Need to access parent elements in nested for-each loop

Hi All,
I have a xslt mapping requirement in which I am completely stuck. The details are as listed below. Please help!
Schema structure is as follows:
Required xslt file structure is:
<xsl:for-each Loop-LINE>
<xsl:for-each Loop-SDPP>
<xsl:for-each Segment-FSTT[ns0:Element-111 != "A"]>
<xsl:for-each Loop-LINE> --------- How to access Loop-LINE element from this for loop????
Need help in understanding how can I run a for-each loop for Loop-LINE which is two levels up in the schema tree structure.

Thanks for this answer but I can't obtain the right output with my test case; the multi column must be in the loop as that :
Alternator .......................................... Feed Pump
Belt Details / Engine Gaskets Sets ..... Flywheel Housing
Alternateur......................................... Culbuteurs
Bloc-Cylindres.................................... Demarreur

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    Message was edited by:
    :added solved to subject

    A solution that works is to great a for-each loop table using ROWSET1 and setting a variable to the ID value. Then put a nested for-each loop inside the first using ROWSET2 and using a filter on the for-each to filter for OWNER_ID like this:
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    for-each ROWSET1
    ID set 'x'
    for-each ROWSET2[filter]
    end for-each
    end for-each

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    Easiest is suing an array of range boundaries, e.g. as follows:
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    The foreach loop container (file enumerator) only returns the filename or filepath which you can use as a parameter in an Execute SQL Task or within an expression on a connection manager (which can be used in a Data Flow). So it doesn't do anything with
    the file. You have to add a task within the loop to do something with the file (Execute SQL Task/Data Flow Task/File System Task/etc.).
    Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question | My SSIS Blog: |

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    As you have ACA_*.* set in Files Filter, it will return all the files from the folder which start with ACA_.
    You can have one dummy Sequence Container inside FE Loop Container. Connect it to your starting task and do right click on Precedence Constraint and write the expression the way you want by using SSIS functions. If the expression is evaluated to True only
    then it will go to the next task.
    In this way you can skip Non-ACA files.
    Please refer:
    SSIS Skip Certain Files in a For Each Loop
    - Vaibhav

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    1 RichaKumari 311289 TCS INDIA
    2 KiarnKumar 456782 BRO RichaKumari 311289 INDIA
    2 Ravi            456882 BRO RichaKumari 311289 INDIA
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    2 KiarnKumar RichaKumari 311289 TCS INDIA
    2 Ravi            RichaKumari 311289 TCS INDIA
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    I think you'll need two nested for-each's... Something like...
    <xsl:for-each select="$root/row[layout = 1]">
    <xsl:variable name="employee" select="."/>
    ... write employee ...
    <xsl:for-each select="$root/row[layout = 2 and dependentid = $employee/id]">
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    2. a2.accdb  contains only one table  a2tab  ( col1 col2 col3 )
    3. a3.accdb  contains only one table  a3tab   ( col1 col2 col3 )
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    Thanks Arthur, please find below response
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    Is it good to drop the idea of for each loop and create a separate task for each accdb file? to be loaded to same target table( performance wise etc.. any justification would be helpful)
    You must handle the connection string dynamically?
    Can you help me with the logic for handling connection string dynamically

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    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <getDefaultValueResponse xmlns="">
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    <fieldDefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
    and i want to assign that value to transactionType tag of
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tns:sandstonetns xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" Sandstone_Data_Transaction_History_Response.xsd ">
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tns:sandstonetns xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" Sandstone_Data_Transaction_History_Response.xsd ">

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    Please someone check my code. I"m getting no errors in flex
    builder. When i debug all vars are holding prober data. Thanks so

    "essa tkinen" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gr27rt$3sb$[email protected]..
    > yes there is data there a commas delimited list of
    keywords that are
    > catagorys. the selectedCatArray holds at list one
    element. I want to
    > return true if element is in that list
    For one thing, you're going to exit the function in the first
    because you return the result inside the loop. Return
    immediately exits the
    function. For another, I'd be tempted to switch it to
    something more like
    for (var i = 0; i<_item.cats.length; i++) {
    var iCat=item.cats
    //do your stuff here
    I have had really bad luck getting for each in to work the
    way I think it

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    Please assist with a step by step guide on how to setup a For Each Loop for XML Task
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    it stops after a few records, i get the following error: 
    [XML Source [1]] Error: The component "XML Source" (1) was unable to process the XML data. The element "Errors" cannot contain a child element. Content model is text only.
    Please assist
    Check this:
    Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real.
    The climb is all there is.

  • For Each Loop - Urgent

    I am trying to use a For each loop:
    FE Agreement_No
    0.00<?end for-each?>
    This does not work. Does the code FE need to be grouped?
    Can anyone help?

    I have created a repeating group:
    This places an F in front of agreement_no field
    and places E in front of the following field customer.
    I would also like to add a condition where installment = 'Under 1'
    Would that be <?for-each-group:ROW;./Agreement_No[../Installments='Under 1']?>

  • For Each Loop Load Dynamic Excel Files

    Hi All,
    SSIS 2005
    I want to load excel file .xls one at a time files that have different names without having to select the file in the connection manager, every time. So a user can easily place the excel file in the folder and right the sql job and it loads the file data.
    The data flow tasks all work when I manually select the excel file, but I am unable to get this to work dynamically.
    I have setup a for each loop with multiples data flow tasks and sql tasks to load my data from file.
    @filename d:\new file\*.xls
    For Each Loop:
    ForEachFile Enumerator
    Folder: d:\new file\
    Files: *.xls
    Retrieve File Name: Fully Qualified
    Variable Mappings:
    User::filename (index 0)
    Connection Managers:
    Excel Connection Manager: Expressions, ConnectionString @[User::filename]
    Error Message: Error at new buyer(package name) the connection string format is not valid. it must consist of one or more components of the form X=Y, seperated by semicolons.
    Can anyone assist thanks.

    You still need the file name variable.
    ExcelFilePath is the fully qualified file name of your Excel file. ie. it contains both the path and file name.
    e.g. D:\inbox\myExcelFile.xls
    All the steps you mentioned are correct, except you need to set the property of ExcelFilePath of the Excel connection to the variable that you map to in the ForEach Loop:
    Connection Managers:
    Excel Connection Manager: Expressions, ExcelFilePath @[User::filename]
    Hope this helps.
    ~ J.

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