Nested SQL Queries

I have a question for hierarchical queries.Suppose we have three tables manufacturer,brand and product.I wish to generate the XML for this query.The query I gave is as follows
select a.manid ,b.brandid,c.prodid
from manufacturer a
,brand b
,product c
where b.manid=a.manid
and c.prodid=b.productid
With this query the xml tags for brand and product appears many many times.We wish the reuslt in the following way.
I have used cast and multiset but it doesnt give the the result which we want.
When I am executing the following query it gives error inconsistent datatypes.
select manid,cast(multiset(select brandid,cast(multiset(select prodid from product
where product.prodid=brand.productid
)as p1_list)product
from brand
where brand.manid=manufacturer.manid)as b1_list)brand
from manufacturer
How can I write the query using the cast and multiset ?Is there any other way?I
Have seen with two tables cast and multiset works fine.
Please help me.

The objects feature currently available does not support multiple levels of nesting with
respect to collections (it supports multiple levels of nesting of object types).
To overcome this, you need can use the CURSOR() subquery. The CURSOR() is a way of evaluating subqueries in the SELECT List.
select manid, CURSOR(
select brandid,
CURSOR(select productid from
from product p
where p.brandid = b.brandid)
AS productlist
from brand b
where b.manid = m.manid) AS brandlist
from manufacturer m
will produce u a result like,
.... // more productlist_rows
... // more brandlist rows
... more rows..
Hope this helps,

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    Hi wahid,
    Here are pretty good examples:
    Regards Harsh

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    Edited by: Baguette on 23-Apr-2009 05:13
    Edited by: Baguette on 23-Apr-2009 05:32

    i see your perspective now. and let me give a perspective to my first reply too.
    what i proposed to you was the answer of what i quoted in the message. that is, why didn't you see those views in the new schema you created! and it is still ok but it is done in the portal schema for which you should have privielges too and i assumed you had. my mistake!
    now, i can relate your privacy concerns with your earlier message:
    Hello, I've been trying to build a dynamic menu. First I went with just plain old plsql: i created a function in the portal schema that returns an unordered, nested list of the pages in my pagegroup and called that function in a regular pl/sql item on my portal page. I did this by querying the wwpob_page$ table and that went just great in my test&development setup (of which I am the admin of course :))
    +Then I realized that since I'm not an administrator of the server hosting our portal and I only have very limited privileges (I am only a page group administrator) I will probably not be allowed to utilize this function nor will they agree to install it in the portal schema, and I decided I should build a portlet that does the same thing (so it can be registered and so on, and so it can use the synonyms and tools that are available to registered providers). There already is such a portlet (and provider) registered for use in the target portal, but I don't like it because i uses tables and hard-coded styles so I will cook my own, better version. :)+
    +So I downloaded an example portlet and am getting the hang of it, but now I just can't for the life of me figure out how to enable any sql-queries. I have run the provsyns-.sql script, logged in as test_provider/portal and installed my portlet-package as test_provider user. I can see the available pl/sql packages in Toad, but there are no tables or views for me to to see. That means I can't query the portal tables that I need to.+
    - by downloading an example portlet, you probably mean you created a new schema. because provsyns work on a schema.
    - if you are not the administrator of the portal, and may not be able to access some portions of the portal, it means that you do not use the portal user (the user which serves as the owner of the portal schema).
    - now, your plan to create a new schema and give those privielges would still not work. because, by creating a new schema you cannot sneak in to the oriignal portal schema if you do not have privileges to do it. obvious, right? otherwise, it would be a vulnerability of the software that you can see what you are not allowed to see by creating a new schema.
    - however, there is a bright side here. the views give records based on your privileges.
    - so if your administrators have generated them already or if they generate on the original portal schema, then you may see the pages and items that you have privileges to see and no more.
    so now, you may ask the administrators if they have already done it, and if not, then if they would be willing to do it.
    hope that helps!

  • SQL queries parser.

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    Thank You,

    * currently we treat NULL and '' as the same - eventually fix
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    Thanks for quick reply

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    depends=('lua' 'gtk')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

    I'm trying to do add a calculated variable to my view that isn't an Entity
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    I then check off everything as is required(as documented in Help)
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    Expression Box :
    Select, count(client_group_services.clnt_group_services_id) as nCompleted
    Where group_services_id=client_group_services_id(+)
    And client_group_services_id.result="Completed";
    It isn't working, what am I missing???? Sheena:
    It probably isn't working because of missing 'group by' clause. I don't know the exact detail of your query statement, but suppose you want to count number of employees in a dept, then you're query should look like:
    select dept.deptno, dept.dname, count(emp.empno) as nCount
       from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+)
       group by dept.deptno, dept.dname  // This group-by is important
    OR if you want to use nested SELECT
    select dept.deptno, dept.dname,
       (select count(emp.empno) from emp where dept.deptno=emp.deptno(+)) as nCount
       from dept

  • Why it's so inefficient to generate XML from SQL queries?

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    Wish to get your help. Thank you very much!
    Chengkai Li
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( r_regionkey AS "regionkey", r_name AS "name", r_comment AS "comment"),
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( n_nationkey AS "nationkey", n_name AS "name", n_regionkey AS "regionkey", n_comment AS "comment"),
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( s_suppkey AS "suppkey", s_name AS "name", s_address AS "address", s_nationkey AS "nationkey", s_phone AS "phone", s_acctbal AS "acctbal", s_comment AS "comment"),
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( p_partkey AS "partkey", p_name AS "name", p_mfgr AS "mfgr", p_brand AS "brand", p_type AS "type", p_size AS "size", p_container AS "container", p_retailprice AS "retailprice", p_comment AS "comment", ps_availqty AS "ps_availqty", ps_supplycost AS "ps_supplycost", ps_comment AS "ps_comment")))
    WHERE ps.ps_partkey = p.p_partkey
    AND ps.ps_suppkey = s.s_suppkey
         FROM SUPPLIER s
    WHERE s.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( c_custkey AS "custkey", c_name AS "name", c_address AS "address", c_nationkey AS "nationkey", c_phone AS "phone", c_acctbal AS "acctbal", c_mktsegment AS "mktsegment", c_comment AS "comment"),
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( o_orderkey AS "orderkey", o_custkey AS "custkey", o_orderstatus AS "orderstatus", o_totalprice AS "totalprice", o_orderdate AS "orderdate", o_orderpriority AS "orderpriority", o_clerk AS "clerk", o_shippriority AS "shippriority", o_comment AS "ps_comment"),
    XMLATTRIBUTES ( l_orderkey AS "orderkey", l_partkey AS "partkey", l_suppkey AS "suppkey", l_linenumber AS "linenumber", l_quantity AS "quantity", l_extendedprice AS "extendedprice", l_discount AS "discount", l_tax AS "tax", l_returnflag AS "returnflag", l_linestatus AS "linestatus", l_shipdate AS "shipdate", l_commitdate AS "commitdate", l_receiptdate AS "receiptdate", l_shipinstruct AS "shipinstruct", l_shipmode AS "shipmode", l_comment AS "comment")
    WHERE l.l_orderkey = o.o_orderkey
    WHERE o.o_custkey = c.c_custkey
         FROM CUSTOMER c
    WHERE c.c_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
    WHERE n.n_regionkey = r.r_regionkey

    Oracle Reports was the orginal way to do this in an Oracle Apps environment. However, the XML Publisher team built a tool called data templates to do this as well. You can read several articles on how to use data templates on the XMLP blog. Here's the first arcticle in a series:

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    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    or sometimes
    failed to parse SQL query:ORA-01403: no data found
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    2) Disable or delete the original failed report region.
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    ORA-06502:PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    Re: Import Export Error (ORA-06502)
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    This problem occurs without any discernable pattern or consistency, making it hard to determine where I should focus my efforts in tracking down the cause.

    Hi all,
    My report seems to be behaving correctly once i set it to "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" :)

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    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4080], [1], [131], [], [], [], [],
    Could any one advise me why this error is being thrown?
    How to avoid this error?

    Are you running these queries through TopLink?
    If so, the error seems to be occurring on the database, when the query is being executed.
    I have never seen that error before. Performing some websearches it seems to be a general database error, potentially something to do with synchronization. Sorry I can't be of more help, perhaps the database forum can provide more insight...

  • Need help in SQL Queries using GUI controls or variables

    Hello, all
    I have a big problem (I have already had with Visual Basic a few mounths ago) with Java while writing my SQL Queries.
    I would like to know how I must do to use variable data or GUI control data in my SQL Query to select only some records.
    Here, my first Query that works without any problem (no WHERE clause !!!) :
    Statement requeteBedes = connectBedes.createStatement();
    ResultSet resultatSeries = requeteBedes.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Series");
    initComboBoxSeries(resultatSeries);the method "initComboBoxSeries" fills a JComboBox with all the names of the series in my database.
    Here comes my problem.I would like to use the value of the selected "series" in the JComboBox to search in another table of the same Database. I made another statement but it returns a Null ResultSet :
    ResultSet resultatSearchAlbumsFromSeries = requeteBedes.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM bandes_dess WHERE  ser_nom = '" + strComboBoxSeriesSelected + "' "); The variable strComboBoxSeriesSelected contains the value of the selected line in the combobox with all the series, filled after the first query that is here above and that works very well.
    Could some one help me and tell me how I must use variables or GUI controls values in my SQL Queries or tell me if there is a place where I could find an explanation of that kind of problems (like more "advanced SQL Queries", as the ones currently used in all the Learning Java 2 books)
    Thank you all for your help.

    executeQuery() will never return null. At least that's what the spec says. You are probably catching an exception (probably a syntax error caused by a single quote in strComboBoxSeriesSelected) and ignoring it. Or do you mean the ResultSet contains no rows?
    Anyway, to use parameterized queries, take a look at PreparedStatements. Your code should look like this using PreparedStatement:Statement requeteBedes = connectBedes.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bandes_dess WHERE  ser_nom = ?");
    requeteBedes.setString(1, strComboBoxSeriesSelected);
    ResultSet resultatSeries = requeteBedes.executeQuery();Alin.

  • How to get the SQL queries based on SQL_ID.

    Hi Experts,
    I want to get the SQL queries based on SQL_ID.
    I have tried the following query,but I am not getting full query.
    [code]SET linesize 132 pagesize 999
    column sql_fulltext format a60 word_wrap
    break on sql_text skip 1
    SELECT   REPLACE (TRANSLATE (sql_text, '0123456789', '999999999'), '9', ''),sql_id
    FROM   dba_hist_sqltext s
    WHERE   s.sql_id = '7tvurftg8zryb';[/code]
    One of my friend said use grid to get full query text.
    Can you please help me how to use grid ,else any other method to get the full query based on SQL_ID.
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    You have these many options to set, if sql_text is really huge. But better use a tool(TOAD) as it's really helpful and easy to use instead! (See my previous comment).
    column sql_text format A10000
    set echo off
    set head off
    set feed off
    set verify off
    set termout off
    set lines 10000
    set long 1000000
    set trimspool on
    set pages 0

  • Ruby code for sql queries

    Hello everybody,
    First off, let me apologize if my inquiry does not belong on this forum. I am confident however, that someone here has had experience with this since Oracle and ruby on rails/ruby are used frequently. My fingers are crossed, here's is my problem:
    I am currently working on a database system that utilizes ruby on rails
    with a oracle database. Here's the situation:
    the ruby on rails web application is up and running;
    my oracle database is full of tables that are populated with data;
    there is a successful connection between rails and my oracle database;
    however, what isn't finished is I currently have data mining queries in
    sql (eg. find minimum time someone has been employed = "Select
    min(time) from table...etc") and what I need to do is write one ruby
    program for each of my sql queries so that the ruby program:
    1) connects to the oracle database each time the query is called
    2) runs the sql query on the oracle database
    3) takes the results from the query and returns them in an array or
    something of that nature (so that I can use the results in an html file
    on the ruby on rails web application).
    Again, I apologize if this question does not belong on this forum. If someone however has experience with this could you please give me example code of what this would look like (using different sql queries). Thank you

    I apologize if this question does not belong on this forum. OTN does have a forum dedicated to Ruby/Ruby On Rails. I admit it doesn't seem to get much traffic. I think that's because most people working with Ruby tend to go for F/OSS products.
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • ? in SQL Queries and not using prepared statements

    Using EclipseLink 1.1.1
    Prepared Statements are disabled
    In our production server something went wrong and one of our Read Queries started erroring. A DatabaseException was thrown and we log the "getQuery.getSQLString()" statement. We found this query in the logs:
    Notice the values weren't entered into the where clause. We had to bounce the application to fix the problem. I've never seen this before. I've added more debugging statements to the code - so if this happens again in the future I'll have more information to report on. In the mean time I'm wondering if anyone else has every seen a problem of this nature.

    Database error due to invalid SQL statement.
    I don't have a stack, we were catching the exception and not printing the stack :(
    Like I mentioned in my first post, I added more debugging code (e.printStackTrace()). I understand this is hard to track down without more information. I was just hoping you guys had seen something like this before and had any insight. Like I mentioned before: this is on our production server. I've never seen this type of error before. That particular server (we run in a cluster mode) had been up for several days and then started generating that error. IT bounced the node and everything went back to normal. We have been using toplink for about 5 years now and have never seen this problem, until August 3rd 2009. The only thing that has changed recently is our migration from toplink 10 to EclipseLink. I was wondering if anyone knows if anything had changed in EclipseLink/toplink 11 with the generation of SQL queries.
    I'll keep looking. There is more debugging code in there now. Since the error was "Database error due to invalid SQL statement" this implies the SQL was generated, exited that part of the code and was sent to the db where it failed. I'm afraid the printStackTrace won't help if this error happens again.

  • SQL queries in JSP

    Does anyone know how to create a JSP which allows the user to input data into a simple database and then allow the user to input SQL queries? I can do this in a servlet but must hard code the query. It would be great to be able to type in differnet queries to see the results.

    I am giving u a small example which allows user to enter data in the html page and the same is submitted by the Jsp page in the database.
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
    <body bgcolor="#FFd08d" >
    <%!     Connection conn;
         Statement st,st1;
         ResultSet rs,rs1;
         int i,j;
         catch(Exception e)
         Error in Saving : <%=e%>
         String email_address=request.getParameter("email_address");
         String query_text=request.getParameter("query_text");     
         PreparedStatement st=null;
         String inst="insert into databasename..DataBaseTableName(email_address,query_text) values (?,?)";
    Your query is Submitted.<br>
         catch(SQLException e)
    Error in Saving : <%=e%>
    I think this will solve ur query.

  • Should i use nested SQL Statements? or PL/SQL?

    here is my table:
    let's call this table total_stats, with 2 fields (columns) Date and Total.
    Row | Total
    ROW1 | 12508
    ROW2 | 12526
    I am going crazy trying to write some sql or pl/sql that will give me the following results: the result of row2Total - row1Total. I need the delta of the two Total's rows.
    Is there an easy way to do this without writing multiple nested sql statments?
    Should i write a procedure that uses cursors to help me get my end result?

    Use analytic functions - LAG and LEAD - to access other rows in the result set in a current row. This should get you started:
    SQL> create table total_stats as
      2  select sysdate-1 as some_date, 12508 as some_value from dual
      3  union all
      4  select sysdate as some_date, 12526 as some_value from dual
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from total_stats;
    12/11/2007      12508
    13/11/2007      12526
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> select
      2    some_date,
      3    some_value as this_dates_value,
      4    lag(some_value) over (order by some_date) as the_previous_dates_value
      5  from
      6    total_stats
      7  /
    12/11/2007            12508
    13/11/2007            12526                    12508
    2 rows selected.

  • [DW 8.02 + PHP] how to use variables in advanced SQL queries

    Hi all,
    I can't find a way to use variables in an SQL query after
    dreamweaver 8.02.
    I always get error messages that says: 'missing variable
    type:myvariablename', undefined#myvariablename... and so on.
    What is the correct way to use variables?
    I usually set a variable in a PHP statement (example: <?
    $today=date('Y-m-d'); ?>)
    and then I compare this variable in the SQL query.
    What is the correct syntax for variable in DW 8.02 in
    advanced SQL

    sweetman wrote:
    > I'm editing a website created with DW 8.01 and MX
    > I updated DW to 8.02 and now I can't edit an existing
    SQL query.
    > I always get an error message 'Missing variable type'
    and I can't go
    > on.
    InterAKT released a new version of Kollection to cope with
    the 8.0.2
    changes. AFAIK, you should be able to download the updated
    version from
    your InterAKT account area.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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