ORA-01008 with ref cursor and dynamic sql

When I run the follwing procedure:
variable x refcursor
set autoprint on
  Crosstab.pivot(p_max_cols => 4,
   p_query => 'select job, count(*) cnt, deptno, row_number() over (partition by job order by deptno) rn from scott.emp group by job, deptno',
   p_anchor => Crosstab.array('JOB'),
   p_pivot  => Crosstab.array('DEPTNO', 'CNT'),
   p_cursor => :x );
end;I get the following error:
Statement Ignored
set autoprint on
adsmgr.Crosstab.pivot(p_max_cols => 4,
p_query => 'select job, count(*) cnt, deptno, row_number() over (partition by
p_anchor => adsmgr.Crosstab.array('JOB'),
p_pivot => adsmgr.Crosstab.array('DEPTNO', 'CNT'),
p_cursor => :x );
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
I am running this on a stored procedure as follows:
create or replace package Crosstab
    type refcursor is ref cursor;
    type array is table of varchar2(30);
    procedure pivot( p_max_cols       in number   default null,
                     p_max_cols_query in varchar2 default null,
                     p_query          in varchar2,
                     p_anchor         in array,
                     p_pivot          in array,
                     p_cursor in out refcursor );
create or replace package body Crosstab
procedure pivot( p_max_cols          in number   default null,
                 p_max_cols_query in varchar2 default null,
                 p_query          in varchar2,
                 p_anchor         in array,
                 p_pivot          in array,
                 p_cursor in out refcursor )
    l_max_cols number;
    l_query    long;
    l_cnames   array;
    -- figure out the number of columns we must support
    -- we either KNOW this or we have a query that can tell us
    if ( p_max_cols is not null )
        l_max_cols := p_max_cols;
    elsif ( p_max_cols_query is not null )
        execute immediate p_max_cols_query into l_max_cols;
        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Cannot figure out max cols');
    end if;
    -- Now, construct the query that can answer the question for us...
    -- start with the C1, C2, ... CX columns:
    l_query := 'select ';
    for i in 1 .. p_anchor.count
        l_query := l_query || p_anchor(i) || ',';
    end loop;
    -- Now add in the C{x+1}... CN columns to be pivoted:
    -- the format is "max(decode(rn,1,C{X+1},null)) cx+1_1"
    for i in 1 .. l_max_cols
        for j in 1 .. p_pivot.count
            l_query := l_query ||
                           p_pivot(j)||',null)) ' ||
                            p_pivot(j) || '_' || i || ',';
        end loop;
    end loop;
    -- Now just add in the original query
    l_query := rtrim(l_query,',')||' from ( '||p_query||') group by ';
    -- and then the group by columns...
    for i in 1 .. p_anchor.count
        l_query := l_query || p_anchor(i) || ',';
    end loop;
    l_query := rtrim(l_query,',');
    -- and return it
    execute immediate 'alter session set cursor_sharing=force';
    open p_cursor for l_query;
    execute immediate 'alter session set cursor_sharing=exact';
/I can see from the error message that it is ignoring the x declaration, I assume it is because it does not recognise the type refcursor from the procedure.
How do I get it to recognise this?
Thank you in advance

Thank you for your help
This is the version of Oracle I am running, so this may have something to do with that.
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
I found this on Ask Tom (http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:3027089372477)
Hello, Tom.
I have one bind variable in a dynamic SQL expression.
When I open cursor for this sql, it gets me to ora-01008.
Please consider:
Connected to:
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
JServer Release - Production
SQL> declare
  2    type cur is ref cursor;
  3    res cur;
  4  begin
  5    open res for
  6    'select * from (select * from dual where :p = 1) connect by 1 = 1'
  7    using 1;
  8  end;
  9  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
ORA-06512: at line 5
SQL> declare
  2    type cur is ref cursor;
  3    res cur;
  4  begin
  5    open res for
  6    'select * from (select * from dual where :p = 1) connect by 1 = 1'
  7    using 1, 2;
  8  end;
  9  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
And if I run the same thing on 10g -- all goes conversely. The first part runs ok, and the second
part reports "ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist" (as it should be, I think). Remember, there
is ONE bind variable in sql, not two. Is it a bug in 8i?
What should we do to avoid this error running the same plsql program code on different Oracle
P.S. Thank you for your invaluable work on this site.
Followup   June 9, 2005 - 6pm US/Eastern:
what is the purpose of this query really?
but it would appear to be a bug in 8i (since it should need but one).  You will have to work that
via support. I changed the type to tarray to see if the reserved word was causing a problem.
variable v_refcursor refcursor;
set autoprint on;
     crosstab.pivot (p_max_cols => 4,
             p_query => 
               'SELECT job, COUNT (*) cnt, deptno, ' || 
               '       ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ' || 
               '          PARTITION BY job ' || 
               '          ORDER BY deptno) rn ' || 
               'FROM   emp ' ||
               'GROUP BY job, deptno',
               p_anchor => crosstab.tarray ('JOB'),
               p_pivot => crosstab.tarray ('DEPTNO', 'CNT'),
               p_cursor => :v_refcursor);
/Was going to use this package as a stored procedure in forms but I not sure it's going to work now.

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    Hello Nicola,
    You can parameterize your ref cursor by putting the query's select statement in a procedure/function (defined in your report, or in the database), and populating it based on arguments accepted by the procedure.
    For example, the following procedure accepts a strongly typed ref cursor and populates it with emp table data based on the value of the 'mydept' input parameter:
    Procedure emp_refcursor(emp_data IN OUT emp_rc, mydept number) as
    -- Open emp_data for select all columns from emp where deptno = mydept;
    Open emp_data for select * from emp where deptno = mydept;
    This procedure/function can then be called from the ref cursor query program unit defined in your report's data model, to return the filled ref cursor to Reports.
    The Oracle Reports Team.

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    Thank you for your reply. My requirement is that, sometimes I need to construct a whole query based on some input, and sometimes not. But the output record set would be same and the layout would be more or less same. I thought ref cursor would be ideal. Ofcourse, I could do this without dynamic SQL by writing the SQL multiple times if needed. But, I think dynamic SQL is a proper candidate for this case. Your suggestion to use lexical variable is indeed a good alternative. In effect, if needed, I could generate an entire SQL statement and place in some place holder (like &stmt) and use it as a static SQL query in my data model. In that case, why would one ever need ref cursor in reports? Is one more efficient over the other? My guess is, in the lexical variable case, part of the processing (like parsing) is done on the app server while in a function based ref cursor, the entire process takes place in the DB server and there is probably a better chance for re-use(?)

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    1. Student_Record
    2. Student_csv_help
    Student_Record the main table where the data is stored.
    Student_csv_help will contain the all the column names of the Student_record.
    Insert into TOA_CSV_HELP
    (1, 'S_ID', 'Student ID', 'Y');
    Insert into TOA_CSV_HELP
    (2, 'S_Name', 'Student Name', 'Y');
    Insert into TOA_CSV_HELP
    (3, 'S_Join_date', 'Joining Date', 'Y');
    Insert into TOA_CSV_HELP
    (4, 'S_Address', 'Address', 'Y');
    Insert into TOA_CSV_HELP
    (5, 'S_Fee', 'Tution Fee', 'N');
    CREATE TABLE Student_record
    S_Name VARCHAR2(100 BYTE),
    S_Join_date date,
    S_Address VARCHAR2(360 BYTE),
    S_Fee Number
    Insert into Student_record
    (S_ID, S_Name, S_Join_date, S_Address,S_Fee)
    (101, 'john', TO_DATE('12/17/2009 08:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'CA-94777', 2000);
    Insert into Student_record
    (S_ID, S_Name, S_Join_date, S_Address,S_Fee)
    (102, 'arif', TO_DATE('12/18/2009 08:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'CA-94444', 3000);
    Insert into Student_record
    (S_ID, S_Name, S_Join_date, S_Address,S_Fee)
    (103, 'raj', TO_DATE('12/19/2009 08:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'CA-94555', 2500);
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    (S_ID, S_Name, S_Join_date, S_Address,S_Fee)
    (104, 'singh', TO_DATE('12/20/2009 08:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'CA-94666', 2000);
    Now my requirement is:
    I have a form with Student_record data block. When i Click on print Button on this form. It will open another window which has Student_CSV_HELP.DESC_NAME and a check box before this.
    The window look like as below:
    check_box       DESC_NAME+
    X                   S_ID+
    --                   S_Name+
    X                   S_Join_date+
    X                   S_Address+
    --                  S_Fee+
    X  means check box checked.+
    --  means check box Unchecked.+
    After i selected these check boxes i will send 2 parameters to the report server
    1. a string parameter to the report server which has the value 'S_ID,S_Join_date,S_Address' (p_column_name := 'S_ID,S_Join_date,S_Address');
    2. the s_id value from the student_record block (p_S_id := '101');
    Now my requirement is when i click on run. I need a report like as below:
    Student ID : 101+
    Joining Date : 12/17/2009 08:00:00+
    Address : CA-94777+
    This is nothing but the ref cursor should run like as below:
    Select S_id from student_record block S_id = :p_S_id;
    Select S_Join_date from student_record block S_id = :p_S_id;
    Select S_Address from student_record block S_id = :p_S_id;
    So, according to my understanding i have to select the columns at the run time. I dont have much knowledge in creating reports using ref cursor or dynamic sql.
    So please help me to solve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    Plain sql should satisfy your need. Try ....
    Select S_id, S_Join_date, S_Address
    from student_record
    where S_id = :p_S_id

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    1- using Cursor like in the below link .
    2- Using Dynamic SQL , which generated script file then run it.
    spool rebuildall.sql
    select ' alter index '|| owner||'.'||index_name ||' rebuild online; '
    from dba_indexes where status='UNUSABLE';
    spool off;
    Thanks in advance . Your help is appreciated.

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    GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO user_name
    I received the next error:
    ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object table_name

    I have reports based on Ref Cursor. Report builder and Reports Background Engine make pins for package, which consist of Ref Cursor, and for tables, which is used in package. So I can't grant any privileges on these tables anybody.
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  • Ref Cursor and For Loop

    The query below will return values in the form of
    bu     seq     eligible
    22     2345     Y
    22     2345     N
    22     1288     N
    22     1458     Y
    22     1458     N
    22     1234     Y
    22     1333     N
    What I am trying to accomplish is to loop through the records returned.
    for each seq if there is a 'N' in the eligible column return no record for that seq
    eg seq 2345 has 'Y' and 'N' thus no record should be returned.
    seq 1234 has only a 'Y' then return the record
    seq 1333 has 'N' so return no record.
    How would I accomplish this with a ref Cursor and pass the values to the front end application.
    Procedure InvalidNOs(io_CURSOR OUT T_CURSOR)
              v_CURSOR T_CURSOR;
    '     select bu, seq, eligible ' ||
    '     from (select bu, seq, po, tunit, tdollar,eligible,max(eligible) over () re ' ||
    '          from (select bu, seq, po, tunit, tdollar,eligible ' ||
    '          from ( ' ||
    '          select bu, seq, po, tunit, tdollar, eligible, sum(qty) qty, sum(price*qty) dollars ' ||
    '               from ' ||
    '               ( select /*+ use_nl(t,h,d,s) */ ' ||
    '               h.business_unit_id bu, h.edi_sequence_id seq, d.edi_det_sequ_id dseq, ' ||
    '                    s.edi_size_sequ_id sseq, h.po_number po, h.total_unit tUnit, h.total_amount tDollar, ' ||
    '                    s.quantity qty, s.unit_price price,' ||
    '               (select (case when count(*) = 0 then ''Y'' else ''N'' end) ' ||
    '          from sewn.NT_edii_po_det_error ' ||
    '          where edi_det_sequ_id = d.edi_det_sequ_id ' ||
    '               ) eligible ' ||
    '     from sewn.nt_edii_purchase_size s, sewn.nt_edii_purchase_det d, ' ||
    '     sewn.nt_edii_purchase_hdr h, sewn.nt_edii_param_temp t ' ||
    '     where h.business_unit_id = t.business_unit_id ' ||
    '     and h.edi_sequence_id = t.edi_sequence_id ' ||
    '     and h.business_unit_id = d.business_unit_id ' ||
    '     and h.edi_sequence_id = d.edi_sequence_id ' ||
    '     and d.business_unit_id = s.business_unit_id ' ||
    '     and d.edi_sequence_id = s.edi_sequence_id ' ||
    '     and d.edi_det_sequ_id = s.edi_det_sequ_id ' ||
    '     ) group by bu, seq, po, tunit, tdollar, eligible ' ||
    '     ) ' ||
    '     group by bu, seq, po, tunit, tdollar, eligible)) ';
              io_CURSOR := v_CURSOR;
    END     InvalidNOs;

    One remark why you should not use the assignment between ref cursor
    (I remembered I saw already such thing in your code).
    Technically you can do it but it does not make sense and it can confuse your results.
    In the opposite to usual variables, when your assignment copies value
    from one variable to another, cursor variables are pointers to the memory.
    Because of this when you assign one cursor variable to another you just
    duplicate memory pointers. You don't copy result sets. What you do for
    one pointer is that you do for another and vice versa. They are the same.
    I think the below example is self-explained:
    SQL> /* usual variables */
    SQL> declare
      2   a number;
      3   b number;
      4  begin
      5   a := 1;
      6   b := a;
      7   a := a + 1;
      8   dbms_output.put_line('a = ' || a);
      9   dbms_output.put_line('b = ' || b);
    10  end;
    11  /
    a = 2
    b = 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> /* cursor variables */
    SQL> declare
      2   a sys_refcursor;
      3   b sys_refcursor;
      4  begin
      5   open a for select empno from emp;
      6   b := a;
      7   close b;
      9   /* next action is impossible - cursor already closed */
    10   /* a and b are the same ! */
    11   close a;
    12  end;
    13  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01001: invalid cursor
    ORA-06512: at line 11
    SQL> declare
      2   a sys_refcursor;
      3   b sys_refcursor;
      4   vempno emp.empno%type;
      6  begin
      7   open a for select empno from emp;
      8   b := a;
    10   /* Fetch first row from a */
    11   fetch a into vempno;
    12   dbms_output.put_line(vempno);
    14   /* Fetch from b gives us SECOND row, not first -
    15      a and b are the SAME */
    17   fetch b into vempno;
    18   dbms_output.put_line(vempno);
    21  end;
    22  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Rgds.
    Message was edited by:

  • For loops and dynamic sql string syntax

    is there a why to loop through a dynamic sql string
    normally you would have
    FOR cur IN (select * from emp) LOOP
    but I have a dynamic sql string called l_sql
    I have tried the following
    FOR cur IN l_sql LOOP
    but I get
    PLS-00456: item 'L_SQL' is not a cursorCompilation failed
    Any ideas?

    You will need to use ref cursors and the OPEN v_rc FOR '<your sql string'> and then loop through it as you would with any other OPEN, LOOP, EXIT WHEN, END LOOP syntax

  • Open cursor for dynamic sql

    I am using oracle 8.1.7 on solaris.
    I have created
    3 PROCEDURE Return_Columns_proc (c_return IN OUT row_cursor);
    5 /
    Package created.
    now i am trying to create the procedure Return_Columns_proc by
    PROCEDURE Return_Columns_proc (c_return IN OUT row_cursor) AS
    x number ;
    QUERY_STR :='SELECT * FROM temp_tab where order_line_id = '||x;
    OPEN c_return FOR QUERY_STR;
    END Return_Columns_proc;
    I am getting following error.
    SQL> show error
    8/4 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    8/9 PLS-00455: cursor 'C_RETURN' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN
    any help for this error.

    The error says it all. You have defined a strong ref cursor and it cannot be used with dynamic sql. However, that does not mean you cannot use the query directly in the OPEN clause
    OPEN c_Return FOR SELECT * FROM temp_tab where order_line_id = X ;

  • PLS-00428 Why SELECT must be adorned with REF CURSOR to work?

    *"PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement"* - This problem has been resolved. I just want to understand WHY SELECT statements need to be paired with REF CURSOR.
              To reproduce this,
                        Id1 numeric(19,0);
                        Id2 numeric(19,0);
                        CreateTimestamp date;
                   -- ATTN: You'd either need to select into variable or open cursor!
                   select * from SystemUser left join Person on Person.Id = SystemUser.PersonId WHERE Person.PrimaryEmail in ('[email protected]','[email protected]');
                   * In install script:
                        CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE types
                             TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR;
                   * Then in your query:
                             Id1 numeric(19,0);
                             Id2 numeric(19,0);
                             Result_cursor types.cursorType;
                        OPEN Result_cursor FOR select * from SystemUser left join Person on Person.Id = SystemUser.PersonId WHERE Person.PrimaryEmail in ('[email protected]','[email protected]');
    I Googled for reasonable explaination - closest is: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1338078&page=34
    That in oracle block or procedures are expected to do something and a simple SELECT is not!! (Very counter intuitive). What needs to be done is therefore to put the select output into a ref-cursor to fool oracle so that it thinks the procedure/block is actually doing something. Is this explanation right? Sounds more like an assertion than actually explaining...
    Any suggestion please? Thanks!

    Opening a cursor (ref cursor or otherwise) is not the same as executing a select statement.
    A select statement returns data, so if you are using it inside PL/SQL code it has to return that data into something i.e. a local variable or structure. You can't just select without a place for the data to go.
    Opening a cursor issues the query against the database and provides a pointer (the ref cursor), but at that point, no data has been retrieved. The pointer can then be used or passed to some other procedure or code etc. so that it may then fetch the data into a variable or structure as required.
    It's not counter-intuitive at all. It's very intuitive.

  • How can I open a cursor for dynamic sql statement

    I'm facing issues opening a cursor for dynamic sql statement : PLS-00455: cursor 'RESULT1' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement.
    (MN_I in VARCHAR)
    return AB_OWNER.ABC_Type.NonCurTyp is
    RESULT1 AB_OWNER.ABC_Type.NonCurTyp;
    sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000);
    sql_stmt := 'SELECT * FROM AB_OWNER.DUN WHERE JZ_I in ('||mn_i||') ORDER BY app.ACC_I';
    OPEN RESULT1 FOR sql_stmt;
    END IF;
    return RESULT1;
    What changes should I make in the code so that it doesn't fail? I can't change the definition of RESULT1 cursor though.

    Gangadhar Reddy wrote:
    I used SYS REFCURSOR and was able to implement successfully.How many times did you run this successful implementation that does not use bind variables?
    Because this is what will happen when it runs a lot.
    And you will have to regularly restart the server, or possibly slightly less invasive, flush the shared pool.
    Flushing Shared Pool regularly
    Ok, this is an easy one to diagnose.
    You are not using bind variables. This is terrible. Flushing the shared pool is a bad
    solution -- you are literally killing the performance on your box by not using them.
    If I was to write a book on how to build “non scalable applications in Oracle”, this
    would be the first and last chapter. This is a major cause of performance issues and a
    major inhibitor of scalability in Oracle. The way the Oracle shared pool (a very
    important shared memory data structure) operates is predicated on developers using bind
    variables. If you want to make Oracle run slowly, even grind to a total halt – just
    refuse to use them.
    But, please feel free to go ahead with this successful implementation.
    I just hope anyone else who reads this doesn't make the same mistake.

  • Difference between Static SQL Query and Dynamic SQL Query.

    Please explain the basic difference between static and dynamic sql queries. Please explain with example.

    Static: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10472/static.htm
    Dynamic: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10472/dynamic.htm

  • Pivot and dynamic SQL

    Hi Team,
    I need to write a SQL to cater the requirements. Below is my requirements:
    pagename fieldname fieldvalue account_number consumerID
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken1 dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken2 dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken2 dfsdff 12345 12345
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken1 addf 12345 12345
    Create table test_pivot_dynamic
    pagename varchar(200),
    fieldname Varchar(200),
    fieldvalue varchar(500),
    N9_Router_Account_Number bigint,
    TC_Debt_Item_Reference bigint
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken1','dfsdff',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken2','fder',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken2','dfdfs',12345,12345)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken1','dfdwe',12345,12345)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate1','Arrangements','addf',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate1','Test1','dfsdff',1234,1234)
    --Expected output:
    Select 1234,1234,'AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf','ArrangementsBroken1','dfsdff','ArrangementsBroken2','fder','ArrangementsBroken2','fder'
    Select 12345,12345,'AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf','ArrangementsBroken1','dfdwe','ArrangementsBroken2','dfdfs'
    Select 1234,1234,'AFAccountUpdate1','Arrangements','addf','Test1','dfsdff'
    so basically we have to pivot and dynamic sql and insert the expected output to a common table which will have all the required fields
    Please don't forget to Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful. It will helpful to other users.

    This should give you what you're looking for
    SELECT N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 1 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname1,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 1 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue1,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 2 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname2,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 2 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue2,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 3 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname3,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 3 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue3,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 4 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname4,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 4 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue4
    SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName ORDER BY PageName) AS SEQ,*
    FROM test_pivot_dynamic
    GROUP BY N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName
    To make it dynamic see
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

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    How to print/store in file the ref cursor in pl/sql block ?.

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