Oraclient9i.dll error in multi threaded delphi server application

I created a multi threaded server application in delphi using oracle9i and indy server components. When I run my application, I am getting an error "oraclient9i.dll" error when executing my SQL statements. I have check communication between my server application and the client application without using oracle and its working fine, its only when I started executing SQL statements when I got this error.
Can anybody help me with this problem or point me to the right direction on how to resolve this issue.

> I have tried what you suggested. I have created a
seperate TOracleSession on each thread that I create
on the OnConnect event however I am having Problems
using the oraclesession created on the OnExecute
event. Somehow it is still executing the SQL that I
have created on the main form where I first opened an
oraclesession component created on the main form.
It sounds then like the TOracleSession object in the thread is a copy of the one in the main thread/form.
> Do you think that It would work if I create an
instance of the TOracleDatasets and TOracleQuery on
the OnExecute event and also at the same time create
my TOracleSession on this event and continue
processing the data receive from the client server.
I've never used the Indy components for threading. The default TThread class worked just fine for me.
What I used to do is define the session and database objects as privates in my new thread class (let's call it TThreadSQL) - which was subclassed from TThread.
The constructor of this new TThreadSQL class did the following (writing here purely from memory - have not done Delphi for some time now): constructor TThreadSQL.Create( TNSalias, username, password : string );
// constructor is called with the Oracle session connection details
  inherited Create; // call the parent class constructor
  CreateOracleSession; // call own private method to create an Oracle connection
The CreateOracleSession method would then:
- create a BDE Session (TSession) object
- create a BDE Database (TDatabase) object, using the BDE Oracle native driver and an Oracle TNS alias plus username and password for connection
The destructor would close the connection. The Execute method which is used to fire up the thread, would use a TQuery object (or whatever) to execute a SQL using it owns connection.

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    Thanks a lot for the reply.
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    you can stop a thread by exiting it's run()-method which in terms can be done by checking the interrupted-flag:
    public void run(){
    while(interrupted()){ //if the thread consists of a loop
    public void run(){
    or by the use of the return-statement anywhere withing the run-method. Afterwards, that is when the thread is no longer needed, you clear all the references to the specific thread object by setting them to null:
    Thread t;
    ... //working
    t.interrupt(); //interrupting
    Thread.yield(); //wait till thread t has stopped
    best regards, Michael

  • Multi-threaded performance server using 2 ports to two-way communication

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    It looks to me like it should be working fine, but it's not. When I test my server and clients on the same machine (no ping/latency) everything seems to be working fine. But when it comes to play my game with somebody even on LAN or through the Internet there comes the problems. My first socket I describe (and first type of connections - short connections) works perfectly fine, so the requests triggered by client are delivered and handled properly. But the second socket is cirppling. For example: the server triggers a command refering to an update of clients logged to server' list. It is triggered by Selector so the client should be ready to read data from server, so the server sends data! And the client never receives it... Why?
    It experimented a whole lot of time on SocketChannel's method "configureBlocking(boolean)", but it never helps. I think the client should always block it's listening thread on connection, contratry to server which is ment to be fast, so it should send the data through non-blocking channels. Am I right? Are there any rules refering blocking configuration of SocketChannels?
    I will be grateful for every answer. To help You out I attach also drafts from run()'s methods of my classes.
    Server's main method - main thread :
        public void run() {
           try {
                selector = Selector.open();
                clientConSsc.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
                while(serverRunning) {
                    try {
                        Iterator it;
                        synchronized(playersToRegisterToWrite) {
                            it = playersToRegisterToWrite.iterator();
                            while(it.hasNext()) {
                                Player player = (Player)it.next();
                                player.serverCon.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_WRITE , player);
                        Set keys = selector.selectedKeys() {
                        it = keys.iterator();
                        while(it.hasNext()) {
                            SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey)it.next();
                            if(key.isAcceptable()) {
                                clientCon = clientConSsc.accept();
                                clientCon.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_READ);
                            if(key.isReadable()) {
                                new RequestHandler(this , (SocketChannel)key.channel()).start();
                            if(key.isWritable()) {
                                if(key.attachment() != null ) {
                                    ServerAction action = null;
                                    synchronized(actionsToDo) {
                                        Iterator aIt = actionsToDo.iterator();
                                        while(aIt.hasNext()) {
                                            ServerAction temp = (ServerAction)aIt.next();
                                            if(temp.getPlayer().equals((Player)key.attachment())) {
                                                action = temp;
                                    if(action != null) {
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                        statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
            } catch(ClosedChannelException e) {
                statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
            } catch(IOException e) {
                statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
                A part of server's RequestHandler's class' method run() - the method which handles requests triggered by client on first port:
    public void run() {
            boolean served = false;
                try {
                    retry = false;
                    String command = ns.readText(channel).trim();
                    ns.statusArea.append("ktos przesyla komende: " + command + "\n");
                    if(command != null && !command.equals("ERROR")) {
                        String[] cmd = command.split("�");
                        ns.statusArea.append("komenda: " + cmd[0] + "\n");
                        if(cmd[0].equals("CHAT")) {
                            if(cmd.length != 5) {
                            } else {
                                if(cmd[2].equals("NOGAME")) {      // jezeli nie ma okreslonej gry czyli rozsylamy do wszystkich
                                    for(int i = 0 ; i < ns.loggedPlayersListItems.size() ; i++) {
                                        Player current = (Player)ns.loggedPlayersListItems.get(i);
                                        if(current.state == Player.CHOOSING && !current.equals(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))))   // jezeli gracz jest w okienku wybierania gry to wysylamy mu broadcast
                                            ns.actionsToDo.add(new SendMsg(ns , current , "CHAT�" + cmd[1] + "�" + cmd[3] + "�" + cmd[4]));
                                } else {
                                    Game game = (Game)ns.gamesListItems.get(ns.gamesListItems.indexOf(new Game(Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]))));
                                    for(int i = 0 ; i < game.players.size() ; i++) {
                                        Player current = (Player)game.players.get(i);
                                        if(!current.equals(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))))
                                            ns.actionsToDo.add(new SendMsg(ns , current , "CHAT�" + cmd[1] + "�" + cmd[3] + "�" + cmd[4]));
                                served = true;
                        } else if(cmd[0].equals("GETGAMEINFO")) {
                            if(cmd.length != 3)
                            else {
                                int gameID = Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]);
                                ns.statusArea.append("poproszono o informacje o grze nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                Game checkedGame = new Game(gameID);
                                if(ns.gamesListItems.contains(checkedGame)) {
                                    Game game = (Game)ns.gamesListItems.get(ns.gamesListItems.indexOf(checkedGame));
                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(channel.socket().getOutputStream());
                                    ns.statusArea.append("wyslano informacje o grze nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                } else {
                                    ns.statusArea.append("brak gry o nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                served = true;
                } catch(IOException e) {
            if(!served) {
            try {
            } catch(IOException e) {
        }An example of ServerAction's subclass - the class which triggers server commands to client on second port:
    class UpdateLoggedPlayersList extends ServerAction {
        public UpdateLoggedPlayersList(NeuroServer ns , Player player) {
            super(ns , player);
        public void run() {
            try {
                ns.sendText("UPDATELOGGEDPLAYERSLIST" , serverCon);
                if(ns.readText(serverCon).equals("OK")) {
                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(serverCon.socket().getOutputStream());
                synchronized(ns.playersToRegisterToWrite) {
            } catch(IOException e) {
    }A part of client's CmdHandler's class' method run() - the method which handles commands triggered by server:
    public void run() {
        try {
            while(works) {
                String command = nc.readText(nc.serverCon);
                System.out.println("Server przesyla komende: " + command + "\n");
                String[] cmd = command.split("�");
                if(cmd[0] != null && !cmd[0].equals("ERROR")) {
                    if(cmd[0].equals("CHAT")) {
                        if(nc.chooseGameDialog != null && nc.chooseGameDialog.isVisible()) {     // jezeli na wybieraniu gry
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , null , cmd[3] , nc.chooseGameDialog.chatPane);
                        } else if(nc.readyDialog != null && nc.readyDialog.isVisible()) {  // jesli na przygotowywaniu
                            Player sender = (Player)nc.actGame.players.get(nc.actGame.players.indexOf(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))));
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , sender.fraction , cmd[3] , nc.readyDialog.chatPane);
                        } else if(nc.ng != null) {                   // jesli w grze
                            Player sender = (Player)nc.actGame.players.get(nc.actGame.players.indexOf(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))));
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , sender.fraction , cmd[3] , nc.ng.inGameChatPane);
                    } else if(cmd[0].equals("UPDATELOGGEDPLAYERSLIST")) {
                        nc.sendText("OK" , nc.serverCon , false);
                        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(nc.serverCon.socket().getInputStream());
                        DefaultListModel players = (DefaultListModel)ois.readObject();
        } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        } catch(IOException e) {
        } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
    }And two methods I used in codes above: sendText(String text , SocketChannel sc) and readText(SocketChannel sc) - they are my "utility" methods, which I use to send and receive Strings through specified SocketChannels.
    boolean sendText(String text , SocketChannel sc) {
        ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BSIZE);
        boolean sendRetry;
        boolean sent = false;
        do {
            sendRetry = false;
            try {
                StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
                if(text.length()+4 < 100)
                if(text.length()+4 < 10)
                cmd.append(Integer.toString(text.length()+4) + "�");
                bbuf = charset.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(cmd));
                int n = sc.read(bbuf);
                if(n == 1) {
                    Byte re = bbuf.get();
                    if(re == 1) {
                        sendRetry = true;
                    } else {
                        sent = true;
            } catch(Exception e) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException f) {
                return false;
        } while(!sent && sendRetry);
        return true;
    String readText(SocketChannel sc) {
        ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BSIZE);
        int readRetryCount = -1;
        boolean readRetry;
        do {
            readRetry = false;
            StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
            try {
                while(true) {
                    int n = sc.read(bbuf);
                    if(n > 0) {
                        CharBuffer cbuf = charset.decode(bbuf);
                        while(cbuf.hasRemaining()) {
                            char c = cbuf.get();
                            if(c == '\r' || c == '\n') break readLoop;
                    } else break;
                statusArea.append(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " readText() odczytuje: " + cmd.toString() + "\n");
                if(cmd.length() < 3 || Integer.parseInt(cmd.substring(0 , 3)) != cmd.length()) {
                    sc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {1}));
                    readRetry = true;
                } else {
                    sc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {0}));    // length OK
                    return cmd.toString().substring(4 , cmd.toString().length());
            } catch(Exception e) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException f) {
                return "ERROR";
        } while(readRetry && readRetryCount < 3);
        try {
        } catch(IOException e) {
        return "ERROR";
    }Edited by: Kakalec on Jul 23, 2008 11:04 AM

    You seem to be using a horrendous mixture of PrintWriters, BufferedReaders, ObjectOutputStreams, and no doubt ObjectInputStreams. You can't do that.
    Some rules about this:
    (a) Whenever you use a stream or reader or writer on a socket, you must allocate it once for the life of the socket, not every time you want to do an I/O.
    There are many reasons for this including losing buffered data in the old stream and auto-closure of the socket on garbage-collection of the old stream.
    (b) You can't mix stream types on the same socket. (i) If you're writing objects, use an ObjectOutputStream, you must read with an ObjectInputStream, and you can't read or write anything that isn't supported by the API of ObjectOutputStream. (ii) If you're writing lines, use a BufferedWriter and a BufferedReader at the other end. If you're writing characters, use a Writer and a Reader. (iii) If you're writing primitive data or UTF strings, use a DataOutputStream and a DataInputStream. (iv) If you're writing bytes, use DataOutputStream and a DataInputStream or an OutputStream and an InputStream. You can't mix (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv).
    (c) Don't use PrintWriter or PrintStream over the network. They swallow exceptions that you need to know about. They are for writing to the console, or log files, where you don't really care about exceptions.
    (d) Call flush() before reading.
    (e) Always close the 'outermost' output stream or writer of a socket, never the input stream or the socket itself. Closing any of these closes the socket and therefore makes the other stream unusable, but only closing the output stream/writer will flush it.

  • Error in Event viewer - COM Server application security Issue

    Dear All,
    I am installing one software on windows cluster environment. But while installing I am getting continuous error in System in Event Viewer as 'The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application
    with CLSID {xxxxxxxxxxxxx} and APPID {xxxxxxxxxxxxx} to the user NT SERVICE\SQL Server Distributed Replay Client SID (S-1-5-80-3249811479-4343554-65656-65665) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC). The security permission can be modified using the Component
    Services administrative tool.'
    I have seen in component services, that app ID I am getting for DReplayController service. On security tab if I want to give permission to that particular user then to which user I want to add in 'Launch and Activate permissions'. I am not getting 'SQL Server
    Distributed Replay Controller' user in list.
    So, please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please try to add this account: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
    More information for you:
    The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 2012
    Event ID 10016 issue in SQL Cluster Server
    In addition, if there are any further requirements regarding SQL, here are some SQL forums below for you:
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Cannot load oraclient9.dll error

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing below error when connecting to toad, while oracle 10g is installed in the system
    Cannot load oraclient9.dllThanks in advance

    If you have a paid for edition of TOAD then perhaps you have a support contract? In which case you could try the official support portal, which is now on the Dell site. [url https://support.quest.com/productinformation.aspx?n=268435520,4294956418] Find it here.
    Otherwise you can try the TOAD forum, [url http://toadfororacle.com/forumindex.jspa?categoryID=649]which is here.
    Cheers, APC

  • Multi threaded web server

    Hi does anyone have a solution to this old problem i found on the net? im very interested to see what the solution would be...

    I was that close to opening a can-o'-whup-ass on you for so poorly concealing your desire for us to do your homework, when I opened the link and realised it was due 3 and a half years ago.
    I then proceeded to print it out, and I'm gonna have a whack at it. I've always wanted to make a Java Web Server, but couldn't be stuffed doing the research for what it needs. Should be a good challenge.
    If I ever finish it, I'll let you know....
    BTW, there are plenty of Java web-servers, surely some will be open source, do a google for it

  • Error opening files on a server "Application is missing" for every file type

    I have got quite a strange problem with Maverick and a server (Isilon NAS).
    When we connect to this server, with SMB or CIFS, it's impossible to open a file because "The application is missing". They are .PDF or .XLSX files mainly, so nothing exotic.
    If we copy those files locally we are able to open them. The problem is only happening on two new MacBook Pro, we have roughly 40 other various Macs without this bug.
    It's possible to "fix" the problem temporary by connecting to the same server, but on another share : smb://my_server/one_share -> "The application is missing", smb://my_server/another_share -> Working as expected. But next time "another_share" won't work, but "one_share" will...
    We tried to troubleshoot the problem but it looks like a really rare bug, we are going to install the Combo Updates to see if it helps.
    Any suggestion or idea is welcomed.
    Have a nice day

    Did you try some steps given in the following article
    "Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect" Warning Message
    See if that helps. Do let me know if you have any question.

  • LabVIEW built DLL's in a multi-threaded C++ app, Help Needed!

    I'm working on a software application that is being developed
    primarily in C++. There is a component of this larger application,
    however, that is being developed in LabVIEW (for several reasons that
    I won't dive into here). This LabVIEW code is therefore executed
    within a C++ wrapper class that calls a LabVIEW built DLL.
    All this was fine and dandy, untill we decided to multi-thread our C++
    application. As a result, the LabVIEW DLL now gets called from
    multiple threads simultaneously. From all of my testing, it appears
    that resource locking is occuring such that only one thread has access
    to the .dll at a time. If I make the .vi used to define the dll
    function prototype as non-reentrant then this is what we see. As an
    example, say we have 3 threads all calling the same .dll method call.
    Thread 1, 2, and 3 all call the .dll within a few milliseconds of each
    other. Thread 1 completes the .dll call after X milliseconds. Thread 2
    completes the .dll call after 2X milliseconds, and thread 3 completes
    after 3x milliseconds.
    Now, changing the vi to reentrant, and running the same test, we see
    Thread 1, 2, and 3 all complete the .dll call in 3x milliseconds.
    While the fact that they now take the same amount of time to complete
    would lead you to believe they are happening in parallel, the fact
    that it takes 3x milliseconds as opposed to X milliseconds means they
    are not.
    Has anyone ever dealt with these issues before? Is it possible that
    messing with the "execution system" for the vi will have an affect?
    What if different .dll methods but still attached to the same .dll are
    called from different threads? Same behavior? Is it a lost cause? Is
    there no way to make code within a single LabVIEW built .dll run in
    two different threads at the same? From what I understand this is
    easily doable with a normal (non-LV built) .dll.
    Please, if anyone has any advice in this area, let me know!!!
    Much appreciated,
    Jesse Hurdus

    Duplicate post.

  • Failure: Error creating DaemonSession thread

    Hi All,
    I am getting failure: Error creating DaemonSession thread errior when I start the web-server instance as follows
    bash-3.00$ ./start
    Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP2 B04/07/2004 17:28
    info: CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version] from [Hewle
    tt-Packard Company]
    info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-myWebServer] at [/sea
    info: HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://hpux-lab:8000 ready to accept requests
    failure: Error creating DaemonSession thread
    startup: server started successfully
    Please reply with a solution

    This was related to kernel level settings
    The attribute max_thread_proc was set to 64 which was not enough. So increase that to 2048 and the Web-Server Instance wil start.

  • Ituens doesn't open. qtcf.dll error. tried everything

    I updated my itunes and now I'm getting that all too popular wtcf.dll error.
    first I tried to repair quicktime. nothing worked
    I tried to reinstall itunes.
    I uninstalled ituens and instaled it again
    I uninstalled quicktime and installed that again
    I downloaded a qtcf.dll file from thei nternet and put on my desktop, in the Windows foldar, and also in the system32 folder.
    nothing has worked so far. I also get a startup error too related to ituneshelper.exe

    I downloaded a qtcf.dll file from thei nternet and put on my desktop, in the Windows foldar, and also in the system32 folder.
    Let's first remove those three files, tidus. Having a QTCF.dll lurking about in unorthodox places on the PC can actually cause errors.
    I also get a startup error too related to ituneshelper.exe
    That suggests you're getting a rare version of the QTCF.dll error caused by a damaged Apple Application Support. (If AAS is broken, sometimes iTuneshelper isn't able to launch either.)
    Let's try the procedure I suggest to fizzylove in the following thread:
    Does that help with the QTCF.dll?

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    Hey everybody,
    While spending time writing an internal wiki article on servlets for work, I asked myself a very basic question: What does multi-threading buy average servlets where the business logic requires procedural handling of the request?
    Don't get me wrong: I appreciate the fact that servlet containers spawning a new thread being less expensive than spawning an entirely new process is helpful and efficient. Coming from a background in PHP, it is great how servlets maintain persistence. However, as more of my coworkers are required to gain proficiency in Java and designing servlets, it is a question that many will ask and aside from having real-time processing of data files and other arduous tasks, I cannot think of any instances of where multi-threading benefits the application.
    What are some of the ways that you are using multi-threading with web applications?
    How would you explain why and where you would want to use multi-threading to someone?
    Thank you in advance for your insight,

    how can we pass arguments to the run ()method?Create classes which implement Runnable that take your runtime parameters as constructor arguments and store them.
    eg: if your single thread method is   static void foo (int quantity, String name) {
        for (int i=0; i<quantity; i++) {
    // caller code
      foo(7, "wombats");Then you can make a runnable implementation thus:public class Foo implements Runnable {
      final int quantity_;
      final String name_;
      public Foo (int quantity, String name) {
        quantity_ = quantity;
        name_ = name;
      public void run () {
        for (int i=0; i<quantity_; i++) {
    // caller code
      new Thread(new Foo(7, "wombats")).start();
    You could overload this method to take parameters in
    your class that implements the Runnable interface,
    and then call the base run() method.I don't get what you mean by this; Runnable is an interface so there is no base class run() method, and a run() overloaded with extra parameters method wouldn't get called by the thread.

  • Found Dead Multi-Threaded Server Error!!!

    I am in the process of testing an application based on EJBs deployed on an Oracle 8.1.5 database.
    Some times the whole instance chashes without any obvious reason.
    The error reported in the Alert file is
    "found dead multi-threaded server 'SOOO',pid(8,1). Terminating Instance".
    I check my code and i think that there is no problem with cleaning up resources. I increased also the JAVA_POOL_SIZE and LARGE_POOL_SIZE size without any result.
    Can anybody give me a hint for the error cause?
    Thanks in advance.

    go on metalink http://metalink.oracle.com
    Good Luck,

  • Multi-thread failure - Error in assignment

    I have a c++ program processor running under Windows XP with Oracle 9i. My program access to oracle by an ODBC driver version It could be launched in multi-thread to increase performance. When I launch it with one thread everything is fine. When I use several threads I have problems. ODBC driver returns to me a "error in assignment ... General error" message and my updates queries failed. Under SQl server it works without problems. It seems to be a kind of deadlock. When I disable check box in my odbc driver of "enable query timeout" my program encounter a problem and freezes...
    Could someone help me ?

    user13335017 wrote:
    I have thought of the above solutions as workable, however, it is not. Some exhibited errors are:
    A. "Attempt to use database while environment is closed." This error applies to 2, 3 and 4 all the way;
    B. "Attempt to read / write database while database is closed." This error applies to 3 in particular;
    C. "Attempt to close environment while some database is still open." This error applies to 5.
    Please help me with designing a better strategy to solve the concurrent issue. Many thanks in advance.All these are expected errors. You should design the application so that you do not close an environment handle while database handles are still open, keep database handles open for as long as operations need to be performed on the underlying databases, open the database handles after opening the database handles, and close database handles before closing the environment handle.
    In short, in pseudo-code, you should have something like this:
    - open environment handle,
    - open database handles,
    - perform whatever operations are needed on the databases,
    - close database handles,
    - close environment handle.
    You can refer to the Getting Started with Data Storage and the Getting Started with Transaction Processing guides appropriate for the API you are using, from the Berkeley DB documentation page.

  • Found dead multi-threaded server

    hi all
    My database is not running in multithread mode.
    mts_dispatchers = "(protocol=TCP)"
    I am getting such error
    found dead multi-threaded server 'S000', pid = (8, 4)
    Pl guide me

    go on metalink http://metalink.oracle.com
    Good Luck,

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