Problem:100 % cpu usage with tcp server dll

 I am trying to write a dll with labwindows/cvi that allows me to create a TCP Server. This dll is integrated in labview.I created this Dll with example provides by Labwindows/cvi(rtserver.dll).
Description of my problem: when i execute this dll in a "While Loop" in labview,the TCp server wait a connection and 100% cpu usage occurs. However when a client is connect to the server,the CPU is normaly used because the program stop when he meets the timeout of the tcpread() function. I would like to know how i could limit CPU usage  when the server is awaiting a client in the labview "While loop".
I know I could use a DELAY() to limit Cpu usage ,but I would like to know if there are any others solutions.
thank you.

i dont know your exact application, but i generally use Q to transfer data to TCP loop in my prgram it helps me in two ways.
1. it automatically restricts the iteration when ther is no data (Less CPU Usage, Less Unnecessary Trafic)
2. Q can eliminate problems arising due to non synchronization of loop
Tushar Jambhekar
[email protected]
Jambhekar Automation Solutions
LabVIEW Consultancy, LabVIEW Training
Rent a LabVIEW Developer, My Blog

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    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.
    If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
    iTunes 10.5 for Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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    Deathstalker (Richard),
         I did what you suggest in memory management and also changed out the mem on the board - it did make a difference, not as much as I had hoped, but it did.
         I have used Fraps in the past, forgot about it, but went ahead and downloaded it to get a better look.
    To the Both of you,
         Thanks so much for your replies, sometimes it just takes someone outside looking in to see the things overlooked.  But I went ahead and also ran all of the latest updates for the board (semi new system and I only installed with the CD that came with the Mobo) and everything is running better than expected.  Thanks again for your thoughts - keep 'em flowin, it's amazing whom we could help.  Take care.

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    SELECT p.spid, p.status, p.hostname, p.loginame, p.cpu, r.start_time, r.command,
    p.program_name, text
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r,
    master.dbo.sysprocesses AS p
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.sql_handle)
    WHERE p.status NOT IN ('sleeping', 'background')
    AND r.session_id = p.spid
    Even though my knowledge of SQL is light, I believe the following output clearly defines the thread responsible for the high cpu usage. This "program_name" is present throughout the day and as long as its there, cpu usage remains at or near 100%:
    The text output of the above culprit is as follows (sorry this is long):
    -- Name : spDrsSummarizeSendHistory
    -- Definition : SqlObjs
    -- Object : P
    -- Dependencies : <Detect>
    -- Description : Summarize DrsSendHistory information into DrsSendHistorySummary
    CREATE PROCEDURE spDrsSummarizeSendHistory
    DECLARE @CurrentTime DateTime;
    DECLARE @SiteCode nvarchar(3);
    DECLARE @LastSummarizationTime DateTime;
    DECLARE @NextSummarizationTime DateTime;
    DECLARE @Interval INT; -- summarize interval in minutes
    DECLARE @ReplicationID INT
    DECLARE @iCurrentID INT
    DECLARE @iBatchSize INT = 50
    DECLARE @ReplicationPattern NVARCHAR(255)
    DECLARE @TargetSite NVARCHAR(3);
    DECLARE @TimeTable TABLE (TargetSite NVARCHAR(3), StartTime DATETIME, EndTime DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (TargetSite, StartTime, EndTime))
    DECLARE @ChildTargetSites TABLE (TargetSite NVARCHAR(3), LastSummarizationTime DATETIME, [Interval] INT, PRIMARY KEY (TargetSite))
    DECLARE @ReplicationGroup TABLE (ID INT, ReplicationPattern NVARCHAR(255))
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'TempDB..#DrsSendHistorySummary') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #DrsSendHistorySummary
    CREATE TABLE #DrsSendHistorySummary (ID BIGINT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, SourceSite NVARCHAR(3), TargetSite NVARCHAR(3), ReplicationGroupID INT, SyncDataSize BIGINT, CompressedSize BIGINT, UnCompressedSize BIGINT, MessageCount INT, ChangeCount INT, SummarizationTime DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (ID))
    SET @CurrentTime = GETUTCDATE();
    SET @SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode();
    INSERT INTO @ReplicationGroup (ID, ReplicationPattern)
    SELECT RD.ID, RD.ReplicationPattern
    FROM ReplicationData RD
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @ReplicationGroup)
    SELECT TOP (1) @ReplicationID = ID, @ReplicationPattern = ReplicationPattern FROM @ReplicationGroup
    TRUNCATE TABLE #DrsSendHistorySummary
    IF (((@ReplicationPattern = N'global' OR @ReplicationPattern=N'site') AND dbo.fnIsPrimary() = 1)
    OR (@ReplicationPattern = N'global_proxy' AND dbo.fnIsSecondary() = 1))
    BEGIN -- when current site is child
    SET @LastSummarizationTime = ISNULL(( SELECT MAX(SummarizationTime) FROM DrsSendHistorySummary WHERE SourceSite = @SiteCode AND ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID),
    (SELECT MIN(EndTime) FROM DrsSendHistory WHERE ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID) );
    WHERE SCP.ControlID = SC.ID AND SCP.Name = N'Send History Summarize Interval' AND SC.TypeID = 3 and SC.SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber()), 15); -- default 15 minutes
    DELETE @TargetSites
    INSERT INTO @TargetSites (SiteCode)
    SELECT DISTINCT SiteCode FROM DRS_MessageActivity_Send WHERE ReplicationID = @ReplicationID
    IF @LastSummarizationTime IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @TargetSites)
    SET @NextSummarizationTime = DATEADD( minute, DATEDIFF(minute, 0, @LastSummarizationTime)/@Interval *@Interval + @Interval, 0);
    -- Summarized according to interval
    DELETE @TimeTable
    WHILE (@CurrentTime >= @NextSummarizationTime )
    INSERT INTO @TimeTable (TargetSite, StartTime, EndTime)
    SELECT SiteCode, @LastSummarizationTime, @NextSummarizationTime FROM @TargetSites
    SET @LastSummarizationTime = @NextSummarizationTime;
    SET @NextSummarizationTime = DATEADD(mi, @Interval, @NextSummarizationTime );
    INSERT INTO #DrsSendHistorySummary (SourceSite, TargetSite, ReplicationGroupID, SyncDataSize, CompressedSize, UnCompressedSize, MessageCount, ChangeCount, SummarizationTime)
    SELECT @SiteCode, T.TargetSite, @ReplicationID, SUM(ISNULL(D.SyncDataSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.CompressedSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.UnCompressedSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.MessageCount, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(ChangeCount, 0)), T.EndTime
    FROM DrsSendHistory D RIGHT JOIN @TimeTable T ON D.EndTime >= T.StartTime AND D.EndTime < T.EndTime AND ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID AND T.TargetSite = D.TargetSite
    GROUP BY T.TargetSite, T.StartTime, T.EndTime;
    ELSE IF ((@ReplicationPattern = N'global' AND dbo.fnIsCAS() = 1)
    OR (@ReplicationPattern = N'global_proxy' AND dbo.fnIsPrimary() = 1))
    BEGIN -- when current site is parent
    DELETE @ChildTargetSites
    INSERT INTO @ChildTargetSites(TargetSite, LastSummarizationTime, [Interval])
    ISNULL(( SELECT MAX(SummarizationTime) FROM DrsSendHistorySummary WHERE SourceSite = @SiteCode AND ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID AND TargetSite=DSH.SiteCode),
    (SELECT MIN(EndTime) FROM DrsSendHistory WHERE ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID) ) AS LastSummarizeTime,
    ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM RCMSQLCONTROLPROPERTY SCP, RCMSQLCONTROL SC WHERE SCP.ControlID = SC.ID AND SCP.Name = N'Send History Summarize Interval' AND SC.TypeID = 3 and SC.SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumberBySiteCode(DSH.SiteCode)), 15) AS Interval
    FROM DRS_MessageActivity_Send DSH WHERE DSH.ReplicationID = @ReplicationID
    GROUP BY DSH.SiteCode;
    DELETE @TimeTable
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @ChildTargetSites)
    SELECT TOP (1) @TargetSite = TargetSite, @LastSummarizationTime = LastSummarizationTime, @Interval = Interval FROM @ChildTargetSites
    SET @NextSummarizationTime = DATEADD( minute, DATEDIFF(minute, 0, @LastSummarizationTime)/@Interval *@Interval + @Interval, 0);
    -- Summarized according to interval
    WHILE (@CurrentTime >= @NextSummarizationTime )
    INSERT INTO @TimeTable (TargetSite, StartTime, EndTime)
    SELECT @TargetSite, @LastSummarizationTime, @NextSummarizationTime
    SET @LastSummarizationTime = @NextSummarizationTime;
    SET @NextSummarizationTime = DATEADD(mi, @Interval, @NextSummarizationTime );
    DELETE @ChildTargetSites WHERE TargetSite = @TargetSite
    INSERT INTO #DrsSendHistorySummary (SourceSite, TargetSite, ReplicationGroupID, SyncDataSize, CompressedSize, UnCompressedSize, MessageCount, ChangeCount, SummarizationTime)
    SELECT @SiteCode, T.TargetSite, @ReplicationID, SUM(ISNULL(D.SyncDataSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.CompressedSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.UnCompressedSize, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.MessageCount, 0)), SUM(ISNULL(D.ChangeCount, 0)), @NextSummarizationTime
    FROM DrsSendHistory D RIGHT JOIN @TimeTable T ON D.EndTime >= T.StartTime AND D.EndTime < T.EndTime AND ReplicationGroupID = @ReplicationID AND T.TargetSite = D.TargetSite
    GROUP BY T.TargetSite, T.StartTime, T.EndTime;
    SELECT @iMaxID = MAX(ID), @iCurrentID = 0 FROM #DrsSendHistorySummary
    WHILE (@iCurrentID < @iMaxID)
    INSERT INTO DrsSendHistorySummary (SourceSite, TargetSite, ReplicationGroupID, SyncDataSize, MessageCount, ChangeCount, SummarizationTime)
    SELECT SourceSite, TargetSite, ReplicationGroupID, SyncDataSize, MessageCount, ChangeCount, SummarizationTime
    FROM #DrsSendHistorySummary WHERE ID > @iCurrentID AND ID <= (@iCurrentID + @iBatchSize)
    SET @iCurrentID = @iCurrentID + @iBatchSize
    TRUNCATE TABLE #DrsSendHistorySummary
    DELETE @ReplicationGroup WHERE ID = @ReplicationID
    If anyone has any experience with this issue or anything similar and might be able to point me in the right direction, any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!

    Normally, this summary job every few mins which only summarize last few mins sending history. If the job was not running for long time, the first time, this sproc will summarize a lot more data than normal. So it could fail which will make things worse and
    worse over time.
    If sending summary data is not a big concern here, you can manually insert a dummy row with most recent time as Summarizationtime, so that, when summary job kicks in next time, it will only summary short interval data.
    DrsSendHistory is that the table records every sending on every group. This table is one of the key of replication logic. For your environment, on primary site, it could have up to 24(hrs) * 60 (mins) / 2 (sync interval) * 36(secondary sites) records per
    day for Secondary_Site_Replication_Configuration group and 24 * 60 / 5 * 22 records for Secondary Site Data.
    Umair Khan |
    Hi Umair,
    Thank you for the reply. My plan was to go ahead with your suggestions but what I tried first was to get my VM guy to give the SQL server access to more CPU resources. We had already configured it with what would have seemed to be plenty, as per Microsoft's
    sizing requirements, but I figured it couldn't hurt to rule out - he gave the SQL server access to a huge portion of the host processing power and since then CPU usage on the server has NOT been an issue.
    It would appear that the large amounts of secondary sites we have just simply put a lot of stress on the SQL server with out of the box replication settings. Since the entire VM host is for System Center only, and our other System Center servers are using
    very little resources, this solution has ended up being valid.
    Thanks again for everyone's help with this.

  • 100% cpu usage with wm

    hi everybody,
    i wonder if anybody can help me with this rather odd issue.
    i have been using my Zen Touch 20GB (enjoyable little gadget) for quite a while now, uploading mp3's and wma's without any problems (roughly 6GB).
    over the last few weeks i had more and more issues with my system freezing and the task manager showing the process CTPdeSrv.exe taking up 00% of my CPU usage. the only possibility to continue working on my PC was to end the process. i found the hint in your knowledge base to perform a disk cleanup (SID 6228) but the problem persisted. i then deleted and reinstalled the Creative MediaSource Player that came with the Zen Touch. problem persisted. i upgraded to v3.30.2. problem persisted. after spending an afternoon deleting/installing different combinations of your software and narrowing down the possibilities i discovered that i only get this problem when i try to rip a CD with MediaSource to wma, chosing mp3's everything works fine. the same problem (00% CPU usage) occurs when i try to access the plugged in Zen with MediaSource, Winamp, Realplayer or even Windows Explorer. so it must be a player thing.
    i have interchanged the used USB2.0-ports as well. i also tried all the suggested steps under point "I have connection problems with my Zen, what can I do?" @
    i haven't reloaded the OS on my Zen cos i'm afraid when i delete it and attempt to copy the downloaded firmware v.0.03, my Zen will produce the same error and i loose my music plus can't use the player anymore.
    i'd appreciate some help very much.
    WinXP SP2, Mobile AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 52MB RAM
    Zen Touch with firmware v.0.03
    Creative MediaSource v3.30.2
    PS: somebody had a similar problem (user Samsuri posted 09-05-05), but the suggested solution (reinstalling the SW) didn't help at all

    I had the same problem that you experienced. I also was unable to get any cd infor from Gracenote. I haven't had my Zen Touch very long (bought it on ebay) but I had added several songs from my library and all worked great. Then all of a sudden the other day I was getting 00% cpu useage and the cd info problem?!! I figured that seeing it was new to me anyway I'd update the firmware and go to the Explorer for PlaysForSure version. The upgrade was a breeze and my problem with the 00% cpu has disappeared so far and cd info works again. All is good, but... When I boot the machine I automatically go to the system 32 folder? No idea why and who knows if you'll get the same problem. I just close that after boot and everything seems to be working fine. I plan to look into the system 32 situation and that's actually why I joined this forum. If anyone has an answer for me on that I'd appreciate it.

  • 100% CPU usage with plasma

    Since the last update to KDE 4.2.2 plasma causes all of the PCs that run with Archlinux and KDE to raise my CPU usage to 100%.
    It's always caused by plasma and did not happen before with version 4.2.1
    Does anyone have the same experience? How can I fix this?
    It's very annoying especially on the Laptops and Netbooks I'm running with KDE....
    Or should I file a bug report or am I the only one experiencing this?

    Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I have the same problem.
    At first there was no problems. I had installed kdemod to test it after spending long time with fluxbox and gtk apps. At that time there were no problems. For whatever reason I decided to reinstall Arch and put only KDEmod on it.
    Hellooo plasma hogging the cpu. I have no calendar plasmoid. I have no plasmoids on the desktop at all. There are couple of them on the taskbar:
    kmenu (or whatever it is called), stasks, systray, pager, digital clock.
    The digital clock has a calendar when I click it. Testing with no digital clock plasmoid right now.
    A full clean reinstall of kde mod didn't help, either. Did anyone found the source of the hogging?

  • Small Acrobat file causes 100% cpu usage with v. 7.09

    Using Acrobat professional 7.09
    I have a small acrobat file (94k) that causes my cpu to peg at 100% I used acrobat professional to convert an eps file to a pdf file. Is there a general known issue that could be causing this?

    > Looking at the plot, you might want to consider trying to use a vector graphic in the future. It looks like a plot that you may have created in MATLAB or such. In that case, why not just print to the PDF.
    I used matplotlib, which can generate png, eps, svg, or even pdf files. The pdf in question was converted by acrobat from eps, which has worked well for me in the past. I wish acrobat pro 7 could handle svg.

  • Server 2012R2 Windows backup 100% CPU usage and no backup

    I have a problem with two VM´s on a HP Proliant ML350p Gen8, that has Windows Server 2012R2 operating system with Hyper-V role installed.
    Both VM´s are also 2012R2, one is DC/DNS/FILE/PRINT and the other one is Exchange 2013.
    The problem itself is that, when Windows backup (wbengine.exe - Block level backup engine service) inside VM starts, it uses almost maximum CPU resource, so the VM´s CPUs are 100% used. Backup itself is not working, there is no network trafic. Only
    way to get rid of 100% CPU usage is to restart the server.
    When i start backup manually (Backup once - scheduled backup options), it is working and the CPU usage is around 20-30%.
    One VM (DC/DNS/FILE/PRINT) has 2x vCPU and Exchange has 4x vCPU.
    The problem started suddenly, the backup were performing slowly and failed.
    Backups are scheduled on different time. Host level Hyper-V backup of VM´s works without any problem.
    The backup location is Synology DS414 NAS and the servers are set up using iSCSI, for connecting separate backup lun´s for each server.
    The Hyper-V host and both VM´s are patched up-to-date. Ofcourse i have tried a lot of restarts, looking event log, VSSADMIN - cannot find any errors...
    The network setup:
    Hyper-V host has a team of two physical adapters, that is set up with a external virtual switch (shared with management operating system) and used by the VM`s normal network trafic.
    Hyper-V host itself is using separte physcial network card, for connecting with iSCSI to Synology NAS.
    I tried to set up another physical network card on the host and create a new virtual swich, add extra virtual nic to VM`s and use this for iSCSI traffic for Windows backup and it didnt make things better.
    I need to find a solution, because i cannot restart the server every night for the backups to work.

    There is a similar thread, please change the performance options in WSB from fast to normal:
    wbengine.exe taking all CPU
    If the issue still exists, please check if there any error message in the Event Log.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Queue consumer stops with 100% cpu usage

    I'm trying to use Berkeley DB queue with transactions. When I tested what happens when transactions with DB_APPEND are aborted I found that while it works and DB_CONSUME correctly skips over rolled back records, unfortunately extents that have those records are never deleted, which causes database to always grow. Next I tried DB_CONSUME with database opened using DB_INORDER flag and it seems there's a serious regression in Berkeley DB that causes it to loop indefinitely with 100% cpu usage when it encounters a rolled back record. I tested various versions and found that this bug doesn't happen with 5.1.29, but it is reproducible with 5.2.42, so this regression might have been introduced in 5.2. I have also tested 5.3 and 6.0, and both have this behavior. There may be something wrong with the way queue records are rolled back, one indication of that would be that in 5.1.29 doesn't have neither of the two problems I found with DB_QUEUE: extents are deleted after being consumed, and there are no issues when consuming with DB_INORDER either.
    You can find Python code to reproduce this issue here:
    Sorry for using Python and not e.g. C++, but it's a lot shorter that way.

    We have looked at the issues and they are valid.   We will roll the fixes out for this in our next release of BDB.   The test case was very useful and really helped to speed the process up.    If you have any questions, please contact me directly at [email protected]  Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

  • Copying from USB NTFS device with Dolphin (KDE) causes 100% CPU usage

    I am copying +/- 30 GB of Music files (flac) from my external USB HDD which is formatted as NTFS.
    I have installed ntfs-3g and am experiencing near 100% CPU usage. What's wrong?
    Additional info: I am using KDE and initiated the copying through dolphin. KDE's system monitor only shows CPU usage near 100%, but no processes in the process view could be responsable.

    What mount options are used for that ntfs drive?
    Edit: There are many similar threads but I couldn't find a solution other than trying out some kernel and cpufrequtils fun.
    Last edited by karol (2011-01-16 18:12:15)

  • 100% CPU Usage caused by HMI

    Hi everybody:
    I'm working with LabVIEW DSC 8.2.1 in a system that monitors many variables of a plant, such a typical SCADA system. For this reason, the use of the graphic tools is highly used on the development of this system. Everything works fine, but I have only one problem.... the usage of the CPU.
    When I am working on the development system I (not the executable) I start the application and after the variables are initialized and every process has started and are running , the CPU usage is raised around 90 - 100%. After a few days investigating the reason of this, I realized thay when I change the view on the screen to another view, for example the block diagram of the application, while the application is still running, the CPU usage goes around 15 - 25%. I've tried these many times changing the view from Front panel to Block Diagram and viceversa and the result is always the same: Front Panel= around 100%; Block diagram or another view (other applications MMIs, or Block Diagrams, etc.)= around 20%.
    Another thing that I realized is that the other view (different to front panel) has to fill the entire screen to work the way I'm telling before.
    When I build and run the executable, the usage of the CPU is the same... (around 100%), but I can't see any other application, because the application built is the shell of the OS, so no other views are available.
    I don't know if there's some other consideration to take into account about the HMI when creating an application, and I'll appreciate very much your help.
    Thanks in advance!
    Ignacio von Unger

    100 Percent CPU Usage when you run programs after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2
    CPU Usage 100% Symptoms
    When you run some programs, the CPU Usage meter in Task Manager may indicate CPU Usage 100%. When CPU utilization reaches 100 percent, programs will run very slowly or stop responding (hang) and your computer is freezing or crashing.
    Noteress CTRL+ALT+DEL to view CPU utilization, click Task Manager, and then click the Performance tab.
    These symptoms occur after you install Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).
    CPU Usage 100% Cause
    These problem occurs because of the user interface code that is included in Windows XP SP2. The high CPU utilization is caused by the additional overhead that occurs when the IsWindow function is called by the user interface code.
    Hotfix information
    A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix might receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next service pack that contains this hotfix.
    To resolve this problem, submit a request to Microsoft Online Customer Services to obtain the hotfix. To submit an online request to obtain the hotfix, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Note If additional issues occur or any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specific hotfix. To create a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (
    To apply this hotfix, you must have Windows XP SP2 installed.
    Restart requirement
    You must restart the computer after you apply this hotfix.
    Hotfix replacement information
    This hotfix does not replace any other hotfixes.
    File information
    The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time item in Control Panel. Date Time Version Size File name
    30-Mar-2005 19:53 5.1.2600.2643 577,024 User32.dll
    30-Mar-2005 01:30 5.1.2600.2643 1,836,544 Win32k.sys
    if you still do not know how to Fix CPU Usage 100%?
    I suggest you try targeted software - registry cleaner to fix cpu usage 100%
    Because there are many cases causing high cpu utilization.
    1. If you do a lot of web surfing and are concerned about spyware, adware infecting your machine, they will cause system crashes and CPU utilization reaches 100 percent. Some good registry cleaner has the function of spyware & adware removal.
    2. You install many beta version of the software, Drivers are not certified, which resulted in many errors, you get high cpu usage.
    3.100% CPU Usage while you use Internet Explorer
    4. many unneed Startup Program.
    5.Others PC Errors. - DLL errors, runtime errors, Windows-Installer Errors, Windows Startup Errors,paths Broken DLLs, OCX, and ActiveX Components all will cause 100% cpu usage. Your PC will run very slowly.
    Registry cleaner can do a complete scan of your entire file system and registry in under 2 minutes! Fix High Cpu Usage. Improve PC Speed By Up to 70%! suggest you to download registry cleaner to fix 100% cpu usage too. - Top 3 Windows Registry Cleaners, Improve PC Performance,5 Star Rated. Fix 100% CPU Usage, Runtime Error, DLL Error,Windows Startup Errors,Internet Explorer Errors, Speed Up your slow PC.

  • 100% CPU usage... does anyone else get this?

    Here is my code. I would have simplidied it for you... but I honestly have no idea where it went wrong.
    One second it is running fine, the next it starts taking up 100% of my CPU cycles. I can't figure out what I did to it to make it do this... nothing I added creates an infinite loop or infinite threads. It's just... weird.
    The code is probably too big for anyone to look at and tell me what's wrong, but can someone else download it and tell me if you also get 100% CPU usage? It needs to be run on Windows... it uses a couple JNI calls that are Windows-specific. Those calls were the first place I looked when trying to find the problem, but I have not changed that part of the code for a long time, and it has never been a problem before.
    Don't run the bat file... just navigate to the Watchdog2 directory and do 'java Watchdog'.
    Are there any tools that can help me figure out where the program is getting hung up? It's not freezing at any specific spot... just moving super slow and taking up 100% of my CPU. I'm so confused...
    Message was edited by:

    Sorry for the trouble. The problem was that last time I compiled the code, it reverted back to and older version of a class I had compiled days ago. Why it did this is totally beyond me... but it did, and it just so happens that the old version of that class combined with the new version of my program were the perfect recipe for an infinite loop.
    Seriously, if you are in inveterate debugger, you might get a good laugh out of this. I've spent the last week and a half trying to find a way to set the Windows console into cbreak mode (single character processing rather than line-at-a-time processing), and I finally managed to do it by writing some c code and putting it into a DLL with the JNI. So now my program (which runs from the console) can process each character as it is entered rather than waiting for a line return. The older version of the class that got reverted was one that used rather than the input stream generated by the socket. I had set it to for testing purposes, and apparently that testing version is the one it got reverted back to. So combine the two, and you have a console that is feeding each character as it is pressed and a socket wrapper that is listening infinitely. It was a mess... but an uncannily serindipitous mess...
    Ahh... debugging... good time...

  • Crystalras.exe consuming 100% CPU usage

    Hi everyone,
    When we try to open an instance of one of our Crystal reports from InfoView, the crystalras.exe process runs at 100% CPU usage and the report never shows up. After a few minutes, we get the following message:
    The request timed out because there has been no reply from the server for 600,000 milliseconds.
    Does anyone know where the problem could come from? Could this be because the report is retrieving too much data?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Dear Both,
    I traced the RAS server as suggested by Tim and obtained a log that - I have to admit - is quite difficult for me to understand. Could I send it to one of you for examination? Thanks in advance.
    Ted, please find below my answers to your questions:
    Just to close out possible data source issues, are the reports going against Business Views or Universes?
    The report is based on Business Views.
    Do you have Processing Extensions specified for the reports?
    Sorry but what are Processing Extensions?
    Also, when you checked in the Crystal Reports Designer, was it Designer installed on the same machine where the page server and RAS server is running?
    Yes, it is installed on the same machine.
    Also, since it affects both Page Server and RAS, it may require CRPE traces to get to the bottom of this (CRPE - 'creepy' - is the CR engine used by both the Page and RAS server).
    I will certainly open a case with SAP to have them help me on that.
    Thank you both for your help. It is very appreciated.

  • Distiller 8 and 9 both locking up, 100 % CPU usage

    Not sure if its related, but probably, since it happened right after...I just transferred everything from my quad core mac pro to my new 8-core Mac Pro. Everything went well, but now Distiller 8 starts and then sits and gives the beachball of death, and one of the cores shows 100% cpu usage. (I have that utility that shows memory used, CPU usage, etc.). I hadn't bought Acrobat 9 yet so I downloaded it and installed, and Distiller 9 does the EXACT same thing. The ONLY thing I can call an "error message" is that I can see in the window after it launches is "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2007.joboptions:/CheckCompliance out of Range."
    That message may have been there whole time, even when it worked, though. I don't know. At any rate, I need distiller working! Any ideas?

    Glad to hear all is well. Preference files can cause big problems. Eons
    ago, in the 1980s, I used a communications program called Red Ryder. I
    loved the program. After it was updated to a new version (it might have
    been called White Knight by that time), I started to have terrible
    problems. I wrote to their technical support. They couldn't duplicate
    the problem. It couldn't happen etc. I eventually got a little hot under
    the collar. After all, if I couldn't use my modem, I couldn't check my
    email, etc. It turned out to be a problem with my preference file when
    converted to the latest version, that was causing the problem. Since
    they always started with a new preference file, they couldn't duplicate
    the problem that was obvious to me.

  • Music store & 100% CPU usage

    I've had this problem on my newly built computer, and my older machine. When I browse the iTunes music store, the status bar on the top will often move like it's opening the music store, but it'll do this for a long period of time (several minutes) and iTunes will work, but the music store will not load, and you cannot click the 'X' to stop the contacting of the music store. During this time if you open task manager, iTunes uses 100% of CPU resources. If you close iTunes it still uses 100%. you have to end the process in task manager in order to make it stop. On occasion the music store will work to view maybe one album, but if you search for another album, or click another link it'll do the whole not-responding-100% CPU usage cycle again.
    All drivers are up to date and like I said it's done this on two seperate computers of mine on the same iTunes account. I also have a laptop and the music store works completely fine on it. It's only on my desktops that I have this issue.
    Some specs on my machine if this will help
    Asus motherboard
    AMD Athlon XP 4000+ processor
    2gb Kingston 184 pin DDR ram
    Seagate SATA II 160 GB HD
    Windows XP PRO service pack 2
    thanks for your help!

    I'm only guessing here, but perhaps iTunes is having a conflict with another application. If you are anything like me you probably install your favourite applications on all your computers. As a shortcut to troubleshooting, perhaps consider an application you have installed on the desktops, but NOT on the laptop. Then try uninstalling that application from your desktop computer and test iTunes.
    HP Compaq dx6120 P4 2.8 GHz 1GB RAM (BABYJANE)   Windows XP   iPod : 5G 30GB (BLANCHE)

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