Need validation that ensures only one item has a value.

I need a validation that ensures that only one item has a value. I want to allow a person entering information into a form to have the option to either select from a drop-down or enter something into a text box but not both.
I have found some information about validation of this type but I'm not sure how to use it. Here is what I found:
This validation ensures that only one item (ITEM_1, ITEM_2) has a value.
Example 5:
Assume a function similar to the following exists:
create or replace function sampleValidation (p_arg in varchar2) return boolean
if p_arg= '1' then
return true;
return false;
end if;
A validation of type PL/SQL Expression could then reference this function returning a boolean using the following syntax:
Please let me know how to implement this or give me another way to validate.

The best is to use a Validation of type PL/SQL Function Returning Error Text like this:
   IF :p1_item_1 IS NULL AND :p1_item_2 IS NULL
      RETURN 'One of the items must have a value.';
   ELSIF :p1_item_1 IS NOT NULL AND :p1_item_2 IS NOT NULL
      RETURN 'Only one of the items must have a value.';
   END IF;
END;Denes Kubicek

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  • Need programming help: Three Items selected, only one item displays.

    All the code is below.
    My client has a beach-wear website. It is VERY simple with three pages: Index, Order, and Invoice Page. If customers select the checkbox in front of three items, only one item is displayed on the invoice page. Why aren't all three displayed? I am new to programming:
    <title>Beachwear Title</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p> </p>
    <form name="form1" method="get" action="jserv/Search.jsp">
    <table width="52%" border="1">
    <td width="20%">Enter Color:</td>
    <td width="80%">
    <input type="text" name="txtColor" size="30" maxlength="20">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Color">
    <p> </p>
    <%@page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ include file="../Connections/connBeachwear.jsp" %>
    String rsBeachwear__varColor = "%";
    if (request.getParameter ("txtColor") !=null) {rsBeachwear__varColor = (String)request.getParameter ("txtColor");}
    Driver DriverrsBeachwear = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connBeachwear_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnrsBeachwear = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connBeachwear_STRING,MM_connBeachwear_USERNAME,MM_connBeachwear_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementrsBeachwear = ConnrsBeachwear.prepareStatement("SELECT ID, Item, Color, Size FROM Beachwear WHERE Color LIKE '%" + rsBeachwear__varColor + "%';");
    ResultSet rsBeachwear = StatementrsBeachwear.executeQuery();
    boolean rsBeachwear_isEmpty = !;
    boolean rsBeachwear_hasData = !rsBeachwear_isEmpty;
    Object rsBeachwear_data;
    int rsBeachwear_numRows = 0;
    int Repeat1__numRows = 10;
    int Repeat1__index = 0;
    rsBeachwear_numRows += Repeat1__numRows;
    <title>Beachwear Title</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p> </p>
    <form name="form2" method="post" action="Invoice.jsp">
    <table width="75%" border="1">
    <% while ((rsBeachwear_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %>
    <td width="18%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="20%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Item"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="21%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Color"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="5%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Size"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="16%">
    <input type="checkbox" name="valueCheckbox" value="<%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%>">
    rsBeachwear_hasData =;
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
    <%@page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ include file="../Connections/connBeachwear.jsp" %>
    String rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = "1";
    if (request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox") !=null) {rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = (String)request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox")   ;}
    Driver DriverrsBeachwear = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connBeachwear_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnrsBeachwear = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connBeachwear_STRING,MM_connBeachwear_USERNAME,MM_connBeachwear_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementrsBeachwear = ConnrsBeachwear.prepareStatement("SELECT ID, Item, Color, Size FROM Beachwear WHERE ID IN (" + rsBeachwear__varCheckbox + ")");
    ResultSet rsBeachwear = StatementrsBeachwear.executeQuery();
    boolean rsBeachwear_isEmpty = !;
    boolean rsBeachwear_hasData = !rsBeachwear_isEmpty;
    Object rsBeachwear_data;
    int rsBeachwear_numRows = 0;
    int Repeat1__numRows = 10;
    int Repeat1__index = 0;
    rsBeachwear_numRows += Repeat1__numRows;
    <title>Beachwear Title</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p> </p>
    <table width="75%" border="1">
    <% while ((rsBeachwear_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %>
    <td width="18%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="20%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Item"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="21%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Color"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="5%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Size"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    rsBeachwear_hasData =;
    <p>  </p>

    Hi, Brad,
    I appreciate your help! I am a beginning Java student, so this code is more complex than what I can handle alone.
    A copy of the compilation error is at the very bottom of this message.
    I added " int chkValues[]; " to the beginning of your code, and then inserted the whole code snippet to the detail (Invoice) page as shown:
    <%@page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ include file="../Connections/connBeachwear.jsp" %>
    String rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = "1";
    if (request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox") !=null) {rsBeachwear__varCheckbox = (String)request.getParameter ("valueCheckbox")   ;}
    Driver DriverrsBeachwear = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connBeachwear_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnrsBeachwear = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connBeachwear_STRING,MM_connBeachwear_USERNAME,MM_connBeachwear_PASSWORD);
    int chkValues[];
    StringBuffer prepStr=new StringBuffer("SELECT ID, Item, Color, Size FROM Beachwear WHERE ID=");
    for(int x=0;x<chkValues.length;++x){
    prepStr.append( chkValues[x] );//using an x instead of an i
    if((x+1)<chkValues.length){//another iteration
    prepStr.append(" OR ID=");
    }//end if
    }//end for loop
    PreparedStatement StatementrsBeachwear = ConnrsBeachwear.preparedStatement(prepStr);
    ResultSet rsBeachwear = StatementrsBeachwear.executeQuery();
    boolean rsBeachwear_isEmpty = !;
    boolean rsBeachwear_hasData = !rsBeachwear_isEmpty;
    Object rsBeachwear_data;
    int rsBeachwear_numRows = 0;
    int Repeat1__numRows = -1;
    int Repeat1__index = 0;
    rsBeachwear_numRows += Repeat1__numRows;
    <title>Beachwear Title</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p> </p>
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <% while ((rsBeachwear_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %>
    <table width="75%" border="1">
    <td width="13%">ID:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("ID"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">ITEM:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Item"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">COLOR:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Color"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    <td width="13%">SIZE:</td>
    <td width="87%"><%=(((rsBeachwear_data = rsBeachwear.getObject("Size"))==null || rsBeachwear.wasNull())?"":rsBeachwear_data)%></td>
    rsBeachwear_hasData =;
    <p>  </p>
    500 Internal Server Error
    Compilation error occured:
    Found 1 errors in JSP file:
    C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\Beachwear\\jserv\\Invoice.jsp:27: Error: No method named "preparedStatement" was found in type "java/sql/Connection".
    Errors reported by compiler:C:/Program Files/Allaire/JRun/servers/default/default-app/WEB-INF/jsp/ Error: No method named "preparedStatement" was found in type "java/sql/Connection".
         at allaire.jrun.scripting.JavaCompilerService.compile(../scripting/

  • Forms 10g only one item allowed to have a value

    Hi all,
    I was wondering. What is the best way to make sure that only one of my items has a value? I have a couple of textboxes with different meaning but want to restrict the user to only be available to fill in one of them.
    I suppose the best thing would be to disable the other items as soon as he starts to write in one of them.
    Are there any builtins for this behaviour or should I add some clever code to every items event (which one?)

    You can enable/disable or set update allowed properties of other fields on WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger. If user enters anything in the the field, then disable other fields otherwise enable.
    If you have many items which needs this kind of behaviour work then you might consider (with caution) of putting the trigger on block level, otherwise you have to code it on all items.
    END IF;

  • Selecting from Combobox with only one item

    I'm populating Comboboxes based on selections from other
    comboboxes. I pick up the selection with the 'change' trigger,
    however when you select the top item or if there is only one item,
    the change route doesn't work. So I tried to use the 'click' and
    even the 'close' triggers instead, but they give me an errors when
    I try to access the companion ArrayCollections which hold the IDs
    for the items in the list (as commented in the code). Any ideas how
    to get this to update with just one selection?
    <!-- The first three comboboxes populate the next one in
    the list in a 'drilldown' approach -->
    <mx:ComboBox minWidth="130" maxWidth="130" id="selectSys"
    change="fillComboBox(selectSys, selectSub, 'subsystem',
    subOps, sysIDs, 1)" rowCount="10" />
    <mx:ComboBox minWidth="130" maxWidth="130" id="selectSub"
    change="fillComboBox(selectSub, selectDev, 'devices',
    devOps, subIDs, 2)"/>
    <mx:HTTPService id="sysOps" useProxy="false" method="GET"
    result="sysIDs = as
    <mx:HTTPService id="subOps" useProxy="false" method="GET"
    result="subIDs = as
    // fill destination combobox based on selection from src
    public function fillComboBox(src:ComboBox, dest:ComboBox,
    serv:HTTPService, idArray:ArrayCollection, element:int) :
    void {
    // choose ID from the associated ID array with the same
    // error occurs as the idArray ArrayCollection comes up as
    var selectedID:String = idArray.getItemAt(src.selectedIndex)
    as String;
    var params:Object = {};
    params[type] = type;
    var arg:String = "arg";
    var argList:Array = new Array();
    if (element > 1) {
    var ind:int = selectSys.selectedIndex;
    var sysName:String = sysIDs.getItemAt(ind) as String;
    if (element > 2) {
    ind = selectSub.selectedIndex;
    var subName:String = subIDs.getItemAt(ind) as String;
    params[arg] = argList;

    I think the way I would go about that is having a result
    function for the HTTPServices and set your array collections how
    you are. Then after they are set I would check to see if the length
    == 1 and if it does then recall your fillComboBox method for the
    next combo box since there isn't a way for the user to change the
    combo box they might as well have the next one already filled out.
    The other approach you could take is after you set your array
    collection to your result add dummy items via
    myAC.addItemAt({label:"Choose one"}, 0); This will ensure the user
    always has an item to change to.

  • PR created by MRP only one item each PR

    Hi Gurus,
    I ran MRP using T-Code MD01. Running succesful. But when I check PR created only had one material each PR, so too many PR Created in the system.
    The requirement is How can we run MRP then PR created in lot (each PR has many items) ? I've set in configuration (T-code: OMI8) to specify items in each PR created. But still only one items material each PR created.
    Any suggestion ?
    Tri W

    Hi Tri,
    This is standard SAP behaviour and you cannot change it as per my best knowledge.
    When you create PO you can convert several PR into one PO. You can even convert several PR into one PO item (as separate schedlue lines provided vendor, material, etc are the same).
    (PR is only for internal use,)

  • Delivery group 000 consists of only one item

    Hi All,
    I've the following issue(s):
    Customer Master is set with "Complete delivery required by law" flag.
    Partial Delivery per item = B.
    Max. Partial deliveries = 1.
    However, when I create an SO for this customer: then in the SO, the complete delivery flag is not set.
    Also, i get the msg: "Delivery group 000 consists of only one item".
    I checked the item category in VOV7, no delivery grp flag set.
    Please help me with both issues.

    For complete deliver select - C  (Only complete delivery allowed),in customer master,
    Then in sales order it will appear with tick mark, and when you creating delivery & if you change delivery quantity then system will popup dialog box, saying complete delivery required.
    Delivery group (items are delivered together)
    A combination of items that should be delivered together.
    The system uses delivery groups to check the availability of items that should be delivered together. The delivery date of the latest schedule line in the delivery group is taken as the general date for the whole group.
    During sales order processing, you can enter a number (up to three digits) that identifies a delivery group. The number is freely definable.
    Edited by: Kapildev Farakte on Nov 18, 2009 11:33 AM

  • ICal sync between two people if only one person has a .Mac account

    Is there a way for two people to sync/edit iCal calendars if only one person has a .Mac account? I'd only want to selectively share/sync part of my iCal calendar and not the entire iCal calendar.
    Any ideas?

    I think you meant to say "merge"
    I am trying at the moment with fingers crossed.
    One has Leopard the other Tiger. I hope it works.
    Oh I turned on airplane mode and disconnected from the internet just to be sure sync doesn't get stuck.
    Asked me to resolve 6 conflicts.. that's a good sign. It is taking a long time though. I hope it won't take so long every time I go from one computer to another. Otherwise it is easier to pass the files via iChat.
    The file for address book is addressbook data in library/applicationsupport/address book
    for iCal I make an export VCal file and then on the other computer delete the calendar and import the new one.
    On the computer with Music I set it to manage manually.
    OK I think I will have to do it like that because this took forever then it said it would have to modify 836 entries on my calendar for what was almost the same file.
    The photo sync is annoying but I just turn off iPhoto when it asks to find my library (or you can make another program be the default program when you attach a camera and that program will come on then you can just quit it). I find the auto photo sync annoying as it takes so long and I would rather do that manually.

  • Any DVD to Ipod prog. converts final file that is only one

    is there any dvd to ipod programs out there will convert the actual final file to play in your ipod that is only one file. asking this question because right now im running videora converter and just wondering if its going to be only one file to add onto the ipod to play the movie

    I checked out your link and thought it was going to answer my question but it still hasn't. I have downloaded software to convert dvd to ipod (cucsoft). I have been successful in conveting and moving to itunes but it won't update to my ipod. I tried right clicking on the video clip and converting to ipod, but it gives me the message that it is already converted, but nothing shows up in my ipod. I'm totally lost and confused. It sounded to simple and has become totally complicated. Any help would be totally appreicated.
    HP   Windows XP  

  • HT1725 Purchased 3 tracks from album, but only one track has downloaded properly

    Purchased 3 tracks from album, but only one track has completely downloaded, but system says that all 3 downloaded, how can I complete tracks?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try deleting the problematic file (electing to remove original file if/when prompted) and then re-downloading the file from the iTunes store.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option at the bottom of the screen of the iTunes app (or video app) on your iOS device.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.

  • HT201272 wait just to be sure i am not the only one who has the "term and conditions" problem

    wait just to be sure i am not the only one who has the "term and conditions" problem

    Go to and use one of their two methods to determine what upgrades are available for your Mac:
    I would purchase the modules from Crucial as they are very reliable and wiill work with you if you have problems.

  • TableSelectMany selects only and only one item !!!

    this is my table source ...
    i select multiple items.but in back_bean code .set return only one item.
    <af:table value="#{bindings.GenfunctionsView1.collectionModel}"
    var="row" rows="#{bindings.GenfunctionsView1.rangeSize}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.GenfunctionsView1.viewable ? 'No rows yet.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    binding="#{backing_ManySelection.table1}" id="table1"
    <af:column sortProperty="Id" sortable="false"
    binding="#{backing_ManySelection.column1}" id="column1">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.Id}"
    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <af:column sortProperty="Functionname" sortable="false"
    binding="#{backing_ManySelection.column2}" id="column2">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.Functionname}" simple="true"
    <af:column sortProperty="Functionformula" sortable="false"
    binding="#{backing_ManySelection.column3}" id="column3">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.Functionformula}" simple="true"
    <f:facet name="selection">
    <af:tableSelectMany text="Select items and ..."
    id="tableSelectMany1" required="true">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
    immediate="true" partialSubmit="true"/>
    public String commandButton1_action() {
    // Add event code here...
    Set KeySet=null;
    System.out.println("KeySet Rows="+KeySet.size());
    return null;
    plz help me!

    create a SelectionListener on the table to pint to the following method in a managed bean
    public void SelectionLister(SelectionEvent selectionEvent) {
    int selectedKeysSize = selectionEvent.getSelectedKeys().getSize();

  • Allow only one set of parameter values for all worksheets

    I would like to " Allow only one set of parameter values for all worksheets ", but prompt before executing the worksheet. This function is a great time saver, but the users on occasion would like to change at the least one of the parameters. Is this possible? What setting do I use? I've tried various combinations of the " After opening a workbook: " on the options page. " Run query automatically", " Don't run query (leave sheet empty) ", and " Ask for comformation ". I would have thought that "Ask for comformation " was the trick, but no. I'm considering putting a do nothing parameter that has the setting of " Allow different parameter values for each worksheet. " so that it will keep all the others, default this one, but prompt for a possible change.
    Any thoughts...

    Hi Jamie
    Even though you have the same parameter for all worksheets a user can still choose what to use on a worksheet. Its just that if they click to another worksheet then that parameter will be applied.
    Which version of Discoverer are you using?
    Best wishes

  • Am I the only one who has this problem?

    So I have this problem where at a certain point in my sequence title effects that normally don't need to be rendered suddenly do for the rest of the sequence's duration. when I hold my cursor over the red bars above the timeline is says "RT still cache is full. you can allocate more memory in the system preferences...." but when I do ( change the allocation from 10% to more than that) it either does nothing or makes the problem worse. does anyone know how to get final cut to honor it's realtime abilities with longer sequences? (I'm working with hour+ sequences that are entirely subtitled...)
    Is this a result of a 3 gig RAM limit per app? I have 6.5 gigs of RAM. thanks!

    these are just straight-up final cut text files. I guess no one out there knows what's up with this "RT still cache" and why increasing it's [sic] size doesn't seem to increase the amount of stills final cut can "cache," but thanks for the pep talk on why things need to be rendered. that was really revealing.< </div>
    Can't tell if you've stepped down to sarcasm but it's allowed around here; heck, one of my favorite tools.
    Your titles are not stills. They are effects. The RT system will only hold so many effects. Shoot, even still images aren't stills for the still cache, they're video clips. Like the waveform cache, it holds only specific items.
    The still cache captures and stores your video clips' start and end frame icons, poster frames and such. Want to see the still cache in action? Try setting your timeline display to filmstrip mode. RT seems to have parameters we cannot adjust but you've also got to consider what's going on with your "simple text" elements. You have written a file that includes text parameters. The track must be created and the must be placed over your video track. There is alpha processing involved and FCP simply does not handle alphas well without proprietary hardware support. And it has to write the combined pixels so you can see them in the Canvas and on FW output.
    I'm pretty desperate.-desperate in denver <</div>
    We sympathize. But you're begging your system to deliver something it cannot and it works in a way that I believe you do not understand. You think rendering is weird now? You should have been around two to five years ago. Kids.

  • Condition that takes only one row with the maximum cost of the maximum date

    I have to the following query
    SELECT distinct b.segment1 ||'.'|| b.segment2 as ITEM,
           so.vendor_site_id as SUPPLIER,
           'VE' as ORIGIN_COUNTRY_ID,
           replace(round(l.mto_costo_neto/l.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.') as UNIT_COST,
           5 as lead_time,
           null as pickup_lead_time,
           l.can_unidades_empaque as supp_pack_size,
           1 as inner_pack_size,
           'C' as round_lvl,
           50 as ROUND_TO_INNER_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_CASE_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_LAYER_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_PALLET_PCT,
           null as MIN_ORDER_QTY,
           null as MAX_ORDER_QTY,
           'FLAT' as PACKING_METHOD,
           'N' as PRIMARY_SUPP_IND,
           'Y' as PRIMARY_COUNTRY_IND,
           case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
                else null
           end as DEFAULT_UOP,
           1 as TI,
           1 as HI,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_1,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_1,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_2,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_2,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_3,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_3,
           null as CREATE_DATETIME,
           null as LAST_UPDATE_DATETIME,
           null as LAST_UPDATE_ID,
           case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
                else null
           end as COST_UOM,
           null as TOLERANCE_TYPE,
           null as MAX_TOLERANCE,
           null as MIN_TOLERANCE
    FROM mrp.mrp_sr_assignments sr , MRP.MRP_SR_RECEIPT_ORG ro , MRP.MRP_SR_SOURCE_ORG so,
         inv.mtl_system_items_b b, lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l
          and ro.SR_RECEIPT_ID = so.SR_RECEIPT_ID
          and sr.inventory_item_id in ((select inventory_item_id  from TMP.VIVERES_VEGETALES)
                                      UNION ALL
                                      (select inventory_item_id  from TMP.GENERICOS)
                                      UNION ALL
                                      (select inventory_item_id from TMP.HIJOS_GENERICOS))
          and sr.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
          and b.organization_id = 136
          and sr.inventory_item_id = l.cod_producto_idI need to agregate the following condition
    For example, The following query
    SELECT l2.fec_ini_vigencia_costo, l2.mto_costo_neto, l2.can_unidades_empaque, l2.cod_producto,
           REPLACE(ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.')  costo_unidad
    from cmp_lineas_cotizacion l2
    order by cod_producto, fec_ini_vigencia_costo desc, mto_costo_neto descgenerate
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS ONE
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1
    23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1I need to take only one row with the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA with the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD of the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l, which is calculated with the formula ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2)

    A better example
    I need only one row the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD for the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA for every cod_producto_id in the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion
    I need to take these values
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS!
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    27/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63 -- THIS!
    13/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
    06/09/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
    02/08/2010     1048.825056     12     1.1000009     87.4
    28/07/2010     754.8     12     1.1000009     62.9
    27/07/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
    21/06/2010     954.84     12     1.1000009     79.57
    27/05/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26             --THIS!
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84

  • Am I the only one who has firefox crashing when trying to use "Clear Recent History"?

    Well I installed Firefox 4 on both my laptop and my desktop and it does the same problem to both of them, which annoys me greatly.
    Such a simple feature should have no problems working right? Well not for me apparently.
    When I try to use Clear Recent History (ctrl + shift + del) from the firefox menu, it asks me what I want to clear, then I press clear and nothing happens. It freezes and crashes. If I would have this problem for only 1 computer I wouldn't have minded much but the fact that this feature is having so much troubles running is getting a bit annoying for me. I just want to quickly clear my cache of everything. Shouldn't be hard!
    What annoys me the most is that by browsing trough the web, I didn't find anybody else with this problem!
    I don't mind much because after retrying it eventually works... but an awesome browser such as firefox should work from the start, not after many tries.

    You can try to select only one setting at the time in [[Clear Recent History]] to see which one is causing the crash.

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