Multiple rows in Datagrid header

Can anybody help me in creating a datagrid header as shown in
the below link.
Thanks in advance...

Upgrade to Flex 3 beta 1 and use AdvancedDataGrid component
or use the technique shared by Alex Harui:

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    My goal is to make a table with two or more rows in the column header. For instance, imagine I want to have the numbers of the days in the calendar as columns, then I want to have a row over them with the months, spanning over multiple days, then I want to have a row over that with the year, spanning over multiple months. I want these rows to be in the column header so they're always visible as you scroll down.
    Right now, I'm doing this with the first rows of the grid, out of the header, so they get out of view when the user scrolls down. Also, by being in the actual grid, they screw up sorting of the table.
    So I need 2 features. Multiple rows in the column header and the ability to merge multiple cells in the header.
    I've see some code to do this but it seemed too complicated so I want to see if I can find a component that does this out of the box first. I've seen 2 3rd party JTable-based components that do this but they're paid products and paying the full price of a component bundle for these features isn't a very attractive idea.
    So, does anyone know of a good table component that does this?

    Have a look at JXTable from the SwingX project. You should be able to find it via Google.

  • Selecting multiple rows using column header with checkbox in it.

    Dear All.,
    I am trying to select multiple rows with checkbox in column header but it doesnot works...
    Following is my codel
    <af:table value="#{bindings.xx.collectionModel}"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.xx.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          varStatus="vs" partialTriggers="sbcSelectAll sbcChkFlag"
                          rowSelection="none" id="tCdMast" width="400"
                          columnStretching="column:c4" inlineStyle="height:200px;">
                  <af:column sortProperty="ChkFlag" filterable="true"
                             id="c2" width="55"
                             inlineStyle="#{row.ChkFlag ? 'background-color:#9CACC9;' : ''}">
                    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" value="#{row.ChkFlag}"
                                              selected="#{row.ChkFlag}" id="sbcChkFlag"
                                              autoSubmit="true" immediate="true"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                      <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true"
    Managed Bean
        public void onTableChkAllCheckChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            Boolean newValue =
            Boolean oldValue =
            if (newValue.equals(oldValue))
            int rowIndex=0;
            ViewObject vo = u.findIterator("xxIterator").getViewObject();
              Row row;
                 row.setAttribute("ChkFlag", newValue.booleanValue());
        }Please help!!.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Can you check this sample in the blog post?

  • Multiple rows in alv header

    is is possible to display multiple rows in the alv header of an ALV
    VBELN      POSNR
    This is the header of the ALV. Is it possible to do so...if yes, please give some program pointers..for the same.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Check out below code:
    report  ztest_alv_check     message-id zz  line-size 50         .
    type-pools: slis.
    data: x_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv,
          it_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          l_layout type slis_layout_alv,
          x_events type slis_alv_event,
          it_events type slis_t_event.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          vbeln like vbak-vbeln,
          posnr like vbap-posnr,
          male type i,
          female type i,
         end of itab.
    select vbeln
           from vbap
           up to 20 rows
           into table itab.
    x_fieldcat-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
    x_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'VBELN'.
    x_fieldcat-tabname = 'ITAB'.
    x_fieldcat-col_pos = 1.
    append x_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
    clear x_fieldcat.
    x_fieldcat-fieldname = 'POSNR'.
    x_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'POSNR'.
    x_fieldcat-tabname = 'ITAB'.
    x_fieldcat-col_pos = 2.
    append x_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
    clear x_fieldcat.
    x_fieldcat-fieldname = 'MALE'.
    x_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'MALE'.
    x_fieldcat-tabname = 'ITAB'.
    x_fieldcat-col_pos = 3.
    append x_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
    clear x_fieldcat.
    x_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FEMALE'.
    x_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'FEMALE'.
    x_fieldcat-tabname = 'ITAB'.
    x_fieldcat-col_pos = 3.
    append x_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
    clear x_fieldcat.
      x_events-name = slis_ev_top_of_page.
      x_events-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      append x_events  to it_events.
      clear x_events .
      l_layout-no_colhead = 'X'.
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
        i_callback_program       = sy-repid
        is_layout                = l_layout
        it_fieldcat              = it_fieldcat
        it_events                = it_events
        t_outtab                 = itab
        program_error            = 1
        others                   = 2.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    form top_of_page.
    *-To display the headers for main list
        format color col_heading.
            write: / sy-uline(103).
        write: /   sy-vline,
              (8) ' ' ,
              (8)  ' ' ,
              (19) '***'(015) centered,
        write: /   sy-vline,
              (8) 'VBELN'(013) ,
              (8) 'POSNR'(014) ,
              (8) 'MALE'(016) ,
               (8)  'FMALE'(017) ,
        format color off.
    It is there in link which I had given earlier. I have executed the code and it gives the output in the way you want. Just check it once.
    how to display two lables in alv report
    Best Regards,
    *Please mark all the helpful answers

  • How do I delete multiple rows from datagrid?

    I have a datagrid which has an item renderer on the 1st column which displays a checkbox. I wish to delete all the rows of data from my datagrid which have the checkbox selected.
    I'd be very grateful if anyone can anyone help me with this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Test this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="init()" layout="vertical" xmlns:components="components.*">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                private var dp:ArrayCollection;
                private function init():void
                    var sa:Array = [{selected: false, value: "Some value"}, {selected: true, value: "Some other value"}];
                    dp = new ArrayCollection(sa);
                private function handleDelete():void
                    var na:Array = dp.source.filter(function callback(item:*, index:int, array:Array):Boolean
                                return item.selected == false;
                    dp.source = na;
        <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{dp}">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="selected">
                            <mx:CheckBox selected="{data.selected}" click="data.selected ="/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="value"/>
        <mx:Button label="Delete selected" click="handleDelete()"/>

  • Programmatically select multiple rows in DataGrid

    I'm trying to do it for days. How can i select many rows in my DataGrid in the code. In my DataGrid i have rows responsible for folders and files - existing in these folders. When user selects folder row i want to select all rows responsible for files that
    are in that folder. Of course i know which rows should be selected, but the problem is how to do it? I can add that my DataGrid is Binded to ObservableCollection(containing strings with pathes to different directories and files. Please some help.

    Hi Josef,
    I am marking this issue as "Answered". If you have any new questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
    Min Zhu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Interactive report – column heading in multiple rows

    I am using interactive report. My question to the expert/guru&rsquo;s is: - How do I change column heading into multiple row with text wrap.
    For example:- My column heading is
    Is Employee Trained ? -------&gt; (single row display)
    I want to make it display like
    Is Employee
    Trained ? ------&gt; (Multi row display)

    What you could do is, disable the download csv function from IR (Interactive Report Attributes--> Search Bar-- Uncheck Download) and in the region header create a link and redirect it to another page which will have the csv report output.
    e.g. <a href="#"  onclick="javascript:redirect('f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:3::');"" >Download Report </a>
    Here I am redirecting the link to Page 3. On Page 3 create a sql report with the same query and make report template to csv. Thanks,

  • BC4J datagrid to update multiple rows

    How do we update multiple rows at a time in a BC4J JSP with Struts. I intend to have a datagrid control on a JSP so that users may update multiple rows at a time and click 'Update' once.
    There is a possible (workaround) solution using struts nested tags but one would lose the benefits of JBO tags on using struts tags (e.g Calendar control would not be visible for Date input).
    Any implementation suggestions?

    Does the database only contain data where there are events on a given 15-minute time slot?

  • JTable with Multiple Row Header

    well, Im do an application thats need formated ISOS Sheets, and most of them have a Table with Multiple Row Header , and Groupable Header, and both of them. I have the .java and in the class MultipleRowHeaderExample calls a class AttributiveCellTableModel for setColumnIdentifiers() and setDataVector() the cue is why this print stack :
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
         at java.util.Vector.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at java.util.Vector.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(Unknown Source)
    .if in main class, have initialized the data, and column vars
    public class MultipleRowHeaderExample extends JFrame {
      Object[][] data;
      Object[] column;
      JTable table;
      MultiSpanCellTable fixedTable;
      public MultipleRowHeaderExample() {
        super( "Multiple Row Header Example" );
        setSize( 400, 150 );
        data =  new Object[][]{
            {"SNo."    ,"" },
            {"Name"    ,"1"},
            {""        ,"2"},
            {""        ,"2"},
            {""        ,"3"}};
        column = new Object[]{"",""};
        AttributiveCellTableModel fixedModel = new AttributiveCellTableModel(data, column) {
          public boolean CellEditable(int row, int col) {
            return false;

    What's the code in AttributiveCellTableModel?
    * (swing1.1beta3)
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    * @version 1.0 11/22/98
    public class AttributiveCellTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
      protected CellAttribute cellAtt;
      public AttributiveCellTableModel() {
        this((Vector)null, 0);
      public AttributiveCellTableModel(int numRows, int numColumns) {
        Vector names = new Vector(numColumns);
        dataVector = new Vector();
        cellAtt = new DefaultCellAttribute(numRows,numColumns);
      public AttributiveCellTableModel(Vector columnNames, int numRows) {
        dataVector = new Vector();
        cellAtt = new DefaultCellAttribute(numRows,columnNames.size());
      public AttributiveCellTableModel(Object[] columnNames, int numRows) {
        this(convertToVector(columnNames), numRows);
      public AttributiveCellTableModel(Vector data, Vector columnNames) {
        setDataVector(data, columnNames);
      public AttributiveCellTableModel(Object[][] data, Object[] columnNames) {
        setDataVector(data, columnNames);
      public void setDataVector(Vector newData, Vector columnNames) {
        if (newData == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("setDataVector() - Null parameter");
        dataVector = new Vector();
        dataVector = newData;
        cellAtt = new DefaultCellAttribute(dataVector.size(),
        newRowsAdded(new TableModelEvent(this, 0, getRowCount()-1,
               TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS, TableModelEvent.INSERT));
      public void setColumnIdentifiers(Vector arg0) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      public void addColumn(Object columnName, Vector columnData) {
        if (columnName == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("addColumn() - null parameter");
        int index = 0;
        Enumeration enumeration = dataVector.elements();
        while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
          Object value;
          if ((columnData != null) && (index < columnData.size()))
           value = columnData.elementAt(index);
         value = null;
      public void addRow(Vector rowData) {
        Vector newData = null;
        if (rowData == null) {
          newData = new Vector(getColumnCount());
        else {
        newRowsAdded(new TableModelEvent(this, getRowCount()-1, getRowCount()-1,
           TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS, TableModelEvent.INSERT));
      public void insertRow(int row, Vector rowData) {
        if (rowData == null) {
          rowData = new Vector(getColumnCount());
        else {
        dataVector.insertElementAt(rowData, row);
        newRowsAdded(new TableModelEvent(this, row, row,
           TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS, TableModelEvent.INSERT));
      public CellAttribute getCellAttribute() {
        return cellAtt;
      public void setCellAttribute(CellAttribute newCellAtt) {
        int numColumns = getColumnCount();
        int numRows    = getRowCount();
        if ((newCellAtt.getSize().width  != numColumns) ||
            (newCellAtt.getSize().height != numRows)) {
          newCellAtt.setSize(new Dimension(numRows, numColumns));
        cellAtt = newCellAtt;
      public void changeCellAttribute(int row, int column, Object command) {
        cellAtt.changeAttribute(row, column, command);
      public void changeCellAttribute(int[] rows, int[] columns, Object command) {
        cellAtt.changeAttribute(rows, columns, command);
    }that's it

  • Selecting multiple rows in a datagrid

    How do you make it so that you can select multiple row in a
    datagrid, and I don' t just mean like make it so you click a button
    and five different rows are suddenly highlighted. I mean like you
    manually go through and select each row that you want and it
    highlights each one as you select it.

    should do the trick for you

  • Displaying Multiple Row Header for Matrix...

           Can you please tell me, whether we can display Multiple row headers for the Matrix object same as that in the Posting Period SAP Form...
    Please check the Link:
    Thanking you in advance...

    I am extremly sorry...Please check the following link...
    Link Address :
    Edited by: hari angamaly on Jun 17, 2009 1:20 PM
    Edited by: hari angamaly on Jun 17, 2009 1:21 PM

  • Update multiple rows in a dynamic table Dreamweaver CS5.5

    hello there
    i want to update multiple rows which comes from a dynamic table in Dreamweaver CS5 (a loop in php) here is my Mysql table :
    sql code
    CREATE TABLE `register`.`s_lessons` (
    `lid` int( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
    `sid` int( 9 ) NOT NULL ,
    `term` int( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
    `tid` int( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
    `point` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY ( `lid` , `sid` , `term` ) ,
    KEY `tid` ( `tid` ) ,
    KEY `point` ( `point` )
    ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_persian_ci;
    and this is my page source code:
    php file
    <?php require_once('../Connections/register.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    $colname1_rs1 = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['term'])) {
      $colname1_rs1 = $_GET['term'];
    $colname_rs1 = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['lid'])) {
      $colname_rs1 = $_GET['lid'];
    $colname2_rs1 = "-1";
    if (isset($_SESSION['tid'])) {
      $colname2_rs1 = $_SESSION['tid'];
    mysql_select_db($database_register, $register);
    $query_rs1 = sprintf("SELECT s_lessons.sid, s_lessons.lid, s_lessons.term, s_lessons.tid, s_lessons.point FROM s_lessons WHERE s_lessons.lid = %s AND s_lessons.term = %s AND s_lessons.tid  = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rs1, "int"),GetSQLValueString($colname1_rs1, "int"),GetSQLValueString($colname2_rs1, "int"));
    $rs1 = mysql_query($query_rs1, $register) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rs1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs1);
    $totalRows_rs1 = mysql_num_rows($rs1);
    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    for ($j = 0, $len = count($_POST['lid']); $j < $len; $j++) {
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) && ($_POST["MM_update"] == "form1")) {
      $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE s_lessons SET point=%s WHERE tid=%s, lid=%s, sid=%s, term=%s",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['point'] [$j], "double"),
                                GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['tid'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['lid'] [$j], "int"),
                                GetSQLValueString($_POST['sid'] [$j], "int"),
                                GetSQLValueString($_POST['term'] [$j], "int"));
      mysql_select_db($database_register, $register);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $register) or die(mysql_error());
      $updateGoTo = "student_lists.php";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $updateGoTo .= (strpos($updateGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
        $updateGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      header(sprintf("Location: %s", $updateGoTo));
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta name="keywords" content="" />
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link href="styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link href="styles/in_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <div id="wrapper">
         <div id="header-wrapper">
         <!-- end #header -->
         <div id="page">
              <div id="page-bgtop">
                   <div id="page-bgbtm">
                        <div id="content">
                             <div class="post">
                               <div style="clear: both;">
                            <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>">
                            <table border="1" align="center">
                                <th>Student ID</th>
                                <th>Lesson ID</th>
                              <?php do { ?>
                                  <td class="data"><label for="sid[]"></label>
                                  <input name="sid[]" type="text" id="sid[]" value="<?php echo $row_rs1['sid']; ?>" size="9" readonly="readonly" /></td>
                                  <td class="data"><label for="lid[]"></label>
                                  <input name="lid[]" type="text" id="lid[]" value="<?php echo $row_rs1['lid']; ?>" size="5" readonly="readonly" /></td>
                                  <td class="data"><label for="term[]"></label>
                                  <input name="term[]" type="text" id="term[]" value="<?php echo $row_rs1['term']; ?>" size="4" readonly="readonly" /></td>
                                  <td><label for="point[]"></label>
                                    <input name="point[]" type="text" id="point[]" value="<?php echo $row_rs1['point']; ?>" size="4" />                             
                                <?php } while ($row_rs1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs1)); ?>
                              <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" />
                              <input type="hidden" name="MM_update" value="form1" />
                        <div style="clear: both;">
                        <!-- end #content -->
                        <!-- end #sidebar -->
                        <div style="clear: both;"> </div>
         <!-- end #page -->
    <!-- end #footer -->
    All i want is that when users click on SUBMIT button values of point column in s_lessons(database table) be updated by new entries from user.
    i did my best and result with that code is :
    You  have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to  your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' lid=888,  sid=860935422, term=902' at line 1
    I would appreciate any idea.
    with prior thanks

    Go to the Row Properties, and in the Visibility tab, you have "Show or hide based on an expression". You can use this to write an expression that resolves to true if the row should be hidden, false otherwise.
    Additionally, in the Matrix properties you should take a look at the filters section, perhaps you can achieve what you wish to achieve through there by removing the unnecessary rows instead of just hiding them.
    It's only so much I can help you with the limited information. If you require further help, please provide us with more information such as what data are you displaying, what's the criteria to hiding rows, etc...
    Andrew Borg Cardona

  • Multiple row selection & Send Email Code ? Need littel Help

    Dear All,
    I managed to insert a code which will enable me to select multiple rows (Artikel from the great Yann Duran),
    i also have a code which enables me to send a mail for each selected row (only one row).
    But now since I was able to select more rows, I need to to customize my "Send mail" code to send mail to all selected rows. I guess I will need a loop here but I am not sure.
    My code for multiy row selection :
    private const string _CONTROL = "vw_CustLedgerEntry" // This is my Data Grid;
    private DataGrid _ItemsList = null;
    private int _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    partial void Part_2_CustomerItemDetail_InitializeDataWorkspace(List<IDataService> saveChangesTo)
    // Write your code here.
    this.FindControl(_CONTROL).ControlAvailable += Orders_ControlAvailable;
    private void Orders_ControlAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
    _ItemsList = e.Control as DataGrid;
    //if the cast failed, just leave, there's nothing more we can do here
    if (_ItemsList == null)
    //set the property on the grid that allows multiple selection
    _ItemsList.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
    _ItemsList.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(_ItemsList_SelectionChanged);
    private void _ItemsList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    switch (_ItemsList == null)
    case true:
    _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    case false:
    _SelectedRowsCount = _ItemsList.SelectedItems.Count;
    This is my code for sending a mail for one selected row:
    partial void EMail_Execute() // EMAIL BUTTON FOR OPEN ENTRIES
    if (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Report_Type == null)
    // throw new ArgumentNullException();
    this.ShowMessageBox("EMail Can't be sent,PDF generation is not possible for this Entry");
    this.Application.ShowPart_2_CustomerItemDetail(this.vw_CustomerItem.Costomer_No_, this.vw_CustomerItem.Company);
    else// if (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Send_Mail== true)
    vw_CustLedgerEntryItem1 entryItem = this.vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem;
    InvSendbyMailRequestBody reqBody = new InvSendbyMailRequestBody(
    , entryItem.Report_Type
    , "DynNavHRS"
    , this.Application.User.Name.Replace(@"HRS\", "") + "" // HRS001
    , "Document"
    , false
    , false
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.ISO_Code // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Email body text sprache
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.Salesperson_E_mail // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Send E-mail
    , entryItem.Customer_No_.ToString()
    , false
    , "XYZ"
    , false);
    InvSendbyMailRequest req = new InvSendbyMailRequest(reqBody);
    HRSReportServiceSoapClient wsHRS = new HRSReportServiceSoapClient();
    // wsHRS.InvSendbyMailCompleted += new EventHandler<InvSendbyMailCompletedEventArgs>(wsHRS_InvGetPDFCompleted);
    this.ShowMessageBox("Your email was successfully sent");
    // while (vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem.Send_Mail == true);
    Thaks a lot for your help.

    I tried the following but I donot know if its correct and Iam facing a problem with the "Foreach" function.
    private const string _CONTROL = "vw_CustLedgerEntry" // This is my Data Grid;
    private DataGrid _ItemsList = null;
    private int _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    partial void Part_2_CustomerItemDetail_InitializeDataWorkspace(List<IDataService> saveChangesTo)
    // Write your code here.
    this.FindControl(_CONTROL).ControlAvailable += Orders_ControlAvailable;
    private void Orders_ControlAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
    _ItemsList = e.Control as DataGrid;
    //if the cast failed, just leave, there's nothing more we can do here
    if (_ItemsList == null)
    //set the property on the grid that allows multiple selection
    _ItemsList.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
    _ItemsList.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(_ItemsList_SelectionChanged);
    private void _ItemsList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    switch (_ItemsList == null)
    case true:
    _SelectedRowsCount = 0;
    case false:
    _SelectedRowsCount = _ItemsList.SelectedItems.Count;
    partial void Send_Multiple_Mail_CanExecute(ref bool result)
    //only enable rows have actually been selected
    result = (_SelectedRowsCount > 0);
    partial void Send_Multiple_Mail_Execute()
    if (_ItemsList == null) { return; }
    //StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder();
    //loop through the selected rows
    //we're casting each selected row as a DemoItem
    //so we get access to all the properties of the entity that the row represents
    foreach (_ItemsList.SelectedItems)
    vw_CustLedgerEntryItem1 entryItem = this.vw_CustLedgerEntry.SelectedItem;
    InvSendbyMailRequestBody reqBody = new InvSendbyMailRequestBody(
    , entryItem.Report_Type
    , "DynNavXYZ"
    , this.Application.User.Name.Replace(@"HRS\", "") + "" // HRS001
    , "Document"
    , false
    , false
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.ISO_Code // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Email body text sprache
    , this.vw_CustomerItem.Salesperson_E_mail // Change 7.8.2014 Bug in Send E-mail
    , entryItem.Customer_No_.ToString()
    , false
    , "XYZ"
    , false);
    InvSendbyMailRequest req = new InvSendbyMailRequest(reqBody);
    XYZReportServiceSoapClient wsHRS = new HRSReportServiceSoapClient();
    // wsHRS.InvSendbyMailCompleted += new EventHandler<InvSendbyMailCompletedEventArgs>(wsHRS_InvGetPDFCompleted);
    this.ShowMessageBox("Your email was successfully sent");

  • Multiple Icon on Jtable header

    Hi All:
    Any one had used multiple icons on JTable header ? According to the user's clicking positon under one column, one of these icons should change such as changing from sorting up arrows to sorting down arrows.
    I got the mouse clicking position on the header and column, then depend on the location, I wanted to perfrom different things. But I have not figured out if I should call header renderer to perform the repaint or not ? If I use JTable header render, how should I confine the one column that change should happen? I don't want to have all columns repainted. If I treat each column indivisually, should I reconstruct the JTable ? I used SortableTableModel to create the JTable.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Here's the idea. I didn't test thisclass JComponentCellRenderer extends JButton implements TableCellRenderer {
        public JComponentCellRenderer (ImageIcon ii) { super("",ii); }
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
            boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
            return this;
    }and thentblChanges.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setHeaderRenderer(new JComponentCellRenderer(new ImageIcon( "CheckBoxHeaderImage" )));

  • Updating Multiple Rows in a DTO

    I am trying the edit multiple rows. I followed the instruction in the below link.
    But Instead of using view object i used CMP-DTO-SessionBean for my application.
    I am thro till the form update. but i am not able to update the table .. Could somebody suggest me what is should do in addition to this to update my DTO which will udpate my table.
    I am submitting the code below and also the code in the session bean to update one row which is working for me.
    package view;
    import oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataForwardAction;
    import oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataActionContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCUtil;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBindingRef;
    import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;
    import model.EjbNmpurenqLocalDTO;
    public class MultiRowEditAction extends DataForwardAction
    //The changes Flag
    private boolean mHasChanges = false;
    EjbNmpurenqLocalDTO nmpurenq = new EjbNmpurenqLocalDTO();
    protected void processUpdateModel(DataActionContext actionContext)
    DynaActionForm updateForm = (DynaActionForm)actionContext.getActionForm();
    UpdateRowBean[] updatedRows = (UpdateRowBean[])updateForm.get("Row");
    java.util.List origRows = (java.util.List)DCUtil.findSpelObject(
    for (int i=0;i<origRows.size();i++ )
    String theRowKey = updatedRows.getRowKeyStr();
    JUCtrlValueBindingRef oldRow = (JUCtrlValueBindingRef)origRows.get(i);
    if (oldRow.get(JUCtrlValueBindingRef.RANGESET_ROW_KEY_STR).equals(theRowKey))
    protected void validateModelUpdates(DataActionContext actionContext)
    if (isDirty())
    private void updateIfRequired(JUCtrlValueBindingRef baseRow, String attr, String newValue)
    Object baseAttrValue = baseRow.get("attr");
    if ((baseAttrValue == null && (newValue == null||newValue.length() == 0))
    ||((baseAttrValue != null && baseAttrValue.equals(newValue))))
    // no need to push the change
    baseRow.put(attr, newValue);
    private void setDirty(boolean state)
    mHasChanges = state;
    private boolean isDirty()
    return mHasChanges;
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <html:form action="">
    <table border="1" width="100%">
    <th> </th>
    <c:out value="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.labels['partycde']}"/>
    <c:out value="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.labels['docnumbr']}"/>
    <c:out value="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.labels['itemrate']}"/>
    <c:out value="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.labels['apprqnty']}"/>
    <c:out value="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.labels['suprmrks']}"/>
    <c:forEach var="Row" items="${bindings.showPEbyParty1.rangeSet}"><html:hidden property="rowKeyStr" indexed="true" name="Row" />
    <c:out value="${Row.currencyString}"/>
    <c:out value="${Row['partycde']}"/> 
    <c:out value="${Row['docnumbr']}"/> 
    <html:text property="itemrate" indexed="true" name="Row"/></td>
    <c:out value="${Row['apprqnty']}"/> 
    <html:text property="suprmrks" indexed="true" name="Row"/></td>
    <input type="submit" name="event_PreviousSet" value="PreviousSet" <c:out value="${bindings.PreviousSet.enabledString}" />/>
    <input type="submit" name="event_NextSet" value="NextSet" <c:out value="${bindings.NextSet.enabledString}" />/>
    <input type="submit" name="event_First" value="First" <c:out value="${bindings.First.enabledString}" />/>
    <input type="submit" name="event_Previous" value="Previous" <c:out value="${bindings.Previous.enabledString}" />/>
    <input type="submit" name="event_Next" value="Next" <c:out value="${bindings.Next.enabledString}" />/>
    <input type="submit" name="event_Last" value="Last" <c:out value="${bindings.Last.enabledString}" />/>
    update one row method in my session bean
    public void respondPE(EjbNmpurenqLocalDTO nmpurenq)
    EjbNmpurenqLocalHome home = this.getEjbNmpurenqLocalHome();
    EjbNmpurenqLocal nmpurenqLocal = home.findByPartyDoc(nmpurenq.getPartycde(),nmpurenq.getDocnumbr());
    catch (FinderException e)
    throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(e.toString());
    catch (NamingException e)
    throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(e.toString());
    package view;
    import java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo;
    import java.beans.BeanDescriptor;
    import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
    public class UpdateRowBeanBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo
    public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors()
    PropertyDescriptor rowKeyStr = new PropertyDescriptor("rowKeyStr",
    PropertyDescriptor itemrate = new PropertyDescriptor("itemrate",
    PropertyDescriptor apprqnty = new PropertyDescriptor("apprqnty",
    PropertyDescriptor suprmrks = new PropertyDescriptor("suprmrks",
    PropertyDescriptor partycde = new PropertyDescriptor("partycde",
    PropertyDescriptor docnumbr = new PropertyDescriptor("docnumbr",
    PropertyDescriptor[] pds = new PropertyDescriptor[] {rowKeyStr,itemrate,apprqnty,suprmrks,partycde,docnumbr};
    return pds;
    }catch(Exception ex)
    return null;
    package view;
    public class UpdateRowBean
    String rowKeyStr;
    String itemrate;
    String apprqnty;
    String suprmrks;
    String partycde;
    String docnumbr;
    public UpdateRowBean()
    public String getRowKeyStr()
    return rowKeyStr;
    public void setRowKeyStr(String rowKeyStr)
    this.rowKeyStr = rowKeyStr;
    public String getitemrate()
    return itemrate;
    public void setitemrate(String itemrate)
    this.itemrate = itemrate;
    public String getapprqnty()
    return apprqnty;
    public void setapprqnty(String apprqnty)
    this.apprqnty = apprqnty;
    public String getsuprmrks()
    return suprmrks;
    public void setsuprmrks(String suprmrks)
    this.suprmrks = suprmrks;
    public String getpartycde()
    return partycde;
    public void setpartycde(String partycde)
    this.partycde = partycde;
    public String getdocnumbr()
    return docnumbr;
    public void setdocnumbr(String docnumbr)
    this.docnumbr = docnumbr;
    Any suggestion please

    update pavan set n2=decode(n1,2,2,3,3) where n1 in (2,3);
    Message was edited by:
    Laurent Schneider
    a careful reader would suggest set n2=n1 ;-)

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