Please send me fm regarding to get purchase order and change purchase order

Please send me fm regarding to get purchase order and change purchase order .
Gurprit Bhatia

Function module to get the purchase order details:
data: po_items type table of bapiekpo with header line.
parameters: p_ebeln type ekko-ebeln.
call function 'BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL'
    purchaseorder                    = p_ebeln
  ITEMS                            = 'X'
  ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT               = ' '
  SCHEDULES                        = ' '
  HISTORY                          = ' '
  ITEM_TEXTS                       = ' '
  HEADER_TEXTS                     = ' '
  SERVICES                         = ' '
  CONFIRMATIONS                    = ' '
  SERVICE_TEXTS                    = ' '
  EXTENSIONS                       = ' '
  PO_HEADER                        =
  PO_ADDRESS                       =
  PO_HEADER_TEXTS                  =
   po_items                         = po_items
  PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES                =
  PO_ITEM_TEXTS                    =
  PO_ITEM_HISTORY                  =
  PO_ITEM_LIMITS                   =
  PO_ITEM_SERVICES                 =
  RETURN                           =
  PO_SERVICES_TEXTS                =
  EXTENSIONOUT                     =
check sy-subrc  = 0.
loop at po_items.
  write:/ po_items.
Check this program too:
Hope it helps you.

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    You can use the same badi which you found out.
    In that there is a method process_item.
    There you can get the line items of the PR.
    Then in the POST method you can do the stock transfer .
    In the check method also you can check the entire process of PR.
    With Regards,

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    Use the table EKPO and EKKO
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    SAP Query -A Reporting Tool for Functional Consultants(Part 2)
    SAP Query 1
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    Deliver date is available in table EKET field EINDT.
    Use table : EKKO ,EKPO, EKET.


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    Hi param,
    Go to mseg table, pass the purchase order number and purchase order item. if the mseg-menge = ekpo-menge for the corresponding purchase order then consider the purchase order is close, else it is still open. even check if the entries are not there for corresponding purchase order in mseg table then also it is open.
    select mblnr zeile matnr menge from mseg into it_mseg where ebeln = it_ekko-ebeln
    and    ebelp = it_ekpo-ebeln.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    then consider the purchase order is open.
    This is the first case.
    even u can consider like this
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    if it_ekpo-menge > it_mseg-menge.
    then also the purchase order is open.
    Santosh Kumar M.
    Award points if it is useful.

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    You can try to enable the "Process" button in the historical version of the SUS PO. As of now, the SUS PO historical version will only have "Print" and "Download" button. In this way, the vendor will be able to acknowledge both versions of the PO.
    Best regards,

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    Framework order is also known as Blanket PO.....which we use for the procurement of Low value Material with Long term planning....It is used as Mini Contract....
    Blanket Order:
    Used for long validity period and with the provided value limit. By its name u201Cblanketu201D which covers to required long time? We use doc type FO(for long period) and item cat. B(for value limit).Goods receipts or the entry and acceptance of services performed are not necessary in the case of a blanket PO and limit items. The invoices are posted directly with reference to the purchase order, provided that the specified value limit is not exceeded. But manual entry of invoiced amount and invoiced quantity is required during LIV process.
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    Frame work order:
    Framework order (FO) is a document type which is provided by the standerd SAP.
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       Sandeep Kumar Bonam

    Hello Sandeep,
    See here for the latest table features in 2004s.
    <a href="/people/bertram.ganz/blog/2006/07/03/web-dynpro-java-foundation--whats-new-in-sap-netweaver-2004s:///people/bertram.ganz/blog/2006/07/03/web-dynpro-java-foundation--whats-new-in-sap-netweaver-2004s
    This link also has a lot information on tables
    <a href=""></a>

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    <Edited by Host>

    We are fellow users here on these user-to-user forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple.
    Only you will know what your email address is, nobody else will. If you can't remember it then do you have any of the account's downloads in your computer's iTunes library : Recovering a forgotten iTunes Store account name ?
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    When you've remembered or found your email address then you can get its password reset via

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