My apple tv is not streaming video without stopping

When streaming films from my mac air to apple TV  the internet steaming is non stop
But the apple TV stopped while it is buffering.
So although the film runs without stopping on the Mac Air screen it keeps stopping when being mirrord on the HD Tv via the Aplle TV.
It seems like the Apple TV is not keeping up with the video feed from the mac air
Please advise?

this looks like a clogged network.
How are you connecting MBA and Apple TV?
If both are on WiFi - try to connect Apple TV via cable to your router (if possible). This will improve the newtrok bandwidth.

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    Annethrax wrote:
    My Apple TV3 will not stream movies
    From where? Internet or local iTunes library?
    Annethrax wrote:
    I have high speed 15 mbps Mediacom internet, which has never had any issues. I called Mediacom and they said my connectivity was excellent. I have reset my router/modem/AppleTV to no avail. 
    Annethrax wrote:
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    Apple, I hope you realize this is not an isolated incident.
    I appreciate your frustration, but remember we are fellow users here, and you are not talkingto Apple support directly.
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    What is described above is a network issue.  Troubleshoot the network.

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    Here are the steps for AirPlay:
    Before starting Azul from your (running iOS 5.x/6.x) home screen where have have all your apps we need to turn on mirroring
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    this looks like a clogged network.
    How are you connecting MBA and Apple TV?
    If both are on WiFi - try to connect Apple TV via cable to your router (if possible). This will improve the newtrok bandwidth.

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    Try turning IPv6 ON in your network preferences - this is helping SOME people with this problem. It won't help you at all if your network router doesn't do IPv6.
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    This sounds like a port issue. Somebody (possibly wjosten) posted a list of ports that need to be open in order for the ATV to work correctly.
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    Did You turn on Advanced Tools ?
    First Choise possibly - Visa avancerade verktyg / Show advanced tools
    TimeLine set to show ONE ROW of Clips.
    Then take a photo (.jpg) and drop it ON TOP OF the Clip in TimeLine where You want it to be.
    Now You should get a drop down Menu - Select Cutaway.
    in iMovie'13 (version 10.0.x) this is very different !
    Yours Bengt W

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