Problem with threads running javaw

Having a problem with multi thread programming using client server sockets. The program works find when starting the the application in a console using java , but when using javaw the program doesnt die and have to kill it in the task manager. The program doesnt display any of my gui error messages either when the server disconnect the client. all works find in a console. any advice on this as I havent been able to understand why this is happening? any comment would be appreciated.

Try and post a minimum code sample of your app which
does not work.
When using javaw, make sure you redirect the standard
error and standard output streams to file.
Graeme.Hi Graeme,
I dont understand what you mean by redirection to file? some of my code below.
The code works fine under a console, code is supposed to exit when the client (the other server )disconnects. the problem is that but the clientworker side of the code still works. which under console it doesnt.
public class Server{
ServerSocket aServerSocket;
Socket dianosticsSocket;
Socket nPortExpress;
ClientListener aClientListener;
LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
int port = 0;
int clientPort = 0;
String clientName = null;
boolean serverAlive = true;
* Server constructor generates a server
* Socket and then starts a client threads.
* @param aPort      socket port of local machine.
public Server(int aPort, String aClientName, int aClientPort){
port = aPort;
clientName = aClientName;
clientPort = aClientPort;
// create a new thread
aServerSocket = new ServerSocket(port) ;
// connect to the nPortExpress
aClientListener = new ClientListener(InetAddress.getByName(clientName), clientPort, queue,this);
// aClientListener.setDaemon(true);
// start a dianostic port
DiagnosticsServer aDiagnosticsServer = new DiagnosticsServer(port,queue,aClientListener);
// System.out.println("Server is running on port " + port + "...");
// System.out.println("Connect to nPort");
catch(Exception e)
// System.out.println("ERROR: Server port " + port + " not available");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR: Server port " + port + " not available", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
serverAlive = false;
// connect the client
Socket aClient = aServerSocket.accept();
//System.out.println("open client connection");
//System.out.println("client local: "+ aClient.getLocalAddress().toString());
// System.out.println("client localport: "+ aClient.getLocalPort());
// System.out.println("client : "+ aClient.getInetAddress().toString());
// System.out.println("client port: "+ aClient.getLocalPort());
// make a new client thread
ClientWorker clientThread = new ClientWorker(aClient, queue, aClientListener, false);
// start thread
catch(Exception e)
//System.out.println("ERROR: Client connection failure");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR: Client connection failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
}// end while
} // end constructor Server
void serverExit(){
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Server ","ERROR: nPort Failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
}// end class Server
*** connect to another server
public class ClientListener extends Thread{
InetAddress hostName;
int hostPort;
Socket hostSocket;
BufferedReader in;
PrintWriter out;
boolean loggedIn;
LinkedList queue;      // reference to Server queue
Server serverRef; // reference to main server
* ClientListener connects to the host server.
* @param aHostName is the name of the host eg server name or IP address.
* @param aHostPort is a port number of the host.
* @param aLoginName is the users login name.
public ClientListener(InetAddress aHostName, int aHostPort,LinkedList aQueue,Server aServer)      // reference to Server queue)
hostName = aHostName;
hostPort = aHostPort;
queue = aQueue;
serverRef = aServer;      
// connect to the server
hostSocket = new Socket(hostName, hostPort);
catch(IOException e){
//System.out.println("ERROR: Connection Host Failed");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR: Connection to nPort Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);     
} // end constructor ClientListener
** multi client connection server
ClientWorker(Socket aSocket,LinkedList aQueue, ClientListener aClientListener, boolean diagnostics){
queue = aQueue;
client = aSocket;
clientRef = aClientListener;
aDiagnostic = diagnostics;
} // end constructor ClientWorker
* run method is the main loop of the server program
* in change of handle new client connection as well
* as handle all messages and errors.
public void run(){
boolean alive = true;
String aSubString = "";
in = null;
out = null;
loginName = "";
loggedIn = false;
while (alive && client.isConnected()&& clientRef.hostSocket.isConnected()){
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream()));
out.println("WELCOME to diagnostics");
broadCastDia("Connect : diagnostics "+client.getInetAddress().toString());
else {       
out.println("WELCOME to Troy's Server");
broadCastDia("Connect : client "+client.getInetAddress().toString());
String line;
while(((line = in.readLine())!= null)){
StringTokenizer aStringToken = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
clientRef.sendMessage(line); // send mesage out to netExpress
clientRef.sendMessage(line); // send mesage out to netExpress
} // end while
catch(Exception e){
// System.out.println("ERROR:Client Connection reset");
                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR:Client Connection reset", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);     
broadCastDia("Disconnect : diagnostics "+client.getInetAddress().toString());
else {       
broadCastDia("Disconnect : client "+client.getInetAddress().toString());
// close the buffers and connection;
// System.out.println("out");
// remove from list
alive = false;
catch(Exception e){
// System.out.println("ERROR: Client Connection reset failure");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR: Client Connection reset failure", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);     
}// end while
} // end method run
* method run - Generates io stream for communicating with the server and
* starts the client gui. Run also parses the input commands from the server.
public void run(){
boolean alive = true;
// begin to life the gui
// aGuiClient = new ClientGui(hostName.getHostName(), hostPort, loginName, this);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(hostSocket.getInputStream()));
out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(hostSocket.getOutputStream()));
while (alive && hostSocket.isConnected()){
String line;
while(((line = in.readLine())!= null)){
} // end while
} // end while
catch(Exception e){
//     System.out.println("ERRORa Connection to host reset");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (e.toString()),"ERROR: Connection to nPort reset", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
     }catch(Exception a){
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (a.toString()),"ERROR: Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
alive = false;
} // end method run

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    I dunno if we should be doing such things as this code does, but it works fine for me. All threads get completed.
    public class ThreadURL implements Runnable
        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
        public void run()
                URL url = new URL("http://localhost:7777/java/install/");
                URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                InputStream istream = conn.getInputStream();
                System.out.println("input stream taken by "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
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            catch (MalformedURLException e)
                //TODO Handle exception.
            catch (IOException e)
                //TODO Handle exception.
        public static void main(String[] args)
            ThreadURL u = new ThreadURL();
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            Thread t2 = new Thread(u,"3");
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    }And this is the o/p i got
    input stream taken by 2
    input stream closed by 2
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    input stream closed by 4
    input stream taken by 3
    input stream closed by 3
    input stream taken by 1
    input stream closed by 1
    can u paste your whole code ?

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    This was one solution from the socket programming forum, have you tried this??
    public Thread MyThread extends Thread{
         boolean active = true;          
         public void run(){
              while (active){                   
                        serverSocket = ss.accept();
                   catch (SocketTimeoutException ste){
                   // do nothing                   
         // interrupt thread           
         public void deactivate(){               
              active = false;
              // you gotta sleep for a time longer than the               
              // accept() timeout to make sure that timeout is finished.               
              }catch (InterruptedException ie){            

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    private static Thread objMainProcess;
       protected static void Init(){
            objMainProcess = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    while( objMainProcess == Thread.currentThread() ) {
            objMainProcess.setDaemon( true );
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                 objTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 1000, new java.awt.event.ActionListener(){
                    public void actionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){
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                bChanged = true;
                }catch( IllegalMonitorStateException e ) {}
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            synchronized( objMainProcess ) {
                if( bChanged) {
                    bChanged = false;
                    return true;
                try {
                }catch( InterruptedException e ) {}
                return false;

    Thanks DrClap for your reply. Everything you said is right. It is not easy to make them alternate since SetState() could be called from different places where the state could be anything else but a status message. Like a GREETING message for example. It is a handshaking message but not a status message.
    Again as you said, There is a reason I can't call sendMessage() inside setState().
    The only way I was able to do it is by having a counter of the number of notifies that have been called. Every time notify() is called a counter is incremented. Now instead of just checking if "changed" flag is true, I also check if notify counter is greater than zero. If both true, I send the message. If "changed" flag is false, I check again if the notify counter is greater than zero, I send the message. This way it works, but it is kind of a patch than a good design fix. I am yet to find a good solution.

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            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {               
                    while((!performing.isShown()) && (backgroundCamera.isShown())){
            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                    photo = camera.snapshot();                               
            }).start();This code is sometimes showing performing screen but sometimes no.
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            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {               
                   synchronized(o) {
            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        synchronized(o) {
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                    photo = camera.snapshot();                               

  • Problem with threads hanging

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    A thread dump usually shows that some or all of our execute threads are in the state "waiting for monitor entry" even though they are not currently waiting on any java locks. Here is a sample thread from the thread dump (we have ~120 threads so I don't want to post the full dump).
    "ExecuteThread: '8' for queue: 'itgCrmWarExecutionQueue'" daemon prio=5 tid=0x005941d0 nid=0x2c waiting for monitor entry [c807f000..c807fc28]
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.getRelativeUri(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    ============================================================================================= line 1446 for this jdk allocates a new String object, and all the other threads in this state also are creating new objects or arrays, etc.
    We've done a pstack on this process when it's in this state, and the threads that are in the "waiting for monitor entry" that look like they're allocating memory are all waiting on the same lwp_mutex_lock with some allocation method that's calling into the native TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy.mem_allocate_work (see pstack output below for the same thread as in the thread dump above)
    ----------------- lwp# 44 / thread# 44 --------------------
    ff31f364 lwp_mutex_lock (e3d70)
    fee92384 __1cNObjectMonitorGenter26MpnGThread__v_ (5000, 525c, 5000, 50dc, 4800, 4af0) + 2d8
    fee324d4 __1cSObjectSynchronizerKfast_enter6FnGHandle_pnJBasicLock_pnGThread__v_ (c807f65c, c807f7d4, 5941d0, 0, 35d654, fee328ec) + 68
    fee32954 __1cQinstanceRefKlassZacquire_pending_list_lock6FpnJBasicLock__v_ (c807f7d4, ff170000, d4680000, 4491d4, fee1bc2c,
    0) + 78
    fee3167c __1cPVM_GC_OperationNdoit_prologue6M_i_ (c807f7bc, 4400, ff170000, 2d2b8, 4a6268, c807fa18) + 38
    fee2e0b0 __1cIVMThreadHexecute6FpnMVM_Operation__v_ (c807f7bc, 963a8, 0, 0, 1, 0) + 90
    fed2c2a4 __1cbCTwoGenerationCollectorPolicyRmem_allocate_work6MIii_pnIHeapWord__ (962c0, ff1c29ec, ff1c297c, ff131a26, 4800, 4998) + 160
    fed22940 __1cNinstanceKlassRallocate_instance6MpnGThread__pnPinstanceOopDesc__ (ee009020, 5941d0, 15ca581, 3647f0, 4a6268, c807f8c8) + 180
    fed34928 __1cLOptoRuntimeFnew_C6FpnMklassOopDesc_pnKJavaThread__v_ (ee009018, 5941d0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 28
    fa435a58 ???????? (ee009018, e86de, 15ca4de, 50dc, 5941d0, c807f9c8)
    fb36f9a4 ???????? (0, d412ccd8, ee046c28, ff170000, 0, 0)
    fad8b278 ???????? (ee046c28, d6000c90, ee046530, 8, db8e8450, c807f9e8)
    fad62abc ???????? (d412ccd8, ee046530, d6000c90, ee3bfa38, 8, c807fa18)
    fa4b3c38 ???????? (c807fb9c, 0, f2134700, fa415e50, 8, c807faa8)
    fa40010c ???????? (c807fc28, c807fe90, a, ee9e1e20, 4, c807fb40)
    fed5d48c __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (c807fe88, c807fcf0, c807fda8, 5941d0, 5941d0, c807fd00) + 27c
    fee4b784 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_4pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (ff170000, 594778, c807fd9c, c807fd98, c807fda8, 5941d0) + 164
    fee5e8dc __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_5pnGThread__v_ (c807fe88, c807fe84, c807fe7c, c807fe74, c807fe6c, 5941d0) + 6c
    fee6fc74 __1cMthread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (5941d0, 5941d0, 838588, 594778, 306d10, fee69254) + 128
    fee6927c __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (5941d0, 2c, 40, 0, 40, 0) + 284
    fee6575c _start   (5941d0, fa1a1600, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 134
    ff3758c0 lwpstart (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Also when it's having this problem, the "VM Thread" is always using a lot of processor time. We did a couple of pstacks today while it was having this problem, and this thread was stuck in the ONMethodSweeper.sweep for over 15 minutes when we finally killed the server.
    From the thread dump:
    "VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x000e2d20 nid=0x2 runnable
    From the first pstack:
    ----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
    fed40c04 __1cXvirtual_call_RelocationIparse_ic6FrpnICodeBlob_rpC5rppnHoopDesc_pi_nNRelocIterator__ (42a2f4, fa5fa46d, ffffffff, fc4ffcb8, 42a2f4, 42a324) + 124
    fed46318 __1cKCompiledIC2t5B6MpnKRelocation__v_ (42a2f0, fc4ffd24, fc4ffd4c, e802, 0, 6) + 38
    fed90c38 __1cHnmethodVcleanup_inline_caches6M_v_ (fa5f7f88, fa608940, 1, 0, fa400000, 6) + 1ac
    fede18b4 __1cONMethodSweeperFsweep6F_v_ (2cf38, 0, ffffffff, ff1cf1fc, ff1c66e8, fede1d44) + 1b0
    fede1e6c __1cUSafepointSynchronizeFbegin6F_v_ (2cf38, ff1ba138, 5000, 50dc, 5000, 525c) + 248
    feef1fd4 __1cIVMThreadEloop6M_v_ (4400, 4000, 4324, 4000, 42b0, 3800) + 3d4
    feef1ae4 __1cIVMThreadDrun6M_v_ (e2d20, 2, 40, 0, 40, 0) + 8c
    fee6575c _start   (e2d20, ff270200, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 134
    ff3758c0 lwpstart (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Second pstack
    ----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
    fed41180 __1cXvirtual_call_RelocationIparse_ic6FrpnICodeBlob_rpC5rppnHoopDesc_pi_nNRelocIterator__ (0, ff1b9664, ffffffff, fc4ffcb8, a6f2cc, fc4ffbd0) + 6a0
    fed46318 __1cKCompiledIC2t5B6MpnKRelocation__v_ (a6f2c8, fc4ffd24, fc4ffd4c, e802, 0, 6) + 38
    fed90c38 __1cHnmethodVcleanup_inline_caches6M_v_ (faded4c8, fadf2c80, 1, 0, fa400000, 6) + 1ac
    fede18b4 __1cONMethodSweeperFsweep6F_v_ (2cf38, 0, ffffffff, ff1cf1fc, ff1c66e8, fede1d44) + 1b0
    fede1e6c __1cUSafepointSynchronizeFbegin6F_v_ (2cf38, ff1ba138, 5000, 50dc, 5000, 525c) + 248
    feef1fd4 __1cIVMThreadEloop6M_v_ (4400, 4000, 4324, 4000, 42b0, 3800) + 3d4
    feef1ae4 __1cIVMThreadDrun6M_v_ (e2d20, 2, 40, 0, 40, 0) + 8c
    fee6575c _start   (e2d20, ff270200, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 134
    ff3758c0 lwpstart (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I'm trying to figure out if this is caused by something we're doing, or something relating to our environment and jvm options. Any ideas?

    Thanks for the reply - I'm testing our app with the +UseConcMarkSweepGC now in our test environment to make sure it doesn't cause any problems there.  Unfortunately the only place we've had this problem is on the production server, so it's extra difficult debugging this. 
    We're using the following memory options:
    -ms512m -mx512m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:PermSize=192m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8and the following debugging options, as we've also been seeing OutOfMemoryErrors ( see )
    -verbosegc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGCBTW, which c++filt version and options are you using? Our Solaris boxes only seem to have the GNU version installed. I was trying to run that on some of the other stack traces and wasn't getting anywhere, and didn't know if because it was GNU version wouldn't work on something compiled with the Sun compiler.

  • Problem with threads and ProgressMonitor

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    I have a little problem with a thread and a ProgressMonitor. I have a long time process that runs in a thread (the thread is in an separate class). The thread has a ProgressMonitor that works fine and shows the tasks progress.
    But I need deactivate the main class(the main class is the user interface) until the thread ends.
    I use something like this:
    LongTask myTask=new LongTask();
    Now, the main class waits for the task to end, but the progress monitor don`t works fine: it shows only the dialog but not the progress bar.
    What's wrong?

    Is the dialog a modal dialog? This can block other UI updates.
    In general, you should make sure that it isn't modal, and that your workThread has a fairly low priority so that the UI can do its updating

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    (note: eache thread is in execution using a finite state machine)

    i had been running the program inside Netbeans.
    Running the jar using the command line outside
    Netbeans i have no more problems... Does Netbeans use
    it's own JVM?Depends how you set it up, but look under the options. There are settings for the compiler and jvm that it uses.

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    I have only found 2 problems so far with Leopard running on my iMac. First off, the most annoying one:
    Sometimes, especially when switching users, the screen turns to the "gray screen of death." You know, the one with the request to restart your computer in like 4 languages and a huge picture of a power button... anyway, it is getting quite annoying and I wish I could make it stop. It has also happened when I have been dealing with moving large amounts of data, "large pictures, movies, etc.)
    And now, the second problem. I was just looking up the memory left on my hard drive when I noticed something I hadn't before. my 160gb hard drive had 50gb left. not too strange there. but when I checked through all the things (apps, users, system, library, developer, etc.) in it (I simply did apple-i and checked the gb each of them took up) and after a quick add-up on my calculator widget, all the things in the hard drive added up to 50gb. so I have 50gb free, 50gb used and a 160gb hard drive. How does that work? Do I need to do something to get that extra 60gb back or is it just gone???

    STEVE!!! wrote:
    Is there any way just to show hidden folders like on a PC?
    There's probably a way to coerce into showing everything
    (all is possible in unix) -- but I don't know the OS-X magic words.
    It told me that improper of the "sudo" command could lead to data loss
    and i don't want to risk doing anything stupid (like a misspelling) that
    could lead to my hard drive being wrecked.
    Good advice. IMO, the 'du' (disk usage) command is safe, because it's
    'read only' -- but I undestand that you'd be hesitant to trust your data
    to advice fom an anonymous voice from "The Internets." I can't/won't
    argue with common sense.
    You can run the same command without the 'sudo' prefix. It might
    miss a few things and/or spit some 'permission denied' messages,
    but the results will at least be a lower-bound of disk usage. the beginning was the command line,

  • Problem with MRP running

    Hello Gurus,
    i have a problem with my product. lets take an example. my semifinished product abc is made up of a, b and c.
    i have made them(abc, a, b and c) to use MRP type VB. i made palnning file entry and BOM and then i run the MRP.
    I run single item multilevel MRP for semi-finished product abc, it showed me result in MRP running only for abc but not for a, b and c.
    can u please tell me where i am making any mistake.

    Hi Maggi,
    If you have used mrp run for single item,single level  planning (ie) md03, it will plan only for that particular material & will not plan for the dependent material in the BOM.
    If you run with t.code md02, MRP run for single item,multi level, all the dependent requirements will be planned.
    Also VB is for reorder point planning. ie if you maint reorder level as 100 for a,b & c materials & if the stock goes below 100, say  50 Nos. for all the three material. Then procurement proposal(Pur req) will be created for 50 nos for all the material(a,b,c).
    If you use MRP type PD, there is no question of reorder level, during mrp run system check the stock of the dependent requirements. If there is a shortage procurement proposal are created.
    Senthilkumar SD

  • Problem with Macro Running When Closing a Document

    Hi Folks;
    I'm trying to develop a Visio macro that runs when I close a document, but I've run into a snag...
    The problem is that the code below only works when I press the 'X' in the corner of the document to close it.  If I try to close it using
    File -> Close, I get the error "Run Time Error -2032464741 (86db0c9b) An exception occurred", and the debugger highlights the first 'Application' line.
    I need the code to work regardless of the close operation, and I'm not sure how to make that happen (since I assumed it should've work the same regardless).
    Private Function Document_QueryCancelDocumentClose(ByVal doc As IVDocument) As Boolean
    Document_QueryCancelDocumentClose = True
    If MsgBox("If you made changes, did you UPDATE the Diagram History? (Select Yes if no changes were made)", vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2, "Warning - DIAGRAM HISTORY UPDATED?") = vbYes Then
    Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.ItemU("Diagram").Layers.Item("Warning").CellsC(4) = 1
    Document_QueryCancelDocumentClose = False
    Document_QueryCancelDocumentClose = True
    End If
    End Function
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I'm betting your typical "try this" response is not what anyone wants.  But since you've chimed in... my problems with the Visio event model are PLENTY.  Print and save events that cannot be cancelled, document close that doesn't fire on application
    close, and Application.BeforeDocumentSaveAs that occurs WAY AFTER the document has been saved are just a few.  (Did Microsoft even test these events??)  The official Microsoft response to ALL of this was, in a word, "repurpose" it. Essentially they
    advocate completely rewriting the actual Save and Print portions of the interface and corresponding logic in Visio by intercepting keystrokes and redirecting ribbon extensibility idMso ="FileSave" and idMso ="FileSaveAs" commands to your own methods. 
    To quote paid support:
    "You may repurpose Save command in Visio as suggested in my previous email, however there is a design limitation that does not allow repurposing Print backstage button.
    In order to achieve Visio Print repurpose, the workaround is to hide the print back stage altogether and plug with custom backstage ribbon xml."
    We now also repurpose idMso="FilePrintQuick", idMso="FilePrintPreview", and idMso="FileClose" customUI commands, but we still had to use the logic above to catch save before closing. 
    Valid methods that work while Visio is active will fail within Application close.  IT IS A BUG IN VISIO.  That is what this post is about.

  • Problem with the running apps

      I couldn't open my apps, when i press on the app it will open but with in a few seconds it will automatically minimizes the app and it not running can u please give the solution to it .

    Hi balaviswanath,
    Does this issue occur to all apps?
    If so, let’s run app troubleshooter for result:
    Troubleshoot problems with an app
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with DOM4j running on JRockit

    Until recently, we were using SUN Java JVM for running our applications and now we run it on JRockit. Ever since we made this change, we are experiencing this strange problem with DOM4j.
    There is a certain set of XMLs in our application, which do not have any schema (neither DTD nor XSD). We use DOM4J (v1.4) for on the fly unmarshalling of these XMLs and then use XPath to extract the data. There is method in DOM4j (Element.selectNodes()) which extracts the relevant information from the XML based on the XPath provided. The problem is, this List which this method returns, contains a 'null'. This would result in a NullPointerException later on in the program execution.
    Please note that since we did not have this problem in SUN JVM, I presume that there is some kind of incompatibility between JRockit and DOM4j. That is why I am posting this question here.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Henrik,
    Thanks for your reply.
    We are using R26.4 version of JRockit.
    This problem occurs only on our production servers and the occurance in not consistent as well. Early on in the runtime of the server, everything is ok (including the functionality which would give this problem). But, aprroximately after 2 days of running, the server starts giving this problem. Forcing us to restart the application. Since application uptime is a critical deliverable for us, this problem has become a bottleneck for us.
    Haven't tried -Xnoopt JVM option yet.

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