Needing a multi-month and year-in-view option for ical!

Hello all!
I could really use a multi-month and year-in-view format in ical... I've seen some dated posts - is anyone aware of any new developments/options for this?
thanks and peace-

I turn off all calendars but the birthdays. Select [Print]. Choose all the months you want to see. Deselect all calendars but birthdays. Click [Continue]. On the next menu, go to "Layout", select how many pages to print on the paper. I usually print a border around each calendar then you're good to go!
By only printing the birthdays calenar, you won't get too many appointments to get in the way of brain storming and future planning, yet the computer still thinks its printing a useful calendar.

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    Month and year are table fields and they will have values like
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    Now i need to concatenate month and year to derive date .
    Expected result Result :2010-01-01
    Example :Month =01
    Year =2010

    The principle of any tiered architecture is that display formatting is done in a presentation layer. This is not just SQL and Client/Server programming; it is the foundation of all modern programming. Not knowing this is like a doctor who does not know
    about germs or a chemist who does not know about atoms. 
    This is reviewed in the first 1-2 weeks of any database class. Why are you violating it?? 
    Next, you do not even know that column are not fields! 
    T-SQL now has a DATE data type, which defaults to the ISO-8601 display format (yyyy-mm-dd). Are you using it? If you had been polite we would see your DDL and know. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
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  • Monthly and Yearly backups not working for Protection Group?

    We have a Protection Group with 160 members currently attached to it. The group has the following customized Recovery Points:-
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    The schedule is as follows:-
    - Every Day at 01:00, Every Month on First Day at 01:00 and Every 12 Months on 01 January at 01:00.
    The daily tape backups are working fine without issue but neither the Monthly or Yearly backups are being attempted. We have checked the monthly backups for this issue for the last few months and are unable to see any evidence of the Monthly schedule even
    running? This means that we are having to manually label the Daily tapes once a month as Monthly tapes but they will then stay on the Reports for the next 5 years as DPM will constantly request these tapes back.
    Are you able to help with this matter?
    Not that we really want to do this but if we removed the group completely and re-create it would this cause problems with our restore points?

    This is a known issue that can occur in all current versions of
    DPM including DPM 2012, to correct the condition, you simply need to perform this step. Any time before the next scheduled (monthly or longer) backup, manually update
    the long term backup schedule by hitting the MODIFY button.  The code that runs when modifying the backup schedule redoes the bacup schedules and it fixes the scheduling issue. 
    Below is a DPM Power-shell script that will show you the scheduled backups for all recovery goals for all protection groups.  You can see the last time each recovery goal ran, and the NEXT run time, so you can monitor
    the goals and re-fix them if necessary.
    NOTE: It takes about 20-30 minutes before the fixed next run time schedule will be populated after modify the protection group and updating the schedule.
    # This script will list all currently scheduled backup to tape jobs #
    # It will list scheduled, last run and next run dates #
    # Note: The script takes in consideration that the DPM Database was installed locally on its #
    # Default instance. If SQL is installed on a different location/instance, edit the line #
    # that starts with $instance = '.\msdpm2010 #
    # Author : Wilson Souza #
    # Date Created : 1/13/2012 #
    # Last modified : 1/17/2012 #
    # Version : 1.0 #
    # This version of the script was only tested on DPM 2010 #
    param([string] $verbose)
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    $ConfirmPreference = 'None'
    $instance = '.\msdpm2010' # <---- If DPM Database is on a different location, edit this line accordinly
    $query = "use DPMDB
    CREATE FUNCTION label (@GUID varchar(36), @kindred varchar(4), @vault varchar(8))
    returns varchar (1024)
    declare @result varchar (1024)
    select @result = vaUltlabel from tbl_mm_vaultlabel where mediapoolid = @GUID and generation =
    case @kindred
    when 'Fath' Then '2'
    when 'Gran' then '1'
    when 'grea' Then '0'
    end and
    vault =
    case @vault
    when 'Offsite1' then '3'
    when 'Offsite2' then '4'
    when 'Offsite3' then '5'
    when 'Offsite4' then '6'
    when 'Offsite5' then '7'
    when 'Offsite6' then '8'
    when 'Offsite7' then '9'
    RETURN @result
    use DPMDB
    select ScheduleId as name
    ,def.JobDefinitionId as JD
    ,FriendlyName as PG
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),active_start_date),1,4) as SD
    ,jobs.date_created as SCD
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),last_run_date),1,4) + ' ' +
    SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),1,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),3,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),last_run_time),5,2) as LRD
    ,SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),next_run_date),1,4) + ' ' +
    SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),1,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),3,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING (CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),next_run_time),5,2) as NRD
    ,dbo.label ((substring(xml,(patindex('%MediaPoolId%',Xml))+13,36)), (substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4)), (substring(xml,(patindex('%vault%',Xml))+7,8))) as TL
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%vault%',Xml))+7,3) = 'off' then 'Long-Term'
    else 'Short-term'
    end as STLT
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Fath' then 'Recovery Goal 1'
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Gran' then 'Recovery Goal 2'
    when substring(xml,(patindex('%generation%',Xml))+12,4) = 'Grea' then 'Recovery Goal 3'
    end as RG
    from tbl_SCH_ScheduleDefinition sch
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs
    ,tbl_JM_JobDefinition def
    ,DPMDB.dbo.tbl_IM_ProtectedGroup prot
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules jobsch
    ,msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps jobsteps
    ,msdb.dbo.sysschedules syssch
    where CAST(sch.ScheduleId as NCHAR (128)) =
    and def.JobDefinitionId = sch.JobDefinitionId
    and def.ProtectedGroupId = prot.ProtectedGroupId
    and jobs.job_id = jobsch.job_id
    and jobs.job_id = jobsteps.job_id
    and jobsch.schedule_id = syssch.schedule_id
    and (def.Type = '913afd2d-ed74-47bd-b7ea-d42055e5c2f1' or def.Type = 'B5A3D25C-8EB2-4032-9428-C852DA5CE2C5')
    and sch.IsDeleted = '0' and def.ProtectedGroupId is not null
    order by FriendlyName, next_run_date, next_run_time
    drop function label
    $result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instance -Query $query
    $count = 1
    write-host " The list below shows all scheduled backup to tape jobs (short term and long term)" -f green
    if ($verbose.ToLower() -eq '')
    write-host " For optimun output, set PoweShell Width for screen buffer size to at least 200" -f yellow; write-host
    write-host " Protection Group name Creation Date [Schedule Creation Date] [Last Run Date / time] [Next Sched Run Date/time] Goal type Recovery Goal # Custom Tape Label"
    write-host " ------------------------------ ------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- ---------- --------------- -----------------"
    foreach ($result1 in $result)
    if ($color -eq 'white') {$color = 'cyan'} else {$color = 'white'}
    write-host ("{0,2}"-f $count) -foreground green -nonewline
    write-host ( " - {0,-30} {1,-13} {2,-24} {3,-24} {4,-27} {5,-10} {6,15} " -f $result1.PG, $result1.SD, $result1.SCD, $result1.LRD, $result1.NRD, $result1.STLT, $result1.RG) -nonewline -f $color
    write-host $result1.TL -f yellow
    write-host " For optimun output, set PoweShell Width for screen buffer size to at least 110" -f yellow; write-host
    write-host " Protection Group Term Goal Tape Label"
    write-host " ------------------------------ ---------- --------------- --------------"
    foreach ($result1 in $result)
    if ($color -eq 'white') {$color = 'cyan'} else {$color = 'white'}
    write-host ("{0,2}"-f $count) -foreground green -nonewline
    write-host ( " - {0,-30} {1,-10} {2,15} " -f $result1.PG, $result1.STLT, $result1.RG) -nonewline -f $color
    write-host $result1.TL -f yellow
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    I cant seem to get this script to run.. can someone point out what might be missing..
    I've tried creating a shortcut like the following as well:
    Target: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -File "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
    DPM\DPM\bin\dpmcliinitscript.ps1" "C:\Data\scripts\scheduledjobs.ps1"
    Start in: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin\"
    If i run as admin in just takes you to a command line prompt in PS..
    Any thoughts on what is missing here.. i've modified the ps1 to reflect 2012 in my case.. 2012 R2
    Tech, the Universe, Everything:
    Ok, the 1.6 script works.. but only if i run it from the ps1 script file.. by right clicking it and doing the Run with Powershell option (non admin).. my shortcut doesnt work.. same issue.. it just goes to a power shell prompt.  The right click and
    run is non admin mode as well.
    When I run it with the right click it shows no jobs scheduled.. If i look in dpm 2012 r2 i see a yearly tape backup scheduled for today.. the script doesnt show me a way to also get the monthly to appear (i've set the monthly for a day later but it doesnt
    appear in the scheduled tasks for next 7 days).. i was under the impression this script would help force the monthly to appear/run.. but even the yearly that does show in DPM scheduled tasks isnt showing up with the script (maybe admin issue?)
    Tech, the Universe, Everything:

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    So it does. However, there doesn't seem to be any concept of a "Standard Column Set". Each playlist has its own private column set, and while I appreciate the flexibility, for the most part, I'd rather have a single column set for all list views. Windows Explorer does this in an obscure, clumsy way with "Folder Customization", but it does work, such that new folders can be made to observe one's standard column set, uncustomized folders reflect changes to the standard column set, and customized folders remain, well, customized. In iTunes, if I decide I want to include or exclude a column, it looks like I'll have to do it in every single place that shows columns, including for every playlist.

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    I have written the following code, and only if i hardcode the time (WHEN TIME IS 2009.AUG) the logic seems to work. But I want it to be dynamic
    *IS *
    *IS 8

    I think your formula is correc the %YEAR% is not a valid, Can you trap that and see what is being passed, you may also try to split the year out of %TIME%
    hope it helps.

  • Testing Monthly and Yearly Schedules

    Is there is a quick way to test Monthly and Yearly Schedules without waiting for a month/year.

    You can use Calendar object to perform monthly and yearly calculations.
    What I do is abstract calls to System.currentTimeInMillis() so I can run tests faster than real time.
    Another way is to change you tests to second/minute schedules and if these work, monthly/yearly schedules should also work.

  • Need working days for a particular month and year

    I need the number of working days for a particular month and year.Saturdays and Sundays are holidays.

    Try this:
    SQL> var yr NUMBER;
    SQL> exec :yr := 2010;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> with t as (select :yr yr from dual)
      3  (select TO_DATE('01-JAN-'||yr) + lv dat FROM
      4  (select level - 1 lv,yr from t
      5  connect by level <= TO_DATE('31-DEC-'||yr) - TO_DATE('01-JAN-'||yr) + 1))
      6  WHERE TO_CHAR(Dat,'DY') NOT IN ('SAT','SUN')
      7  GROUP BY TO_CHAR(dat,'MON-RR');
    APR-10               22
    AUG-10               22
    DEC-10               23
    FEB-10               20
    JAN-10               21
    JUL-10               22
    JUN-10               22
    MAR-10               23
    MAY-10               21
    NOV-10               22
    OCT-10               21
    SEP-10               22
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> Edited by: AP on Jul 27, 2010 7:54 AM

  • Need Batch Expiry in month and year

    Hi all
    Is there any facility in SAP where I can map product batch expiry in month and year only ? or is there any facility for PLD on AR invoice where I can design expiry date in only month and year
    Kindly Advise

    Yes you can add expiry date while receiving the items through stock receipt or GRPO or receipt from production.
    Why do you need only mm/yy in PLD?
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Pivot with Month and Year

    Hi all Thanks in Advance
    I need help in Pivoting Data
    ID     MONTH          COUNT
    10     10/01/2009     60
    10     11/01/2009     80
    10     12/01/2009     78
    10     01/01/2010     81
    10     02/01/2010     73
    10     03/01/2010     84
    10     04/01/2010     100
    10     05/01/2010     107
    10     06/01/2010     90
    10     07/01/2010     0
    10     08/01/2010     0
    10     09/01/2010     73
    20     10/01/2010     71
    20     11/01/2010     76
    20     12/01/2010     79
    20     01/01/2011     79
    20     02/01/2011     81
    20     03/01/2011     88
    20     04/01/2011     97
    20     05/01/2011     87
    20     06/01/2011     97I tried to pivot with below query
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'01',count,0)) " Jan",
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MMYY'),'02',count,0)) Feb,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'03',count,0)) Mar,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'04',count,0)) Apr,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'05',count,0)) May,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'06',count,0)) June,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'07',count,0)) July,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'08',count,0)) August,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'09',count,0)) September,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'10',count,0)) October,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'11',count,0)) November,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(MONTH,'MM'),'12',count,0)) December
    FROM Table_PIVOT
    ID      Jan     FEB     MAR     APR     MAY     JUNE     JULY     AUGUST     SEPTEMBER     OCTOBER     NOVEMBER     DECEMBER
    10      81     0     84     100     107     90     0     0          73          60          80          78
    20      79     0     88     97     87     97     0     0          0          71          76          79I want output to display the column names with Month and Year like below
    ID     Oct-2009     Nov-2009     Dec-2009   Jan-2010  Feb-2010 ................... OCT-2010  NOV-2010 DEC-2010 JAN-2011 FEB-2011 ......
    10     60          80          78          81          73     ...................
    20                                                                    71           76          79     79          81
       (     "ID" NUMBER,
         "MONTH" DATE,
         "COUNT" NUMBER
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('10/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),60);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('11/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),80);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('12/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),78);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('01/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),81);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('02/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),73);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('03/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),84);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('04/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),100);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('05/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),107);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('06/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),90);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('07/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),0);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('08/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),0);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('09/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),73);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),71);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('11/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),76);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('12/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),79);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('01/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),79);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('02/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),81);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('03/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),88);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('04/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),97);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('05/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),87);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('06/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),97);

    user1849 wrote:
    Any Sample code is appreciated
    I didn't see any solution for following one in your linklI think Centinul was specifically referring to:
    Help for a query to add columns
    but other links from
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    may help you more.
    Re: How to pipeline a function with a dynamic number of columns?
    Posted: May 9, 2006 2:58 PM in response to: Billy Verreynne Reply
    Interesting stuff! It's going to take me awhile to digest it.
    For what it's worth, I was trying to build a pivoting function that would take a MYTABLE table like this:
    2000 BAL 95 96
    2000 BOS 101 101
    2001 BAL 92 94
    2001 BOS 101 101
    2002 BAL 98 98
    2002 BOS 98 99
    2003 BAL 95 96
    2003 BOS 105 104
    and allow me to do something like:
    SELECT *
    FROM TABLE (PIVOT(MYTABLE, [with other params]))
    and get the following view MYPIVOT on the table:
    2000 101 101 95 96
    2001 101 101 92 94
    2002 98 99 98 98
    2003 105 104 95 96
    Where the number of distinct CITY values will vary over time. I am able to build the query I need dynamically, but since the CITY data values in the original table change, the columns are not necessarily static from invocation to invocation. Therefore I didn't want to just create a view using the dynamic SQL once, because it may need to be created next time I need to access the view. I wanted to be able to access the pivoted data on demand.A pipelined function is your best bet for that.
    I couldn't do was be able to execute the query and treat it as a pipelined function, hence my original question.Sorry, I don't understand.
    I'll dig into the code above to see if it does what I wanted, but if someone has a better suggestion on how to approach this, I'd be interested in hearing it.A completely different approach is String Aggregation , where you would get output like this:
            BOS_X    BOS_Y    BAL_X    BAL_Y
    2000      101      101       95       96
    2001      101      101       92       94
    2002       98       99       98       98
    2003      105      104       95       96Note that this output contains 6 rows and 2 columns. On the first row, year is NULL and txt='  BOS_X    BOS_Y    BAL_X    BAL_Y'. You can do this is pure, static SQL, without knowing the number of cities in advance.

  • How to get Week,Month and Year details from a date column

    Hi frenz,
    I've a column like tran_date which is a date column..... I need the next week details based on this column and so on...
    I need month and year details as well based on this tran_date column.... can any one tell me how...
    Thanks in advance

    My example for objects:
    create or replace type date_object as object
      centure number,
      year    number,
      month   number,
      day     number,
      hour    number,
      minute  number,
      second  number,
      daypart number,
      week    number,
      constructor function date_object(p_dt date)
        return SELF as result
    create or replace type body date_object is
      constructor function date_object(p_dt date)
        return SELF as result
        SELF.centure:= trunc(to_char(p_dt,'YYYY')/100);
        SELF.year:=    to_char(p_dt,'YYYY');
        SELF.month:=   to_char(p_dt,'MM');     to_char(p_dt,'DD');
        SELF.hour:=    to_char(p_dt,'HH24');
        SELF.minute:=  to_char(p_dt,'MI');
        SELF.second:=  to_char(p_dt,'SS');
        SELF.daypart:= p_dt-trunc(p_dt,'DD');
        SELF.week:=    to_char(p_dt,'IW');
    select date_object(sysdate),
    from dual;Regards,
    Sayan M.

  • Table for Material Quantity and Value for particular month and year

    Hi All
    My requirement is that for a particular month and year I want to know the stock quantity and stock value for a particular material for a given plant.From which SAP table can I get this data as I want to fetch data for my Y report?
    Satish Kumar

    You can use MB5B table as suggested earlier.also you can use:
    MBEW-VMKUM --> stock for previous month period
    MBEW-VJKUM --> stock for previous year period
    PLease view these links which migh tbe helpful to you:

  • I want to accumulate rain for the day, month and year; What formula can I use?

    I want to accumulate rain for the day, month and year; What formula or expression can I use.
    I am using a Rain Wise product that converts pulses to an analog value.  The Rain Wise device can be
    set to measure up to 1", 5", or 10".  I will be setting the unit to 10 inches in increments of 0.01 inches.
    What I would like to do is everytime the signal increments I would like to count it as 0.01 then after reaching
    a period of time whether it be a day or a month reset back to zero.
    Need some advise on this problem.
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Ryan,
    Lookout gets a Modbus over Ethernet signal which originates as a 4-20mA input to a Moxa Ethernet I/O Module (E1240) in the field.  In Lookout I created a ModbusEthernet Driver and a tag which scales 0 - 65534 RAW to 0-10 Eng.  [0 - 10 is inches of rain]  Also, another piece of information is that after the rain gauge maxes out at 10 inches it will zero out and start over.
    I though the accumulator was time based and took a sample over a specific time period, for instance, one sample every 30 seconds then accumulate.  If this is so then if I have 5 inches of rain and then it stopped raining, then 30 seconds latter it would sample, it would see 5 inches and add that to be 10 inches when actually it had only rained 5 inches. 
    I really need some help with this process,
    David Lopez
    City of Corpus Christi

  • Elapse days - calculation from month and year

    Duplicate thread ...
    coding  required for converting month into days
    I have Month and year field in my DSO --Year( 2009), Month(4)
    I want below logic to calculate -
    MTD qty % = (qty * elapse days) / no of days in month
    so from the above, I want to know,
    1. How can we get the no of days from the above 2 objects (year and month).
    2. Elapse days are the days that are over from current date to Ist day of that month.
    eg: current date - 04.03.2009 , 1st day of the month - 04.01.2009,
    elapse days = 2. (you need to consider all days in the month, not only working days)
    so my questions is how can we get, # of days n a month from above 2 fields and elapse days based on the above condition.
    also want to know, where can I have the logic in transformations or query level.
    please provide your suggestions.
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Apr 5, 2009 10:44 PM
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Apr 5, 2009 10:45 PM

    I think the sample program below does what you ask: it finds the days in the month (bit of an overkill to use function modules for that) and then computes the QTD.
    Note that the internal string representation of a data variable is always YYYYMMDD, regardless of the "externalized" form (e.g. yyyy/mm/dd or, so this code will work regardless of your custom date format.
    REPORT  zqty_to_date.
      p_date     TYPE dats,
      p_qty      TYPE i.
      days      TYPE i,
      n_year    TYPE numc4,
      n_month   TYPE numc2,
      n_day     TYPE numc2,
      qtd(6)    TYPE p DECIMALS 1.
      n_year = p_date+0(4).
      n_month = p_date+4(2).
      n_day = p_date+6(2).
      PERFORM days_in_month USING n_year n_month CHANGING days.
      qtd = ( p_qty * ( n_day - 1 ) ) / days.
      WRITE: / 'Days in month:', days,
             / 'Qty  to date :', qtd.
    *&      Form  days_in_month
    *       text
    FORM days_in_month USING year month CHANGING days.
      DATA: ymod4   TYPE i,
            ymod100 TYPE i,
            ymod400 TYPE i.
      CASE month.
        WHEN 4 OR 6 OR 9 OR 11.
          days = 30.
        WHEN 2.
          ymod4 = year MOD 4.
          ymod100 = year MOD 100.
          ymod400 = year MOD 400.
          IF ( ymod4 = 0 AND ymod100 > 0 ) OR ( ymod100 = 0 AND ymod400 = 0 ).
            days = 29.
            days = 28.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          days = 31.
    ENDFORM.                    "days_in_month

  • To get first date and end date after entering any month and year

    I need to to get first date and end date of a month and year in yyyyMMdd format. I am reading month and year from a properties file. But I don't know how to get the first date and End date in given format. The properties file gives me just text. But I don't know how to get the date format using this. I need this urgently. Can anyone help me to get code for this?
    I am reading the fields as,
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.load(new FileInputStream(""));
    String date_month = props.getProperty("date_month");
    String date_year = props.getProperty("date_year");

    I know this has been posted a while ago but incase someone looking for it, here is the code to get the end of current month date.
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
         cal.setTime(new java.util.Date());
         cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); //set the date to start of month

  • Insert Month and Year

    Table ( In-focus)
    create or replace PROCEDURE IN_FOCUS_PAGE
    (ldt INFOCUS_LOG.logdatetime%TYPE,
    VALUES(ldt, COT);
    What do I need to do if I want to insert month and year only for this particular table.
    Result Example:
    Message was edited by:

    A DATE is always going to have a full day and time component, so you cannot store just the month and year. You can, of course, choose to display just the month and year, i.e.
    SELECT TO_CHAR( date_column, 'MON-YYYY' )
      FROM some_tableor to extract the month and year separately
    SELECT EXTRACT( year from date_column ) yr,
           EXTRACT( month from date_column ) dt
      FROM some_tableJustin

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