Pattern and Matcher of Regular Expressions

Hello All,
I need some help with the regular expressions in java.
I have encountered a problem on how to retrieve two strings with Pattern and Matcher.
I have written this code to match one substring"MTMISRVLGLIRDQ", but I want to match multiple substrings in a string.
Pattern findstring = Pattern.compile("MTMISRVLGLIRDQ");
Matcher m = findstring.matcher(S);
while (m.find())
outputStream.println("Selected Sequence \"" + +
"\" starting at index " + m.start() +
" and ending at index " m.end() ".");
Any help would be appreciated.

Double post:

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    I am working on pattern matching using regular expression. I the table, I have 2 columns A and B
    A has value 'A499BPAU4A32A386KBCZ4C13C41D20E'
    B has value like '*CZ4*M11*7NQ+RDR+RSM-R9A-R9B'
    the requirement is that I have to match the columns of B in A. If there is a value with * sign, this must be present in A like 'CZ4' should exit in string A.
    The issue I am facing is that there are 2 values with * sign. The code works fine for first match (CZ4) but it does not look further as M11 does not exist in A.
    I used the condition
    AND instr(A,substr(REGEXP_SUBSTR(B, '*[^*]{3}'),2) ,1)=0
    First of all, is this possible to match multiple patterns in one condition?
    If yes, please suggest.

    user2544469 wrote:
    Thanks a lot Frank. This query worked wonderful for the test data I have provided however I have some concerns:
    - query doesnot include the column BOOK which is a mandatory check.Sorry, that was my mistake. It was a very easy mistake to make, since you posted sample data where it didn't matter. Instead of doing a cross-join between vn and got_must_have_cnt, do an inner join, using book. That means book will have to be in got_must_have_cnt, and all the sub-queries from which it descends. Look for comments that say "March 22".
    If you want to treat '+' in as '*', then the simplest thing is probably just to use REPLACE, so that when the table has '+', you use '*' instead.
    WITH     got_token_cnt     AS
         SELECT     cat
         ,     book                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REPLACE (codes, '+', '*') AS codes                    -- If desired.  Changed March 22
         ,     LENGTH (codes) - LENGTH ( TRANSLATE ( codes
                                                       , 'x*+-'
                                      , 'x'
                             ) AS token_cnt
         FROM    test_cat
    ,     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     (  SELECT  MAX (token_cnt)     AS max_token_cnt
                 FROM        got_token_cnt
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_token_cnt
    ,     got_tokens     AS
         ,                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                         , '[*+-]'
                         , 1
                         , c.n
                         )          AS token_type
         ,     SUBSTR ( REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                                       , '[*+-][^*+-]*'
                               , 1
                               , c.n
                   , 2
                   )          AS token
         FROM     got_token_cnt     t
         JOIN     cntr          c  ON     c.n     <= t.token_cnt
    ,     got_must_have_cnt     AS
         SELECT       cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
         ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN token_type = '*' THEN 1 END) AS must_have_cnt
         FROM       got_tokens
         GROUP BY  cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
    ,       vn.vn_no
    FROM       got_must_have_cnt     mh
    JOIN                    vn  ON     =               -- Changed March 22
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      got_tokens     gt  ON                  =
                                     AND INSTR (, gt.token) > 1
    ,            mh.must_have_cnt
    ,            vn.vn_no
    HAVING       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '*' THEN 1 END)     = mh.must_have_cnt
    AND       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '-' THEN 1 END)     = 0
    - query is very slow with 60000 records in vn table. Cost is somewhere around 36000.See these threads:
    When your query takes too long ...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Relational databases were designed to have (at most) one piece of information in each column. If you decide to have multiple items in the same column (as you have a variable number of tokens in the codes column), don't be surprised if that makes things slower and more complicated. Most of the query I posted, and perhaps most of the time needed, is jsut to normalize the data. If you stored the data in a narmalized form, perhaps something like got_tokens, then you wouldn't need the first 3 sub-queries that I posted.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 22, 2011 12:04 PM

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              <value column="09" date="2004-10-31T19:56:30" row="03" waferID="PUK444150-20">10.4518</value>
              <value column="29" date="2004-10-31T19:56:30" row="06" waferID="PUK444150-03">2.864</value>
              <value column="29" date="2004-10-31T19:56:30" row="06" waferID="PUK444150-03">2.864</value>
    Is there anyway i can get a list of nodes that match a certain pattern say where name=M2* ?
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    NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(expression, inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    But i want to be able to say:
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    Is this possible? if so how can i do this?

    As implemented in Java, XPath does not support regular expressions, but in most cases there are workarounds thanks to XPath functions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but setting your expression against the XML document (i.e. because there are no "name" attributes in the whole document) I think you mean to get the value of the <value> elements that have a <parameter> parent element and a <name> sibling element whose value starts with "M2-". If that is the case, you can use the following query expression:String expression = "//parameter/value[substring(../name,1,3)='M2-']";Sorry if I misunderstood the meaning of your expression, but I hope this will help you get the hang of using XPath functions as a substitute for regular expressions.

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    Any ideas, how to do it ?

    First off, looks like you're really talking about an "OR", not an "AND" - you want it to match abc.*def OR def.*abc right? If you tried to match abc.*def AND def.*abc nothing would ever match that, as no string can begin with both "abc" and "def", just like no numeric value can be both 2 and 5.
    Anyway, maybe regex isn't the right tool for this job. Can you not simply programmatically match it yourself using String methods? You want it to match if the string "starts with" abc and "ends with" def, or vice-versa. Just write some simple code.

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    I have a long string with some similar repeated data. I would like, using a regular expression, to extracts all matches in a collection. Is there a way of performing this task?
    I have look through the owa_pattern package, but as far as I found out, I can extract only a simple match. Here is an exact quote:
    "If multiple overlapping strings can match the regular expression, this function takes the longest match. " -
    So what can I do if I want to get all the matches?
    Thank you in anticipation. Any help would be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    I think your need a tokenizer-function.
    If the string +:in_str+ is delimited by +:in_delimiter+ you could try this:
    SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_SUBSTR( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, LEVEL ), :in_delimiter, '') TOKEN
    BULK COLLECT INTO :my_nested_table
    CONNECT BY REGEXP_INSTR( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, LEVEL ) > 0
    I wrote a string-to-textarray-tokenizer (and it's pendant) some times ago, being able to cut from certain positions within the string using regular expressions and return the elements into an nested table of varchar2. It looks like:
    TYPE pos_arraytype IS TABLE OF POSITIVE ;
    TYPE text_arraytype IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(2000);
    FUNCTION stringToTextarray(in_str IN VARCHAR2, in_pos_arr IN pos_arraytype, in_regexp_arr IN text_arraytype DEFAULT NULL, in_trim_strings IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
    RETURN text_arraytype ;
    in_str is the string to be tokenized
    in_pos_arr is a table of positive values of positions in the string to be cut
    in_regexp_arr is a table of regular expressions to use at each position declared by in_pos_arr
    in_trim_strings is a flag, if the cutted element should be trimmed
    using above for example:
    in_str = 'Markus van Muster 347651234XY Musterdaam ABCDE'
    in_pos_arr = (1, 13, 35, 35, 42)
    in_regexp_arr = ('(.?){12}', '([^[:digit:]]?){22}', '[[:digit:]]{4}', '[[:alpha:]]{2}', '(.?){14}')
    in_trim_strings = TRUE
    RETURN collection ('Markus','van Muster','1234','XY','Musterdaam')
    If you need the code, then tell me! I'm looking for....
    Edited by: Nuerni on 17.10.2008 08:49

  • Pattern and Matching question

    I'm trying to use the pattern and matcher to replace all instances of a website
    address in some html documents as I process them and post them. I'm
    including a sample of some of the HTML below and the code I"m using to
    process it. For some reason it doesn't replace the sites in the underlying
    images and i can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Please forgive all the
    unused variables, those are relics of another way i may have to do this if i
    can't get the pattern thing to work.
         public static void setParameters(File fileName)
              FileReader theReader = null;
                   System.out.println("beginning setparameters guide2)");
                   File fileForProcessing=new File(fileName.getAbsolutePath());
                   //wrap the file in a filereader and buffered reader for maximum processing
                   theReader=new FileReader(fileForProcessing);
                   BufferedReader bufferedReader=new BufferedReader(theReader);
                   //fill in data into the tempquestion variable to be populated
                   //Set the question and answer texts back to default
                   //Define the question variable as a Stringbuffer so new data can be appended to it
                   StringBuffer endQuestion=new StringBuffer();//Stringbuffer to store all the lines
                   String tempQuestion="";
                   //Define new file with the absolutepath and the filename for use in parsing out question/answer data
                   tempQuestion=bufferedReader.readLine();//reads the nextline of the question
                   String tempAlteredQuestion="";//for temporary alteration of the nextline
                   //while there are more lines append the stringbuffer with the new data to complete the question buffer
                   StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion, " ");//tokenizer for reading individual words
                   StringBuffer temporaryLine; //reinstantiate temporary line holder each iterration
                   String newToken;   //newToken gets the very next token every iterration?  changed to tokenizer moretokens loop
                   String newTokenTemp;   //reset newTokenTemp to null each iterration
                   String theEndOfIt;  //string to hold everything after .com
                   char[] characters;  //character array to hold the characters that are used to hold the entire link
                   char lastCharChecked;
                   Pattern thePattern=Pattern.compile("src=\"https:////", Pattern.LITERAL);
                   Matcher theMatcher=thePattern.matcher(tempQuestion);
                        while(tempQuestion!=null) //every time the tempquestion reads a newline, make sure you aren't at the end
                             String theReplacedString=theMatcher.replaceAll("https:////");     
                             //          temporaryLine=new StringBuffer();
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             endQuestion.append(theReplacedString);                              //temporaryLine.toString());
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                                  newToken=tokenizer.nextToken(); //get the next token from the line for processing
                                  if(newToken.length()>36)  //if the token is long enough chop it off to compare
                                       newTokenTemp=newToken.substring(0, 36);
                                  if(newTokenTemp.equals("src=\""));//compare against the known image source
                                       theEndOfIt=new String();  //intialize theEndOfIt
                                       characters=new char[newToken.length()];  //set the arraylength to the length of the initial token
                                       characters=newToken.toCharArray();  //point the character array to the actual characters for newToken
                                       lastCharChecked='a';  // the last character that was compared
                                       int x=0; //setup the iterration variable and go from the length of the whole token back till you find the first /
                                            //set last char checked to the lsat iterration run
                                            //set the end of it to the last char checked and the rest of the chars checked combined
                                       //reset the initial newToken value to the cut temporary newToken root + userguide addin, + the end
                                  //add in the space aftr the token to the temporary line and the new token, this is where it should be parsed back together
                                  temporaryLine.append(newToken+" ");
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                             //reset tokenizer to the new temporary question
                             tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion);
                   //Set the answer to the stringbuffer after converting to string
                   //code to take the filename and replace _ with a space and put that in the question text
                   char theSpace=' ';
                   char theUnderline='_';
                   questionText=(fileName.getName()).replace(theUnderline, theSpace);
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
                   logger.log(Level.WARNING,"The File was Not Found\n"+exception.getMessage()+"\n"+exception.getStackTrace(),exception);
              catch(IOException exception)
                   catch(Exception e)
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 type=text/javascript><!-- if( typeof( kadovInitEffects ) != 'function' ) kadovInitEffects = new Function();if( typeof( kadovInitTrigger ) != 'function' ) kadovInitTrigger = new Function();if( typeof( kadovFilePopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovFilePopupInit = new Function();if( typeof( kadovTextPopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovTextPopupInit = new Function(); //--></SCRIPT>
    <H1><IMG class=img_whs1 height=63 src="" width=816 border=0 x-maintain-ratio="TRUE"></H1>
    <H1>Associate Existing Customers</H1>
    <P>blahalbalhblabhlab blabhalha blabahbablablabhlablhalhab.<SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><B><IMG class=img_whs2 height=18 alt="Submit a

    If you use just / it misinterprets it and it ruins
    your " " tags for a string. I don't think so. '/' is not a special character for Java regex, nor for Java String.
    The reason i used
    literal is to try to force it to directly match,
    originally i thought that was the reason it wasn't
    working.That will be no problem because it enforces '.' to be treated as a dot, not as a regex 'any character'.
    Message was edited by:

  • String.matches vs Pattern and Matcher object

    I was trying to match some regex using String.matches but for me it is not working (probably I am not using it the way it should be used).
    Here is a simple example:
    /* This does not work */
    String patternStr = "a";
    String inputStr = "abc";
    if(inputStr.matches( "a" ))
    System.out.println("String matched");
    /* This works */
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "a" );
    Matcher m = p.matcher( "abc" );
    boolean found = false;
    System.out.println("Matched using Pattern and Matcher");
    found = true;
    System.out.println("Not matching with Pattern and Matcher");
    Am I not matches method of String class properly?
    Please throw some lights on this.
    Thank you.

    String.matches looks at the whole string.
    bsh % "abc".matches("a");
    bsh % "abc".matches("a.*");

  • Patterns and Matcher.find()

    I would be really grateful for some assistance on this. I have been at this for three hours and can't get it correct.
    I have a string such as this: "Hello this is a great <!-- @@[IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR]@@ --> little string"
    I want to use RegEx, Pattern and Matcher.find() to extract "IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR" ie. the text between "<!-- @@[" and "]@@ -->"
    Thanks in advance for your help

    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              String data = "Hello this is a great <!-- @@[IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR]@@ --> little string";
              Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<!-- @@\\[(.*?)]@@ -->").matcher(data);
              while (matcher.find()) {
    }Might not be the best way, but it works.

  • How to Use Pattern and Matcher class.

    HI Guys,
    I am just trying to use Pattern and Matcher classes for my requirement.
    My requirement is :- It should allow the numbers from 1-7 followed by a comma(,) again followed by the numbers from
    1-7. For example:- 1,2,3,4,5 or 3,6,1 or 7,1,3 something like that.
    But it should not allow 0,8 and 9. And also it should not allow any Alphabets and special characters except comma(,).
    I have written some thing like..
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([1-7])+([\\,])?([1-7])?");
    Is there any problem with this pattern ??
    Please help out..
    I am new to pattern matching concept..
    Thanks and regards

    ok guys, this is how my code looks like..
    class  PatternTest
         public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Hello World!");
              String input = args[0];
              Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([1-7]{1},?)+");
              Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
              if(m.find()) {
                   System.out.println("Pattern Found");
              } else {
                   System.out.println("Invalid pattern");
    }if I enter 8,1,3 its accepting and saying Pattern Found..
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    Actually this is the test code I am presenting here.. I original requirement is..I will be uploading an excel sheets containg 10 columns and n rows.
    In one of my column, I need to test whether the data in that column is between 1-7 or not..If I get a value consisting of numbers other than 1-7..Then I should
    display him the msg..
    Thanks and regards

  • Searching and Matching - Difference between 'Match Pattern' and 'Match Geometric Pattern'?

    I was wondering if someone can explain to me the difference between  'Match Pattern' and 'Match Geometric Pattern' VIs? I'm really not sure which best to use for my application. I'm trying to search/match small spherical particles in a grey video in order to track their speed (I'm doing this after subtracting two subsequent frames to get rid of background motion artifacts).
    Which should I use?
    Thank you!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi TKassis,
    1.You may find from this link for the difference between these two,
    Pattern Match :
    Geometric Match :
    2. I always prefer match pattern because of its execution speed, and incase of geometric pattern match it took lot of time to match your result. You may find in the attached figure for same image with these two algorithm execution time.
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    If you can DREAM it, You can DO it - Walt Disney

  • Regular expressions, using pattern and matcher but not include the pattern

    Hi all
    i have a regular expression but in my matcher it is including the text that is in my regular expression.
    String str="-------------------stuff===========";
    Pattern mainBody = Pattern.compile("-----(.*?)=====", Pattern.MULTILINE);this matches -------------------stuff=====
    now i expect to get some - in there as i match from the start, but i dont want to have the = in the match. how do i do a match that excludes the matching expressions.

    nevermind, figured it out
    when i do it gives me just my match
    sorry for wasting time :)

  • Regular Expression Character Sets with Pattern and Matcher

    I am a little bit confused about a regular expressions I am writing, it works in other languages but not in Java.
    The regular expressions is to match LaTeX commands from a file, and is as follows:
    This does not work in Java but does in PHP, C, etc...
    The part that is strange is the . character. If placed as .* it works but if placed as [.]* it doesnt. Does this mean that . cannot be placed in a character range in Java?
    Any help very much appreciated.
    Kind Regards
    Paul Bain

    In PHP it seems that the "." still works as a all character operator inside character classes.
    The regular expression posted did not work, but it does if I do:
    Basically what I'm trying to match is a block of LaTeX, so the \\begin{command} and \\end{command} in LaTeX, not regex, although the \\ is a single one in LaTeX. I basically want to match any block which starts with one of those and ends in the end command. so really the regular expression that counts is the bit in the middle, ((.|[\n\r\s])*)?
    Am I right it saying that the "?" will prevent the engine matching the first and last \\bein and \\end in the following example:
    some stuff
    some stuff

  • Pattern and Matcher problem. Help Please!

    I am trying to make the user enter a correct US$ in HTML(jsp format) ie 12.34 but not 12.3456. As far as i know, the regular expression below is correct for $$.
    but the there is no error even if the user types 12.34567
    can anyone help me please?
    this is the code i wrote...
    public static final int DATA_ENTRY = 1;
    public static final int INVALID_CURRENCY = 2;
    public static final int PROCESS_INPUT = 3;
    int state;
    String a; //data input from user
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d{1,3}(?:(?:,\\d\\d\\d)*|\\d*)(?:\\.\\d\\d)?");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(a);
    state = DATA_ENTRY; // this is default
    if (m.find() {
         state = PROCESS_INPUT;
    else {
         state = INVALID_CURRENCY;

    Here's two pattern strings that both require a two-place fraction for each entry but do not permit more than two places.
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class snggun {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = (args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "10.00");
    //    String mask = "\\d{1,3}(?:(?:,\\d\\d\\d)*|\\d*)(?:\\.\\d\\d)?";
        // requires two-place fraction
    //    String mask = "^(\\d{1,3})(,(\\d\\d\\d))*(\\.\\d\\d)\\z";
        // requires two-place fraction
        String mask = "\\d{1,3}(?:(?:,\\d{3})*|\\d*)(\\.\\d{2})\\z";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(mask);
        Matcher match = pattern.matcher(input);
        System.out.println("input = " + input + " qualifies " + match.find());
          for(int j = 0; j <= match.groupCount(); j++)
            System.out.println("group " + j + "  " +;

  • String.matches() question - regular expression help

    How come the following code's if condition returns false?
    String someFile="Dr. Phil.pdf";
    if (someFile.matches("[.][Pp][Dd][Ff]$")) {
      System.out.println("File is a pdf file.");
    }When I change the the matches method to matches(".*[Pp][Dd][Ff]$") it works, so does that mean it has to match the entire string to return true? If so, how can I determine if a partial match occured?
    If partial matching isn't feasible, then can someone help me look determine if this is the best matching pattern to use:

    The documentation is your friend.
    [String.matches(regex)|] says:
    An invocation of this method of the form str.matches(regex) yields exactly the same result as the expression
    Pattern.matches(regex, str)And [Pattern.matches(regex, str)|, java.lang.CharSequence)] says
    behaves in exactly the same way as the expression
    Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(input).matches()And [Matcher.matches()|] says
    Attempts to match the entire region against the pattern.

  • Lexical search using Pattern and Matcher class

    Hi Folks,
    Need some help with the following Query. I want to find out how I can implement
    the following by using Pattern / Matcher classes.
    I have a query that returns the following set of strings,
    What I would like do is to find out any string that starts with g and Lexical occurs after ghi. So this will return
    ghi / glk / gmonalaks / golskalskdkdkd
    How can I accomplish the above, by using the following two classes.
    Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile();
    Matcher dateMatcher = datePattern.matcher();
    Thanks a bunch...
    _Shoe Maker..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Nothing in your specification requires a regex. Loop though the strings until you find the string "ghi". Then continue looping though the strings outputting those where the first characters is 'g' .

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