PhoneGap Build plugin always sets debugging which breaks Windows Phone XHR

I've traced a problem with XMLHttpRequest on PhoneGap for Windows Phone 8 to the debug setting on PhoneGap Build (turning it on causes XHR to silently fail). Unfortunately, the PhoneGap Build component for Dreamweaver always turns debugging on. It appears to take no ntoice of the ProjectSettings file that is created in the project folder (I have set "debug":false with no effect) and turning debugging off on the site also has no effect on the next build initiated by Dreamweaver.
The Dreamweaver PhoneGap component needs to be adjusted to take notice of the ProjectSettings for debug and to update these according to the actual settings on the web site. Alternatively, expose the debug setting in the PhoneGap build panel.
I have had to abandon DreamWeaver for Windows Phone builds altogether.

Perre wrote:I'm used to being able to pick one or a couple of songs and then adding it a specified playlist. Is this impossible in sonata?
It's clearly not impossible, just different than you expect. Create your playlist as you want it to appear in the Current tab (meaning don't dump every single song from your library in there, just the ones you want) and then save the playlist.
Perre wrote:And if I try to play the m3u file created (the one with every song listed) through freevo I get a message that the directory is empty. What am I doing wrong??
Look at save_absolute_paths_in_playlists in your mpd.conf.

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    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
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    This is how it looks in device:
    This is how it looks in the mobile devices:
    Could anyone please help?

    Try defining a site and then create the mobile themed page within that site and DW will copy all the assets relative to the site path and will not be as its in your current page.
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/Third%20Party%20Source%20Code/jquery-mobile/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

  • Dreamweaver CS6 PhoneGap build with Camera support for Android Device

    I am trying to build a simple app that triggers the camera in my Samsung N7000 device.
    I have built the app using Dreamweaver CS6 using the builting phonegap build support.
    I am using the Windows version of Dreamweaver CS6.
    When the app is built it shows no errors but when the app is installed on the device it does not trigger  the camera.
    I can not seem to get this very basic app to trigger the camera.
    Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.
    Below is the index.html file i have been using.
        <script src="phonegap.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            // Called when capture operation is finished
            function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
                //var i, len;
                //for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
                //    //uploadFile(mediaFiles[i]);
                //navigator.notification.alert('Weee', null, 'Great success!');
            // Called if something bad happens.
            function captureError(error) {
                //var msg = 'An error occurred during capture: ' + error.code;
                //navigator.notification.alert(msg, null, 'Uh oh!');
            // A button will call this function
            function captureImage() {
                // Launch device camera application,
                // allowing user to capture up to 2 images
                navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, { limit: 2 });
            // Upload files to server
            function uploadFile(mediaFile) {
                var ft = new FileTransfer(),
                    path = mediaFile.fullPath,
                    name =;
                    function (result) {
                        console.log('Upload success: ' + result.responseCode);
                        console.log(result.bytesSent + ' bytes sent');
                    function (error) {
                        console.log('Error uploading file ' + path + ': ' + error.code);
                    { fileName: name });
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            var pictureSource;   // picture source
            var destinationType; // sets the format of returned value
            // Wait for Cordova to connect with the device
            function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); }
            // Cordova is ready to be used!
            function onDeviceReady() {
                pictureSource =;
                destinationType =;
                alert("device is ready");
            // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
            function onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData) {
                // Uncomment to view the base64 encoded image data
                // console.log(imageData);
                // Get image handle
                var smallImage = document.getElementById('smallImage');
                // Unhide image elements
       = 'block';
                // Show the captured photo
                // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
                smallImage.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
            // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
            function onPhotoURISuccess(imageURI) {
                // Uncomment to view the image file URI
                // console.log(imageURI);
                // Get image handle
                var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage');
                // Unhide image elements
       = 'block';
                // Show the captured photo
                // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
                largeImage.src = imageURI;
            // A button will call this function
            function capturePhoto() {
                // Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64-encoded string
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 50,
                    destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
            // A button will call this function
            function capturePhotoEdit() {
                // Take picture using device camera, allow edit, and retrieve image as base64-encoded string 
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 20, allowEdit: true,
                    destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
            // A button will call this function
            function getPhoto(source) {
                // Retrieve image file location from specified source
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 50,
                    destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI,
                    sourceType: source
            // Called if something bad happens.
            function onFail(message) {
                alert('Failed because: ' + message);
    <body onLoad="onLoad()">
        <button onclick="capturePhoto();">Capture Photo</button> <br><br>
        <button onclick="capturePhotoEdit();">Capture Editable Photo</button> <br><br>
        <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY);">From Photo Library</button><br><br>
        <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM);">From Photo Album</button><br><br>
        <img style="display:none;width:60px;height:60px;" id="smallImage" src="" />
        <img style="display:none;" id="largeImage" src="" />
        <br><button onclick="captureImage();">Capture Image</button> <br>
    Below is the config.xml file i am using
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <widget xmlns   = ""
            xmlns:gap   = ""
            id          = "com.phonegap.camera_test"
            versionCode = "11"
            version     = "1.1.0" >
    <author href=""
        email="[email protected]">
    <icon src="icon.png" gap:role="default" />
    <feature name=""/>
    <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
    <preference name="orientation" value="portrait" />
    <preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />
    <preference name="prerendered-icon" value="true" />
      <preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.1.0" />
      <preference name="fullscreen" value="false" />
      <preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" />
      <preference name="ios-statusbarstyle" value="default" />
      <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="7" />
      <preference name="android-installLocation" value="internalOnly" />
      <preference name="target-device" value="universal" />
      <preference name="autohide-splashscreen" value="true" />
      <preference name="load-url-timeout" value="60000" />
      <preference name="show-splashscreen-spinner" value="true" />
      <preference name="show-splash-screen-spinner" value="true" />
      <preference name="allow-inline-media-playback" value="false" />
      <preference name="launch-mode" value="standard" />
      <plugin name="Capture" value="CDVCapture" />
      <plugin name="Camera" value="CDVCamera" />

    This forum is actually about the Cloud, not about using individual programs
    Once your program downloads and installs with no errors, you need the program forum
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • How do I connect to PhoneGap Build?

    I was watching this tutorial here: uct=phonegap-build&path=get-started
    The guy in the tutorial shows how to connect your Edge Code to PhoneGap Build -- but mine doesn't have the PhoneGap Build Plugin button that he mentions...  Mine looks a little different, too -- I assume he's using on older version of Edge Code in that video...
    So where is the PhoneGap Plugin hidden in Edge Code CC?
    Laurence MacNeill
    Mableton, Georgia, USA

    The bar on the right-hand side of my Edge Code CC program shows the following icons:  Live Preview, Extension Manager, Preview on Devices Using Edge Inspect CC, Generate Edge Web-Fonts Embed Code, and way down at the bottom, Talk to the Team.
    So there is no PhoneGap icon there...
    Juding by what's in that blog post that bchinTX linked, I need to install something to enable the PhoneGap extension?  But that blog-post was actually pretty old (Oct, 2012, which is ancient in PhoneGap history), and I'm not sure it will work for Edge Code CC -- he was using Brackets., not Edge Code CC.  Do I really want to go to a 2-year-old GitHub repository and try to install an extension from there?  Will that actually work?
    Please send me an updated link to the proper Edge Code CC extension -- if it's available -- or confirm for me that the nearly 2-year-old Brackets extension from that linked blog will actually still work in a new install of Edge Code CC.

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    Safari is has begun opening with multiple windows. Not sure how this change happened. I prefer Safari to open with a single homepage, which I've always set to Yahoo. Any suggestions?

    Quit the application. Force quit if necessary.
    Relaunch it by holding down the shift key and clicking its icon in the Dock. From the menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ General ▹ New windows open with: Homepage

  • In application builder the top level vi is always set to "run when opened"; how do I turn this off so I don't have to change it each and every time I build a .exe??

    I build a lot of executables using Application Builder under LabVIEW and in every one I build, I don't want the top level vi to take off and run when I open the executable. Currently, I edit each .exe I build within Application Builder and change the option of "run when opened" from Yes to No for the top level vi. All the other subvi's are already set to No. It would seem as though there should be some way to "turn this off" if you will so the top level vi is not always set to "run when opened" by default within Application Builder. Is there such a solution that anyone knows of?? Any help would be apprec
    iated... thanks...

    Indeed the Application builder forces "run when opened" to true for top levels VIs. If you don't want your VI to make any real work when the application starts, you should simply put a do-nothing loop in the beginning of the VI that will loop until the user presses a boolean. It will be more intuitive for users to press a Run button on the FP than clicking on the white Run arrow in the bar.
    LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

  • Phonegap Build, with Hydration Enabled, Breaks the PGB Integration

    I have a PGB App that I have built in DW CS6 completely. I think I have found a bug in the PGB integration.
    The integration works fine with I have am using PGB without "hydration" enabled. As soon as I do enable hydration, and rebuild my app, after the build completes, the Android and Symbian links and QR codes DO NOT refresh/come unlocked.
    It makes it hard as I am unable to easily download and start the Android virtual device and test in the emulator.
    Here is a link to the PGB forums where I posted originally (this started after the last DW update): _please_help
    I made two video replicating the problem. You need to watch both to see it in action:

    Hi, mbuchetics-
    While I can't necessarily comment on features in progress, I can say that you should already be able to use Edge Inspect with Google Chrome to be able to view files locally.  Are you looking specifically for integration with PhoneGap Build or just some way to see what it looks like on your devices without having to slap it up on a webserver?

  • Setting a Layer Break for GEAR Pro Mastering Edition with EncoreDVD & IFOEdit

    Setting Layer Breaks Manually for Encore/GEAR Projects
    Although we can write straight to a DVD+R DL disc directly out of EncoreDVD 2.0 and we can also create our Master DLT tapes directly out of EncoreDVD 2.0 also, there are times when these options simply are not sufficient.
    For example - we wish to Verify the successful writing of a DLT Tape, or we wish to create a QC disc for our clients in DVD-R DL format.
    Either way, the "option" of using a +R DL disc is often unacceptable.
    Another very good reason for +R DL discs to be NFG is that they are NOT DVD-Video format, and as such tend to expect the layers 0 and 1 to be of equal size.
    Yet another reason could simply be we are using EncoreDVD 1.01, which does not support direct writing of any DL discs at all.
    The solution is to use GEAR Pro Mastering Edition to create your DLT or DVD-R DL disc directly from your Encore project instead.
    And here's how you do it.
    You are going to need copies of both GEAR Pro Mastering Edition, EncoreDVD (any version) and finally a copy of the freeware application IFOEdit Additionally, we will also need the GEAR Layer Break Calcuulator, provided for free on their excellent support site at
    Now we are ready - lets look at how it is all done. Don't be put off by what looks like a lot of math here either - this gets easier every time you do it and all it takes is a little common sense and practise.
    The best way to proceed is to use EncoreDVD to build your project to a folder. This will not make any Layer Break settings at all, and will allow us to create a new DL Project in GEAR and also allows GR+EAR to build the UDF/ISO structure for us.
    So once we have written our tested and checked project to a folder, the next step is to close out of EncoreDVD and launch GPME. By the way - if you're not certain that you need the expense of GPME for a one-off project you can simply download their 30 day trial version and use this as it is 100% fully functional in every way - there are no limitations at all.
    When GEAR loads, select to create a new DVD-Video project and be certain you tick the DVD9 box in this screen too. Another window will appear now asking you to locate the folder where the Video_TS files are stored. Point this at the Video_TS folder and GEAR will create a basic DVD9 project for you.
    Next we need to load up the Excel Spreadsheet with the Layer Break Calculator we downloaded earlier. I always use a different machine for this as I don't have Office installed and any open source application that can read an XLS file will do the job. If you don't have one, I recommend either OpenOffice or Star Office to do this. There are a lot of helpful calculators in XLS mode, and you won't regret it. Just try to keep all this stuff well clear of your authoring system though. But I am rambling, and I'm sorry. Back to buiness.
    Once we have loaded up our Layer Break Calculator, we need to enter in some numbers.
    Back over in GPME, where we have our shiny new DVD9 project sat there waiting for instructions, there is a file structure on the lower left hand side of the project screen. Att the top of the list we should see something very much like "VOLUME (projectname) (DVD-Video ISO/UDF)"
    Right-click on this, and select "Properties". A screen will appear with all sorts of numbers in it, and we ignore the lot of them except for the "Total Volume Size in Sectors" - which we need to write down, nip across the room to our spreadsheet, and type the number in right at the top where it says "Total Volume (project) Size"
    Another set of (probably) meaningless numbers appears - and the 2 we are interested in here are the ones where it says "RULES" and specifically "Layer Break Point must be Greater than .....
    And Less than.....
    Write these 2 numbers down, and hop smartly back across to where we have our GEAR project open on our authoring machine. Or simply minimize the spreadsheet if we are doing all this on the same system.
    We now need to click on the folder marked "Video_TS" in the bottom left of the GEAR screen, and on the lower right we need to click once on the bar in the middle above all the VOB files marked "start sector" to arrange all the files in the sequence they will be on the disc. This makes finding our VTS file so much easier.
    Somewhere in that list there will be a file that has that range of numbers in it. If we are really lucky, there will be more than one, which means that one of these will soon become our Layer Break.
    When we have identified the correct file, take a note of it's name - it will be VTS_01_4.VOB or something with a similar structure name wise.
    Next, we need to write down and enter into the Layer Break Calculator the start sector number of the VTS_xx_1.VOB file that holds our values.
    I will try to explain why. If our Sector range is to be found in the example we gave earlier, say VTS_01_4.VOB, we need to note the start sector of the file VTS_01_1.VOB. This is because all these VTS_xx_x.VOB files are all extensions of the same file. They are just in handy blocks so that the Computer can keep track of them without breaking any rules about file sizes. Anyway, we write down the Start Sector of the file VTS_xx_1.VOB where xx is the file where the Layer Break range is to be found.
    Just to try & make the concept clear, if the range were found in the file VTS_05_5.VOB, our start sector we need to write down is VTS_05_1.VOB
    Enter this into the Calculator/Spreadsheet in the place where it says "Chosen Video Object VTS_xx_1.VOB Start Sector.
    Now this will tell us exactly where we need to look next, and tell us we now need to hunt for a cell start sector between a range of sectors.
    It might be something like "1,148,678 and 2,051,052" sectors.
    This is where IFOEdit comes in.
    Launch IFOEdit - and you may as well go back to GEAR, and close the project - but not the application. Go to the "File" menu, and from the drop dow select "Delete GEAR Project" and delete the one we just created, as we will need to change it anyway. Why you will find out later on.
    From IFOEdit, you will see 2 halves of a screen. Down the bottom left there is an "Open" button. Click on this and locate the Video_TS folder, and specifically the file VTS_xx_1.IFO, where xx is the file we know from earlier the Layer Break will be placed.
    Immediately your head will start to ache, your eyes will glaze over & your brain will wave a little white flag, as some serious mathematics suddenly appears (Well, that's what happened to me the first time. I was too fascinated to be confused - sheer bewilderment is perhaps the best expression. And I still don't know what most of it is for.
    The one we are interested in can be found in the upper half, and is called "VTS_PGCITI".
    Click on this, and a lot of little others will appear immediately below it.
    You will see VTS_PGC_1 and so on until you run out of blocks.
    The odds are high our layer break will be in the longest file - but this does not always hold true, so we start at the top & work our way rapidly down. What we are looking for is twofold.
    1 - A Cell Start Sector within our range defined earlier.
    2 - A cell Start Sector flagged as "NON Seamless playback.
    If we can fill both these criteria, we have our layer break.
    Write this number down, and enter it into our spreadsheet - and close down IFOEdit as we are done with it for today.
    Back in the Spreadsheet we are almost done. Once we enter this number in, it will helpfully calculate exactly where in our Virtual image from earlier that sector lies, and will check to see if it is divisible by 16. Don't worry for now why, just know that it has to do this.
    The chances are high it will not be, so the spreadsheet will tell you how many sectors the whole image has to be shifted forwards by, and what the new Cell Start Sector is in this revised image. This is automatic, and you get 2 figures.
    1 - Offset. This number will be between 0 and 15.
    2 - Layer Break Sector.
    Time to go back to GEAR, and in our "Options" drop-down menu we will have another one called "Preferences". In this, we need to tell GEAR to ask us for the start sector to be entered for each file.
    Now we create our project again - but this time GEAR will ask us for the start sector of VIDEO_TS_IFO, and the figure 640 will be highlighted.
    Add our offset figure we were given earlier to this so if our offset was 11, enter in 651.
    GEAR will do all the rest automatically for you.
    One more job to do now.
    Go Back to "Options/Preferences", and under DVD we need to tell GEAR we are changing the Layer Break. Click on the "Change" button, and use the up/down arrows to arrive at our newly discovered Layer Break Value.
    Save the project - we're done. And write down that offset & Layer Break whatever you do.
    You can now write to DVD-R DL, DLT tapes (and if you right-click on your DLT drive in the lower "Devices" screen, and choose "Properties", you can tell GEAR to verify the tape after writing too. It will write both layers first, then verify each one.
    There is, however, a minor "GOTCHA" in GPME when writing DLT tapes.
    It is allowed to set the IDENT.TXT file to be included on the DLT tape by means of a tick box. However, as this file is not actually required for replication in DVD-Video, but only in DVD-ROM - GEAR will not include the file
    i even if the box is ticked
    but it
    i does
    add a pointer to the file in the DDPID file instead. The upshot of this is that a DLT tape where IDENT.TXT has been selected to be included will be
    i rejected by the factory as unusable.
    This is because when they try to verify the DDP image on the tape it will fail as IDENT.TXT is NOT on the tape.
    You must ensure this box is NEVER TICKED - I fell for this one recently, and had to rework 7 DLT tapes.
    There is yet another way to get a DL project to the factory if you do not have a DLT machine, and do not have access to DL discs in the correct format.
    Write the DDP images to 2 single layer discs instead!
    This requires the use of GEAR Pro Mastering Edition again, and is incredibly easy to do.
    What you need to do here is follow the original guides in the FAQ sections for setting the Layer Break manually, but instead of writing the project to DLT tapes or to DVD-R DL/DVD+R DL media, what we do next is write the project to a DDP file on the HDD instead.
    This will result in 2 folders appearing - Layer 0 and Layer 1.
    Each of these has the necessary information for the replication plant to manufacture the discs - all we need to do is get them onto 2 discs instead of 2 DLT tapes.
    This is simplicity itself.
    Launch your burning application.
    Create a new DVD-ROM project.
    Name it (Project)_Layer_1
    Broswe to the 2 folders with the DDP files in them, and add the contents in this exact order
    (Checksum.txt - optional)
    (Log file - optional)
    Burn the disc.
    Repeat for Layer 1.
    That is all there is to it.
    What will happen at the factory is the Eclipse verification system will look for the DDPID file at the root level of the disc. If it cannot find it, it will assume it is dealing with a standard DVD-ROM disc instead, but if it is there it will know what is going on, load the files, and ask for Layer 1 after it has finished in the normal manner.
    I hope this helps out - if not, please post in the main forums, and I'll try to help out.

    Hi Ryan,
    Yes, you'll only get the LB sector number when you format with one of the "tape images" (go with DDP 2.0). And unfortunately, Gear doesn't allow transfer of DDP or CMF Images to DLT.
    Gear is working on a version that will incorporate DVD-9 making within the program.
    Meanwhile, If you go with the instructions on their site to create a DVD-9, be sure to add: "correct VTS sectors" in the VIDEO_TS folder with IFOEdit, and set the region info in the VMGM_MAT to "0"; and be sure to flag all instances of a cell properly for the layer break, in the case they reside in any Stories that span the Layers.
    But if I may; It's highly recommended that you hire out tests on the resulting DDP image to make sure the layer break did indeed fall where you expected, and that there are no other issues (Same goes with any DDP image destined for replication, created by any other program).
    Or better yet, consider hiring someone to premaster for you (I wonder who? , who also includes navigation proofing, spec compliance testing (MEI and sometimes with a player bank) and verifying the finished Image (EclipseSuite); all for one low fixed price, i.e. no charge in the event a resubmission to me is required (pre consultation, also included, nips lots of common mistakes in the buds). This insures that only a bullet-proof Image is finally sent in to the replicator.
    There I go with commercials again! But for sure, Gear's current DVD-9 method is not for the faint of head; and premastering in general, is not the innocuous activity it appears to be. Real trouble eventually awaits (unless measures are taken), due to the nature of the critter.
    Take care,

  • PhoneGap Build Extension for Dreamweaver 2014.1 is not working

    Yeah bad news
    There is an error message which tells me that the plugin is only working with the version 2014.0
    If the source code for this extension would be available, i could update the extension for us.

    Hi Siegfried,
    Dreamweaver’s direct integration with PhoneGap Build to package mobile applications is no longer supported in all versions. Ongoing changes to PhoneGap’s APIs, security measures, and feature set have been outpacing updates to Dreamweaver, and to give you the best experience when using PhoneGap Build, you continue to package mobile applications using the Adobe PhoneGap Build service in the Cloud.

  • How can I sign an app made with PhoneGap Build?

    I have set up the PhoneGap Build service and created an account so I can make an app and upload it to my mobile phone.
    Now I have reached the point where I would like to sign it and upload it to Google Play.
    I have a developer account and I have filled in all data, made screenshots and icons and description for the app etc.
    When I try to upload it to Google play it says "Upload failed..." and that I need to disable debugging.
    I have tried to find information about how to do this and I have installed the SDK packet and even successfully set up the path in the Settings for PhoneGap Build without any protests..
    Now what?
    I have read trhe documentation on how to make a private key with keytool using the cmd in windows an the key has been uploaded to my account on the phonegap build site.
    Now according to the doc in phonegap build this key should be used signing the app that I made in dreamweaver. So I recreated the app in Dreamweaver and downloaded it and then tried to upload it on Google Play.
    Still the same problem that the app is in debug mode. This means that phone gap build is not doing it's job as it should or maybe that my key is not working.
    So my question first is, how can I see if the key is properly generated with keytool?
    My next step is to manually sign the app.apk file with the jarsigner tool so I tried to do this accordingly to the sample in the android documentation.
    This a screenshot of my attempt and the error-message in the command line:
    It feels like I have done everything by the book but still my app is not signed and not valid to upload to Google Play for public download.
    Please give me some assistance in how to create this last little but so hard step.
    Message was edited by: MickeBergman

    I got it solved...
    If anyone else has done the same mistake as I did then have a look here.
    You just have to create the key with keytool using the command line (cmd.exe)
    Here is the guide how to do it (scroll down to "1. Obtain a suitable private key")
    Use the example, it works fine.
    Then upload it to your PhoneGap Build account by logging in to
    Then under your account settings upload the yourkey.keystore file and unlock it.
    Then under Apps click your uploaded App title to come into the details of the app.
    Then (and this is what I missed and therefore didn't get it signed and released) choose the key you uploaded from the fold down menu at the right hanbd of the android logo
    Then click Rebuild and when it's done rebuilding you simply download it and it will have a YourApp-release added to the file name and you're set!
    Pheeeww this was a horrifying experience and yet so simple solution... strange noone else has experienced this before me.
    At the end I have to really salute Dreamweaver who has made such a great tool to easily make your own apps.

  • Flash Builder 4 beta 2 Debug deployment

    Flashbuilder hangs nearly very time I try and deploy (via debug) my _trivial_ application (see for the tutorial i'm trying to follow). Flash builder goes in to a 'Building workspace' mode and stays at 0%. I have tried restarting flash builder, restarting computer, reinstalling flashbuilder, etc all to no avail. It has worked _once_ in about 20 attempts. I have switched off 'Build Automatically' for the workspace, to no avail. While I don't get the 'Building workspace' message, it pops up the browser window and then the browser window just sits there. The browser never loads the app. I've tried this using chrome and firefox. After force quitting flash builder the flash application comes up in the browser.
    If I choose to run the app, rather than debug it, it appears to work consistently. I installed the 'debug' version of flash player 10 (as directed when I first attempted to debug the application) from
    Any ideas?

    As always, 5 minutes after posting I think I figure out the issue. On that one attempt that worked I set various breakpoints trying to debug something. On subsequent attempts to debug the app, flash builder never opened up the debug perspective (even though during that previous session I said to always open it up). I guess flash builder was sitting at a breakpoint waiting for me to do hit the continue button. After clearing all my breakpoints debugging worked. Of course, I can't reproduce the issue anymore.. even after setting a number of breakpoints flash builder is always taking me to the debug perspective now. I guess I just havn't found that 'magic' breakpoint yet since this (flash not opening debug perspective when hitting a breakpoint) has happened to me twice - the initial install and subsequent install of flash builder - while trying to debug the same issue...

  • Dreamweaver 6/PhoneGap Build Service Android Key Question

    I just recently upgraded to CS6 and am excited to use the mobile sutff. I have been a CFer for years and using Jquery for a long time and have been using JQM more and more. Now I want to evolve from a web developer into an app developer. I thought the cool integrations within DW6 would be a good way to start.
    So I watched Greg Rewis' intro video to get a flavor of things. I set up my first app site. I then created a simple JQM page to test with. I then downloaded the Android SDK (which is what I am starting with, but plan on branching out to the other OS'). I created an AVD, created a keystore and all that. I then went through the process of attaching my keystore to my PhoneGap Build Service account. That all went well, although it did not ask me to make it the default and I am assuming that is because it is the only key at this point...just a note for copywriters.
    I then went back to DW to go through the PhoneGap Build Service panel to create my first app to play with. Here si where I ran into an issue. The PhoneGap Build Service panel asks for a key under the Android section (which I expected), but when I clicked on the drop down where it said none, that is all that was there. The key I uploaded to my PhoneGap Build Service account was not listed. I even logged out and logged back in, shut down DW and reopened it and nothing I did caused it to display. Can someone please point me in the right direction? If I can get this last piece of the puzzle, I can begin cranking through some code.
    Thanks in advance,

    As long as you are signing into the same account in DW as you are on the PhoneGap Build website, any keystores you uploaded would be available inside of Dreamweaver.
    Highly recommending posting on the PhoneGap Build community site, where you'll get better answers regarding the functionality of the PhoneGap Build website and keystores:

  • Track build plugin or JDI build plugin

    This may be a pretty straightforward questions, but I'll ask it anyway.  If I have a different support pack level (SP19) on my JDI server than I do in a specific track (SP14), which build plugin is actually used when the CBS does a build?  My scenario is as follows:
    1.  I have a requirement to use the "substitution variable" functionality that only exists after SP15.
    2.  My runtime enviroment for this application is SP14.
    If I upgrade my NWDI to SP19 to take advantage of the substitution variable functionality, would I need to update the track to also use the SP19 build plugin or does the CBS build with the JDI version of the build software?  If I upgrade the build plugin for the track, then I would probably need to upgrade my runtime system to that level as well which would be a lot more work than I am willing to invest right now.  Any thoughts or concrete answers to which build plugin is used by the CBS?

    Hi Eric,
    just as confirmation of your observation: Yes, build plugins are always taken from the track. That's also why everything is broken until you import at least SAP_BUILDT.
    At least for newer build plugins the release/SP version of the build plugins is logged in every build log, something like:
    Build Plugin "Enterprise Application", Version 7.00 SP 9 (...)

  • BPM DC: Build Plugin IS NOT DEFINED, broken DC, dependencies

    I'am trying to create BPM component in NWDS 7.2 SP04 and there are some problems.
    Next I've created track, imported required archives, imported this track in NWDS, and finaly I've created DC of type "Process Composer".
    After that I see next problems with my DC:
    1. DC cannot be built without another two required DC (ESMP_BUILDT, BPEM-MM).
    Is it an error in sap note or something esle?
    2. In CBS I can see that some of used DC are bbroken (total DC 430; broken DC 20).
    Is it normal or not?
    3. I can build my DC in NWDS but when I try to activate it in NWDI I got an error in activation request:
    '''' variant ''default'' cannot be built. ACTIVATION will fail.
    Build Plugin IS NOT DEFINED for this component or the defined Build Plugin is INVALID.
    I think that this is because of broken status of "tc/bpem/bi/bp/buildtool" DC, which is declared as build plugin for my DC.
    How to resolve this issue?

    Hi IIya,
    You are absolutely right. The problem is due to the broken DC in CBS.
    Please perform the following steps to resolve the issue.
    1) Goto the Landscape Configurator link.
    2) Chose your track inside the table on the left side.
    3) goto the Domain Data option, Click on the "Change" button, and then click on "Update CMS" button (This may take some time)
    4) once the CMS Update is finished, open the "Track Data" link that is beside "Domain Data"
    5) Now click on the "Change" button, from the software component (SCs) table remove the WebDynpro SC, and add it back once again.
    6) Save the Track Data.
    7) Now goto Transport Studio, make sure your track is selected in the table
    8) In the Check-In Tab select all the components displayed in the "Check-In" button.
    9) Once the Check-In operation is completed all those component will now be queued up in the Development Tab,
    10) In the Development Tab select all the components & click on "Import"
    11) Once the Import operation is completed all those component will now be queued up in the Consolidation Tab,
    12) In the Consolidation Tab select all the components & click on "Import"
    13) Now come back to your NWDS and remove the configuration that you have imported previously and then again load the same configuration once again from the SLD.
    This should resolve your problem...
    If the issue still persists even after performing the above steps, then I am afraid to say that the .SCA files present in ...CMS/Inbox folder might have got corrupted.
    Please ask your basis team to copy all the standard .SCA files from the path /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/EPS/buildarchives/ to the CMS transport directory (<specified in the domain tab>\CMS\inbox) in order to make these dependencies available for your tracks.
    Then again perform the above mentioned 13 steps.
    Let me know about your findings.
    Shreyas Pandya

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