Minimal brightness too high on x220

After installing Windows 8 x64 and latest video drivers from Lenovo, the minimal brightness became much higher then it was in Windows 7. Now at "0" value brightness is the same that it was on "3" or "4" in Win7. Is there any way to fix it?

Nobody have this issue or nobody knows the way to fix it?

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    Okay thanks, it is posted there : I also thought about always putting a semi-opaque frame on the foreground, as the android ight filter apps usually do.

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    Hello there! 
    I am big fan of Nokia since 2008, all the family uses it's smartphones (n82 > n78 > n8) and I haven't any troubles with the screen till last update of nokia n8 (belle), the brightness just to high to me. For example, on android 7 inch tablet with IPS display I can adjust brightness to the lowest point (it's about 4-7 kd/m2) so it would be look like backlight off at all, great for me.
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    Joram Rozewicz wrote: ... APPLE, please include ...
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    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.8.3

  • After Mavericks, at start up, initial screen brightness too high and starting sound too loud, different than I left on previous shutdown. Didn't happen before the update.

    I've tried sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80 for the sound, but it works just once... returns next startup's.

    The first thing to do is use smartctl to test the drive. Start with the short test ( smartctl -t short /dev/sdX ), and if it passes run the long test ( ... -t long ... ).

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    Hi, my point is default value is too high,
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  • ORA-25307: Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled

    I am stuck. I have my stream setup and they were previously working on two of my dev environments well. Now when I get the streams setup the CAPTURE process has a state of "CAPTURING CHANGES" for like 10 seconds and then changes to state "PAUSED FOR FLOW CONTROL". I believe this is happening because the PROPAGATION process is showing an error of "ORA-25307: Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled".
    I don't know what to tweak to get rid of this error message. The two environments are dev databases and there is minimal activity on them so i don't think it's a case of the APPLY process is lagging behind the PROPAGATION process. Has anyone run into this issue?? I've verified my db link works, my stream admin user has dba access. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks, dave

    As rule of thumb, you don't need to set GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE as long as your are 100% GLOBAL_NAME compliant.
    So, setting GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE will not have any effect if your dblink is not global_name compliant
    and if your installation is global_name compliant, you don't need to set GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE.
    The first thing when you diagnose is to get the exact facts.
    Please run this queries both on source and target so that to see what are in the queues and where.
    Run it multiple time to see if figures evolves.
    - If they are fixed, then your Streams is stuck in its last stage. As a cheap and good starting point, just stop/start the capture, propagation and target apply process. Check also the alert.log on both site. when you have a propagation problem, they do contains information's. If you have re-bounced everything and no improvement then the real diagnose work must start here but then we know that the message is wrong and the problems is elsewhere.
    - if they are not fixed then your apply really lag behind for what ever good reason, but this is usually easy to find.
    set termout off
    col version new_value version noprint
    col queue_table format A26 head 'Queue Table'
    col queue_name format A32 head 'Queue Name'
    select substr(version,1,instr(version,'.',1)-1) version from v$instance;
    col mysql new_value mysql noprint
    col primary_instance format 9999 head 'Prim|inst'
    col secondary_instance format 9999 head 'Sec|inst'
    col owner_instance format 99 head 'Own|inst'
    COLUMN MEM_MSG HEADING 'Messages|in Memory' FORMAT 99999999
    COLUMN SPILL_MSGS HEADING 'Messages|Spilled' FORMAT 99999999
    COLUMN NUM_MSGS HEADING 'Total Messages|in Buffered Queue' FORMAT 99999999
    set linesize 150
    select case
      when &version=9 then ' distinct a.QID, a.owner||''.''|| nam, a.queue_table,
                  decode(a.queue_type,''NORMAL_QUEUE'',''NORMAL'', ''EXCEPTION_QUEUE'',''EXCEPTION'',a.queue_type) qt,
                  trim(a.enqueue_enabled) enq, trim(a.dequeue_enabled) deq, x.bufqm_nmsg msg, b.recipients
                  from dba_queues a , sys.v_$bufqm x, dba_queue_tables b
                   a.qid = x.bufqm_qid (+) and a.owner not like ''SYS%''
               and a.queue_table = b.queue_table (+)
               and not like ''%_E'' '
       when &version=10 then ' a.owner||''.''|| nam, a.queue_table,
                  decode(a.queue_type,''NORMAL_QUEUE'',''NORMAL'', ''EXCEPTION_QUEUE'',''EXCEPTION'',a.queue_type) qt,
                  trim(a.enqueue_enabled) enq, trim(a.dequeue_enabled) deq, (NUM_MSGS - SPILL_MSGS) MEM_MSG, spill_msgs, x.num_msgs msg,
                  x.INST_ID owner_instance
                  from dba_queues a , sys.gv_$buffered_queues x
                   a.qid = x.queue_id (+) and a.owner not in ( ''SYS'',''SYSTEM'',''WMSYS'')  order by a.owner ,qt desc'
       end mysql
    from dual
    set termout on
    select &mysql
    /B. Polarski

  • rate too high

    nunew33, "Mpeg not valid error message" #4, 31 Jan 2006 3:29 pm describes a certain error message. The user had problems with an imported MPEG movie.
    Now I receive the same message, but the MPEG that is causing the problem is created by Encore DVD itself!?
    I am working with the german version, but here is a rough translation of the message:
    "PGC 'Weitere Bilder' has an error at 00:36:42:07.
    The data rate of this file is too high for DVD. You must replace the file with one of a lower data rate. - PGC Info: Name = Weitere Bilder, Ref = SApgc, Time = 00:36:42:07"
    My test project has two menus and a slide show with approx. 25 slides and blending as transition. The menus are ok, I verified that before.
    First I thought it was a problem with the audio I use in the slide show. Because I am still in the state of learning how to use the application, I use some test data. The audio tracks are MP3s. I learned already that it is better to convert the MP3s to WAV files with certain properties.
    I did that, but still the DVD generation was not successful.
    Then I deleted all slides from the slide show but the first. Now the generation worked!? As far as a single slide (an image file) can not have a bitrate per second, and there was no sound any more, and as far as the error message appears AFTER the slide shows are generated, while Encore DVD is importing video and audio just before the burning process, I think that the MPEG that is showing the slide show is the problem.
    But this MPEG is created by Encore DVD itself. Can Encore DVD create Data that is not compliant to the DVD specs?
    The last two days I had to find out the cause for a "general error". Eventually I found out that image names must not be too long. Now there is something else, and I still have to just waste time for finding solutions for apparent bugs in Encore DVD. Why doesn't the project check find and tell me such problems? Problem is that the errors appear at the end of the generation process, so I always have to wait for - in my case - approx. 30 minutes.
    If the project check would have told me before that there are files with file names that are too long, I wouldn't have had to search or this for two days.
    Now I get this PGC error (what is PGC by the way?), and still have no clue, cause again the project check didn't mention anything.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Christian Kirchhoff

    thanks, Ruud and Jeff, for your comments.
    The images are all scans of ancient paintings. And they are all rather dark. They are not "optimized", meaning they are JPGs right now (RGB), and they are bigger then the resolution for PAL 3:4 would require. I just found out that if I choose "None" as scaling, there is no error, and the generation of the DVD is much, much faster.
    A DVD with a slide show containing two slides and a 4 second transition takes about 3 minutes to generate when the scaling is set to something other than "None". Without scaling it takes approx. 14 seconds. The resulting movies size is the same (5,35 MB).
    I wonder why the time differs so much. Obviously the images have to be scaled to the target size. But it seems that the images are not scaled only once, that those scaled versions of the source images are cached, and those cached versions are used to generate then blend effect, but for every frame the source images seem to be scaled again.
    So I presume that the scaling - unfortunately - has an effect on the resulting movie, too, and thus influences the success of the process of DVD generation.
    basic situation:
    good image > 4 secs blend > bad image => error
    other blend times don't cause an error:
    good image > 2 secs blend > bad image => success
    good image > 8 secs blend > bad image => success
    other transitions cause an error, too:
    good image > 4 secs fade to black > bad image => error
    good image > 4 secs page turn > bad image => error
    changing the image order prevents the error:
    bad image > 4 secs blend > good image => success
    changing the format of the bad image to TIFF doesn't prevent the error.
    changing colors/brightness of the bad image: a drastic change prevents the error. I adjusted the histogram and made everything much lighter.
    Just a gamma correction with values between 1.2 and 2.0 didn't help.
    changing the image size prevents the error. I decreased the size. The resulting image was still bigger than the monitor area, thus it still had to be scaled a bit by Encore DVD, but with this smaller version the error didn't occur. The original image is approx. 2000 px x 1400 px. Decreasing the size by 50% helped. Less scaling (I tried 90%, 80%, 70% and 60%, too) didn't help.
    using a slightly blurred version (gaussian blur, 2 px, in Photoshop CS) of the bad image prevents the error.
    My guess is that the error depends on rather subtle image properties. The blur doesn't change the images average brightness, the balance of colors or the size of the image, but still the error was gone afterwards.
    The problem is that I will work with slide shows that contain more images than two. It would be too time consuming to try to generate the DVD over and over again, look at which slide an error occurs, change that slide, and then generate again. Even the testing I am doing right now already "ate" a couple of days of my working time.
    Only thing I can do is to use a two image slide show and test image couple after image couple. If n is the number of images, I will spend (n - 1) times 3 minutes (which is the average time to create a two slides slide how with a blend). But of course I will try to prepare the images and make them as big as the monitor resolution, so Encore DVD doesn't have to scale the images any more. That'll make the whole generation process much shorter.
    If I use JPGs or TIFFs, the pixel aspect ratio is not preserved when the image is imported. I scaled one of the images in Photoshop, using a modified menu file that was installed with Encore DVD, because it already has the correct size for PAL, the pixel aspect ratio and the guides for the save areas. I saved the image as TIFF and as PSD and imported both into Encore DVD. The TIFF is rendered with a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio and NOT with the D1/DV PAL aspect ration that is stored in the TIFF. Thus the image gets narrowed and isn't displayed the way I wanted it any more. Only the PSD looks correct. But I think I saw this already in another thread...
    I cannot really understand why the MPEG encoding engine would produce bit rates that are illegal and that are not accepted afterwards, when Encore DVD is putting together all the stuff. Why is the MPEG encoding engine itself not throwing an error during the encoding process? This would save the developer so much time. Instead they have to wait until the end, thinking everything went right, and find out then that there was a problem.
    Still, if sometime somebody finds out more about the whole matter I would be glad about further explanations.
    Best regards,

  • Bitrate too high

    My project is a video with three different audio versions and two subtitle tracks, linked by a menu. It says the project is 1.9GB. However, when I ask to build it stops part way through says 'Video Bitrate Too High'. I've changed the settings in the encoding to the minimal, but this still has not changed the outcome. I created the 20 minute mpeg2 using Compressor on the 90 minute encode. Surely this is OK?
    Any help?

    3x .244 ac3 tracks will take up less bandwith than 1x PCM track. 3x 1.5Mbps is eating up a lot of bandwidth for video.
    You are way over the limit right now, 8Mbps max and you've got 3x PCM tracks. Even if 9.8 was the limit you'd be over, the max would be 5.3 ish and the avg lower than that. What is the 90 min Compressor preset max? 7.5 or 7.7 I think...

  • Battery Wear-Level overnight feels too High!

    Usually i rarely use battery (always put the battery out after charging it) except when i need to take my 4-months-old B480 laptop outside (which is rarely happened)
    Yesterday i leave my battery with ac adapter plugged-in while downloading a large file from internet, i set start charging threshold at 75% and stop at 95% (as many people said it's better not to fully charge the battery), and on the next day i see my battery wear-level became 13% O.o while cycle count is only 5
    I think it's too high for a one-night charging, my old laptop (non-Lenovo) didn't gets this high even when i leave it with ac adapter for days.
    Is this wear-level normal for a one-night charging? (at-least for lenovo laptop that is)
    Does warranty covers an abnormal battery wear-level?
    PS: one of the reason i choose lenovo laptop is because it has customizable-battery charging threshold feature which many people said can be used to prolonged battery lifespan(minimizing wear-level by not fully-charging it and not discharging it too low) even when used with ac adapter, while not many other brands have this kind of feature.

    hi AdamN,
    A usual sign of an imminent battery failure is when it wears out the charge in an abnormal rate (battery goes down to less than 20% overnight after a full charge when unit is off or in sleep state). Sometimes heat can also be a factor to shorten the battery life as discussed in this article.
    To further test the health of the battery, You can try Passmark's BatteryMon. If the battery is failing, you may contact Lenovo for a battery replacement. Support phone list here.
    Hope this helps.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Is this voltage too high??

    Alright..classic 14" Ibook no backlight problem.
    Tested the inverter cable - cable good.
    Tested voltages going to inverter board: (Should be 0, +5, +12, and 1.5-3.5, from what I've read). Mine test: (0, +5, +16, +3.5ish)
    I replaced the inverter board and still no backlight.
    Before I replace the CCFL lamp, I just want other people's opinions whether the 16volts is too high, and maybe that's burning out the inverter board or the lamp?
    What do you think? Is 16 ok? Should I order a bulb and try that next or would I be wasting my money?
    Thanks in advance.

    OK Rob,
    Here's the troubleshooting from the 14.1 1.42 Service Manual:
    No display, or dim display, but computer appears to operate correctly (if dim,
    display shows startup icon and/or desktop)
    1. Remove any connected peripherals.
    2. Try known-good power outlet, power adapter and power cord.
    3. Press F2 (with the fn key pressed and not pressed) to increase the screen brightness setting.
    4. Reboot the computer—hold down the Control and Command keys and press the
    Power button, or press and hold the Power button for 5 to 10 seconds to shut down the computer, then press the Power button to restart.
    5. Reset the power manager by pressing the key combination Control-Option-Shiftpower.
    Warning: Make sure you do not hold down the "fn" key when resetting the
    power manager.
    Warning: Resetting the power manager means you will also need to reset the
    date and time (using the Date & Time control panel)."
    6. Reset PRAM (Press the power button, then hold down the Option-Command-P-R
    keys until you hear the startup chime at least one additional time after the initial
    startup chime).
    7. Connect an external display, and check for video on external display.
    • If video is fine on external display, troubleshoot LCD panel and verify cable
    connections to inverter and LCD.
    • If video symptom is same on external display, replace logic board."
    That would imply a GPU error
    "8. Verify backlight cable and LVDS cable connections are seated properly and that the
    cables are not damaged (refer to display assembly replacement instructions)."
    I flex the cables near the hinge point to do this check. Especially pushing them into compression (to make any broken connections)
    "9. Replace LCD panel.
    10. Verify cable connections and check cables around the hinges for damage.
    11. Replace logic board."
    1 black and 1 grey wire which I believe are the airport antenna, and a black wire for the microphone.
    Also from the Manual:
    "From the bottom of the bezel brace, note the routing of the black and gray antenna cables."
    So those sound like the Bluetooth and Wireless antenna cables.
    The LVDS cable is bundled with the mike (black) cable and is fat and gray.
    Message was edited by: spudnuty

  • Camileo X-Sports - Temperature is too high

    Hi everyone,
    I just received a brand knew Camelio X-Sports cam and I have a serious problem : I installed le camera into the case, I started filming in 1080p60 and whihin minutes the cam just went off.
    I started filming again and 2 minutes later, the lcd displayed "Temperature too high", then the cam shutted down.
    I removed the cam from the case, then removed the battery, it was indeed pretty hot.
    I updated the firmware to 2248 but it didn't change anything.
    I think the battery may be faulty but I wanted to ask the forum before returning it to the store.
    I didn't find any relative thread on the world wire web :)
    Informations :
    - Camelio X-Sports PA5150E-1C0K
    - Firmware : v2.2.4.8 (I updated manually)
    - 64GB Lexar 300x SDXC
    - Powersave 1min
    - LCD Brightness 2 / 3
    - LCD Off 5s
    My apologies for the poor language,
    Best regards,

    I read in the other thread that you purchased the new battery for this cam.
    Did you notice the same higher temperature using new battery?
    Feedback would be appreciated.

  • Error message Translational currency is too high when posting GR for a PO

    I am trying to post a GR for a PO,with document currency say in GBP and local currency in EUR,when i tried to post a GR the system gives the message with-"Translational currency is too high" and also the value updated for previous GRs(for a qty 10) is vary high like 37,056,361,610.68     GBP,just i want to know how this value is picked by the system,i know exhange rate table maintained is plays important role,but the value i am getting is too high which is not at all related with rates we maintained in the table TCURR.
    I want to know why system is giving such a high value.     
    further PO quantity is 17,000 and net price is 1 GBP.
    we have posted very sucessfull GR earlier,but now this high value and error in GR  we are facing.
    with regards,

    Good afternoon and greetings,
    Wishing you a Happy New Year 2007
    Please go through the following OSS Note
    Note 191927 - Posting logic: GR for foreign currency PO
    Please reward points if found useful
    Thanking you
    With kindest regards
    Ramesh Padmanabhan

  • Error Rounding Difference too high when reset cleared document using FBRA

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    And now, they want to reset and reverse that cleared document.
    We found error "Rounding difference too high" when we are reset cleared document using FBRA.
    Kindly need your advice.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Please let me know the ERROR number.

  • When I print business cards, they sometimes print 1/4 too high but not always.

    I have my business cards in a Word document using an Avery template. I have used the same file for years. I never had a problem with my Canon printer but after buying an HP Photosmart D110 I have had nothing but problems. When I print then they print about 1/4 inch too high ruining the cardstock and wasting ink. This doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I print and they are perfect but when I go back and print another, the problem returns. This is the same card stock I have used for years and when it is inserted in the printer it doesn't matter if it is a single page or a stack of them. I have tried previewing the page before printing and the alignment is correct. I've tried printing to a PDF and then printing the PDF, same problem. I try it on the Canon and no problem. Only reason I bought this in the first place was the cartridges were cheaper and I do a lot of color printing and scanning!  I have just replaced the cartridges and did a head alignment so that is not the problem. I have tried it with regular paper and the problem persists. I'm ready to drop kick this thing and buy another Canon!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I have no problem printing the business cards out on a Canon printer, or a different HP printer I used to have, but the D110 is nothing but a pain in the you know what !  I'm using publisher and the avery 8371 card stock,  I searched solutions for days and did everything possible but still they're not printing correctly!! I'm dissapointed in this printer, every time I have a problem with something it always seems to be an HP product!!!  Very frustrating because I never had to mess with any settings in the other printers I had, I would just put the file in, change the quality and click the print button with no problems. I'm ready to throw this printer out the window Anyway thanks in advance and I hope somebody can help me with this issue !!! 

  • I have a macbook pro OS 10.5.8. I've sync'ed it with an iPad 2. I would like to access the "cloud" but it seems my Leopard isn't sufficient. How high an OS upgrade would i need to use cloud? Most of my current apps wouldn't work with a too high upgrade.

    I have a macbook pro OS leopard 10.5.8. I've synced it with an iPad 2. I cannot access the cloud because my OS is insufficient. Problem is most of my most- used applications would not work with a too-high system upgrade. I can't afford to upgrade all my apps. I need to know: what would be the least-high system upgrade I can install in order to access the cloud on my new iPad 2? 
    MAC O.S. 10.5.8 - LEOPARD
    Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.5 GHz; speed 800 MHz
    Quark Express 7.3
    Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
    Adobe Photoshop CS 3
    Adobe Illustrator CS 3
    Adobe InDesign CS 3
    Microsoft Office 2008
    Extensis Suitcase Fusion 12.1.7
    Stuffit 12

    Define "access the cloud". I can access my account on my 5 year old iMac at work running OS X 10.4.11 Tiger. I can download and upload Word documents and Pages documents in the iWorks section of my account.
    What do you want to access in "the cloud"?
    Snow Leopard would be your next system upgrade and you should be OK with the CS3 applications, and Office 2008. I cannot confirm that the other applications will work.
    This is quite old, but take a look or Google the other applications to see if they are compatible with SL.

Maybe you are looking for

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