One element too many on a cursor?

I'm populating a cursor like this:
CURSOR c_anunciantes IS
//some query
I now the result of the query for sure. However, when I try to access the cursor and print it's elements, it prints the last element twice; I think I'm probable misusing %NOTFOUND (yes, I'm a newbie):
          EXIT WHEN c_anunciantes%NOTFOUND
FETCH c_anunciantes INTO aux;
     IF (c_anunciantes%ROWCOUNT=0) THEN
               raise_application_error(-20001,'No results!');
     END IF;
CLOSE c_anunciantes;
BTW; is there any way to find out the number of elements on a cursor before using it?
Thanks in advance :)

Hello ,
You have for example 4 records.
You fetch 4th record, then you print with dbms_output
( your if - condition doesn't work, because sql%rowcount returns the total cumulative number of records).
Then you check EXIT WHEN NOTFOUND.
It returns false, because it finds anything,
and then you try to fetch the 5th record, and only here you have
SQL%NOTFOUND. But you didn't check it here and prints 4th record once more.
at first FETCH, and then EXIT WHEN.
You don't need the IF- Block in loop.
FETCH c_anunciantes INTO aux;
EXIT WHEN c_anunciantes%NOTFOUND
CLOSE c_anunciantes;
It is better to write:
FOR I IN (//select from your query)
You don't need:
- cursor declaration
- cursor open
- fetch
- check for EXIT NOTFOUND.
- cursor close
Oracle does it for you :-)
Dmytro Dekhtyaryuk

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    I have a problem that I'm pretty sure is resident in the
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    All of this is being done within a cfc. The cfc calls the
    first method for Query1, then calls the second method for Query2.
    Query1 has 173 records, Query2 has 117 records. Technically the
    difference should be 56 records.
    However, the result of myquery (below) is giving me 57
    records. And every one of them is a real record. Code as follows:
    <CFSET myquery = QueryNew("var1, var2, var3, var4,
    <CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#Query1.recordcount#">
    <CFQUERY NAME="checkJob" DBTYPE="query">
    SELECT var1
    FROM Query2
    WHERE var1 = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
    <CFIF checkJob.recordcount lte 0>
    <cfset newRow = QueryAddRow(myQuery, 1)>
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myQuery, "var1",
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myQuery, "var2", Query1.var2
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myQuery, "var3",
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myQuery, "var4", Query1.var4
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myQuery, "var5",
    <CFRETURN myQuery>
    So if all is done correctly, I should be getting the results
    from Query1 that are NOT in Query2.
    It's *almost* right.
    Since var1 exists in all of the records returned by myquery,
    one presumes that there's an extra record being returned that *IS*
    in Query2.
    I'm not sure why, though.
    The resultant screen needs to print out all of the variables
    from query1 that do not exist in query2. Hence, myquery.
    Anyone have a better recommendation on how to fix this
    problem? I feel like a goober for even asking it, but it's been
    annoying me all afternoon.

    Simon, I would appreciate not being called lazy and yet
    overly complicated in the same sentence. Ignorant, perhaps, overly
    complicated, very likely, but lazy isn't the word I'd use.
    When it comes to MSSQL, I was actually unaware I could use a
    query of queries approximation without writing the whole thing out.
    Thank you so much for correcting my ignorance. My apologies if this
    isn't the type of database I've been using for the last few years,
    and if my familiarity with the database is not as great as yours.
    I have been trying to componentize this application where
    applicable, and the queries I speak of were already componentized
    prior to me coming into this. Both the primary and secondary
    queries are being used by multiple applications on the same server,
    and multiple times in the same page with different parameters (the
    same page is being used several times). This third query is
    obviously the difference between the two. If the second query has
    to change at any time, then changing it only once within a
    component makes more sense than having to find it multiple times
    within the code to change it again, since the business rules on
    said query have had to change a few times before. Better to have it
    in one place than to change it in multiple places and risk having
    one be changed while the others are not.
    Lazy has nothing to do with it so much as accuracy. Multiple
    instances of the same code means having to find it multiple times
    when the code needs to change, and risking that you may miss one.
    If they allowed me to use a view to do it as recommended by
    cf_dev2, I would do so, and it would make my life a lot less
    complicated. However, that option is not available to me, therefore
    I have to go the "more complicated" route.

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    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

  • TOO many OPEN CURSORS during loop of INSERT's

    Running ODP.NET beta2 (can't move up yet but will do that soon)
    I don't think it is related with ODP itself but probably on how .Net works with cursors. We have a for/next loop that executes INSERT INTO xxx VALUES (:a,:b,:c)
    statements. Apparently, when monitoring v$sysstat (current open cursors) we see these raising with 1 INSERT = 1 cursor. If subsequently we try to perform another action, we get max cursors exceeded. We allready set open_cursor = 1000, but the number of inserts can be very high. Is there a way to release these cursors (already wrote oDataAdaptor.dispose, oCmd.dispose but this does not help.
    Is it normal that each INSERT has it's own cursor ? they all have the same hashvalue in v$open_cursor. They seem to be released after a while, especially when moving to another page, but it's not clear when that happens and if it is possible to force the release of the (implicit?) cursors faster.
    Below is a snippet of the code, I unrolled a couple of function-calls into the code so this is just an example, not sure it will run without errors like this, but the idea should be clear (the code looks rather complex for what it does but the unrolled functions make the code more generic and we have a database-independend datalayer):
    ' Set the Base Delete statement
    lBaseSql = _
    "INSERT INTO atable(col1,col2,col3) " & _
    ' Initialize a transaction
    lTransaction = oConnection.BeginTransaction()
    ' Create the parameter collection, containing for each
    ' row in the list the arguments
    For Each lDataRow In aList.Rows
    lOracleParamters = New OracleParameterCollection()
    lOracleParameter = New OracleParameter("luserid", OracleDbType.Varchar2,
    _ CType(aCol1, Object))
    lOracleParameter = New OracleParameter("part_no", OracleDbType.Varchar2, _
    CType(lDataRow.Item("col2"), Object))
    lOracleParameter = New OracleParameter("revision", OracleDbType.Int32, _
    CType(lDataRow.Item("col3"), Object))
    ' Execute the Statement;
    ' If the execution fails because the row already exists,
    ' then the insert should be considered as succesfull.
    Dim aCommand As New OracleCommand()
    Dim retval As Integer
    'associate the aConnection with the aCommand
    aCommand.Connection = oConnection
    'set the aCommand text (stored procedure name or SQL statement)
    aCommand.CommandText = lBaseSQL
    'set the aCommand type
    aCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    'attach the aCommand parameters if they are provided
    If Not (lOracleParameters Is Nothing) Then
    Dim lParameter As OracleParameter
    For Each lParameter In lOracleParameters
    'check for derived output value with no value assigned
    If lParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput _
    And lParameter.Value Is Nothing Then
    lParameter.Value = Nothing
    End If
    Next lParameter
    End If
    ' finally, execute the aCommand.
    retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
    ' detach the OracleParameters from the aCommand object,
    ' so they can be used again
    Catch ex As Exception
    Dim lErrorMsg As String
    lErrorMsg = ex.ToString
    If Not lTransaction Is Nothing Then
    End If
    End Try
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New DLDataException(aConnection, ex)
    End Try

    I have run into this problem as well. To my mind
    Phillip's solution will work but seems completey unnecessary. This is work the provider itself should be managing.
    I've done extensive testing with both ODP and OracleClient. Here is one of the scenarios: In a tight loop of 10,000 records, each of which is either going to be inserted or updated via a stored procedure call, the ODP provider throws the "too many cursor errors at around the 800th iteration. With over 300 cursors being open. The exact same code with OracleClient as the provider never throws an error and opens up 40+ cursors during execution.
    The applicaation I have updates a Oracle8i database from a DB2 database. There are over 30 tables being updated in near real time. Reusing the command object is not an option and adding all the code Phillip did for each call seems highly unnecessary. I say Oracle needs to fix this problem. As much as I hate to say it the microsoft provider seems superior at this point.

  • Runtime Error - DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL - Too many OPEN CURSOR

    When I try to train a Decision Tree Model via an APD process in RSANWB, I get a runtime error when my model is configured with too many parameter fields or too many leaves (with 2 leaves it works, with more it fails).
    By searching SAP Notes I see that there are many references to this kind of runtime errors. But no note on occurences of it in RSANWB / RSDMWB .
    Any information on this anyone?
    Claudio Ciardelli
    Runtime Errors         DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
    Date and Time          29.07.2005 16:19:21
    |ShrtText                                                                                |
    |    Error in RSQL module of database interface.                                                   |
    |What happened?                                                                                |
    |    Error in ABAP application program.                                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |    The current ABAP program "SAPLRS_DME_DECISION_TREE_PRED" had to be terminated                 |
    |     because one of the                                                                           |
    |    statements could not be executed.                                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |    This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |Error analysis                                                                                |
    |    The system attempted to open a cursor for a SELECT or OPEN CURSOR                             |
    |    statement but all 16 cursors were already in use.                                             |
    |    The statement that failed accesses table "/BIC/0CDT000030 ".                                  |
    |    The erroneous statement accesses table "/BIC/0CDT000030 ".                                    |
    |Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                 |
    |    Program                                 SAPLRS_DME_DECISION_TREE_PRED                         |
    |    Include                                 LRS_DME_DECISION_TREE_PREDU06                         |
    |    Row                                     103                                                   |
    |    Module type                             (FUNCTION)                                            |
    |    Module Name                             RS_DME_DTP_EVALUATE                                   |
    |Source Code Extract                                                                               |
    |Line |SourceCde                                                                                |
    |   73|* Prepare for Data evaluation                                                               |
    |   74|  CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 15.                                                      |
    |   75|    CREATE DATA ref TYPE (i_enum_dbtab).                                                    |
    |   76|    ASSIGN ref->* TO <fs_wkarea>.                                                           |
    |   77|    ASSIGN COMPONENT gv_class_dbposit OF STRUCTURE                                          |
    |   78|                      <fs_wkarea> TO <fs_class>.                                            |
    |   79|    CREATE DATA ref TYPE TABLE OF (i_enum_dbtab).                                           |
    |   80|    ASSIGN ref->* TO <ft_data>.                                                             |
    |   81|                                                                                |
    |   82|  ENDCATCH.                                                                                |
    |   83|  IF sy-subrc = 15.                                                                         |
    |   84|*   Error on Assignment.                                                                    |
    |   85|    CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DME_COM_ADDMSG_NOLOG'                                                 |
    |   86|      EXPORTING                                                                             |
    |   87|        i_type    = 'E'                                                                     |
    |   88|        i_msgno   = 301                                                                     |
    |   89|        i_msgv1   = 'EVALUATION_PHASE'                                                      |
    |   90|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
    |   91|        es_return = ls_return.                                                              |
    |   92|    APPEND ls_return TO e_t_return.                                                         |
    |   93|    EXIT.                                                                                |
    |   94|  ENDIF.                                                                                |
    |   95|                                                                                |
    |   96|* For the un-trained Rec-Ids, evaluate.....                                                 |
    |   97|  REFRESH lt_recinp.                                                                        |
    |   98|  APPEND LINES OF i_t_records TO lt_recinp.                                                 |
    |   99|  SORT lt_recinp .                                                                          |
    |  100|* Open Cursor..                                                                             |
    |  101|  DATA: l_curs TYPE cursor.                                                                 |
    |  102|  DATA: l_psize TYPE i VALUE 10000.                                                         |
    |>>>>>|  OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD l_curs FOR                                                          |
    |  104|   SELECT * FROM (i_enum_dbtab)                                                             |
    |  105|     WHERE rsdmdt_recid NOT IN                                                              |
    |  106|        ( SELECT rsdmdt_recid FROM                                                          |
    |  107|             (i_learn_tab) ).                                                               |
    |  108|                                                                                |
    |  109|*  Start Fetch...                                                                           |
    |  110|  DO.                                                                                |
    |  111|    FETCH NEXT CURSOR l_curs                                                                |
    |  112|      INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <ft_data>                                          |
    |  113|      PACKAGE SIZE l_psize.                                                                 |
    |  114|    IF sy-subrc NE space.                                                                   |
    |  115|      EXIT.                                                                                |
    |  116|    ENDIF.                                                                                |
    |  117|                                                                                |
    |  118|*     Process records...                                                                    |
    |  119|    LOOP AT <ft_data> ASSIGNING <fs_wkarea>.                                                |
    |  120|                                                                                |
    |  121|*     Call Prediction Function.                                                             |
    |  122|      CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DME_DTP_PREDICT_STRUCTURE'                                          |

    Hi Claudio,
    well the message is very clear and I think in your case you need to split your model into a few somehow equal models, each not having more than 2 leaves.
    Another option might be to do more things serially instead of parallel.
    Hope it helps

  • Is it possible to have too many keyframes in one project in Premiere?

    Hi all,
    I'm using Premiere 6 on a Windows 7 ULT machine.
    Is it possible to have too many keyframes in one project in Premiere?
    I'm getting app crashes when I try to re-open a certain project in Premiere 6 and it seems that if that file has over 93 keyframes, then it will not re-open.  But I can re-open that exact same project file with 93 keyframes in it, no problem.
    But if I go any further and create any more keyframes than 93 in a new re-saved version of the exact same file, then that file will not re-open and I get an app crash... you can see screenshots of the two Windows app crash info panels below that I'm getting from three different bad Premiere project files that I've created so far.
    I've tested and tested what is going on here and this seems to be what is causing the bad files.  I've re-created the scenario and re-created files with over 93 keyframes from the same base project file that will still open... as soon as I get more than 93 keyframes in this file, then that newly saved file will not re-open after I close and try to re-open it.
    This is 75 keyframes in one still image clip, 14 keyframes in another still image clip and 2 keyframes each in two other still image clips in a single project file... that is the limit... if I create any more keyframes in the clip that has 75 keyframes, the new file will save and render, but it won't re-open once it has been closed.
    The two slightly different app crash info panels show, in the first one below,
    "Fault Module Name: StackHash_e98d"
    ... and the second one shows,
    "Fault Module Name: PREMINFO.dll"
    ... both messages with a little more different info in each one.  I get either of the two error info panels when trying to re-open all three bad files that I've created with over 93 keyframes in them.  That is, two of the files alternate between giveing "StackHash_e98d" and "PREMINFO.dll" when trying to open them and one of them always shows the "Fault Module Name: PREMINFO.dll" error.
    So even the error messages are inconsistent with two of the bad files.
    I've searched the internet for this error in association with Premiere and I've also searched on this forum and found nothing.  Can anyone shed any light on this?

    Even though I figured out a work around, I was still interested to know if these file opening crashes are related to Virtual Memory.
    So on the topic of Virtual Memory... a few months ago I was troubleshooting a different problem in Premeire and I found this information...
    "To improve performance in Premiere Pro, adjust the size of the paging file to a maximum of twice the amount of installed RAM."
    Previous to that time three months ago or so, I had my Virtual Memory settings at the default automatic setting, but I tried setting my VM to twice the amount of installed RAM, and I've had it set that way ever since, just to make sure I'm optimizing the VM performance for Premiere and other apps.
    But that isn't making any difference in this case.  Today I also found information in a search that says to troubleshoot StackHash crashes, one should turn off "DEP" in the system settings for the application with the crash problem... according to the paragraph below, from the second post down by Chris on this page...
    Even though this was written in 2009 with Windows Vista in mind, many things for Vista work in Windows 7... it says,
    "Here’s how 99 percent of Vista users can fix a StackHash failure. I’ll walk you through it step by step:
    Method A:
    1. Open your Start menu and click Control Panel
    2. Browse to “System Maintenance” then “System”
    3. In the left panel, select “Advanced System Settings” from the available links
    4. You should now see the System Properties Window, which will have three sections. The top section is labeled “Performance” and has a “Settings” button. Click this button.
    5. Select the “Data Execution Prevention” tab.
    6. Select the option which reads “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select”
    7. Use the “Browse” button to locate the executable file for the application you were trying to start when you received the StackHash error, and click Open to add it to your exceptions list.
    8. Click Apply or OK to commit your changes."
    But I tried this and none of the three problem files that I encountered would open... I still got the StackHash_e98d or PREMINFO.dll crash errors.
    So anyway, I'm a ways past that in my project now, just continuing with more keyframes over the number of 78 in separate but identical still image clips... that allows me to successfully work with this project with as many keyframes as I need.
    Thanks again,

  • I tried changing my password, and it changed to one that wasnt it, and i dont know it. So i tried it too many times and now its saying it is disabled, connect to itunes. but a problem is that my power button on top is broken. how to i fix it?

    I tried changing my password, and it changed to one that wasnt it, and i dont know it. So i tried it too many times and now its saying it is disabled, connect to itunes. but a problem is that my power button on top is broken. how to i fix it?

    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up     
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        

  • Trying to download a movie on a laptop.  tellls me i can't play it on that computer because my apple account has too many users.  how do i see who is listed as a user so that i can delete one if it's not needed

    trying to download a movie on a laptop.  tellls me i can't play it on that computer because my apple account has too many users.  how do i see who is listed as a user so that i can delete one if it's not needed
    please help
    [email protected]

    The list you saw that shows what drivers are available from Apple Software Update is based on what drivers are supplied by the vendor to Apple. So it would appear that HP has not provided Apple with a scanner driver for 10.9 (known as an ICA driver), or provided an update if one was available for a previous version of OS X, so that you can scan from Image Capture.
    I checked the HP web site for your model and they don't show any scanner driver or scanning software. If there was a scanner driver, you would be able to use Vuescan.
    As for the Scan button not working, the following is documented by HP
    Scanning to the computer from the printer control panel is not available when you scan with Preview, Image Capture, or Printer browser methods. You must use HP Scan software to scan from the printer.
    But there does not appear to be any version of HP Scan software available for 10.9. So unless someone else has some workaround, it seems that you won't be able to scan with this model of HP.

  • [database design]  the "too many" number of users of one instance!!

    Good morning everyone!!
    I have a question about the number of users of one db
    instance, "possible problems" caused by too many users,
    and "pros and cons" of this case.
    Now, the company I work for is considering centralizing
    150 db servers of 150 sites. 150 chained-stores have
    their own db instance.
    Here is the structure of db instance after the
    1. Centralized instance has each user per site(150
    sites), for example, site001, site002, …site00n, …
    2. Each user has its own 250 tables, thus the db
    instance become to have 150 users and 150*250 tables.
    3. Each user has almost the same table schema, not
    exactly. There are a little bit of differences among
    the business rules of each sites.
    4. the version of centralized db instance is "oracle9i".
    Theoretically, it seems like there is no problem, but I
    have not experienced the db instance like this, which
    has "too many" users of 150 users.
    In terms of every aspect such as "performance/tuning",
    "system management", or "something else", I would like
    to hear what could be "the pros and cons" of this
    Assuming that there are possible critical problems caused
    by too many users, what could be the alternative choice?
    I will be waiting to hear your experience. Every response
    will be appreciated, even if it is not about what I asked.
    Thanks for your interest in advance.
    Have a nice day.
    Ho from Japan

    Have a look to following AskTom threads:,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:31263903816550,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:63447102315094

  • Too many open cursors

    Could someone help me understand this problem, and how to remedy it? We're getting warnings as the number of open cursors nears 1200. I've located the V$OPEN_CURSOR view, and after investigating it, this is what I think:
    SQL> select count(*)
    2 from v$open_cursor;
    1) I have one session open in the database, and 40 records in this view. Does that mean my cursors are still in the cursor cache?
    2) Many of these cursors are associated with our analysts, and it looks like they are likely queries TOAD runs in order to gather meta-data for the interface. Can I overcome this?
    3) I thought that the optimizer only opened a new cursor when a query that didn't match one in the cache was executed. When I run the following, I get 105 SQL statements with the same hash_value and sql_id, of which, they total 314 of the 535 open cursors (60% of the open cursors):
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
    1 SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(cnt)
    2 FROM (SELECT hash_value,
    3 sql_id,
    4 COUNT(*) as cnt
    5 FROM v$open_cursor
    6 GROUP BY hash_value, sql_id
    7* HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
    SQL> /
    104 314
    4) Most of our connections in production will use Oracle Forms. Is there something we need to do in order to get Forms to use bind variables, or will it do so by default?
    Thanks for helping me out with this.

    From what I've read, cursor sharing is always in effect, although we have the most conservative method set. So I'm not sure how this affects things. Several identical queries are being submitted in several separate cursors.
    This value corresponds with the maximum number of cursors allowed for a single session. We're using shared servers, so I'm exactly sure if this is still 'per session' or 'per shared server', but 500 should be more than enough.
    It sounds like you're suggesting that a warning is being triggered based upon our init params. If that's the case, then what are people seeing as a limit for cursors on a 2-CPU Linux box with 2G of memory?

  • Ipod disabled, changed my password but entered the wrong one too many times!

    ipod disabled, changed my password but entered the wrong one too many times!
    Didnt have a pc with ituens before either but now have one although dont quite know what to do.

    plug your ipod touch into your computer in recovery mode. (see here
    Reset all data and settings
    dont restore from backup
    sync back content

  • Report causes too many open cursors

    Hello there!
    I've got the following situation:
    I've a very heavy report used for generating our Users Manual. In Reports 6i this Report works fine, generating the Manual works.
    In 10g the Report starts, and formats about 240 pages (in 6i I can generate over 1000 pages and more with this report), and cancels with the message "too many open cursors".
    So I took a look at the open cursors:
    In 6i there are about 100 open cursors caused by this report; in 10g there all cases to much for the max_open_cursors parameter of the database (standard value which is used by our application is 1000; increasing this to e.g. 5000 resulted in the same behaviour => too many open cursors).
    Checked the open cursors while running the report which showed the following behaviour:
    The report formats about 230 pages, and opens about 20 cursors (~30 sec.). for the next 10 sites the report opens the pending 980 cursors (~5 sec.), and stops formatting...
    So it seems the report server causes some bad recursion: When restarting the reports server and re-running the report, I get sometimes the following error:
    Mit Fehler beendet: REP-536870981: Interner Fehler REP-62204: Interner Fehler beim Schreiben des Bildes BandCombine: a row of the matrix does not have the correct number of entries, should be OpImage.getExpandedNumBands(source0.getSampleModel(), source0.getColorModel()) + 1.. REP-0069: Interner Fehler REP-50125: Exception abgefangen: java.lang.NullPointerException REP-0002: Unable to retrieve a string from the Report Builder message file. REP-536870981:
    or maybe the report server tries to paralellize some querys (as this report consists of about 5 querys)?
    As said - this is a very complex report (my colleague spent about 3 months of his life with creating it and that's not why he is a lamer in reports ;-)) so it's very hard to give you a repcase, but if anyone knows some advice like "edit the <repservername>.conf; append 'DO NEVER EVER PARALLELYZE QUERYS' to the config" or something this would be very useful ;-).
    many thanks
    best regards

    I've now located the problem:
    The report consists of several querys based on a ref cursor; and this cursors are opend and not closed in 10g...
    I'll open a SR on metalink....
    best regards

  • Sir, My Photoshop Element programme is not running.  Because of 'too many activations'.

    My Photoshop Element Programme has been suspended due to too many activation.
    I can only think this is due to Hard Drive failure on my PC.
    Initially reformate and re-install on same drive.  But this drive Failed too.
    I then replaced it with a New Drive and re-installed, but cannot get my programme running due to too many activations.

    You might like to go to this page and start a chat session - they will be able to help.

  • You have too many sessions open. Please close one and execute the workitem.

    Hi all,
    I am new to Portal.
    we have a SAP Inbox Iview that works fine, but the problem is when the user try to execute Purchase Requicition Approval, the error "You have too many sessions open. Please close one and execute the workitem." appears. What really bothers me is that the error appears as IE error message but the detail of the error looks like SAP.
    Your help will be appreciated.

    wanda89 wrote:
    Most started out with 200-250 limits and now are at 1,000 or more in less than a year.Well, as noted, store cards can be a building tool and as I understand it you have been in that process for about a year and congrats on your progress. That said, I would not be applying for any additional store cards if there is not a specific need for it. This is not the type of credit you want in your profile in the long run. With regard to closing them: I don't know how this will affect your UTIL as I am not aware of your other cards limits however there are many people that have closed these types of cards when they determined there was no use for them, they were not needed any more, they were not the type/quality of cards they wanted to have in the long run, and lastly the history of that card would remain on their report for 10 years. Some bare bones info and the affects of closing cards: All that said, while the above lists the math of it all, if you will, it does not speak to the aspect of quality. As you continue to grow, how do you want your profile to look to lenders? Do you want to have 10 low quality store cards won by the credit card trick with limits in the 1k range that you may never use and can't really use substantially anyway as your UTIL would go through the roof very quickly with a 1k limit or do you want a lower number of high quality cards with healthy limits that will continue to grow overtime if you show them the respect they deserve?

  • Photoshop Elements 8: why too many activations? [was:activation]

    Recently had new computer and the man that set it up for us loaded on our photoshop elements 8, the old computer was dumped, so is no longer in use. However when I try to use the programme it tells me that I have too many activations on it. I am not aware that this programme is in use on any other computer, please advise

    The folks at that link will usually just tell you that PSE 8 is no longer supported. You need activation support, so go here:
    and most times you'll see a place to start a chat session and get it taken care of right away.

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