Need help on Update query

I have 2 tables A and B with below data and description, i want to update Table B when C1, C2 are equal and C3 is not equal by comparing with Table A. If A contains 2 records with same such condition then update any 1 record's different description in Table B.
I can achieve this by using below query but i don't want to query Table A twice. Also if this is update is possible using Cursor is also fine for me..
Please help me on this...Thanks in Advance
Update B
set B.c3 = (select c3 from A
where A.c1 = B.c1
and A.c2 = B.c2
and A.c3 <> B.c3
and ROWNUM = 1)
where exists (select 1 from A
where A.c1 = B.c1
and A.c2 = B.c2
and A.c3 <> B.c3);
Table A Table B
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
1 B desc1 1 B desc3
1 B desc2 2 x desc2
2 x desc1 3 y desc3
3 y desc3
Expected Output
Table B
C1 C2 C3
1 B desc1 or desc2 (any 1 different description should get updated)
2 x desc1
3 y desc3

I am a bit confused. this also works without numbers in the C3 column.
drop table tablea;
drop table tableb;
create table tablea as
(select 1 C1,'B' C2, 'descA' C3 from dual union
select 1, 'B', 'descB' from dual union
select 2, 'x', 'descC' from dual union
select 3, 'y', 'descC' from dual
create table tableb as
(select 1 C1,'B' C2, 'descC' C3 from dual union
select 2, 'x', 'descB' from dual union
select 3, 'y', 'descC' from dual
merge into tableb t1
using (
           select tablea.C1, tablea.C2, max(tablea.C3) C3
           from tablea, tableb
           where tablea.c1 = tableb.c1
           and     tablea.c2 = tableb.c2
           and     tablea.c3 != tableb.c3
           group by tablea.C1, tablea.C2) t2
  on (t1.C1 = t2.C1 and t1.C2 = t2.C2 )
when matched  then
set T1.C3 = t2.C3;
select * from tableb;
C1     C2     C3
1     B     descB
2     x     descC
3     y     descC

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    set S1.CalcRVU = ( select
    TMP_RVU T1
    S1.GroupId = T1.GroupId
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    Edited by: user9009311 on Apr 14, 2010 4:47 PM

    Most likely you want a WHERE clause in your update portion ... something like
    update test.RVU S1
    set S1.CalcRVU = ( select
    TMP_RVU T1
    S1.GroupId = T1.GroupId
    S1.PatientId = T1.PatientId
    S1.InvoiceId = T1.InvoiceId
    S1.TransId = T1.TransId
    where exists
       select null
       from tmp_rvu t11
       where S1.GroupId = T11.GroupId
       and    S1.PatientId = T11.PatientId
       and    S1.InvoiceId = T11.InvoiceId
       and    S1.TransId = T11.TransId
    )You can also look into using the MERGE command (if you're on version 10 or better you can perform update only operations with it). I personally find it more 'friendly' than correlated updates a lot of the time.

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    Be care, simpe UPDATE without WHERE clause will change ALL rows in
    invoice table dispite are there any related data in inv_acc_summ.
    (NOT tested !!!)
    UPDATE invoice T1
    SET T1.ttl_cr_adjust_amt = (SELECT sum(summ_amt)
    WHERE summ_code='LSG02'
    AND T1.bill_date=T2.bill_date
    AND T1.acct_no=T2.acct_no
    WHERE (t1.bill_date, t1.acc_no) IN
    SELECT t2.bill_date, t2.acc_no
    WHERE t2.summ_code='LSG02'

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    If you are executing update statement from sqlplus session.
    Make sure "feedback" is turned on. It'll show numbers of rows updated just after the command;
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    0 rows updated.
    SQL> show feedback
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    SQL>Details about this sqlplus system setting:
    FEED[BACK] {6|n|OFF|ON}
    Display the number of records returned (when rows >= n )
    OFF (or n=0) will turn the display off
    ON will set n=1

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    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*20.00*-------------19
    1234567----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment for bad quality---------44345563------------------A-----------------10.00------------19
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    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765--------------------I---------------------30.00-------------19
    Please Ignore '----', added it for clarity
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    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765-------------------I---------------------30.00--------------19
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    You can put the data that is to be checked for into a table instead or an inline view, for example:
    with t as
    (select 'a' as c1 from dual
    union all
    select 'b' from dual
    union all
    select 'c' from dual
    union all
    select 'd' from dual
    union all
    select 'e' from dual)
    select c1 from (select 'a' as c1 from dual
    union all
    select 'b' from dual
    union all
    select 'c' from dual
    union all
    select 'd' from dual
    union all
    select 'e' from dual
    union all
    select 'f' from dual
    union all
    select 'g' from dual)
    select c1 from t
    2 rows selected.

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    Take a look on the syntax :
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    select distinct,
    loan_Calculator b,
    bv_user_profile c,
    bv_mr_user_profile d
    where b.loanid = a.loanid
    and c.NET_USER_NO = a.resp_id
    and d.user_id = c.user_id
    and a.is_partner is null
    and a.create_date between
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    TO_DATE('27/3/2008 23:59:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')
    order by a.create_date

    Perhaps something like this...
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    from (
          select distinct,
                          max(create_date) over (partition by a.user_id, a.loadid) as max_create_date
          from CLAL_LOANCALC_DET a,
               loan_Calculator b,
               bv_user_profile c,
               bv_mr_user_profile d
          where b.loanid = a.loanid
          and   c.NET_USER_NO = a.resp_id
          and   d.user_id = c.user_id
          and   a.is_partner is null
          and   a.create_date between
                TO_DATE('6/3/2008 01:00:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS') and
                TO_DATE('27/3/2008 23:59:00', 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')
    where create_date = max_create_date
    order by create_date

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    A client could have 1 or 2 or 3 rows per day, no more for a specific date. I would like to get first, all clients with COUNT(id_cobro) = 1, all clients with COUNT(id_cobro) = 2, and finally all clients with COUNT(id_cobro) = 3.
    Something similar to:
    1 SELECT id_cliente, COUNT(id_cobro) FROM cobros
    2 WHERE fecha_proximo_cobro >= '2011-05-30 00:00'
    3 AND fecha_proximo_cobro <= '2011-05-30 23:59'
    4 AND COUNT(id_cobro) = 1
    5 GROUP BY id_cliente
    The fourth line is the problem. It doesn't work.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    Maybe you are looking for something like this?
    SELECT id_cliente
         , COUNT(*)   AS cnt
    FROM   cobros
    WHERE  fecha_promixo_cobro BETWEEN TO_DATE('2011-05-30 00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') AND TO_DATE('2011-05-30 23:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')
    GROUP BY id_cliente
    ORDER BY 2
           , 1Also, NEVER rely on implicit data type conversion as you have (you provide a STRING not a DATE).
    Edited by: Centinul on Jun 2, 2011 12:36 PM
    Fixed syntax error.

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    That is a very old version belonging to Snow Leopard. I take it you are not actually running Yosemite.
    Upgrading to Yosemite
    You can upgrade to Yosemite from Lion or directly from Snow Leopard. Yosemite can be downloaded from the Mac App Store for FREE.
    Upgrading to Yosemite
    To upgrade to Yosemite you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Download Yosemite from the App Store. Sign in using your Apple ID. Yosemite is free. The file is quite large, over 5 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
        OS X Mavericks/Yosemite- System Requirements
          Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Yosemite
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 7,1 or later
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 5,1 or later
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 2,1 or later
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
         Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps.
    Upgrading to Lion
    If your computer does not meet the requirements to install Mavericks, it may still meet the requirements to install Lion.
    You can purchase Lion at the Online Apple Store. The cost is $19.99 (as it was before) plus tax.  It's a download. You will get an email containing a redemption code that you then use at the Mac App Store to download Lion. Save a copy of that installer to your Downloads folder because the installer deletes itself at the end of the installation.
         Lion System Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7,
               or Xeon processor
           2. 2GB of memory
           3. OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
           4. 7GB of available space
           5. Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.

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    You can't, over-the-air update did not become available until iOS 5, you show iOS 4.1.
    And we cannot discuss jailbroken devices here per the moderators.

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    i need help i updated my iphone 3gs and now its not activating

    What happens when you try to activate the iPhone?
    If there is an error message, what is the exact wording of that message?

  • Need help for Update and cancel SalesOrder

    Hi All,
    I  written java code for create sales order based on salesquotation,now i want to update and cancel sales order ,i need help to update and cancel salesorder.
    can give any related links for update and cancel salesorder.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi srinivas.L
    It is simple, here is some sample code. You must use getbykey to get the document. Then once you got it you can make whatever changes you need. Then update it. where i have oOrder.Update() you can have oOrder.cancel
    Dim oOrder As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
            oOrder = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
            If oOrder.GetByKey(530) Then
                oOrder.Lines.WarehouseCode = "01"
                If oOrder.Update() <> 0 Then
                End If
                MsgBox("Nothing found")
            End If
    Hope this helps

  • Need help in UPDATE data in SQL Query

    Hi all,
    I am trying to update data in the sql table as per below screenshot but couldn't able to do it. Can anyone help to update the data as I mention in screenshot.Appreciate you help.Thanks.
    Yellow highlighted columns are source
    Green highlighted columns are target
    Colored data should be update as per source data in sql table.Data is not static as it might have more rows to update and query should be bit dynamic.

    You have already asked this question once. You did not get any good answers, because you the information you gave was insufficient. And I'm afraid that the information is still in sufficient.
    Or more exactly, from the example you have given, the answer is: can't be done. And the reason it can't be done, is as I explained in response to you first thread: there is no information in the data to from which we can deduce that Clorox Company
    should be under "Week 1-1,K.B,F". The fact that rows are listed in a certain order in the screenshoot is of no importance, because a table is an unordered object.
    But you said in another post that you have a timestamp column. Maybe that column is usable - maybe it is not. But at least it is a key that you have more columns that the ones you show.
    The best way to get help with this type of problems is to post:
    1) CREATE TABLE statement for your table(s).
    2) INSERT statements with sample data.
    3) The desired result given the sample.
    4) A short description of the actual buisness problem you are trying to solve.
    5) Which version of SQL Server you are using.
    This makes it easy to copy and paste into a query window to develop a tested solution. Screenshots with an insufficient amount of data is not going to help you very much.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Need help with Update Join Query

    Hello, I am trying to update PID of #child table with PID of #parent table if "lastname & firstname are matches in both table" but my update query is giving some error. Please help and correct the update query. I am also trying to remove any
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    drop table #parent,#child
    create table #parent (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #parent values ('100','Josheph','Sumali')
    insert into #parent values ('400','Karen','Hunsa')
    insert into #parent values ('600','Mursan  ','  Terry')
    create table #child (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #child values ('2','Josheph ','Sumali   ')
    insert into #child values ('5','Karen','Kunsi')
    insert into #child values ('6','Mursan ','Terry ')
    Update #child
    set PID = p.PID
    from #child C Join
    #parent p ON c.LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname) = p.LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)
    AND c.LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname) = p.LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname)
    /* Requested Output */
    PID        lastname      firstname
    100        Josheph       Sumali
    600        Mursan        Terry

    create table #parent (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #parent values ('100','Josheph','Sumali')
    insert into #parent values ('400','Karen','Hunsa')
    insert into #parent values ('600','Mursan ',' Terry')
    create table #child (PID varchar(10), lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50))
    insert into #child values ('2','Josheph ','Sumali ')
    insert into #child values ('5','Karen','Kunsi')
    insert into #child values ('6','Mursan ','Terry ')
    Merge #child as t
    Using #parent as p ON (LTRIM(RTRIM(t.lastname)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(p.lastname))
    AND LTRIM(RTRIM(t.firstname)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(p.firstname)) )
    When Matched Then
    set PID = p.PID;
    update #child
    Set lastname=LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)), firstname= LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname));
    update #parent
    Set lastname=LTRIM(RTRIM(lastname)), firstname = LTRIM(RTRIM(firstname));
    select * from #child
    select * from #parent
    drop table #parent,#child

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