Normal query behavior?

I have about 70 documents loaded into a 10g DB and have a context index on that table. I am entering terms into an application that makes a keyword search with each individual term entered into the search string. What I have noticed is, it works better with fewer terms. In particular, if I am looking at a docuent result and I enter more and more words from the document I'm looking at into the search string, the document will end up not being a match eventually. This is particularly true if I enter sets of contiguous words (without 's) from different parts of the document. I would think the more terms, the higher the score. Is there a technical reason for this behavior?

Put an AND operator between your terms -
{word1} and {word2} and {word3}

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      ITEM_ID    VARCHAR2(8 BYTE),
      JAN        FLOAT(126),
      FEB        FLOAT(126),
      MAR        FLOAT(126),
      APR        FLOAT(126),
      MAY        FLOAT(126),
      JUN        FLOAT(126),
      JUL        FLOAT(126),
      AUG        FLOAT(126),
      SEP        FLOAT(126),
      OCT        FLOAT(126),
      NOV        FLOAT(126),
      DEC        FLOAT(126)
    )I wrote the following PL/SQL to normalize the data into a few columns. Now I need help converting this to a package procedure, and this is where I am stuck.
       cur    c;
       TYPE r IS RECORD (
          itm   trans.item_id%TYPE,
          mth   VARCHAR2 (3),
          val   FLOAT
       rec    r;
       stmt   VARCHAR2 (200);
       item   VARCHAR (8)    := 'AB054240';
       FOR i IN 1 .. 12
    -- calls function to return abbreviated month name
          stmt :=
                'SELECT item_id,  get_month_abbrev ('
             || i
             || '), '
             || get_month_abbrev (i)
             || ' FROM trans t WHERE t.item_id = '''
             || item
             || '''';
          OPEN cur FOR stmt;
             FETCH cur
              INTO rec;
             EXIT WHEN cur%NOTFOUND;
    -- test
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( rec.itm || chr(9) || rec.mth || chr(9) || rec.val);
          END LOOP;
       END LOOP;
       CLOSE cur;
    END;In searching online, I got the idea of creating an Object Type for the 'record' type and a Collection Type for the table based on the former.
    I would then open the table using a sys_refcursorUnfortunately, I could not get this to work. Ideally I would like to keep it all encapsulated in one procedure. I can't figure out a way to make an OUT parameter that will hold the table.
    The end result is that I have a client program that will execute this procedure/function to return the normalized query result set for display.
    Any suggestion or critique would be appreciated.

    I still don't understand why you feel the need for looping round to create your dynamic SQL when you could just use static SQL (eg, like the query I gave you earlier)?
    If you're wanting to take a row and turn it on its side, then the query I provided would do what you wanted:
    with trans as (select 1 item_id, 'A' item_type, 2009 item_year, 10 jan, 20 feb, 30 mar, 40 apr, 50 may, 60 jun, 70 jul, 80 aug, 90 sep, 100 oct, 110 nov, 120 dec from dual union all
                   select 1 item_id, 'A' item_type, 2008 item_year, 110 jan, 120 feb, 130 mar, 140 apr, 150 may, 160 jun, 170 jul, 180 aug, 190 sep, 1100 oct, 1110 nov, 1120 dec from dual union all
                   select 2 item_id, 'C' item_type, 2009 item_year, 210 jan, 220 feb, 230 mar, 240 apr, 250 may, 260 jun, 270 jul, 280 aug, 290 sep, 2100 oct, 2100 nov, 2120 dec from dual),
    -- end of mimicking data in your table
    month_tab as (select 'JAN' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'FEB' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'MAR' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'APR' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'MAY' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'JUN' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'JUL' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'AUG' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'SEP' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'OCT' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'NOV' month_name from dual union all
                   select 'DEC' month_name from dual)
    SELECT tr.item_id "Item",
           mt.month_name "Month",
           DECODE(mt.month_name, 'JAN', tr.jan,
                                 'FEB', tr.feb,
                                 'MAR', tr.mar,
                                 'APR', tr.apr,
                                 'MAY', tr.may,
                                 'JUN', tr.jun,
                                 'JUL', tr.jul,
                                 'AUG', tr.aug,
                                 'SEP', tr.sep,
                                 'OCT', tr.oct,
                                 'NOV', tr.nov,
                                 'DEC', tr.dec) "Amount"
    FROM   trans tr,
           month_tab mt
    WHERE  tr.item_id = 1 --p_item_id
    AND    tr.item_year = 2009 --p_item_year;
          Item Month     Amount
             1 JAN           10
             1 FEB           20
             1 MAR           30
             1 APR           40
             1 MAY           50
             1 JUN           60
             1 JUL           70
             1 AUG           80
             1 SEP           90
             1 OCT          100
             1 NOV          110
             1 DEC          120There are several advantages for using one static query:
    1. Easier to debug: the query is right there - you can copy it out of the procedure, change the parameters and then run it to see what values were being returned. You do not have to manually construct the query prior to running it.
    2. Less code, less steps - therefore increased performance and easier maintenance. You no longer have an extra function call that the database needs to execute every time it runs the query.
    3. More efficient code; no need to access the table 12 times, as the above query only accesses the table once. Again, leading to improved performance.
    4. Easier to read and there maintain.
    5. The PL/SQL engine won't check dynamic sql until runtime; if you've made a syntax error, the code will still compile, but will fail at runtime. With static SQL, the code won't compile until you've fixed all syntax errors.
    6. Dynamic sql won't show up in the dependencies views (eg. user_dependencies), so makes it harder to track what tables are used by your code.
    In short, avoid dynamic SQL if you can, stick to doing as much of the work in SQL as you can and hopefully you'll have faster and easier-to-maintain code.

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    Thien is right. Invest some time into researching the above mentioned topics before turning to the forums for help.
    Edited by: kishan P on Aug 25, 2010 10:24 AM

    If you don;t know any of them. I think you should take a little time to research or search from Google, SDN wiki,...

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    Anyone notice problems with SQL Query behavior when mixing data sources?  Thanks.

    Take the SQL that works outside of CR and then create a new report and add all data sources. Now use a Command Object and paste in your SQL. YOu may have to play with adding each data source in a different order. If that works great if not you'll have to figure out a way to get all the data into one source.
    I believe MS SQL Server can link multiple data sources and types. Check SQL Help file for more info it it is possible.
    Thank you

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    can u help me out splving in this issue.
    i want to convert this query in to normal query I.e  with out usin gany joins .pls help me out.
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       from ekko as a
       inner join ekpo as b
       on aebeln eq bebeln
    inner join eket as c
    on  bebeln eq cebeln
    and bebelp eq cebelp
    into corresponding fields of table t_ekko_ekpo
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    Can someone tell me if it is possible to replace a
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    dataitem="NisStory" /> with
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    Can i write a normal sql query on cluster or pooled tables?
    Will it create any sort of problem?
    Viswanathan .S

    Hi Viswanathan,
    It is not recommended to access them directly due to there size like tables BSEG, CDPOS.
    Report may run smooth on dev but will slow down as data increases in case of production server.
    There are alternative tables available for their substitution. Which table(s) are you trying to access anyways ?

  • Reg: Query behavior

    Hi Experts,
    I had the Query - 1 and modified it to Query - 2, but getting a difference in record count.
    Could you please help me understand the below ?
    Query - 1
    exp.inv_no AS inv_no,
    exp.lno  AS lno
      table_x table_x
      table_x.repd = '1146'
    ) exp
      table_m table_m
      table_m.codex IN ('4174','449','3958','2913','3743','3745','510','3957','2275','3550','3965','3479','3964','2276','3744','447', '3478','2912','3747')
    ) mx
    ON exp.lno = mx.lno;
    -->-- 1560993 records
    | Id  | Operation             | Name               | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |                    |      1 |        |     50 |00:00:00.02 |     240 |       |       |          |
    |*  1 |  HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER|                    |      1 |   1742K|     50 |00:00:00.02 |     240 |  1307K|  1307K| 1877K (0)|
    |   2 |   INLIST ITERATOR     |                    |      1 |        |   9868 |00:00:00.01 |      77 |       |       |          |
    |*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN   | table_m_idx        |     19 |   8712 |   9868 |00:00:00.01 |      77 |       |       |          |
    |*  4 |   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| table_x_pk         |      1 |   1742K|     50 |00:00:00.01 |     163 |       |       |          |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - access("lno"="table_m"."lno")
       3 - access(("table_m"."codex"='2275' OR "table_m"."codex"='2276' OR "table_m"."codex"='2912'
                  OR "table_m"."codex"='2913' OR "table_m"."codex"='3478' OR "table_m"."codex"='3479' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3550' OR "table_m"."codex"='3743' OR "table_m"."codex"='3744' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3745' OR "table_m"."codex"='3747' OR "table_m"."codex"='3957' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3958' OR "table_m"."codex"='3964' OR "table_m"."codex"='3965' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='4174' OR "table_m"."codex"='447' OR "table_m"."codex"='449' OR
       4 - filter("repd"=1146)
    Query - 2
       table_x.inv_no AS inv_no,
       table_x.lno  AS lno
    table_x.repd = '1146' and
      SELECT 1 FROM table_m
       table_x.lno = table_m.lno and
       table_m.codex IN ('4174','449','3958','2913','3743','3745','510','3957','2275','3550','3965','3479','3964','2276','3744','447', '3478','2912','3747')
    -->-- 1895 records
    | Id  | Operation           | Name               | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |                    |      1 |        |     50 |00:00:00.01 |     277 |       |       |          |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS       |                    |      1 |  13052 |     50 |00:00:00.01 |     277 |       |       |          |
    |   2 |   SORT UNIQUE       |                    |      1 |   8712 |     52 |00:00:00.01 |      77 |   619K|   471K|  550K (0)|
    |   3 |    INLIST ITERATOR  |                    |      1 |        |   9868 |00:00:00.01 |      77 |       |       |          |
    |*  4 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN| table_m_idx        |     19 |   8712 |   9868 |00:00:00.01 |      77 |       |       |          |
    |*  5 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN  | table_x_pk         |     52 |      1 |     50 |00:00:00.01 |     200 |       |       |          |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - access(("table_m"."codex"='2275' OR "table_m"."codex"='2276' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='2912' OR "table_m"."codex"='2913' OR "table_m"."codex"='3478' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3479' OR "table_m"."codex"='3550' OR "table_m"."codex"='3743' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3744' OR "table_m"."codex"='3745' OR "table_m"."codex"='3747' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3957' OR "table_m"."codex"='3958' OR "table_m"."codex"='3964' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='3965' OR "table_m"."codex"='4174' OR "table_m"."codex"='447' OR
                  "table_m"."codex"='449' OR "table_m"."codex"='510'))
       5 - access("lno"="table_m"."lno" AND "repd"=1146)
    Am I overlooking something?
    Please help me understand this.
    -- Ranit
    (on Oracle

    For a single row in table_x you have multiple row in table_m. In first query as you are joining them both you are doing 1 to many (I guess). But in the second query you are not doing a join but just checking the existence. In the first query you can include the columns from table_m in the SQL projection. But in the second query you cant do that.
    So both the query are not the same they are very different. Here is a simple example
    SQL> create table table_x
      2  (
      3    id integer, name varchar2(10)
      4  );
    Table created.
    SQL> create table table_m
      2  (
      3    id integer, parent_id integer, name varchar2(10)
      4  );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into table_x values (1, 'karthick');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into table_m values (1, 1, 'oracle');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into table_m values (2, 1, 'sql');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select x.*
      2    from table_x x
      3    left
      4    join table_m m
      5      on = m.parent_id;
            ID NAME
             1 karthick
             1 karthick
    SQL> select x.*
      2    from table_x x
      3   where exists
      4         (
      5           select 1
      6             from table_m m
      7            where = m.parent_id
      8         );
            ID NAME
             1 karthick

  • Strange query behavior when displayed in browser.

    Hi gurus,
    when I open a query in browser on one of the computers, I get no detailed cells, just the overall result.
    No matter, if I open the query in Portal, or in BEx Web Analyzer.
    When I use BEx Analyzer, everything seems to be fine.
    When I open the same query, on the same user, but on another computer, queries are displayed properly.
    Do you know what might cause the problem? Maybe some browser settings?

    Thanks, we recently installed a new GUI version on this computer, so probably you're right

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    2/4/15 2:50:45.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_allocate_cluster - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:46.982 PM[11743]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    2/4/15 2:50:47.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11744) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:50:53.292 PM ubd[11655]: objc[11655]: Object 0x7fe889301c10 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 9769 (Safari)
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap File Error.
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.307 PM ubd[11655]: objc[11655]: Object 0x7fe889301c10 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:53.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:54.138 PM[299]: ([0x0-0x552552][9769]) Exited: Terminated: 15
    2/4/15 2:50:54.139 PM 1PasswordAgent[357]: [HYBI] socketDidDisconnect: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=7 "Socket closed by remote peer" UserInfo=0x11600ff30 {NSLocalizedDescription=Socket closed by remote peer}
    2/4/15 2:50:54.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:54.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:50:56.024 PM[299]: ([0x0-0x695695][11732]) Exited: Killed: 9
    2/4/15 2:50:56.000 PM kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 11732 [DictationIM]
    2/4/15 2:50:56.000 PM kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 11736 [QuickLookSatelli]
    2/4/15 2:50:56.557 PM[1]: ([11736]) Exited: Killed: 9
    2/4/15 2:50:57.316 PM[1]: ([11742]) Exited: Killed: 9
    2/4/15 2:50:57.000 PM kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 11742 [xpcd]
    2/4/15 2:51:10.248 PM[11749]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    2/4/15 2:51:10.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11750) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:51:21.341 PM sandboxd[11750]: ([11749]) QuickLookSatelli(11749) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:51:34.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:51:36.263 PM PopChar[392]: re-enabling tap: -2, times=(0.044, 0.000, 0.000, -0.000, -0.000)
    2/4/15 2:51:42.609 PM coreaudiod[319]: Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active
    2/4/15 2:51:43.232 PM coreaudiod[319]: Enabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive
    2/4/15 2:51:44.087 PM[299]: ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
    2/4/15 2:51:46.123 PM AppleScript Runner[11755]: CPSGetFrontProcess(): This call is deprecated and should not be called anymore.
    2/4/15 2:51:47.232 PM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_LOWDISK (4)
    2/4/15 2:51:47.248 PM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 00000000 type 'hfs', mounted on '/', from '/dev/disk0s2', low disk
    2/4/15 2:51:47.253 PM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 00000000 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    2/4/15 2:52:35.679 PM coreaudiod[319]: Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active
    2/4/15 2:52:36.443 PM coreaudiod[319]: Enabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive
    2/4/15 2:52:42.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:52:43.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:53:00.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11787) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:53:02.122 PM WebProcess[11776]: CoreText: Invalid 'kern' Subtable In CTFont <name: OpenSans-Semibold, size: 15.000000, matrix: 0x0>
    CTFontDescriptor <attributes: <CFBasicHash 0x7fa6d99ac600 [0x101661110]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x1060f5ef0 [0x101661110]>{contents = "NSFontNameAttribute"} = <CFString 0x7fa6de60a200 [0x101661110]>{contents = "OpenSans-Semibold"}
    2/4/15 2:53:02.133 PM WebProcess[11776]: CoreText: Invalid 'kern' Subtable In CTFont <name: OpenSans, size: 14.000000, matrix: 0x0>
    CTFontDescriptor <attributes: <CFBasicHash 0x7fa6e0914450 [0x101661110]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x1060f5ef0 [0x101661110]>{contents = "NSFontNameAttribute"} = <CFString 0x7fa6de622c10 [0x101661110]>{contents = "OpenSans"}
    2/4/15 2:53:03.833 PM WebProcess[11776]: CoreText: Invalid 'kern' Subtable In CTFont <name: OpenSans-Bold, size: 18.000000, matrix: 0x0>
    CTFontDescriptor <attributes: <CFBasicHash 0x7fa6de441fb0 [0x101661110]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
    entries =>
      2 : <CFString 0x1060f5ef0 [0x101661110]>{contents = "NSFontNameAttribute"} = <CFString 0x7fa6de6642a0 [0x101661110]>{contents = "OpenSans-Bold"}
    2/4/15 2:53:08.288 PM sandboxd[11787]: ([11776]) WebProcess(11776) deny iokit-open IOBluetoothSCOAudioDeviceCoreAudioPlugInUserClient
    2/4/15 2:53:10.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:53:16.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:53:19.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:53:27.297 PM[11793]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    2/4/15 2:53:27.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11794) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:53:28.327 PM sandboxd[11794]: ([11793]) QuickLookSatelli(11793) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:53:49.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:53:53.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:54:22.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:54:23.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:54:32.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11803) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:54:33.010 PM sandboxd[11803]: ([11802]) mdworker(11802) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-wal (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 98275594)
    2/4/15 2:54:33.053 PM sandboxd[11803]: ([11802]) mdworker(11802) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-shm (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 98275594)
    2/4/15 2:54:33.095 PM distnoted[11807]: Bug: 12F45: liblaunch.dylib + 23849 [2F71CAF8-6524-329E-AC56-C506658B4C0C]: 0x25
    2/4/15 2:54:35.000 PM kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1423079677
    2/4/15 2:54:40.078 PM[64]: attempting to thin because of low free space on Tao by removing 2015-02-04 14:14:19 -0500, estimate 0 bytes to recover, 1 snapshot can be thinned
    2/4/15 2:54:55.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:55:02.634 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e17550> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Desktop/Try Now/shutterstock_231467593.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:04.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:55:05.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11816) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:55:05.940 PM sandboxd[11816]: ([11815]) mdworker(11815) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-wal (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 134465379)
    2/4/15 2:55:05.946 PM sandboxd[11816]: ([11815]) mdworker(11815) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-shm (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 134465379)
    2/4/15 2:55:13.568 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25ef0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Dropbox/Recipes/Spicy Curry Chicken Thighs w:Rice.png }
    2/4/15 2:55:13.634 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e16dc0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Dropbox/Recipes/Curry-Coconut Chicken Thighs.png }
    2/4/15 2:55:18.415 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25ef0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Washing_Machine_X8.dmg }
    2/4/15 2:55:19.422 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25ef0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/backgroun2.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:19.427 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25ef0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/abstract-green-background-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:19.472 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c26120> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/torn-paper-damask-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:19.475 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a26900> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/vintage-plaid-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:19.478 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25ef0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/wheat-logo-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:55:28.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:55:29.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:55:30.244 PM activitymonitord[11814]: sending signal: 9 to pid: 65
    2/4/15 2:55:30.284 PM[1]: ([65]) Exited: Killed: 9
    2/4/15 2:55:30.373 PM mds[11821]: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
    2/4/15 2:55:30.380 PM mds[11821]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    2/4/15 2:55:30.442 PM mds[11821]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    2/4/15 2:56:01.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:56:03.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:56:11.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11831) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:56:12.166 PM sandboxd[11831]: ([11830]) mdworker(11830) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-wal (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 98275594)
    2/4/15 2:56:12.252 PM sandboxd[11831]: ([11830]) mdworker(11830) deny file-write-owner /Users/organicbooks/Library/Containers/ V1.storedata-shm (import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000005F diag:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Notes.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 98275594)
    2/4/15 2:56:20.176 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e169c0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Desktop/Try Now/shutterstock_231467593.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:25.174 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25c40> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Dropbox/Recipes/Spicy Curry Chicken Thighs w:Rice.png }
    2/4/15 2:56:25.221 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e17570> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Dropbox/Recipes/Curry-Coconut Chicken Thighs.png }
    2/4/15 2:56:34.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:56:43.335 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25680> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Washing_Machine_X8.dmg }
    2/4/15 2:56:43.624 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25680> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/backgroun2.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:43.629 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a26950> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/abstract-green-background-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:43.672 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25c40> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/torn-paper-damask-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:43.674 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25c40> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/vintage-plaid-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:43.676 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a2f330> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/wheat-logo-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:56:48.954 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c1bdf0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Super Premium Vintage Resources.rar }
    2/4/15 2:56:52.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS
    2/4/15 2:57:00.008 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25c40> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/General_Motors_Weight_Loss_Diet_Program.pdf }
    2/4/15 2:57:04.830 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771c25630> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/backgroun2.eps }
    2/4/15 2:57:04.986 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e10920> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Arun's Nomination Form.pdf }
    2/4/15 2:57:07.000 PM kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: default_pager_backing_store_monitor - send LO_WAT_ALERT
    2/4/15 2:57:08.281 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e10bf0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Untitled.iba }
    2/4/15 2:57:08.979 PM[11838]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    2/4/15 2:57:09.033 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772912f60> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/ g }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.116 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a26900> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Untitled.tiff }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.222 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a2f330> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Round Ornate Label.png }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.223 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772912f10> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Round Ornate Label.pdf }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.304 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a26950> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Round Ornate Label.tiff }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.387 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e10920> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Ornate Divider 1.tiff }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.389 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe77290f760> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Ornate Divider 1.png }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(11839) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:57:09.493 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a2bbe0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Jasmine.pdf }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.577 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772a2f330> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/pld_toujourslamour_A_el65.png }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.579 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe774905010> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 7.04.39 AM.png }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.663 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e17570> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 3.39.32 PM.png }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.665 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772c070b0> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/abstract-green-background-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.667 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe772e05210> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/torn-paper-damask-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.668 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e10920> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/vintage-plaid-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.670 PM mdwrite[11653]: XPCValueObject: Can't handle the value <fd: 0x7fe771e18970> { type = file, path = /Users/organicbooks/Downloads/wheat-logo-vector.eps }
    2/4/15 2:57:09.999 PM sandboxd[11839]: ([11838]) QuickLookSatelli(11838) deny mach-lookup
    2/4/15 2:57:20.000 PM kernel[0]: macx_swapoff SUCCESS

    Hi Joey:
    Thank you for your reply.  Yes multi pathing is in place and failover does occur.  This was my test environment I did first.  I just noticed that of three hosts two reported redundancy link lost (which is normal) but one showed redundancy link and the managment network lost and access to the datastore for VM guests although VM guests continuded to ping normally.  The host however was not pinging in fact as being reported.
    Anyway,  I went forward with production last night and all went as expected with only redundancy link lost during interconnect updates/reboots.  No problems.  So, I believe my test environment has a connection between the two interconnects switched around from when I first set it all up.  There have been some others working in my test area.
    Thanks again,

  • Query behavior when removing characteristic

    Hi Gurus,
    in my query I have about for example ten characteristics.
    I want for one key figure only to display the last value of the month, for example the turn over.
    It works so far when the query is opened all characteristics are displayed and the last value for turn over is displayed.
    When removing characteristics one by one, for example at the sixth characteristic, suddenly there is a summation for turn over.
    Any idea what the reason could be?
    I want for this key figure always the last value for all characteristics.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    AL1112 wrote:
    > I think you are using calaculate single value as last value option to display the value for turnover.
    > Instead of that make use of exception aggregation and choose reference characterstic as on which you are getting the unique combination of value.
    > For better understanding please paste the sample output of the report.
    > Hope it helps.
    > Regards,
    > AL
    Is it enough to make the exception aggregation on only one reference characteristic, in my case 0calmonth (I want the last value for turn over for the last month)?
    I have a restricted key figure turn over (standard aggregation).
    On this restricted key figure a formula with exception aggregation last value and reference characteristic 0calmonth.
    When all characteristics are displayed the values are correct.
    When characteristic 0calmonth is removed the values are also correct for all other remaining characteristics.
    That means that the last value for those characteristics is shown correct.
    That means for example characteristics Sales Divison (0Division) and Profit Center (0PROFIT_CTR) are showing the correct drill down (for each Profit Center which is
    For example:
    Sales Division - PCTR - Month - Turnover
    35 10 Sep2011 6160000EUR
    35 10 Oct2011 6160000EUR
    35 10 Nov2011 6160000EUR
    35 20 Sep2011 6160000EUR
    35 20 Oct2011 6160000EUR
    35 20 Nov2011 6160000EUR
    Removing 0Calmonth:
    Sales Division - PCTR - Turnover
    35 10 6160000EUR
    35 20 6160000EUR
    Removing Profit Center:
    Sales Division - Turnover
    35 12320000EUR
    It seems that removing the Profit Center characteristic makes the sum with PCTR 10 and 20 for Sales Division 35.
    But how can it be made that here also the last value 6160000EUR appear?

  • Dynamic query plan vs normal query plan

    I have a query with like operator.
    DECLARE @query varchar(52)
    SET @query='A12657'
    IF @query IS NOT NULL
    SET @query='%'+LTRIM(RTRIM(@query))+'%'SELECT eord_type_id FROM izdelek
    WHERE (izd_naziv_ANG like @query OR izd_id like @query)
    Query works 1 ms, 5 ms is for plan recompile. The execution plan is:
    But if I run the same query as dynamic sql:
    DECLARE @query varchar(52), @sql NVARCHAR(4000), @paramList NVARCHAR(500)
    SET @query='A12657'
    SELECT @paramlist = N'@query VARCHAR(52)'
    if @query IS NOT NULL
    SET @query='%'+LTRIM(RTRIM(@query))+'%'
    SET @sql=N'SELECT eord_type_id FROM izdelek
    WHERE (izd_naziv_ANG like @query OR izd_id like @query)
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @query
    The execution plan is different and execution time is much slower - 2877 ms.
    Where is the catch? What should I change that dynamic query would work the same.
    What I also don't understand is key lookup at the end of the plan. Since we have clustered index seek at the beginning of the plan, the optimizer could read additional column(eord_type_id) from this index seek.
    And why it is using merge since it has both columns from WHERE clause (izd_naziv_ang and izd_id) included inside index IX_izdelek. izd_id is in fact clustered key.
    How can i improve this query?
    But I would like to know at most, why dynamic sql is so much slower, since the query is totally the same in both cases and how to achieve that both queries have the similar execution time?

    First of all , why do you use LIKE operator instead of EQUAL (=). I see you are looking for exact value..
    --SQL Server creates 3 execution plan rather only one
    SELECT *
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    WHERE SalesOrderID = 56000
    AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE
    SalesOrderID = 56001
    declare @i int
    set @i = 56004
    SELECT *
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    WHERE SalesOrderID = @i
    select  stats.execution_count AS exec_count, 
    p.size_in_bytes as [size], 
    [sql].[text] as [plan_text]
    from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans p
    outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text (p.plan_handle) sql
    join sys.dm_exec_query_stats stats ON stats.plan_handle = p.plan_handle
    ----This time only (we get parameterization)
    EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT  SUM(LineTotal) AS LineTotal
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader H
    JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail D ON D.SalesOrderID = H.SalesOrderID
    WHERE H.SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID', N'@SalesOrderID INT', 56000
    EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT  SUM(LineTotal) AS LineTotal
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader H
    JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail D ON D.SalesOrderID = H.SalesOrderID
    WHERE H.SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID', N'@SalesOrderID INT', 56005
    select  stats.execution_count AS exec_count, 
    LEFT([sql].[text], 80) as [plan_text]
    from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans p
    outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text (p.plan_handle) sql
    join sys.dm_exec_query_stats stats ON stats.plan_handle = p.plan_handle
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Normal query display nothing

    i'm reporting very strange behaviour:
    I've a pl/sql function body returning sql that generate correctly an sql.
    The query retrieve several data (more than 10000) (i've a debugging field on my page, that displays the content of the query).
    When i paste the query inside oracle sql developer the data are retrieved correctly.
    However in apex the report displays
    report error:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    The story is that the datas are in for sure by the way i've copied /pasted this query in another report and it works correctly:
    Any issue for you about the syntax or regard some item prop??
    by the way i've copied /pasted this query in another report and it works correctly:
    Any suggestion would be great

    FORGET the previous post: i have to practice a little bit with Apex:
    the story is that i was using pl/sql function returning sql query and first time i ran the queries, it was working correctly why i got the same columns in a couple of conditional selects(why populates conditionally the same report region).
    When i've changed the columns suddenly one of the queries started to return NO DATA FOUND inside the report because (i've simply added another to a select) i was not aware to change as well Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only).
    I found that this is absolutely required inside your pl/sql RSqlQ.
    That's all: i've to discover APEX a little in depth.
    However a better message then NO DATA FOUND, would be better when you have pl/sql RSqlQ. Would be interesting to have ' Nr of columns doesn't match what specified in report attributes/region definition. Try to use generic columns and headers'
    Maybe is difficult to detect a situation like this...
    thank you a lot however
    Message was edited by:
    Marcello Nocito
    Message was edited by:
    Marcello Nocito

  • When I close Firefox 4.0 RC2, I have four or more instances of "plugin-container.exe" spawn before Firefox (and all of the spawned processes) close. Is this normal/intended behavior?

    These processes seem to be independent of the normal plugin-container process spawned for Flash.

    Probably the easiest way is to download Firefox again from and re-install it.
    If you want to disable plugin-container, see the section on "Disabling crash protection" at

  • Spotlight Initial View Query Behavior

    I have two iMacs. One at home, and one at work. At work I am on Tiger. At home I am on Leopard. At work, when I press command-F to do a search, Spotlight searches the current folder (which is what I want). However, at home, command-F will bring up my computer folder and will search everywhere, which is what I don't want. Any idea what might be causing this behavior?

    In Tiger the default behavior was supposed to be that the place you invoked from was the place defaulted to search (I say "supposed" because personally I never found this to be completely reliable--about the time I would forget to look to make sure it was, it wouldn't be, rather it would set about search "This Computer" instead). In Leopard the default is "This Mac" with the place you invoked sitting next to it, unchecked. Just select it. The default is also "Contents" rather than "File Name"--neither of the defaults makes any sense. I would bet that the majority of people want to search the place they are in for a file name. The defaults are exactly backwards, and, so far, I have not found any way to hack 'em into sanity.

  • Normal scheduler behavior?

    I created a schedule to run a job every two minutes.
        (job_name  => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS');
           job_name        => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
          ,start_date      => NULL
          ,repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY'
          ,end_date        => NULL
          ,job_class       => 'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS'
          ,job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK'
          ,job_action      => 'BEGIN insert into GAFF.scheduler_output values(systimestamp,''SOME TEXT '' || systimestamp); END;'
          ,comments        => 'write date to TABLE every 2 mins'
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'RESTARTABLE'
         ,value     => TRUE);
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'LOGGING_LEVEL'
         ,value     => SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_RUNS);
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'MAX_FAILURES');
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'MAX_RUNS');
          ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
           ,attribute => 'STOP_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE'
           ,value     => FALSE);
        -- could fail if program is of type EXECUTABLE...
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'JOB_PRIORITY'
         ,value     => 3);
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'SCHEDULE_LIMIT');
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'AUTO_DROP'
         ,value     => FALSE);
        ( name      => 'GAFF.DATEEVERY2MINS'
         ,attribute => 'RAISE_EVENTS'
    /When I look at the source for the created objects in Toad I see that it created the following limit on the schedule itself.
          schedule_name    => 'GAFF.EVERY2MINS'
         ,start_date       => TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012/09/11 12:36:15.000000 America/New_York','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzr')
         ,repeat_interval  => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=2;'
         ,end_date         => TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012/09/19 00:00:00.000000 America/New_York','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzr')
         ,comments         => 'Run these jobs every two minutes'
    /I take that to mean that the schedule is not valid after 9/19. The job that I started three days ago was still running when I came in this morning though. So what I'd like to know is:
    1) What does the 9/19 date mean? No NEW jobs will be able to use the schedule after that date?
    2) How did that limit get in there in the first place from the attributes I set in my code?
    Version Info:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Nevermind 2). It got there from the schedule create code (which I forgot to post but post here);
        (schedule_name  => 'GAFF.EVERY2MINS');
          schedule_name    => 'GAFF.EVERY2MINS'
         ,start_date       => TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012/09/11 12:36:15.000000 America/New_York','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzr')
         ,repeat_interval  => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=2;'
         ,end_date         => TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012/09/21 00:00:00.000000 America/New_York','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzr')
         ,comments         => 'Run these jobs every two minutes'
    /Edited by: Gaff on Aug 20, 2012 12:40 PM

    I was under the (mistaken?) impression that "MINUTELY", "DAILY" etc. were an indication of granularity. I mean, there isn't something called "BIMINUTELY" is there? So if I want 2 minutes, what else would I set that attribute to? (I'm asking, I have not played with SCHEDULER before).
    In any case, it has run every two minutes :)
    Looking at the SCHEDULE definition again, I think given that the granularity and repeat interval is set in that, then the JOB definition should probably just be null. I'm guessing it is ignored in this case because the job is assigned to a schedule that has an interval defined.
    Edited by: Gaff on Aug 20, 2012 1:59 PM

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