Problem in loading 10G

I am trying to UN install 10G,
BUT Win XP state must get rid of dbghelp.dll.
Un able to delete c:\window\system32\dbghelp.dll

I ran Oracle's Universal Installer,
and it said there are no Oracle Programs Loaded.
What I do have is
I ran the wrong set up icon, and Now I have
The Oracle files, and in My start up, the Oracle programs are there but,
the control panel for un load programs, does not show any oracle program loaded.
I want to delete All the Oracle files and start over.

Similar Messages

  • Problem in loading animated gif

    I have problem in loading animated gif with ClassLoader. Here is the code:
    ClassLoader loader=this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL res = loader.getResource(name);
    if (res!=null) {
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(res);
    if (icon != null) {
    Image image = icon.getImage();
    if(icon.getImageLoadStatus() == MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
    return (Image) image;
    } else {
    System.out.println("Failed to load "+name+" error "+icon.getImageLoadStatus());
    Only when the gif is an animated gif, I get error message: Failed to load and icon.getImageLoadStatus() returns 2. Otherwise, it works.
    Anyone encounters the same problem as me?

    I think the problem is the asynchronous loading of the gif.
    when you call f(icon.getImageLoadStatus() == MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
    I think it is comming back MediaTracker.LOADING .
    for an animated gif, it may not come back COMPLETE until after running thru
    the whole automation. instead you could just check:
    (icon.getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.ERRORED)

  • Bank statement: problem to load variable length field

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    we have problem in load the MT940 bank statement. All these banks are providing so called standard SWIFT940 format, which not able to give fixed length field.
    we have problem on line 61 which have a lot of variable length fields.
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    A) Value date - fixed 6 chars.
    B) Entry date - fixed 4 chars.
    C) Credit/debit - variable 1-2 chars.
    D) Fund Code - fixed 1 char
    E) Transaction amount - variable 15 chars
    F) Transaction code/type - fixed 4 chars
    G) MID, cheque#, BIS - variable 16 chars
    How can we write the SQL Loader script if there is no delimiter, and the start position of the fields are not fixed?
    we can load A and B easily, but C onwards we will have problems.
    please help.
    INTO TABLE ce_stmt_int_tmp
    WHEN rec_id_no = '61'
    (rec_no RECNUM,
    rec_id_no POSITION(1:2) CHAR,
    column1 POSITION(4:9) CHAR,
    column2 POSITION(10:13) CHAR,
    column3 ??
    column4 ??
    column5 ??
    column6 ??
    column7 ??

    Hi Linda,
    As said by gupta, please check, whether the bank statement has the statement 62F:
    If not, please get the statement again from bank and ensure that the end statement 62F exists in the statement..
    This will help you to overcome your problem..

  • Problem in Loading Multiple image in Single Sprite/MovieClip

    Hi All,
    I am having a killing problem in loading multiple images in single movie clip/sprite using a separate class.
    Here is the class
    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        public class ImageLoader extends EventDispatcher {
            public var imgloader:Loader;
            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
            public function loadImage(imgHolder:MovieClip, imgObj:Object):void {
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
                imgMc = imgHolder;
                imgObject = imgObj;
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(imgObj.FilePath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";
    In this case, the works only on the last movie clip from the for loop. For example, if i am trying to load three image in three movie clips namely img_mc1,img_mc2 and img_mc3 using the for loop and, I am getting the image loaded in the third movie clip only img_mc.
    See at the same time, If i uncomment onething in the for loop that is
    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;         
    its working like a charm. But I know creating class objects in a for loop is not a good idea and also its causes some other problems in my application.
    So, help to get rid out of this problem.

    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        public class ImageLoader extends EventDispatcher {
            public var imgloader:Loader;
            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
    // better add you movieclip to the stage if you want to view anything added to it.
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
            public function loadImage(filepath:String):void {
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,onImgLoadPr ogress);
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onImageLoadF ailed);
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(filepath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    var imgLoader:ImageLoader=new ImageLoader();
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    imgLoader.loadImage(pass the image file's path/name);
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";

  • Check "Problem: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 can only be installed in new

    Hi All
    Installing 10g software on AIX Box in /oracle/oraHome2,where oracle9i is already installed in /oracle/oraHome1 and oracle inventory is in /oracle/inventory
    In product specific prerequisite screen I am getting the
    check:Oracle Home incompatibilties is failed I am getting the error
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking for Oracle Home incompatibilities ....
    Actual Result: Oracle9i Database
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Problem: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 can only be installed in a new Oracle Home
    Recommendation: Choose a new Oracle Home for installing this product
    though I am installing it in different oracle homes why i am getting this error?
    Is it because 10g installation is picking the same oracle inventory /oracle/inventory
    do i need to make different oracle inventory for different oracle homes???????plz thats the reason i am getting this error??????
    Thanks inadvance

    I figure out you are trying to install 10gR2 on top of an existing 9iR2 Oracle Home. This is corrected at the Path definition window. Most probably you just click on the <Next> and by default the 9iR2 Oracle Home was selected. You must define a new oracle home for the 10gR2 install.
    ~ Madrid

  • User provisioning problem from OIM 10g to Siebel CRM

    Hi Team,
    I am facing User provisioning problem from OIM 10g to Siebel CRM.Please find the log details.
    Running Get Attribute Mapping
    Running Siebel Create User
    <Error><ErrorCode>8716601</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>Socket had incorrect word size: 0.(SBL-JCA-00313)</ErrMsg></Error>
    [CMGR FATAL] Error: <com.siebel.common.common.CSSException>
    <Error><ErrorCode>8716601</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>Socket had incorrect word size: 0.(SBL-JCA-00313)</ErrMsg></Error>
    </com.siebel.common.common.CSSException> connection:1
    <Error><ErrorCode>8716601</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>Socket had incorrect word size: 0.(SBL-JCA-00313)</ErrMsg></Error>
    [CMGR FATAL] Error: <com.siebel.common.common.CSSException>
    <Error><ErrorCode>8716601</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>Socket had incorrect word size: 0.(SBL-JCA-00313)</ErrMsg></Error>
    </com.siebel.common.common.CSSException> connection:1ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],com.thortech.xl.integration.siebel.utils.SiebelConnection : createSiebelConnection() :  Siebel Connection Exception:Could not open a session in 4 attempts. {1}(SBL-JCA-00200)
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],com.thortech.xl.integration.siebel.proxy.SiebelProxyEmployeeProvisionManager : createSiebelConnection() : BaseException: Siebel Connection JDB Exception: Could not open a session in 4 attempts. {1}(SBL-JCA-00200)
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],com.thortech.xl.integration.siebel.provision.SiebelUtilEmployeeProvisionManager : createEmployee() : BaseException: Siebel Connection JDB Exception: Could not open a session in 4 attempts. {1}(SBL-JCA-00200)
    ERROR,22 Aug 2013 12:58:27,689,[XL_INTG.SIEBEL],====================================================

    I facing the same error message as yours, using OIM 11g R2
    Are you able solve it ?
    Please share
    Many Thanks !!!

  • Problem in oracle 10g release 2

    I faced strange problem while selecting data from join of tables (in oracle 10g). While selecting, when the order of fields in "group by" clause is changed, the resulting summary of values is changed too. For eg,
    query1 = SELECT F1, F2, F3, SUM(F4)
    GROUP BY F1, F2, F3, F4
    query2 = SELECT F1, F2, F3, SUM(F4)
    GROUP BY F2, F4, F1, F3
    The results SUM(F4) given by query1 and query 2 do not match. While testing these querries in differnt environments, we found such problem in ORACLE 10g RELEASE 2 only and not in ORACLE 10g RELEASE 1. I need to execute this query in oracle 10g. Can anybody help me finding the exact problem?

    The results SUM(F4) given by query1 and query 2 do not matchSince the group by clause is not same, the result of sum can be different.
    Can you provide us some dataset ?

  • HT1926 having problem up loading Itunes, comes up that 'Apple mobile Device failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services' how do i fix this??

    I am having problems up loading Itunes, comes up that 'Apple mobile Device failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services' how do i fix this??

    Hello hurleygirl63,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the article below:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Problem in loading data to DSO

    I have a problem in loading the data to DSO through Info package. The delta request has been running for a long time, but no data has been loaded. The job details screen is showing as below.
    Previously there was no issues with this chain.
    Can some one guide me to solve this issue please.?

    Hi Ragu,
    The same issue has been happened for me long time back. I have solved this issue by running the Repair Full request and then Init. delta without Data Transfer.
    May be this may also work for you.
    1.Delete the request by marking it as RED
    2.Run Info package Repair full Request.
    Once this is success,
    3.Change Info package and Run Init delta without data transfer
    4. If it pop ups Init Delta already exists,then delete the previous init from the source.
    after the init delta is ended fine, then change your Info package to Delta as it is before.
    Hope it helps.

  • Problem in loading Ntriple to Oracle

    Can some one please point what could be wrong in loading of Data in Ntriple format using the Code provide by Oracle to convert RDF data in N-Triple format to
    Oracle's RDF storage type, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S in Oracle10g R2.
    C:\prateek\semdis\sdordf_converter>java TestNTriple2NDM Data/timestamp.nt TIMEST
    ID: 1403 Error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-13199: RDF:Error occurred
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S", line 322
    ID: 3641 Error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-13199: RDF:Error occurred
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S", line 322
    ID: 5835 Error: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
    Rows: 10000
    ID: 10754 Error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-13199: RDF:Error occurred
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S", line 322
    ID: 10755 Error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-13199: RDF:Error occurred
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S", line 322
    ID: 10868 Error: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
    ID: 12002 Error: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
    ID: 12818 Error: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
    time (sec): 2342.0
    time (min): 39.03333333333333
    It loads the data,but I see all these errors.

    Hi Prateek,
    I have posted a response at Problem in loading Ntriple to Oracle .

  • Problem in loading transactional data from to 0MKT_DSO1(ods) to 0MKTG_C01

    I am trying to load lead transaction data to the standard Crm lead management cube from ODS.There is a problem while loading transaction data from 0MKT_DSO1(ods) to the infocube 0MKTG_C01 as the field 0STATECSYS2(CRM STATUS)  is set to 10 in ods -meaning incorrect transaction. This feild is not there in the infocube.
    There is a routine in the cube that deletes data records with (0statecsys2) set to 10.
    THIS field is not coming in the transaction.
    so, where can i see the master data in crm source system? and why is that feild getting set to 10 ?
    thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the reply..
    I have checked the Fact table which shows
    1. packet Dimension
    2. Time dimension
    3. Unit dimension.
    I have kept the 0CALDAY as the time characteristics.
    Sample data i have loaded from ODS to Cube.
    Sample data in ODS.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    I have loaded this data in Cube with Full Upload.
    Data in Cube.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    Again i am loading the same data to cube
    Data in cube after loading.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    The data is duplicated and it is not cumulating.
    Am i missing anything on this.
    Pls help..

  • Problem in Loading a report

    Hi there,
    We have a problem on loading a report.
    For some users, when they try to load the report the system prompts for username/ password.
    This is a Web application system, where we use Windows authentication and impersonate=true.
    I suppose that this problem might occur since users do not have access to C\Windows\Temp.
    Thought for security reasons we do not want to give access to the users in this directory, and we do not want to change the temporary directory of windows ( from changing Temp Environment Variable)
    We have also try thr bellow solution with no results:
    "To change the CR temp folder, in registry, set the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Crystal Decisions
    Report Application Server\InProcServer\TempDir "
    Is tehre any way to change the default loading path for reports from C:\Windows\Temp to somthing else?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hello Maria,
    the reg key you are describing is for inproc RAS. In my opinion this has only limited importance for your problem as you more likely have a user authentication issue.
    Please try to narrow down the problem that 'some user can / others can't log in'.
    What is the difference between these users ? Please check the database settings / possible roles for these accounts.
    Please also see if these user can access the reports in the designer or if they get the same database issue. Is it just one report / a group of reports or all reports where you face that issue ?
    Thanks a lot

  • Problem in Loading Material Hierarchy

    I am having problem while loading material hierarchy from R/3. Whenever i execute infopackage for infosource 0MATERIAL, I am getting following error msg.
    <b>The node name for ID 00005983 contains invalid characters</b>
    Diagnosis :                                                                               
    Node name DVD77ELR-D2        with node ID 00007774 contains lower case   
    letters or characters that are not permitted.                                                                               
    System response:                                                                               
    Processing was terminated                                                                               
    Change the node name so that it only contains permitted characters.      
    Procedure for System Administration
    As a result the Request is in RED state.
    Please suggest any solution ASAP.
    Note: Ponits will be awarded for fast and correct response.

    Thank you all for reply.
    I have solved the problem. But this was not related to RSKC.
    This was due to a material code DVD77ELR-D2 which was not created correctly. I have removed the hierarchy assigned to this material and marked it for deletion.
    Now the hierarchy has been loaded perferctly.

  • Problem in loading Rex

    I hv problems in loading my rex file(SQL*ReportWriter5
    101147). The rex on loading says
    "SRW-1806: Abnormal condition: Internal error while reading from
    loadfile." Unable to trace the error. The rex seems to be
    normal. I am in the process of migration. Pls. help me out.

    I think the problem is the asynchronous loading of the gif.
    when you call f(icon.getImageLoadStatus() == MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
    I think it is comming back MediaTracker.LOADING .
    for an animated gif, it may not come back COMPLETE until after running thru
    the whole automation. instead you could just check:
    (icon.getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.ERRORED)

  • Problem in loading large data to SDE using Shp2sde command

    When we try load data to SDE (Oracle 8.1.5, Sun solaris 2.6)using shp2sde command, we get the following error message and the data is loaded partially:-
    " SDE: Shape #2560 is an invalid entity type for layer station.
    3337 features converted
    3337 features stored "
    The shape file had 4352 features of type point.
    If the same data is splitted into 2 (one having 1906 features and another having 2446 features), there is no problem in loading.
    The giomgr.log file had the following lines corresponding to this
    Process 9512, R/T calls 14, features read 0, wrote 3337, locks 0,
    buffers 1, partial 0, buffered features 3337, buffered data 555K
    We suspect this is due some size specified somewhere which limits
    loading of all the data. So our DBA granted SDE user quota unlimited to SDE tablespace. After the granting, everything works fine, we can load the data. But when we restart the server, the same error appear again.
    We are encountering this error in production but not in the devt environment. We urgently need to solve this problem. Anyone has solution to this problem?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gerjan Walrecht ([email protected]):
    What is your commit interval? (-c ...)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    My commit interval is 1000. Even if I reduce the commit to 500, the result is still the same.
    I was wandering is there anywhere where Oracle limit the size of the loading? or Kernel.. etc

Maybe you are looking for