Parsing xml document

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<response xmlns="">      <objectset>
<objectstore>                               <id>{275F7BDB-6F42-4CC1-99A3-59134AE30C38}</id>                <name>Alaska</name>
     <name>Display Name</name>                     <value>Alaska</value>                     <symname>DisplayName</symname>                <datatype>8</datatype>
<objectstore>                               <id>{98FA40B5-A425-4092-85D4-9BBD61A77E6F}</id>                <name>Yukon Territory</name>
     <name>Display Name</name>                <value>Yukon Territory</value>                <symname>DisplayName</symname> <datatype>8</datatype>
</properties>      </objectstore>
hi this my xml document.i trying to parse this document..
i need to display the id and name values of each objectstore tag in a select box
id as option value and name as option text.
iam doing like this..
e = doc.getDocumentElement();
list = e.getElementsByTagName("name");
for(int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++)
n = list.item(i);
list2 = n.getChildNodes();
for(int j = 0; j < list2.getLength(); j++)
n2 = list2.item(j);
String name =n2.getNodeValue();
it displaying the name but also its displaying the value which is name tag of property can i avoid this..

as <id> is a child of <ObjectStore> it would seem that you should getElementsByName("ObjectStore") first, then find the id and name children.

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    dear friends,
    There are lots of topic talking about parse xml, validating xml with schema and so on, but no one or any book talking about parsing xml document which can parse document with link inside.
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    we can do it, but he is not expert with this thing.
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    I am really grateull for any helpful information from you.
    best regards

    I think you need to look for a SAX or DOM parser that undestands XPointers and knows how to follow them to additional content.
    I have used XSLT and specified external documents to it. It knows how to read a document and in effect make a nodeset which can be searched with the XPath capabilities of XSLT.
    It sounds like you wnat an <include file="xxx"/> capability and have the parser stop reading the current file, and start reading the second file.
    That works in Schemas, but I'm unaware of any way to do it with SAX or DOM in one pass.
    It would not be too hard to process the first file, say with DOM.
    After the Document is built, go find the <include> elements, read get the attribute needed, build a new Document and merge it into the original Document in place of the <include> element.
    Is this more what you want to do?
    Dave Patterson

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    builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    doc = builder.parse(new File("file1.xml"));
    Element pEl;
    pEl = doc.getDocumentElement()
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    I have a form (version which has to display the credit card types using webservices. I created the webstub and jar file through jdeveloper and then after adding the jar files in the respective classpaths, I import it in the forms. I write the code in when-button-pressed and it gives the result in xml document like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><WSAnswerTO><error>false</error><errorMessage></errorMessage><
    EXPRESS</type><numLength>15</numLength><cvvLength>4</cvvLength><comments>1 800-639-0002</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>4</carTypId><type>DISCOVER</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-347-2683</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>1</carTypId><type>MASTERCARD</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-633-7367</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>2</carTypId><type>VISA</type><numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-945-2000</comments></CardTypeTO></results></WSAnswerTO>
    From the above xml document, I only need to display the type (such as AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, ETC) in my forms. Can somebody please tell me how to do it. Do I need to store the values in a table first and then retrieve it. Please advise. I have already read a otn document in xml parsing but I didnt understand anything from it.
    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    It probably exists a database package/function to parse this kind of stuff.
    If you want to keep the process into the Forms, here is a PL/SQL package you can use:
      --  Types  --
      -- table of strings --
      --  Methodes   --
      -- function that return all contents for a given XML tag --
      FUNCTION Get_Xml_Tag
         PC$XmlContent  IN VARCHAR2,                 -- XML string
         PC$Tag         IN VARCHAR2,                 -- searched tag
         PC$NewLine     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT CHR(10)  -- defaull NL character
    END Pkg_Tools;
      -- fonction de retour du contenu d'une balise XML  --
      FUNCTION Get_Xml_Tag
         PC$XmlContent  IN VARCHAR2,                 -- contenu XML
         PC$Tag         IN VARCHAR2,                 -- tag recherche
         PC$NewLine     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT CHR(10)  -- defaull NL character
       TC$Table      TYP_TAB_CHAR ;
       LC$Ligne      VARCHAR2(32000) ;
       LC$Xml        VARCHAR2(32000) ;
       LN$INDEX      PLS_INTEGER := 0 ;
       LN$TagDeb     PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$TagFin     PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$TagLength  PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$LigLength  PLS_INTEGER ;
       LN$Occur      PLS_INTEGER := 1 ;
        IF ( PC$XmlContent IS NOT NULL AND PC$Tag IS NOT NULL ) THEN
          LC$Xml := REPLACE( PC$XmlContent, CHR(13), '' ) ;
          LN$TagLength := LENGTH( PC$Tag ) ;
          LN$TagDeb := INSTR( LC$Xml, PC$Tag, 1, LN$Occur ) ;
          LN$TagFin := INSTR( LC$Xml, '</' || SUBSTR(PC$Tag,2, 256), 1, LN$Occur ) ;
          LN$LigLength := (LN$TagFin - ( LN$TagDeb + LN$TagLength ) ) ;
          IF (LN$TagDeb > 0 AND LN$TagFin > 0 ) THEN
             LN$Occur := LN$Occur + 1 ;
             LC$Ligne := SUBSTR( LC$Xml, LN$TagDeb + LN$TagLength, LN$LigLength ) ;
               LN$INDEX := LN$INDEX + 1 ;
               LN$TagDeb := INSTR( LC$Ligne, PC$NewLine ) ;
               IF LN$TagDeb > 0 THEN
                 IF Trim( SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, 1, LN$TagDeb - 1 )) IS NOT NULL THEN
                   TC$Table(LN$INDEX) := SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, 1, LN$TagDeb - 1 ) ;
                   LN$INDEX := LN$INDEX - 1 ;
                 END IF ;
                 LC$Ligne := SUBSTR( LC$Ligne, LN$Tagdeb + LENGTH( PC$NewLine ), 30000 ) ;
                 IF Trim(LC$Ligne) IS NOT NULL THEN
                    TC$Table(LN$INDEX) := LC$Ligne ;
                 END IF ;
                 EXIT ;
               END IF ;
             END LOOP ;
              EXIT ;
          END IF ;
           END LOOP ;
        END IF ;
        RETURN TC$Table ;
      END Get_Xml_Tag ;
    END Pkg_Tools;
    /Then the call:
       LC$t  VARCHAR2(2000);
       LT$Table Pkg_Tools.TYP_TAB_CHAR ;
       lc$t := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><WSAnswerTO><error>false</error><errorMessage></errorMessage><results>'
    ||'<CardTypeTO><carTypId>3</carTypId><TYPE>AMERICAN EXPRESS</TYPE><numLength>15</numLength><cvvLength>4</cvvLength>'
    ||'<comments>1 800-639-0002</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>4</carTypId><TYPE>DISCOVER</TYPE>'
    ||'<numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-347-2683</comments></CardTypeTO>'
    ||'<comments>1 800-633-7367</comments></CardTypeTO><CardTypeTO><carTypId>2</carTypId><TYPE>VISA</TYPE>'
    ||'<numLength>16</numLength><cvvLength>3</cvvLength><comments>1 800-945-2000</comments></CardTypeTO></results></WSAnswerTO>' ;
       LT$Table := Pkg_Tools.Get_Xml_Tag(LC$T,'<TYPE>') ; 
       IF LT$Table.COUNT > 0 THEN
         FOR i IN LT$Table.First .. LT$Table.Last LOOP
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Table(' || i || ')=' || LT$Table(i) ) ;
         END LOOP ;
         dbms_output.put_line( 'tag xml not found' ) ;
       END IF ;

  • How to ignore white space when parse xml document using xerces 2.4.0

    When I run the program with the xml given below the following error comes.
    Problem parsing the
    at SchemaTest.main(
    My expectation is "RECEIPT". Pls send me the solution.
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class SchemaTest {
    public static void main (String args[])
    FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("C:\\ADL\\imsmanifest.xml"));
    InputSource in = new InputSource(is);
    DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
    //parser.setFeature("", false);
    //parser.setProperty("", "memory.xsd");
    //ErrorHandler errors = new ErrorHandler();
    Document manifest = parser.getDocument();
    NodeList nl = manifest.getElementsByTagName("organization");
    catch (Exception e)
    System.out.print("Problem parsing the file."+e.toString());
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <organizations default="detail">
    <organization identifier="detail" isvisible="true">
    <item identifier="S100000" identifierref="R100000" isvisible="true">
    <title>Basic Module</title>
    <item identifier="S100001" identifierref="R100001" isvisible="true">
    Is there a white space problem? How do I get rid from this problem.

    ok now i really wrote the whole code, a bit scrolling in the API is to hard?
                DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = new DocumentBuilderFactory();
                DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); //or set false
                Document d = db.parse(inputstream);

  • Parse xml document with xpath

    I would like to parse an xml document using xpath, see:
    however, in the documentation (in the link above), it states that I need J2SE 5.0.
    Currently, I have:
    $ java -version
    java version "1.5.0_11"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
    Does that mean that I really have to install J2SE 5.0 in order to use J2SE 5.0's XPath support? Does anybody know anything about getting started with XPath, and whether I can just use my existing version of Java? I've never used XPath.
    For more documentation, one can view:
    Thank you.

    I have copied the code for the xpath tutorial on
    exactly as it is on the tutorial, and imported the correct jars (I think).
    But still my code is giving lots of errors!
    Granted its my first shot but anyway here's the code and the errors...
    package test;
    import org.jdom.xpath.*;
    import javax.xml.xpath.*;
    public class XPath {
         public static void main (String [] args){
              XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
              XPath xPath=factory.newXPath();
              XPathExpression  xPathExpression=xPath.compile("/catalog/journal/article[@date='January-2004']/title");
              File xmlDocument = new File("/home/myrmen/workspace/Testing/test/catalog.xml");     
              //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(xmldocument); 
              InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(xmlDocument));
              String title = xPathExpression.evaluate(inputSource);
              String publisher = xPath.evaluate("/catalog/journal/@publisher", inputSource);
              String expression="/catalog/journal/article";
              NodeSet nodes = (NodeSet) xPath.evaluate(expression, inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
              NodeList nodeList=(NodeList)nodes;
              SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
              org.jdom.Document jdomDocument =;
              org.jdom.Attribute levelNode = (org.jdom.Attribute)(XPath.selectSingleNode(jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal[@title='JavaTechnology']" + "//article[@date='January-2004']/@level"));
              org.jdom.Element titleNode = (org.jdom.Element) XPath.selectSingleNode( jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal//article[@date='January-2004']/title");
              titleNode.setText("Service Oriented Architecture Frameworks");
              java.util.List nodeList = XPath.selectNodes(jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal[@title='Java Technology']//article");
              Iterator iter=nodeList.iterator();
              while(iter.hasNext()) {
                   org.jdom.Element element = (org.jdom.Element);
                   element.setAttribute("section", "Java Technology");
              XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/catalog//journal:journal//article/@journal:level");
              xpath.addNamespace("journal", "");
              levelNode = (org.jdom.Attribute) xpath.selectSingleNode(jdomDocument);
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
         Type mismatch: cannot convert from XPath to XPath
         The method compile(String) is undefined for the type XPath
         InputSource cannot be resolved to a type
         InputSource cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeSet cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeSet cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeList cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeList cannot be resolved to a type
         SAXBuilder cannot be resolved to a type
         SAXBuilder cannot be resolved to a type
         The method selectSingleNode(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method selectSingleNode(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         Duplicate local variable nodeList
         The method selectNodes(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         Iterator cannot be resolved to a type
         The method newInstance(String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method addNamespace(String, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method selectSingleNode(Document) is undefined for the type XPath
         at test.XPath.main(

  • Using parser to parse xml document

    Hi all:
    I have a xml document which has a root element and the a list of elements(same type) underneath it.
    My question is:
    Is there a restriction on the number of elements(same type) that you can extract from the Document?

    If you use DOM of JDOM, you will have a problem when you run out of system memory.
    If you use SAX, the parser will throw events with the required data for the current node (element, data, attribute). Once the event has been processed, the data is out of scope (unless you still hold a reference to it).
    If you use SAX, you are able to process each node without keeping the data from that node any longer than you like. Unless you have to have the entire document available, I would suggest using SAX.

  • Parse XML document ,create table according to tags &  load data to  table

    Hi All!
    I have one of the most common problem, one faces when dealing with xml stuff and oracle.I get xml documents, with each file having different tags.I want to write a pl/sql procedure such that, the xml file is parsed, a table is created with the tag names becoming the column names and all the nodes' data get inserted into the table as rows.I am using oracle 10g.
    I read a thread at the following url:
    Parse XML and load into table
    But did not get much of it.
    Can anybody please tell me how to accomplish this.
    Thanking in advance.

    Why do people have such an aversion to the XML DB forum for XML questions...
    See FAQ for XML DB forum here: XML DB FAQ
    Explains all about getting XML into tables in the database.

  • Parse XML document based on the criteria

    I'm trying to parse an xml document using sax parser. I don't want to parse whole xml document. I want to parse based on the start element which I specify and parsing should stop based on the end element which i specified. I don't know how to restrict while parsing . The start element and end element will be varying ? Can somebody help out in resolving this problem.
    thanks in advance

    Don't look at it that way. The SAX parser will give you the document in pieces; just ignore the pieces you aren't interested in.

  • Need help in Parsing XML Document in Oracle

    Hello Experts,
    I urgently need your help. We have xml document on the Web but not on the File System. How can I parse the xml document on the web in Oracle.
    Any link, blog or sample code would be appreciated.
    Your help would be appreciated.
    Kind Regards,
    London, UK

    This breaks down to two issues
    1) Getting the XML into Oracle
    2) Parsing the XML inside Oracle
    For #1, the first two options that come to my mind are httpuirtype and utl_http. Both can be used to get information from a URL that understands HTTP requests.
    For #2, you can treat the XML as a DOMDocument or XMLType to parse it. You also could parse it via a SQL statement using XQuery or XMLTable as well.
    Many of those examples can be found on the {forum:id=34} forum or [Marco&apos;s blog|]. A few parsing examples that I've done can be seen at {message:id=3610259}, make sure to also follow the link I put in there to a previous example before that.

  • Parsing XML document with nested elements into multiple db tables(master-detail)

    Can you help me with storing xml document into master-detail tables?
    I have two tables:
    1) customers (customerid number primary key, firstname varchar2(30),lastname varchar2(30))
    2) cust_addresses (customerid number references customers, street varchar2(30),city varchar2(30),state varchar2(10),zip varchar2(10))
    I have XML document:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ROW num="1">
    <STREET>123 Cherry Lane</STREET>
    <STREET>N.Fryda 4</STREET>
    I know that I must use DBSM_XMLSave package, create view and instead of trigger but I did found no example in documentation.

    Interested question; one I do not know the answer to at the moment, I am afraid. I would like to know your results.
    To tell others, though, what I have done. I did finally adapt Muench's not-yet-published examples #71 to work with a table. Here the table has as it's value "#{backing_app_EPG_DAYPG.jobDayDriverTable[row.Id1]}"
    This accesses a hash map defined in the backing bean as follows:
    public Map jobDayDriverTable = new HashMap(){
    public Object get(Object key) {
    Number jobDayId = (Number)key;
    if (getEpgDayPage().jobDayDrivers(jobDayId) != null) {
    return getEpgDayPage().jobDayDrivers(jobDayId).getAllRowsInRange();
    else return null;
    jobDayDrivers returns RowIterator. From this I call getAllRowsInRange which returns a Row[]. The table consumes this as a value, and lists the values as I want.
    Since the table is using Rows for its rows, I am guessing that it would have access to #{row.rowKeyStr}, or at least #{row.<pk>} which would allow you to programmatically set the current row using code like the following:
    public static boolean setCurrentRow() {
    // BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding =
    // bindings.getOperationBinding("setCurrentRowWithKey");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return false;
    return true;
    You could call this as part of code in a pages backing bean behind a button or link.
    Hope this helps somebody.
    By the way example #71 was to get a detail set of rows from a master row value and display the detail set in the master row of an af:table.
    You can find this and other examples at

  • How parse XML document for output

    I have this users.xml document :
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE users[
    <!ELEMENT users (user+) >
    <!ELEMENT user (mail,password)+ >
    <!ELEMENT mail (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>
    ] >
    <user id='3'>
      <mail> [email protected]</mail>
      <password>password 11</password>
    <user id='4'>
      <mail>[email protected]</mail>
      <password>password 21</password>
      <mail>[email protected]</mail>
      <password>password 22</parola>
    </users>I want to have this output :
    id=3 [email protected] password 11
    id=4 [email protected] password 21
    id=4 [email protected] password 22
    I have no idee what i should use (in java) here pls help me !
    Thank you !

    You want to have a look at JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), start here [|] (e.g. chapter 6)
    Edited by: pierrepost on Jun 16, 2008 3:13 PM

  • How to parse XML document with default namespace with JDOM XPath

    Hi All,
    I am having difficulty parsing using Saxon and TagSoup parser on a namespace html document. The relevant content of this document are as follows:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <div id="container">
            <div id="content">
                <table class="sresults">
                            <a href="" title="Hollywood, CA">hollywood</a>
                            <a href="" title="San Jose, CA">san jose</a>
                            <a href="" title="San Francisco, CA">san francisco</a>
                            <a href="" title="San Diego, CA">San diego</a>
    Below is the relevant code snippets illustrates how I have attempted to retrieve the contents (value of  <a>):
                 import java.util.*;
                 import org.jdom.*;
                 import org.jdom.xpath.*;
                 import org.saxpath.*;
                 import org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser;
    ( 1 )       frInHtml = new FileReader("C:\\Tmp\\ABC.html");
    ( 2 )       brInHtml = new BufferedReader(frInHtml);
    ( 3 ) //    SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
    ( 4 )       SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser");
    ( 5 )       org.jdom.Document jdomDocument =;
    ( 6 )       XPath xpath =  XPath.newInstance("/ns:html/ns:body/ns:div[@id='container']/ns:div[@id='content']/ns:table[@class='sresults']/ns:tr/ns:td/ns:a");
    ( 7 )       xpath.addNamespace("ns", "");
    ( 8 )       java.util.List list = (java.util.List) (xpath.selectNodes(jdomDocument));
    ( 9 )       Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
    ( 10 )     while (iterator.hasNext())
    ( 11 )     {
    ( 12 )            Object object =;
    ( 13 ) //         if (object instanceof Element)
    ( 14 ) //               System.out.println(((Element)object).getTextNormalize());
    ( 15 )             if (object instanceof Content)
    ( 16 )                   System.out.println(((Content)object).getValue());
    ….This program would work on the same document without the default namespace, hence, it would not be necessary to include “ns” prefix along in the XPath statements (line 6-7) either. Moreover, I was using “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser” to have successfully retrieve content of <a> from the same document without default namespace in the past.
    I would like to achieve the following objectives if possible:
    ( i ) Exclude DTD and namespace in order to simplifying the parsing process. How this could be done?
    ( ii ) If this is not possible, how to include it in XPath statements (line 6-7) so that the value of <a> is picked up correctly?
    ( iii ) Would changing from “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser” to “org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser” make any difference as far as using XPath is concerned?
    ( iv ) Failing to exlude DTD, how to change the lookup of a PUBLIC DTD to a local SYSTEM one and include a local DTD for reference?
    I am running JDK 1.6.0_06, Netbeans 6.1, JDOM 1.1, Saxon6-5-5, Tagsoup 1.2 on Windows XP platform.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Here's an example of using a custom EntityResolver with the standard DocumentBuilder provided by the JDK. The code may or may not be similar for the parsers that you're using.
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class ParseExamples
        private final static String COMMON_XML
            = "<music>"
            +     "<artist name=\"Anderson, Laurie\">"
            +         "<album>Big Science</album>"
            +         "<album>Strange Angels</album>"
            +     "</artist>"
            +     "<artist name=\"Fine Young Cannibals\">"
            +         "<album>The Raw & The Cooked</album>"
            +     "</artist>"
            + "</music>";
        private final static String COMMON_DTD
            = "<!ELEMENT music (artist*)>"
            + "<!ELEMENT artist (album+)>"
            + "<!ELEMENT album (#PCDATA)>"
            + "<!ATTLIST artist name CDATA #REQUIRED>";
        public static void main(String[] argv)
        throws Exception
            // this version uses just a SYSTEM identifier - note that it gets turned
            // into a file: URL
            String xml = "<!DOCTYPE music SYSTEM \"bar\">"
                       + COMMON_XML;
            // this version uses both PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers; the SYSTEM ID
            // gets munged, the PUBLIC ID doesn't
    //        String xml = "<!DOCTYPE music PUBLIC \"foo\" \"bar\">"
    //                   + COMMON_XML;
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            db.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver()
                public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
                    throws SAXException, IOException
                    System.out.println("publicId = " + publicId);
                    System.out.println("systemId = " + systemId);
                    return new InputSource(new StringReader(COMMON_DTD));
            Document dom = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
            System.out.println("root element name = " + dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

  • Error while parsing xml document that file name is Japanese.

    who can help me.
    when my xml file name is Japanese. Error occurs while parsing.
    the error message is "ORA-20100: Error occurred while parsing: No such file or directory"

    When I am trying to parse the XML file, I am getting
    the following error. When I run it on Windows having
    JDK1.4 it is working fine. But when I am running it
    on UNIX having JDK1.2, I am getting this ERROR.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Illegal character at
    end of document, <.
    Any help is appreiciated.I am just guessing, but I would imagine that some of the classes of your JDK 1.4 API have code that is not backwards compatible with earlier versions. There were a few significant changes to the language when 1.4 was released. You would have to read the release notes of 1.4 and also check the API documentation for the classes you are using to parse the XML.
    Also, there are some subtle differences between the OS versions of the Java compiler. You are using two different versions of the Java language and two different versions of operating system code.

  • Difficulty parsing XML document into query object

    Background: Using CFMX 6.1 to take an XML file exported from
    MS-Access and parse it into a query object.
    Problem: Of the 6 columns defined in the target query, one of
    the columns is only populated in the XML file a very low percentage
    of the time. When trying to populate the column for a record that
    has no volume I was getting the following error:
    Element KEY6.XMLTEXT is undefined in a Java object of type
    class coldfusion.xml.XmlNodeMap referenced as...
    To get around this I made this code change:
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(mcquery, "CuKey6",
    .Key6.XmlText#, #i#)>
    <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(mcquery, "CuKey6",
    .Key6.XmlText#, #i#)>
    The new code gets around the error, but when the template is
    executed, columns that DO have values
    show up as "[empty string]".
    I am trying to figure out why when the record has a actual
    value it is now overwritten instead of populated

    Use XmlChildren[1], XmlChildren[2],... etc., in place of
    Key1, Key2, etc.

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