Pdk struts jsp tags not working.

The problem we have hited is that pdk-struts tags are not rendered corectly:
From next piece of code:
<pdk-html:form action="/auth_portlet/doLogin.do" name="loginFormBean" type="passport_portlets.auth_portlet.loginFormBean">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td><pdk-html:text property="username"/></td>
    <td><pdk-html:text property="password"/></td>
    <td><pdk-html:submit value="Login"/></td>
</pdk-html:form>We recieve next output in the browser window:
<form name="loginFormBean" method="post" action="/passport_portlets/auth_portlet/doLogin.do">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td><input type="text" name="username" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="password" value=""></td>
    <td><input type="submit" value="Login"></td>
</form>But it's wrong output, there aren't any qualifiing naming prossed, as much as no hidden fields included into form. We don't receive any kind of errors, just such simple output in browser.

to be more detailed and specific, source follows
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<?providerDefinition version="3.1"?>
<provider class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.DefaultProviderDefinition">
   <portlet class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.DefaultPortletDefinition">
      <title>portlet name</title>
      <renderer class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.RenderManager">
         <showPage class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.http.StrutsRenderer">
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
    <description>web.xml file for passport portlets package</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN" "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd">
    <form-bean name="loginFormBean"
      <form-property name="username" type="java.lang.String"/>
      <form-property name="password" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <action path="/auth_portlet/doDefault"
      <forward name="loged" path="/auth_portlet/showLoginState.jsp" redirect="true"/>
      <forward name="notloged" path="/auth_portlet/showLoginForm.jsp" redirect="true"/>
    <action path="/auth_portlet/doLogin"
      <forward name="success" path="/auth_portlet/showLoginState.jsp" redirect="true"/>
      <forward name="failure" path="/auth_portlet/showLoginForm.jsp" redirect="true"/>
  <message-resources parameter="passport_portlets.ApplicationResources"/>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1251"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portal/pdk/struts/tags-html" prefix="pdk" %>
<pdk:form action="/auth_portlet/doLogin.do" name="loginFormBean" type="passport_portlets.auth_portlet.loginFormBean" method="post">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td><pdk:text property="username"/></td>
    <td><pdk:text property="password"/></td>
    <td><pdk:submit value="Login"/></td>
</pdk:form>all works fine, except the problem that pdk-struts tags in jsp page aren't processed correctly, they output simple html output, which is not formated to inline rendering rules (qualified naming of fields, hidden fields with all values, etc).
Maybe I'm missing something?

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    You're right, your situation is very similar to the situation the other poster describes. However, the main similarity is that neither of you have given us any information about what is going wrong. We can't read minds or read what's on your screen. We need to see specific error messages, stack traces, and specific code that shows what you are trying to do.
              However, it's likely that you're running into problems with the issues with "tag reuse" and "tag pooling". You should first read the JSP specification in the areas that talk about this issue, although this will probably leave you with more questions than you started with.
              I'm guessing that your "<gui:button>" element doesn't have any attributes. It's possible that WebLogic is reusing a single "<gui:button>" tag instance for each occurrence in your page. You may have to figure out how to turn off tag pooling in the JSP compiler, but I'm not sure how to do that.
              It's possible that Websphere doesn't give you an issue with this because perhaps they didn't bother with the tag pooling optimization (it is a good thing to have it available).

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    This tells there is not enough main memory (not disk space) for the program to run.
    - You can look the dump in ST22, it will have suggestions on increasing the ROLLAREA??, you can forward that to Basis.
    - Most likely you will not have any more memory to assign so the above may not be feasible. Try to rework your query so it works with less data.

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    What is the exact error message you are hitting.
    Are you able to use web-cache with other examples.
    Can you try testing it the the webcache demos that are part of ojspdemos.ear under /j2ee/home/demo.

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    Use the following line of code
    <SharePoint:Scriptlink runat="server" Name="~sitecollection/Style Library/[YOUR SITE]/js/functions.js" Language="javascript" />
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

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    Revision: 3921
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-28 06:23:00 -0700 (Tue, 28 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix for - @inheritDoc tag not working for get/set overrides when you only override the setter of a base class
    QE Notes: Baselines for framework test will need to be updated.
    Doc Notes: None
    Reviewer: Paul
    Bugs: SDK-17304
    tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 3921
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-28 06:23:00 -0700 (Tue, 28 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix for - @inheritDoc tag not working for get/set overrides when you only override the setter of a base class
    QE Notes: Baselines for framework test will need to be updated.
    Doc Notes: None
    Reviewer: Paul
    Bugs: SDK-17304
    tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Struts tag not working with Jbo Tag-BUG??

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    In a JSP page if I have &lt;jbo:DataScroller&gt; tag and &lt;html:cancel /&gt; button, the button is not working.
    If I remove the datascroller tag cancel button works fine (the way it should).
    Not sure why this is happening, can Jdev team look into this.

    Sashi N Ravipati wrote : "Not using a DataScroller tag within a form tag is impossible. If u have an example of it let me know."
    File > New > Web Tier > Struts-Based JSP for Business Components > Complete Struts-Based JSP Application
    One of the files it generated for me was EmpView1_Browse.jsp:
    <%@ page language="java" import="oracle.jbo.*" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld"  prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="bc4j.css">
    <TITLE><bean:message key="browse.title"/></TITLE>
    <jbo:DataTransaction appid="JdevModuleDataModel" />
    <h3><bean:message key="browse.header" arg0="EmpView1"/></h3>
    <table border="0">
        <td ALIGN="right"><jbo:DataScroller datasource="JdevModuleDataModel.EmpView1"/></td>
        <td><jbo:DataTable datasource="JdevModuleDataModel.EmpView1" edittarget="/edit_EmpView1.do"/></td>
    </html>A jbo:DataScroller tag is used and it is not within a form tag.

  • JDeveloper pdk-struts taglib doesn't work

    Hi all,
    I just installed new jDev version ( and I migrated all projects and setting from, but I still got a little/big problem with PDK-Struts taglib.
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    In new version the taglib in native and ready (it doesn't required to be registered!) to use but when I'm building the project I found and exception
    Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/taglib/html/FormTag
    - the same project in version has no problem to build
    - I checked and seleted all the libraries required
    Anyone knows why the new jDev version doesn't work??
    please someone helpMe!!!!

    Yea, I had those "is not a registered namespace in TLD" errors too, but regarding Struts HTML... I had to go to the Project properties and add the library.. (It went missing during conversion)
    Its frustrating and I know how you feel. Try this, try that and still doesnt work. My advice is to remove taglibs. Close Jdev. Open Jdev add them again. It have to work. Also it might help to delete class directories. Also be aware that some libraries are kept in "\WEB-INF\lib" and during conversion they remained (those libraries were from old Jdev you have to replace them with new version)
    So, all in all keep tryng, it have to work :)
    Good luck...

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    Hi everybody,
    I am working with ISA5.0 and NWDI. I have checked out the Web-Module Project crm/isa/web/b2b.
    Now I would like to modify JSP-Files. Unfortonately the JSP-Editor is not working properly.
    The JSP-Editor cannot resolve references to Tag-Libraries like
    <%@ taglib uri="/isa" prefix="isa" %>
    Furthermore I get Errors with JSP-Includes
    <%@ include file="checksession.inc" %>
    The JSP-Editor does not show any other compile errors until the above mentioned errors are resolved.
    So the JSP-Editor does not help with compile errors.
    I have tried to use Lomboz instead, but due to the modularization in ISA5.0 and NWDI (ie the Taglibraries are defined in a separate module) I did not get it to work either.
    Does anybody have experience on how to get the JSP editor to work properly?
    Thanks for your help,

    Highlite the clip in the timeline, control click on it and choose "send to soundtrack as an audio file project" in the pop up menu. Don't do an "open with editor". This should work.
    If it doesn't and it's just the one clip, you could launch Soundtrack and then open that clip as an audio project . . . don't do a open with editor, just open it directly. Make your adjustment and save over writing the file with the new audio. You may want to copy the clip first as a backup. When you open your FCP project, you'll have to re-link the clip. Once you do it will show up with the new sound.

  • In Web.xml  welcome file tag not works

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    I am developing simple web application using spring framework
    when i am try to add welcome file tag in web.xml with respective welcome page path but it not works.
    but when use jsp page without to having any property it works.
    what the problem with me

    Hi Frank
    Thank you for your reply.
    This is how I registered the session filter in web.xml
    I'll try to use phaselisenter as you suggested.
    Also, one more thing please, in the session filter, I have something like this.
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    System.out.println("JF--- Calling the Filter");
    if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest)request;
    HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse)response;
    HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession();
    String url = httpRequest.getPathTranslated();
    String path = httpRequest.getContextPath() + httpRequest.getServletPath();
    if (httpRequest.getRequestURI().equals(path+"/Login")) {
    System.out.println(" the request path is" + httpRequest.getRequestURI().toString());
    session.setAttribute("WELCOME", Boolean.TRUE);
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    else if (session.getAttribute("WELCOME") == null){
    else {
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    else {
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    Do you think it looks right ?
    Edited by: Lang on Apr 13, 2012 1:41 AM

  • Bean in JSP is NOT WORKING. Please help

              Anyone who got java-beans working with WL JSP? I could not get even the
              hello bean to work. I am getting a error message saying somthing like
              "foo.bar.HelloBean.class is not a bean" .
              Is there any perticular reason for the abuse of not including java bean
              example in JSP examples?
              I will greatly appreciate any help in this direction.
              Thank you in advance

    If I had to guess based on the error message I would say you have incorrectly
              defined the class file.
              Remove the .class from the definition within the JSP.
              For instance,
              Not class="foo.bar.HelloBean.class"
              Hope this helps.
              Harit Nanavati wrote:
              > Hi,
              > Anyone who got java-beans working with WL JSP? I could not get even the
              > hello bean to work. I am getting a error message saying somthing like
              > "foo.bar.HelloBean.class is not a bean" .
              > Is there any perticular reason for the abuse of not including java bean
              > example in JSP examples?
              > I will greatly appreciate any help in this direction.
              > Thank you in advance
              > -Harit

  • ORACLE tags not working after 1.5.1 patch

    I have some logic in my template the looks up information from some Oracle tables. This logic worked fine in 1.5.0, however, after applying the 1.5.1 patch it does not perform the Oracle logic, but shows the Oracle code as HTML on the page. Here is the code in question: (This is not the entire code, but one HTML TD that comes before the Oracle code, and one HTML TD that comes after it)
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><A
    href="/pls/portal/PORTAL.home"><IMG src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#ihome.gif" alt="Home" border="0"></A></TD>
    BEGIN htp.tableData(htf.anchor2('javascript:help_openTopic(''/insitehelp/Insite_Help.htm'', ''' || pkg_insite_general.help_link(v('APP_ID'), v('APP_PAGE_ID')) || ''')', '', '', '', '><IMG src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#ihelpl.gif" alt="Help" border=0'), 'center');
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><IMG src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#ilogout.gif" alt="Logout" border="0"></TD>
    This is what displays on the web page:
    BEGIN htp.tableData(htf.anchor2('javascript:help_openTopic(''/insitehelp/Insite_Help.htm'', ''' || pkg_insite_general.help_link(v('APP_ID'), v('APP_PAGE_ID')) || ''')', '', '', '', '>

    Your removal of functionality in a bug fix has broken a production application for us. This does not seem like something that should have been done with a "patch"
    I have just read all that I can find on "shortcuts" and am not finding what I need.
    Here is what we are doing:
    We are using RoboHelp for our help content. We have a help icon and a help link on the header of the page. This is defined in our template. We have to have the name of the module (Page Alias) to link the page being run to the help content for that page. Since you do not have a system variable for page name or page alias, I have had to put this information into an Oracle table. I was looking that up with a function within the Oracle Tags.
    Can I create a shortcut that would create the following code pl/sql code into a PL/SQL function body:
    htp.tableData(htf.anchor2('javascript:help_openTopic(''/insitehelp/Insite_Help.htm'', ''' || pkg_insite_general.help_link(v('APP_ID'), v('APP_PAGE_ID')) || ''')', '', '', '', '><IMG src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#ihelpl.gif" alt="Help" border=0'), 'center');
    and call this shortcut where this help icon needs to appear like:
    <TD align="center" valign="top">
    I have done the above, but it does not work. What am I doing wrong, how can I get this to work? We have had to remove our help icons because of this patch.
    I thank you so for your research on this.

  • CFQUERYPARAM tag not working in GROUP BY clause

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    GROUP BY clause. I saw on another message board someone was having
    a similar problem with the ORDER BY clause
    Here is a sample of what my code might look like
    select x, y, z from abc
    group by <cfqueryparam value="x"
    Here is the error I receive.
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00979: not a
    GROUP BY expression
    Any insight?

    The cachedwithin and cachedafter functions store the query
    results in the server's RAM. That means, while it's cached,
    whenever you run it, you get the cached result instead of going to
    the database to run it again. This increases speed of course, but
    if the data changes during the cache period, you have accuracy
    It does not create memory issues. In the administrator you
    reserve a certain amount of memory for query caching. If you exceed
    that amount, the last query in pushes the first query out, or
    something like that.
    With regards to what you are trying to do about binding
    variables in your group by clause, that's not what cfqueryparam was
    designed for. It was designed for
    where clauses (where this = <cfqueryparam etc>
    or insert queries (insert into my table (field) values
    and things like that.
    You are trying to use it for something other than what it was
    designed for, which explains why it's not working for you.

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    How can I fix this problem?
    I tried to re-add a song into the library, it's not helps.
    I think, that this is the different tags in the file, how can I check the second tag? Maybe someone have a script to manually add that tag to AAC file?

    Same for me. I don't know why that happens. I restarted my Macbook, quit iTunes, and it still did not work.

Maybe you are looking for

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