) should be blazing fast.  Quake runs on iPad without any problems and that code is 10 years old.  Moore's law dictates that drawing Bitmaps using CPU should be faster than a 3D engine written 10 years ago...  I am trying out the new iOS 4.2 which is supposed to be "significantly" better, but I am still stuck on loadBytes().
    So at this point, I am blocked on loadBytes() and my performance for a simple app which draws a few Bitmaps and MovieClips is terrible.  I am hopeful some people out there have figured out some solution (there are lots of clever people out there) and I will stumble on to something.  But being forced to go native Objective-C seems to be my only option at this point.
    In summary, here are the questions I would like to ask the Adobe/Flash group for some more help/information/advise:
    - Why is Loader not allowed on iOS?  Is it a technical limitation of the hardware/os/Flash?  Will it never be supported?  What is the future of this class on iOS?
    - Why is loadBytes() not allowed on iOS?  I have the raw embedded data in memory.  I don't need to make a remote call so security should not be an issue.  Can I create a MovieClip without using Loader?
    - Why is AS3 stripped from the timeline when a Symbol is retrieved using [embed]?  Maybe this is the same reason loadBytes() fails, but if I could use [embed] and get a copy of the Symbol, that is what I need.  (There are issues with the mx.core.MovieClipLoaderAsset/Asset, but it is better than being blocked by loadBytes())
    - What are some apps you guys have written that we can use to compare PC vs iOS?  Again, a "tech demo" or sample code of what you as experts in Packager for iOS have done which runs at decent framerate (30+fps) would be of tremendous help.  If the Adobe/Flash group hasn't gotten the current Packager for iOS to handle more than 50+ 2D Bitmaps on screen running at 30+fps, that would be good to know.  Please let us know what the experts and owners of your software are capable of getting the most throughput using the Packager.  I'd hate to sound a bit fed up/angry, but I think you are wasting a lot of people's time and energy with a piece of software that, to me, seems like it was a bit early to release.  Flash can do some great things.  If it can do it on iOS, even better.  But PROVE it to us that it's possible, before having your customers run into barriers imposed on us by trial and error.

    I have hardly ever seen a post here from someone at Adobe, so you may need to be patient.
    Read this article, and get its associated demo files, to see some good performing tech demos:
    Back to your main point, loaders are working, what isn't working for you is accessing of things in the library of a successfully loaded swf, that have been set to Export for ActionScript. That means that the swf you have loaded has an ActionScript Class, to represent the library symbol. iOS Flash apps are native ARM code, and don't include the virtual machines that a browser plugin has, and so it's not able to interpret ActionScript. That may be why it would fail.
    Now, I can think of at least a couple of reasons why you might want to have external swfs with elements that you want to reuse in the main swf. One would be if you're intending to make a lot of them, like say if you wanted to have an Asteroids game and the ability to use artwork from a set of different swfs. Another reason might be if you want to skin your interface, by taking specific elements from the loaded swf and using them in the main swf. That way you could have artists preparing those swfs for you, and you just include them in your package, and load the one you want.
    There is a way to do either of those things. The second one can be done by having the item as a named symbol on the stage of the loaded swf. With a to-be-loaded swf named "inner.swf", that has a movieclip on its stage named "mc1", this script in the main swf would load that external swf and use its symbol on the main swf's stage, without having to make the inner swf's symbol use ActionScript:
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("inner.swf");
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    function loaded(e:Event) {
    var mc:MovieClip = e.target.content as MovieClip;
    var innermc:* = mc.mc1;
    innermc.x = 50;
    innermc.y = 50;
    For the other case, you can take the item off the stage of the loaded swf and draw it into a bitmapdata, and then make as many bitmaps from that as you like. Here's the above example, only it adds the original movieclip to the main swf stage, and also creates a bitmap that looks the same:
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("inner.swf");
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    function loaded(e:Event) {
    var mc:MovieClip = e.target.content as MovieClip;
    var innermc:* = mc.mc1;
    innermc.x = 50;
    innermc.y = 50;
    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(innermc.width,innermc.height);
    var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd);
    bm.x = 150;
    bm.y = 150;
    So, the thing to learn is that a native ARM code application does not have an ActionScript interpreter in it, and if you need to do something that normally requires interpreting ActionScript, find another way to do it.

  • How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's inside other movie clip?

    I creating my first flash (actionscript 3.0) website but I'm
    stuck with a visual effect I want to create.
    I have a window on my website called contentWindow. Every
    time you click a button this window is supposed to leave the stage,
    load the requested content and return to the stage.
    The sliding window is a movie clip with 83 frames, 21 to
    enter the stage, 21 to leave the stage again, 20 for nothing (its
    just to simulate the loading time) and 21 to return to the stage.
    Now my goal is, when the user clicks on a navigation button,
    the window exits the stage, loads an external SWF with the content,
    and then returns to the stage.
    I've the "window" movie clip with an instance name of
    "contentWindow". Inside there is another movie clip with an
    instance name of "contentLoader". The content that the user
    requested should appear inside the "contentLoader".
    Now, when the contentWindow leaves the stage, I get this
    error message:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    at rwd_fla::MainTimeline/trigger()
    If I switch
    "contentWindow.contentLoader.addChild(navLoader);" for
    "contentWindow.addChild(navLoader);" it works fine, but the
    external SWF doesn't move with the window.
    How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's
    inside other movie clip?

    Recently, I have been putting together a flash presentation.
    And I am just wondering if the following might help you, in your
    communication with the said swf file:
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    event.target.content.thinggy_mc.y -= 100;
    Not the best example, but this allows you to target a mc
    within an external swf file. I think if you look up this code, you
    will have an answer ;)
    Kind Regards,
    Boxing Boom

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