Photo gallery with thumbnail and caption

am looking for a good photo gallery extention or application with thumbnails and captions, preferbly free or willing to pay for good working application, please help - would like to incorporate into website gallery page
thank you

There is a web photo gallery extension called:
Web Photo Album 2.1 for Dreamweaver MX
You will need a copy of Fireworks to run it though.
Sometimes, I use Photoshop's automate web galelry and then use that file inside of my site.
If have to incorporate it into an existing page, I just copy and paste the code.

Similar Messages

  • How to transfer photo gallery with thumbnails from Fireworks?

    I am trying to create a website. I am using Dreamweaver CS3
    and for my main homepage I used one of their templates.
    From my main page I give a link to photo gallery. I intend to
    build a gallery in Fireworks as I will need a thumbnails for my
    My question is how can I transfer the created gallery to
    Dreamweaver CS3? I need the same template I used for my homepage
    for my gallery?
    Please help!

    jcdesigns wrote:
    > I am assuming you are building a photo gallery like you
    can in photoshop. In
    > Fireworks, are you going to something like:
    File>Automate>Web Photo Gallery,
    > and pointing to the folder where the images are located,
    and Fireworks builds
    > the pages, thumbnails and larger images by itself? If
    this is the case, then
    > you just need to make a link on your home page to the
    gallery page.
    > If you are building this all by hand, meaning you are
    making and resizing all
    > of the thumbnails and images yourself, you will need to
    create a second page
    > and place all the thumbnails on that, and link them to
    the larger image files
    > or pages with those images.
    > has a REALLY good photo gallery for
    Dreamweaver and
    > Fireworks for a good price. That is the way to go.
    Especially if you plan on
    > making more photogalleries.
    Resize your photos as needed to cut down their size use jpg
    or png format.
    save then in an outside folder.
    next inside the directory you use for your web files create a
    with either the sme name as the outside folder or name
    desired open that
    Open up Dreamweaver and create a Blank HTML page.
    Now go to Commands menu and and choose create web Photo
    next a menu will pop up and ask directory where images are
    located. Then
    will ask the destination directory browse to the new
    directory you
    created. You will also settings for Thumbnail size and
    whether to use
    captions if you do use captions it will use the file name of
    of each
    image and you will have to go in and edit the caption names
    for the
    photos as desired when everything is setup fireworks will
    takeover and
    create the album. it will create three subdirectories one
    with the full
    size photos , one with the thumbs, and one with the html
    information for
    each photo. Plus three other files in main directory one
    being an html
    file. once completed and Fireworks returns editing back to
    close and don't save the blank html file. the index file
    needed will be
    created by Fireworks.
    open the index file inside you album directory and edit
    cations as needed.
    Remember if you do this you'll need a total of 3 times files
    of the
    photos you use for example.
    if you have 30 photos it will be a total of four directories
    and 93 files.
    for 20 it would be 63 files, for 10 33 files and so on.
    If you need to add photos or take away photos the method is
    to start
    over from scratch and use you FTP program to do a recursive
    delete on
    the directory then re-upload.
    616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045,
    Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM
    If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!
    mailto:[email protected]

  • Photo gallery with Thumbnail View in Flex 3

    Hello everyone
    I very urgently need an answer to a very simple qeuestoon. I have been trying really hard since days to get a solution to this simple problem but in vain.
    I am building an application in Flex 3. I simply want to create a photo gallery with a thumbnail where when the user clicks on a thumbnail, the image is shown in the canvas/tab navigator box next to it. The images are stored in a local folder (in src) are ARE NOT on available on any web link.
    The Vbox with the thumb image and the .xml file has been created. But when I click on the thumbnail, the full image cannot be seen in the application. I dont know if this is a problem with data binding or what.
    Please help!!!
    Thanks a ton.

    Check the folder structure
    Flash is not able to get some file thats why the IO Error.
    trace the url path just before u load the file and u will be abel to find whether that file is in specified folder or not.

  • Tutorial for a Spry photo gallery with thumbs and buttons ???

    Anyone know of a a tutorial for building a Spry photo gallery with both thumbnails and next, previous, stop and play buttons(functions)  ???
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    Adobe show the source for their Photo Gallery Demos, but that doesn't help me much ... I need a prober tutorial that tells me how to do : ) 
    The only tutorial that I've been able to find, is one for Dreamweaver 8, without buttons - I'm looking for a updated version.
    I appreciate any help very much. Thank you.

    Just Google for the Spry photo gallery and you might find
    or even a few others.
    Happy Sprying

  • Photo gallery with buttons and php.

    I am relatively new to actions script, very new to as3, and brand new to php. I have tried very hard to figure all of this out via tutorials, studying the code, etc but now I'm running out of time to get this done so I need some help.
    I am trying to make a photo gallery that functions as follows:
    -the php gathers all of the filenames from a folder and returns it to flash
    -an array of buttons is loaded onto the stage (one for each photo)
    -flash then loads the first image into a movie clip.
    -when the user clicks on button[i], image[i] loads in the movie clip.
    -i also plan to incorporate what might happen if the number of photos exceeds the number of buttons that can fit nicely on the stage, like an arrow to go to another set of buttons. I haven't tried coding this yet since I was just trying to get the thing to work in general first. If anyone has ideas about this, let me know.
    Please don't make fun of me too much. I know it's probably a mess.
    Thank you so much in advance for your help.
    Here's the php:
    Author:      Adam Ehrheart
    Date:      4.21.08
    #   Use "." if the get_files.php file resides in the same directory as files being read
    #   Otherwise you can change the path to whatever you like
    #   eg:
    #   Same Directory:
    #   $path = ".";
    #   Other Directory
    #   $path = "products/images/"
    $path = "Photography/";
    #   Choosing what directory to read
    if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
       #   Temporary array to hold image files
       $imageFiles = array();
       #   Creating loop and assigning current file to $file temp variable
       while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
          #   Checking wheter or not the file is invisible and starts with a "."
          $fileCheck = substr($file, 0, 1);
          #   Checking to make sure the files is either a (jpg, JPG, png, PNG)
          $fileType = substr($file, -3);
          #   Making sure file is not invisible
          if($fileCheck != ".")
             #   Making sure file is readable and dynamically loadable by Flash
             if($fileType == "jpg" || $fileType == "JPG" || $fileType == "png" || $fileType == "PNG")
                #   Adding File to the image array
                if($path != "."){
                array_push($imageFiles, $path . $file);
                   array_push($imageFiles, $file);
          #   Sorting the files alphabetically
       #    Creating XML File output to be read by Flash
       echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
       #   Root Node
       echo "<image_list>";
       #   Creating child nodes for each image
       foreach($imageFiles as $value)
          #   Pulling the Width and Height values for each file and adding them as attributes for the image node
          list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value);
          #   Creating the image node
          echo "<image width=\"$width\"" . " height=\"$height\">" . $value . "</image>";  
       echo "</image_list>";
       #   Closing the readdir function
    And here's the as3:
    //php photo section
    //load the php file
    var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Photography.php");
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    //define images variable as an xml file
    var images:XML = new XML();
    images.ignoreWhite = true;
    images.addEventListener ('load', myLoader);
    //define the images variable as an xml as the php file result = images;
    //outputting the filenames
    function onLoaded(evt:Event):void {
      trace("here we get the data back: ";
    //when the data is loaded, begin myRequest
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    //array to call the images
    var imageArray:Array //= NewArray();
    var listLength:Number;
    var il:XMLList =  //xml.images;
    var i:Number
    var photo_btn:Array = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++); {
    imageArray[i] = il[i].pic //xml.images[i].pic;
    if (photo_btn[i].mouseDown == true) {
    if (i == 0)  {
    photo_btn[i].y = 422.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = 411.5
    else if (i > 0 && i < 24); {
    photo_btn[i].y = 422.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = (photo_btn[i-1].x + 18.6);
    if (i > 24 && i < listLength); {
    photo_btn[i].y = 442.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = (photo_btn[i-1].x + 18.6);

    As for AS3 part of it, I am not sure your code really works. There are syntax and logical errors there.
    I think you need to take it step by step and accomplish several task in the following sequences:
    1. Write code that loads XML correctly;
    2. Write code that enables buttons;
    3. Write code that will load images on button clicks.
    The code below shows in principal what needs to be done in order to load XML and make the data in this XML available for further consumption. Also, by accomplishing this step you will iron out all the PHP vs Flash wrinkles including your XML.
    Please note, I don't know your XML structure so all the parsing issues you need to resolve yourself.
    Once you get handle on it - we, hopefully, will talk about steps 2 and 3.
    import flash.display.Loader;
    var images:XML;
    var myRequest:URLRequest;
    var myLoader:URLLoader;
    // list of image urls that will come from loaded XML
    var imageList:XMLList;
    myRequest = new URLRequest("Photography.php");
    myLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
    // suggested handler for unexpected errors - avoids some headaches
    myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    // Note: all the listeners are removed
    // it is always wise to remove listeners that are needed any longer
    // to make objects eligible for arbage collection
    function onLoadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    function onFileLoaded(e:Event):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
         images = new XML(;
         // only now xml is ready and you can start loading images
         imageList= images.pic;

  • Making a lightbox photo gallery with thumbnails for 100+ photos

    I have been trying to make the above (all is in an accordion). I started by merely using a thumbnail slide show, but that didn't work because I couldn't organise the thumbnails into multiple pages. So my solution was to first put a multiple page tooltip composition setup with position on lightbox, transition on horizontal and hide all intially unchecked. Then, within each tooltip slide I placed a lightbox slide show with 9 pictures. This way, there are multiple pages with 9 thumbnails on each, and clicking on one shows the enlarged picture. This presented 3 problems, which I need help to solve.
    1) Appearance in design mode doesn't reflect appearance in browser preview. In design, everything is aligned and looks good, while in preview in browser it doesn't:
    2) Upon clicking on thumbnail, the preview is behind the thumbnails:
    3) Intially (in preview in browser) one must click on a target to show the tool tip slides.
    Thanks in advance,
    P.S: Also, my slideshow on the home page doesn't show in preview in browser mode, if you help with this it would also be aprecciated.

    Please check if thumbnails are placed in target container , as if thumbnails are placed in container then image with lightbox will also show the triggers.
    If still same issue, please share the site url.

  • Photo gallery with autoplay and stop

    I'm in the process of creating a photogallery without thumbs and wants it to autoplay when I hit the autoplay button, that part I manage to do but then I also want to be able to click on the same button and make it stop and that I do not know how to do. Do I do that in Catalyst or do I have to do that in Flash Builder??
    Anyone that knows how to do this or knows of any tutorials??

    hello anna.78, I am a complete novice but have managed a similair slideshow to what your asking about.
    This can be done by first creating a generic custom component on the first page of your project with a different state for each picture
    Then set an action sequence "on application start" with "set state" actions (3) to change the pictures from 1 to 2 , 2 to 3, and 3 to 1.
    Then save the project and close.
    Open the .FXP file with win rar (or similiar) and go to src>main.mxml - open this file with a text editor
    Then find the line "<s:Parallel id="Sequence1">  and change it to "<s:Parallel id="Sequence1" effectEnd="">"
    Save this file and re-open the FXP in catalyst
    Now, this component will loop contiously
    Now, just continue your project as you would, and make a button to transistion to or from the page with that component on it
    Then make a page for each image that matches the component states
    For the "pause or stop" button, you could just make a "pause" button with the action "transition to pageXX when in component statexx"
    (it would then just appear to stop, but really be showing the page that looks the same instead of the component state)
    The only problem is there would be a lot of interactions if you have a lot of pictures.
    I know my instructions are not great but that should get you going,
    Proboly a better way to do this, I am hoping someone corrects me so I can learn as well?
    hope this helps? (sorry for any mis-spellings-hehe)

  • I don't think it's possible to edit a slideshow and the accompanying thumbnails and caption/labels through in browser editing. Does anyone else want that?

    Does anyone aside from me see this as a valuable new feature? Not sure it's possible...

    You can edit slideshow hero images with thumbnails and captions through In browser editing. Are you facing any issue while editing those ?
    Please provide details and screenshot which will help us to identify the issue.

  • Error in creating XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0

    Hello, all. I've been creating an XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0 following a tutorial. I followed the instructions step-by-step but at the end I got the following error message instead:
    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
    Could anyone in the community assist me as to how to solve the problem? The script has no errors and last time I checked all the applicable files (the .xml file, the .jpg files, the .swf and the .fla file) are in my Documents folder on the Mac.
    Looking forward to your suggestions!

    Check the folder structure
    Flash is not able to get some file thats why the IO Error.
    trace the url path just before u load the file and u will be abel to find whether that file is in specified folder or not.

  • BC Photo Gallery with a jQuerry and a muse desktop template

    How to combine a BC Photo Gallery with a jQuerry and a muse desktop template.
    The jQuerry Slider is from (tutorial: a_slideshow_to_display_an_adobe_business_catalyst_photo_gallery)
    It works as long as the template of muse ins’t selected.
    If the template is selected the jquerry wouldn't beeing loaded.
    The effect is: the images shown among themselves.
    Thanks for helping

    Hello Chad Smith
    Thanks for your support.
    Our Examples:
    Code published from Muse
    Code embedded in BC, without a template
    Code embedded in BC, with a template
    Do you need more?

  • Make 3D Flash wedding photo gallery with songs

    Last week, my dearest sister got married. There were about a gazillion things to love about her wedding day… so many moments all wrapped up into one very totally unforgotten event. I took lots of wedding photos on her wedding day and wanted to give her a surprise of making her a 3D flash wedding photo gallery with wedding songs.
    As I expected, my sister was moved, many thanks she said to me. Now I just want to give my many thanks to Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery. It is a wedding gallery making software that helped me make so gorgeous flash gallery with my sister's wedding pictures. Knowing nothing about flash making, I never thought making a splendid 3D flash gallery would be so easy. My friend, do you eager to make your own cool, awesome flash gallery now? Do you eager to sharing your wedding photos in a stunning 3D photo gallery? Let me show you the way!
    What you'll need:
    1. Wedding photos and wedding songs for your 3D flash gallery
    2. Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery
    Step 1: Download & install Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery
    We'll be using a very nice 3D gallery making software 'Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery' to making a romantic wedding flash gallery with wedding photos and wedding songs, head over here and download the free trial version. Next step is to install the program.
    Step 2: Import wedding photos and edit
    You can add up to 500 photos that you want to use in your wedding photo gallery, arrange the photos as you like. Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery supports a wide range of file formats for images, such as .jpg, .bmp, .gif. Click "Add Caption" to add title and description for your wedding photos. And you can also crop and add special effects to them to make your wedding photos more perfect
    Step 3: Choose from a variety of wedding flash gallery templates
    Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery offer you an easy way to make a stunning wedding photo gallery by choosing from variety of flash gallery templates. A flash gallery template automatically put preset decoration to wedding gallery. When you select a preset flash gallery template, you're able to enhance it by customizing some additional settings, such as background, thumbnail effects, playback options and scrolling actions. For the adventurous users, explore the powerful advanced features and tools that gives you total control over how you compose your wedding flash photo gallery.
    Step 4: Add some wedding songs for your wedding flash gallery
    Wedding songs are a very important factor to consider when making your wedding flash photo gallery. They set the general mood and tone for your gallery, while also allowing you to express your feelings through music. You may find the perfect wedding songs out of hundreds of popular wedding songs and music through or iTunes.
    In this step, you can add some wedding songs as background music to play along with your wedding flash gallery. Click Add Music button to browse and add your wedding songs. You can add, remove and edit the wedding music files. And you may check the option to control the background music looping or not.
    Step 5: Preview and publish your 3D wedding flash gallery
    It is advisable that you preview the wedding flash gallery at least once, before you publish it. Click and drag mouse for scrolling and tilting the 3D flash gallery. Click on the thumbnail to zoom in and out the photos. You have several options to share and publish your 3D wedding photo gallery, such as SWF, EXE and HTML. It depends on your needs.
    OK, now your wedding flash gallery is done. What do you think of the wedding flash gallery that I made for my sister? End with my sister's sentences "Fun is not ending, romantic is not ending, and love is just beginning!" Wish your wedding pictures can also be splendid as my sister's, and your love is just beginning, enjoy!
    know more: tml

    As for AS3 part of it, I am not sure your code really works. There are syntax and logical errors there.
    I think you need to take it step by step and accomplish several task in the following sequences:
    1. Write code that loads XML correctly;
    2. Write code that enables buttons;
    3. Write code that will load images on button clicks.
    The code below shows in principal what needs to be done in order to load XML and make the data in this XML available for further consumption. Also, by accomplishing this step you will iron out all the PHP vs Flash wrinkles including your XML.
    Please note, I don't know your XML structure so all the parsing issues you need to resolve yourself.
    Once you get handle on it - we, hopefully, will talk about steps 2 and 3.
    import flash.display.Loader;
    var images:XML;
    var myRequest:URLRequest;
    var myLoader:URLLoader;
    // list of image urls that will come from loaded XML
    var imageList:XMLList;
    myRequest = new URLRequest("Photography.php");
    myLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
    // suggested handler for unexpected errors - avoids some headaches
    myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    // Note: all the listeners are removed
    // it is always wise to remove listeners that are needed any longer
    // to make objects eligible for arbage collection
    function onLoadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    function onFileLoaded(e:Event):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
         images = new XML(;
         // only now xml is ready and you can start loading images
         imageList= images.pic;

  • How create a carrosel photo gallery with Adobe Muse widgets?

    I use Adobe Muse 3.2 build 2, and I need create a photo gallery with many photos (around 60) like a carrosel (with photos and thumbnails that slides both from left to right). There is some way to create or insert a widget of this kind in Muse? If possible, in which Muse version?
    I wanted a solution that works inside of Muse, to not create a HTML page separated, with the gallery, and after embed it into the Muse.
    Thanks for any reply.

    It is currently not possible to create a functional carousel using the out-of-the-box features available in Muse. You will need to look online for third party code or a widget from a Muse widget developer for something like this.

  • Creating a photo gallery with photo download option

    Good morning,
    I need to create a page on my website where I can have a photo gallery WITH the option to download a photo, or the entire gallery. Can someone tell me, or point me to a video tutorial on how to do this?
    If you are familiar with SmugMug, or Zenfolio, they have that option where I can click to download the entire gallery or a single photo, and it downloads in the form of a zipped file.
    Can someone help me with this please?
    Thank you,
    (I would use SmugMug or Zenfolio, but my volume does not justify the cost)

    Welcome Alex  -
    Any picture you display on your site can be saved to the visitor's computer.
    If you ZIP each gallery, a simple link to the zipped archive will offer the visitor
    an option to save to their computer.

  • How do you share thousands of pictures with text and captions outside of PSE?  (PSE 4)

    One of my dad’s retirement passions is family genealogy and old family pictures.  Several years ago I gave my family PSE 4.0 for Christmas so that we could each have backup copies of our dad’s pictures.  Usually once per year, I made backup copies of everything and emailed the DVDs to my brothers and sisters.  Everyone knows the basic PSE 4 functions and share our dad's enjoyment with the old family photos.
    My problem is that my dad is running out of pictures to scan.  He wants to “share” or “show” his photos with others so that he can “borrow” their photo albums in order to scan their photos.  He plans to attend a hometown high school reunion later this fall.  He hopes to "collect" photo albums from cousins and classmates.  I have been struggling with this for several days without any good ideas.
    The scanned pictures lack any text (added as a layer?) or captions.  Creating a slideshow (on my dad’s computer is slow).  Also, a slideshow doesn’t let others select individual pictures to save from the slide show
    He has old pictures pre-PSE 4 that allowed him to add captions directly to the picture when it was scanned.  I never liked this approach as it "destroyed" the actual picture but these old pictures are more easily shared as individual pictures.
    How do you share thousands of pictures with text and captions outside of PSE?  Can you save or export a composite picture with all the layers?
    Thanks in advance for your help and replies.

    I think it is one of the printer option screens that gives me the choice of tabbed 4x6. All of the choices specifiy HP or Other so I am pretty sure it is printer software that offers me this choice.
    Make sure your image has a 4x6 aspect ratio. I have been quite happy with the tabbed 4x6. Just need to remember to load the paper with the tab last.
    So, in elements you set to 4x6, in printer options you should be able to choose 4x6 tabbed paper.

  • How can I make Web Photo Gallery with Photoshop CS6 on Mac 10.6.8?

    How can I make Web Photo Gallery with Photoshop CS6 on Mac 10.6.8?

    You can use Bridge to create a web photo gallery.
    Here's a video that shows you how to do it:
    Hope this helps!

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