Problem with table mapping

Hi guys,
I need to catch all the changes made to Transaction KS03 so I can make a report for change logs.
Which table can i see these data?
Thanks a lot!

Use SHDB for recording then you know the table names of the corresponding transaction .

Similar Messages

  • Problem with reverse mapping

    I am having a problem with reverse mapping. Here's what I do (copying the
    generated files to a correct directory omitted):
    % rd-schemagen -properties -file schema.xml
    % rd-reversemappingtool -properties -package testi
    % javac -d build/classes src/testi/*.java
    % rd-importtool -properties src/testi/testi.mapping
    Here's a part of the output:
    2958 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirja" for schema
    3002 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kustantaja" for
    schema "n
    3047 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 5948361; T: 15336018]close
    3125 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 2478770; T: 15336018]open:
    ost/kirjakauppa (root)
    3129 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirjailija" for
    schema "n
    3140 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 2478770; T: 15336018]close
    3187 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 7529545; T: 15336018]open:
    ost/kirjakauppa (root)
    3193 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirjoittaja" for
    schema "
    3225 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 7529545; T: 15336018]close
    Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException:
    lArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary key column in
    table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to primary key
    columns in table "Kirjailija".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key c
    olumns in table "Kirjailija".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key c
    olumns in table "Kirjailija".
    Here's what MySQLCC gives for creation statement of the tables:
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Asiakas'
    # CREATE TABLE `Asiakas` (
    `Asiakas_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Nimi1` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Nimi2` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `KatuOsoite` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Postiosoite` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Email` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Puhelin` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Fax` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Salasana` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `ExtranetTunnus` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Asiakas_id`),
    KEY `Asiakas_id` (`Asiakas_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirja` (
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Kustantaja_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `Nimi` varchar(60) default NULL,
    `Nimi2` varchar(60) default NULL,
    `ISBN` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kieli` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kansi_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Sisalto_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Tukkuhinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Kuluttajahinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Varastokpl` int(11) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirja_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    KEY `Kustantaja_id` (`Kustantaja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kustantaja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kustantaja`
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirjailija'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirjailija` (
    `Kirjailija_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Sukunimi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Etunimi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Maa` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kirjailija_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirjailija_id`),
    KEY `Kirjailija_id` (`Kirjailija_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirjoittaja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirjoittaja` (
    `Kirjoittaja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Kirjailija_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirjoittaja_id`),
    KEY `Kirjailija_id` (`Kirjailija_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirjailija_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirjailija`
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Koodi'
    # CREATE TABLE `Koodi` (
    `Koodi_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Koodi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Tyyppi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Arvo` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Koodi_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kustantaja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kustantaja` (
    `Kustantaja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Nimi` varchar(80) default NULL,
    `Maa` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kustantaja_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `KirjaLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kustantaja_id`),
    KEY `Kustantaja_id` (`Kustantaja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Luokittelu'
    # CREATE TABLE `Luokittelu` (
    `Luokittelu_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Luokka_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`Luokittelu_id`),
    KEY `Luokka_id` (`Luokka_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Luokka_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Luokka` (`Luokka_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Luokka'
    # CREATE TABLE `Luokka` (
    `Luokka_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Luokka` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Luokka_id`),
    KEY `Luokka_id` (`Luokka_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Myyja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Myyja` (
    `Myyja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Myyja` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Myyja_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Myyja_id`),
    KEY `Myyja_id` (`Myyja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Tilaus'
    # CREATE TABLE `Tilaus` (
    `Tilaus_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Asiakas_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Myyja_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `TilausPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `EnsimmToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `ViimToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `Tila` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Mk` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Tilaus_id`),
    KEY `Asiakas_id` (`Asiakas_id`),
    KEY `Myyja_id` (`Myyja_id`),
    KEY `Tilaus_id` (`Tilaus_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Asiakas_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Asiakas`
    FOREIGN KEY (`Myyja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Myyja` (`Myyja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Tilausrivi'
    # CREATE TABLE `Tilausrivi` (
    `TilausRivi_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Tilaus_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `TilausLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    `Ahinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Alepros` float default NULL,
    `Mk` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `ToimitettuLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    `ToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `ViimToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `Tila` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`TilausRivi_id`),
    KEY `Tilaus_id` (`Tilaus_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Tilaus_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Tilaus` (`Tilaus_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    I can find the original creation script if it is necessary.
    My guess was that I need to define the foreign keys myself into the
    generated schema.xml This is stated in the manual. However, this did not
    help, although it changed the stack trace a little (it complains about
    different classes than before):
    Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Myyja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key columns in table "Asiakas".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Myyja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key columns in table "Asiakas".
    I don't think I fully understand the error message, what exactly is wrong
    here? How can I fix it?
    Here's a sample of the changes I made to schema.xml:
    - added the name - attribute to schema (it was missing)
    <schema name="kirjakauppa">
    - added the foreign key elements according to the table creation statements
    given above
    <fk name="Kustantaja_id" to-table="Kustantaja" column="Kustantaja_id"/>

    On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 17:55:35 -0500, Abe White <[email protected]>
    It seems the last three options are being ignored - I still get a
    file with schema names in front of tables (e.g. kirjakauppa.Asiakas, not
    Asiakas),That, unfortunately, is impossible to turn off. The -useSchemaName
    option controls whether the schema name is included as part of the
    generated class name; it doesn't affect the mapping data that is
    generated. What problems does including the schema name in the mapping
    data cause?
    rd-importtool -properties gensrc/testi/testi.mapping0 INFO [main] kodo.MetaData - Parsing metadata resource
    Exception in thread "main"
    com.solarmetric.rd.kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataNotFoundException: No JDO metadata
    was found for type "class testi.Asiakas".
    FailedObject:class testi.Asiakas
    This exception goes away if I edit the schema name out of the mapping
    file from all classes.
    separate classes are being generated for join tables with
    primary keysDo these join tables have an extra primary key column? TheYes, they do. Ok, now I know where the problem is.
    -primaryKeyOnJoin flag tells Kodo to ignore a join table with a primary
    key on the join columns. But Kodo can't handle join tables with extra
    column(s) just for a primary key identifier. This isn't a limitation of
    the reverse mapping tool, it's a limitation of Kodo. Kodo wouldn't know
    what to insert in those extra primary key column(s) when adding membersWhy not? If it can handle single numeric pk columns when making the
    generated classes use data store identity, it has to generate something to
    those columns. I can't see why this is different.
    That is simply out of curiosity - the next thing fixed my problem:
    to the join table. Of course, if the primary key is an auto-increment or
    something where Kodo can ignore it for inserts, you can just remove the
    <column> elements and the <pk> element from your .schema file and the
    reverse mapping tool will map it as a join table appropriately.It is auto-increment, so I did this and it worked. Thanks.
    , and application id is used for all classes.Are your primary keys on single, numeric columns? Kodo uses Java longsYes (int in MySQL), so that should not be a problem. They are also auto-
    incremented. This seems to be the only real problem remaining with this

  • Problem with table formatting

    I'm having a lot of problems with tables not reflecting their formatting when I open them in a browser. I've tried opening in Safari, Firefox & Camino with the same results. For example, a row with the following html content has a much larger height & aligns the text to the top when opened in a browser:
              <td height="15" colspan="3" valign="middle"><h6 align="center">Summer 2009</h6>
    If it matters, this is a row in a table nested in another table. Here's the code down to the row in question (all tags are closed properly in the remaining code):
    <table width="600" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <td align="center" valign="top"><img src="images/events.jpg" width="250" height="35"></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">
          <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
              <td height="15" colspan="3" valign="middle"><h6 align="center">Summer 2009</h6>
    I am using a style sheet for text. Here's the code for "h6" if that matters:
    h6 {
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #660099;
    Any ideas is appreciated. This is driving me nuts. Spacing and alignment sometimes work and sometimes don't work. Dreamweaver is supposed to make such things easier!

    Header tags are usually used round a bit of text, not parts of a table, and if you don't specify the margins on them, can force different amounts of space below in different browsers. Try making the bottom margin on h6 zero, and confine it to text within a cell.
    Also, if you can upload your page somewhere and let us have the url it will be easier to troubleshoot.

  • Problem with tables -- need help!

    I am having problems with table formatting, when using
    Preformatted text. The tables look fine in the WYSIWYG editor, but
    have lots of extra space above and below the text when looking at
    the output files.
    I will attach the code from one of the HTML files from my
    project, so you can see what I'm talking about.

    Well, if you're talking about the single-celled table with
    the line:
    <p class=Preformatted>[assembly:
    ... you can eliminate the <P> tags. that will give you
    one line less. Otherwise, your remaining space is the result of the
    <PRE> tag. It, like the <XMP> tag, gives it one line of
    space beneath as well.
    Your alternative beyond that would be to, when needed, wrap
    up the script in Javascript. That line, for instance, wouldn't need

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    Why I can't open google maps on Safari? Everything have been working normally with my computer. But this problem with google maps I can't fix

    Do you have an example? I develop Google maps for Web pages and haven't had problem with Safari and its extensions, only FF which I took out all the addons and plug-ins, but it wouldn't surprise if the Google map code doesn't display the map or information for the map or doesn't work with newer versions of Safari.

  • Help me please : Serious problems with collection-mapping, list-mapping and map-mappi

    Hi everybody;
    I have serious problems with list-mapping, collection-mapping and map-mapping.
    Acording to specifications and requirements in a system I am working on it is needed to
    get a "list" of values or an indivudual value.I am working with ORACLE 9i Database,
    I tried to map a master-detail relationship in an entity-bean, using list-mapping.
    And this was very useful in order to get a "list" of details, ...but, when I wanted
    to get a single value I have some problems with persistence, something about "saving a state"
    despite I just want to get the value of a single detail.
    I decided to change it to map-mapping and the problem related with a single detail
    worked successfully, but I can get access to the whole bunch of details.
    May anyone of you help me with that?
    I am very confused I do not know what to do.
    Have any of you a solution for that problem?
    Thank you very much.

    Have you tried a restore in iTunes?

  • Problems with Parameter Mapping

    Hi All,
    I have problems with parameter-mapping. For me its a black box, sometimes it works sometimes not.
    Lots of times my mappings doesnt work, and I dont know the reason.
    For example: I want to map my Execution-CO to the Display-CO. For that I map the in the affected Action.
    But it doesnt work, although I do have the same Context Structures, because its the same CO. The technical Name is also the same.
    What could it be?
    Thanks for answering me
    Bye Steve

    Hi Andre,
    sorry for my late answer, but I'm writing my diploma thesis and wasnt at work since wednesday and so I dont have a access to our GP-System.
    Hope I understood you right.
    The Use Case of parameter mapping is that Users of further steps has the possibility to see the Input of previous steps.
    When I dont map the parameter inside one action, it isnt possible. I tried it out with the SAP example "Time-off-process". I took the CO "Create Request" and add it in one Action (as Display &  Execution). When I understand you right mapping inside an action is not necessary, to see the Inputs from further Actions --> But this way I cannot see the Inputs.  
    The mapping of my application works before I changed it.
    I know never touch a running system, but It was necessary, we need a new Input and Output Parameter.
    Cause I have 20 parameter the mapping was very time-consuming, to map every single parameter. I read a method to reduce the time: Adding a structure requires only mapping of the two structures. But now the Mapping doesnt work.
    Hope you can help me
    Bye Steve

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    in the iPhoto preferences is look up places set to automatically?

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    hi evryone,
    i have a problem with nokia maps for my 5800 xpressmusi which is i cant find my acces point when itry to GO ONLINE
    please help thank you

    When you switch on your device for the first time, the access points may be configured automatically based on the service provider information in your SIM card. Otherwise contact your operator or service provider to receive the access point settings if you cannot find it..

  • Problem with message mapping ...

    I have problem with message mapping. I implemented SOAP-to-RFC scenario. The source message is of type, the target message of type urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions:Z_GET_SUPERIOR. But some error is still generated in Request Message Mapping step: RuntimeException in Message-Mapping transformation: Cannot produce target element /ns1:Z_GET_SUPERIOR/USR. Check xml instance is valid for source xsd and target-field mapping fulfills requirements of target xsd at at at at .....
    This is XSD definition of source message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">
    <xsd:element name="MT_Holiday" type="DT_Holiday" />
    <xsd:complexType name="DT_Holiday">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="SinceDay" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="SinceMounth" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="SinceYear" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="UntilDay" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="UntilMounth" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="UntilYear" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    <xsd:element name="UserId" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="">
    This is XSD definition of target message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" targetNamespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
    <xsd:element name="Z_GET_SUPERIOR">
    <xsd:element name="USR" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
    It's strange that if I use Message Mapping Test it works fine. But in pipeline not.
    Do you have any idea where could be the problem?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regard,

    To know the correct error Take the Inbound Payload from MONI and Test it in Mapping Test TAB. then u will come to know the exact error.
    Procedure to take the Payload
    goto MONI-Double click on MessageInbound Message ( CENTRAL ) --Payloads ---Double click on MainDocument ( application/xml ) -Just Right Click on the second window-View Source
    then now Copy this and paste it in Mapping Test and Execute.

  • What could be the problem with table REGUH

    Hi exprts
    i developed a report . its wrking ok in developemt system
    but in Quality system ,
    the below query is taking more time.
    in quality even  i have taken slection criteria which is very less than devlopment selection.
    please tell me the below query is performance wise not good or
    is there any problem with table REGUH in quality system?
      IF NOT ( t_bsak_aux[] IS INITIAL ).
        SELECT laufd laufi xvorl zbukr lifnr rwbtr kunnr empfg"
               vblnr ausfd rzawe
          FROM reguh
          INTO TABLE t_reguh
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_bsak_aux
          WHERE laufd <> space
            AND laufi <> space
            AND zbukr = t_bsak_aux-bukrs
            AND lifnr = t_bsak_aux-lifnr
            AND vblnr = t_bsak_aux-augbl.
    thanks in advance

    Using SPACE against the keys (LAUFI, LAUFD - specifically LAUFD) will most likely return no results. LAUFD, being one of the keys and the date which the program is supposed to run (considering that this is settlement data - it has already run) - implies that this field will be populated.  Putting " = SPACE" in your where clause is saying that you want to find records from the table where those fields are not populated.  That is fine for LAUFI, considering it is the indicator for a proposal only. In my requirement, my client did not want to see proposals but only real payment runs - therefore, LAUFI = SPACE is correct. 
    The reason you are having poor performance while selecting form this table is because it is a cluster table like bseg.  This thread explains a little bit of why cluster tables are a performance nightmare when trying to select - although it is about bseg, you will get the idea:
    I'm trying to find an alternative to get bank account information regarding payments - I will post a reply if I am lucky to find one! 
    Good luck

  • Problem with table MBEWH

    Hello SAP experts , im having a little problem with table MBEWH because the data i whant to extract isnt the correct one, i saw that this table stores all the prices for the materials and it groups them by year and by month but when i check to see what was the price for a specific material the price i had on that time periord inst the same as the one on the system, also i manage my material with baches and when i check to  see if that batch was in that period of time it isnt so im really confused as to how the system saves the historical data on this table, thank you in advanced.
    kind regards

    read OSS note 193554 , it explains everything

  • Problem with Table control lines

    Hi Friends,
    This is the problem with table control lines:
    I have screen with table control and I would like change the table control lines dynamicaly.
    In my PBO the Internal table which I am using to loop the TC is havig 7 records and its displayed with 7 records, now I have added one more record into my ITAB and now ITAB is having 8 records, when I am looping this ITAB with TC its taking the TC lines 7 only.
    here is the code:
    Initial values in gt_scr400 = 8
    Initial values in tc_scr400 = 8
    Now added one more recor into gt_scr400 , now gt_scr400  = 9.
      LOOP AT   gt_scr400
           INTO wa_scr400
           WITH CONTROL tc_scr400
           CURSOR tc_scr400-current_line.
    I have used this logic :
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_scr400 LINES g_rec_300 .
      tc_scr300-lines = g_rec_300.
    but its not modifying the lines in my table control.
    How to change the TC lines based on ITAB total records.

    there is a field in TableViewName-xxx
    don't remember the exact field name for (total no of records)
    you can check it in debug.  when you add records in Internal table, u need to modify this field which is set at the first time when table control is populated.

  • Problem with table paging [PDK for NET]

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with table paging in PDK for .NET (ver 2).
    The Table has 14 visible rows.
    The lead selection is set to "SINGLE"
    When the user selects a row I can use
    Table1.SelectedKeys(0) Mod Table1.VisibleRowCount
    in order to get the info of the selected row.
    If I will page using the "Prev/Next" page of the Table UI element it will also work.
    However, when I press "Prev/Next" item and then select a row it chooses the wrong row.
    (See picture:
    What can I do in order to solve the problem?

    Hi Omri,
    how are you doing ?
    The SAPTable is similar to a DataGrid control and need to be bound to the datasource on every postback
    a good idea is to keep the dataset available in the page or on the server ( so that you dont need to keep making expensive fetch operations
    The selected row is affected by the recordset (dataset) and needs additional programming
    A work around for the selected row issue is to save it in a server side hidden variable (or anything that will persist) and read and set the value in the page / next button handler
    with respect,

  • Bex analyzer - internal error problem with table c_t_variable

    HI All,
         When ever I try to refresh a query in Bex-Analyzer ,Iam getting "internal error problem with table c_t_variable".
         Please advise
    Edited by: Aparna Duvvuri on Jan 13, 2010 10:53 AM

    Hi Aparna,
    try to open the query in RSRT and debug the query.the error is due to some  customer exit variable so try to debug the code for the variable and rectify it.

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