Problema di fatturazione!! ma io i soldi nella carta ce li ho

problema di fatturazione!! ma io i soldi nella carta ce li ho!! come faccio a pagare i soldi che secondo i tunes mancano per l'acquisto di un app???

posso mostrare degli screen perchè il sito è work in progress ed è davvero all'inizio.
1) primo esempio:
se scroll con mause, rotellina o barra laterale brauser il risultato è questo (ed è quello che volglio)
2) secondo esempio
ho creato un ancoraggio al primo tasto bianco sulla sinistra dello schermo facendo in modo di arrivare allo stesso risultato dello scroll con il mause ma con l'utilizzo di un pulsante.
Il risultato che ottengo è questo (e non riesco ad aggiustare le cose).
grazie dell'aiuto

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    BRUSA GIORGIO wrote:
    I am a user of Photoshop CS2 installed on a PC, Registered To Company:
    Giorgio Brusa Engycalor Energia Calore S.r.l.
    Vai Aurelia  915 00165 Roma
     When I try to change color of an image, I use the paint bucket in a selected area and the program gives me "the program has committed an error", asks me whether I wish to report this, then the program quits.
    In fact I cannot edit images.
    HP tried to uninstall the program and install it again but the problem remains!
    How can I fix this?
    I have a certain urgency because I have to do a lot of important work still!!!!!
    Thanks for what you do.
    G. Brusa
    Ciao, Giorgio,
    What version of Windows are you running?
    Have you ensured your video drivers are up to date from HP or the maker of your video card?
    You mention HP...  Do you have the program StarDock WindowBlinds on your system (which is supplied by HP on some systems) to "re-skin" the Windows theme?  I have seen that program cause system problems.
    P.S., Note that this is a USER help forum; Adobe does not normally do technical support here.

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    We are fellow users here on these forums, we won't know why you can't buy them - what happens when you try to, does the 'buy' button not work, do you get any error messages ... ?
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    The following line tells me that this is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    This means that you saved a child document as a template file at some stage.
    If you go to Modify->Templates->Detach from Template, you can remove the template structure from your document. All you then need to do is to re-save the document as a template.

  • CRM To ECC Sold to party Communication Details Not populated in ECC

    Hi All
    i have one problem when we create sales order through crmd_order we need to give sold to party and ship to party numbers suppose like
    8000002166 for both and status i keep as order created and in partner tab i i seem all partner funtions(sold to, ship to ,bill to, payer)with 8000002166
    in header overivew i given posting date as feature date like 30-09-2013 then i try to save this order.
    the order generated sucussfully but problem is i am not getting sold to party details in ECC when i check VA03 And open cretaed order in CRM and clicking on sold to party and i seem details for this but i am not getting communication details like telephone number and email id extension number.
    for this sold to party we already maintained all communication details in CRM.When i open this sold to party BP i am able to see all details
    didnt understand why these details not replicated to ECC?
    We implemented one custom class there we implemented badi.
    i am not getting BAPI ADDRESS Table values into  CT_BAPIADDR1
    how can i send communciation details to ECC For sold to party?
    The code part we follow like below
    TYPES : BEGIN OF t_otc,                                                        " Type to create a table with the given columns.
              bpid            TYPE bu_partner,                                       " variable of store processed business partner ID's
              otcid           TYPE bu_partner,                                       " variable of store processed OTC ID's
              otcguid         TYPE bu_partner_guid,                                  " variable of store processed OTC GUID's
              address         TYPE bapibus1006_address,
              tel1_numbr      TYPE ad_tlnmbr1,
              tel1_ext        TYPE ad_tlxtns1,
              e_mail          TYPE ad_smtpadr,
              END OF t_otc.
    *&                             V A R I A B L E S                         &*
      DATA : lv_bp_payer      TYPE bu_partner,                                       " Variable To Cast the payer Id into BU_Partner data type.
             lv_partner_fct   TYPE crmt_partner_fct,                                 " Variable To Store Partner Function Number.
             lv_partner       TYPE bu_partner,                                       " Variable To Store Current Business Partner ID.
             lv_process_type  TYPE crmt_process_type,                                " Variable to Store process type.
             lv_sales_org     TYPE crmt_sales_org,                                   " Variable to store sales org. name of order
             lv_dis_channel   TYPE crmt_distribution_channel,                        " Variable to store distribution channel of order.
             lv_division      TYPE crmt_division,                                    " Variable to store division of sales org. data.
             lv_role          TYPE comt_partner_parvw,                               " Variable to store retrieved role from FM.
             lv_role_value    TYPE parvw,                                            " Variable to store the role value of Partner Functions.
             lv_otc_guid      TYPE bu_partner_guid,                                  " Variable to store OTC GUIDs for the OTC ID.
             lv_otc_id        TYPE kunnr.                                            " Varaible to OTC ID revocered from Table.
      DATA: lv_busspartner           TYPE bapibus1006_head-bpartner,
            lw_central_data          TYPE bapibus1006_central,
            lw_centraldata_person    TYPE bapibus1006_central_person.
    *&                             W O R K A R E A S                         &*
      DATA : lw_address       TYPE bapibus1006_address,                              " Work Area to store address recovered for BPID.
    *Start of code change for Defect 904 Fix
             lw_tel           TYPE bapiadtel,
             lw_email         TYPE bapiadsmtp.
    *End of code change for Defect 904 Fix
    *&                          INTERNAL TABLES                              &*
      DATA : li_otc           TYPE TABLE OF t_otc,                                   " Internal Table to Store the OTC IDs and BPS.
             li_values        TYPE          zconst_values_t,
    *Start of code change for Defect 904 Fix
             li_tel           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiadtel,
             li_email         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiadsmtp.
    *End of code change for Defect 904 Fix
    *                       F I E L D - S Y M B O L S                         *
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_orderadm>      TYPE bad_orderadm_h_mess,
                     <f_otc>           TYPE t_otc,                                   " Field-Symbol to Read the OTC TABLE data.
                     <f_partner>       TYPE bad_partner_mess,                        " Field-Symbol of Partner Table For Looping.
                     <f_bapiparnr3>    TYPE bapiparnr3,                              " Field-Symbol to Store The Row of BAPIPARNR3.
                     <f_bapiaddr1>     TYPE bapiaddr1,
                     <f_orgman>        TYPE bad_orgman_mess,                         " Field-Symbol to Read the ORGMAN table.
                     <f_values>        TYPE zcr_const_values.
    *&                             C O N S T A N T S                         &*
      CONSTANTS :  lc_program_name     TYPE progname      VALUE 'ZOTC',
                   lc_param_payer      TYPE paramname     VALUE 'PAYER',              " Constant to Store Payer Parameter name.
                   lc_ref_kind         TYPE crmt_object_kind VALUE 'A',
                   lc_req_1            TYPE zrequest_no VALUE '1',
                   lc_req_2            TYPE zrequest_no VALUE '2'.
    * Retrieving the general and Common Data for a Order.
      READ TABLE it_bus_trans_msg-orderadm_h INDEX 1 ASSIGNING <f_orderadm>.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        lv_process_type = <f_orderadm>-process_type.
    * Reading the Orgnisation Details from ORGMAN Table.
      READ TABLE it_bus_trans_msg-orgman WITH KEY ref_kind = lc_ref_kind ASSIGNING <f_orgman>.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *   Storing the Sales Organisational Data to find the OTC_ID.
        lv_sales_org = <f_orgman>-sales_org.
        lv_dis_channel = <f_orgman>-dis_channel.
        lv_division = <f_orgman>-division.
    * Retrieving the partner function number for the payer by giving requirement no 2 and rule no 1.
          pi_program_name = lc_program_name
          pi_req_no       = lc_req_2
          po_const_values = li_values.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Reading the value for the constant with the name as PAYER.
      READ TABLE li_values WITH KEY param_name = lc_param_payer ASSIGNING <f_values>.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    * Retrieving the Partner ID for the PAYER.
      READ TABLE it_bus_trans_msg-partner ASSIGNING <f_partner> WITH KEY ref_partner_fct = <f_values>-constant_value.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *   Storing the current partner ID.
        lv_bp_payer = <f_partner>-ref_partner_no.
      REFRESH li_values.
    * Retrieving the Partner Function Number which are to be checked for replacing with the OTC ID with request no 1 and rule no 01.
          pi_program_name = lc_program_name
          pi_req_no       = lc_req_1
          po_const_values = li_values.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Transferring the constant value to our table for Partner Fucntion.
      LOOP AT li_values ASSIGNING <f_values>.
    * Read Partner table for Header data and the reference partner function retrieved.
        READ TABLE it_bus_trans_msg-partner WITH KEY ref_kind = lc_ref_kind ref_partner_fct = <f_values>-constant_value ASSIGNING <f_partner>.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *     Storing Current Partner Function.
          lv_partner_fct = <f_partner>-ref_partner_fct.
    *     Storing Current Partner No.
          lv_partner = <f_partner>-ref_partner_no.
    *     Retrieving the Partner Role (R/3) for the current partner function of CRM.

    The problem is in the Lotus Notes security level, not in SAP.

  • N9 and problem with pdf-files

    The problem is: I download an pdf file from internet. Filename is containg skandinavian characters which are converted as "%D6 etc." When I try to open the file with N9 I get an error similar to: "file is corrupted, can not open the file". Yet the same file works fine with Nokia C5-00 and with my Macbook laptop. Any idea how to fix this problem?

    is the device actually sold in your country of origin, or was it imported.
    not that it should really matter, but sometimes could be an issue.
    you could also try to rename the file and then try to open it.

  • WET54G v3.1 problems

    We are using WET54G’s as clients in a community WiFi distribution system. From the ADSL connection there is a 4 km point to point link up to a relay before working another 2 to 4 km across a valley. The point to point and access point are Cisco Aironet 1300 series and are currently running 20 WET54G with serial numbers in the range BDY20…, BDY30…, BDY40…. But when we get to serial number BDY41… they refuse to connect. The firmware was 2.03 and have tried upgrading to 2.07 and down to 1.08
    I have 5 units with the same problem so it doesn’t seem to be just a faulty unit.
    Anyone know what happened between BDY40 & 41 ?

    No, we spent about a month trying. During this time we used a WRT v5 running DD-WRT and a WRT54GL running OpenWRT to get us out of a hole. We were so pleased with the results, we have stayed with the WRT54GL and DD-WRT. For us, a useful feature of DD-WRT was the ability to reduce Tx power when using a high gain antenna and keep legal. All our pre v3.1 are operating without a problem, the 3.1's were sold off.

  • Proper value of ship to party not geting picked up for a given sold toparty

    We have a   bdc program which passes data to the VA01 transaction. We are passing partner values like sold to party and ship to party using this program. However when we open our order, the value of ship to party is getting replaced by the value of sold to party. We debugged the program but could not find out the reason. This problem is there only for one sold to party value. It is working fine with other values of sold to party. We feel it is some master data setting for this particular sold to party that is responsible for this behaviour.
    Please let us know incase you have any possible suggestion.
    Thanks in advance.

    Harsh is right, need to check your partner functions tab in the sales area view of the customer master. There should at a bare minimum be one reference to function SH and a number. If there is more than one ship-to then your program must have logic to derive what is right ship-to to be used. I am wondering if this is the case and your program is defaulting to first SH available, that being the sold-to number. Please review and advise.

  • Iphone6 doesn't play music (have tried obvious things like volume etc and plugged in headphones, connected to a speaker via bluetooth, and tried to play from the inbuilt speaker). Does anyone know what the problem is and how it can be resolved?

    Iphone6 doesn't play music (have tried obvious things like volume etc and plugged in headphones, connected to a speaker via bluetooth, and tried to play from the inbuilt speaker). Does anyone know what the problem is and how it can be resolved?

    You can't buy the part from Creative as a spare.
    I'm not sure how compatible other parts might be, but that would be a question for someone who really knows a lot about this area of electronics.
    The Creative repair for this is likely to be expensi've, but the problem is most likely a broken solder connection than an actual new headphone socket. So if you know someone experienced in surface mount soldering you could probably get it repaired just with this.

  • Macbook Core 2 duo -  lion install problems.

    I picked up a used white Macbook Core 2 Duo (2007) recently.  The person I purchased it from installed a new 60GB SSD drive and 4GB of ram and put Lion on the machine.   The computer booted fine for the first 4 times, and then on the 5th time it said "Installing OS X" and then said there was an problem with the install????    The computer was working fine before all this happened.  Now it won't boot.... BTW I did not do any any updates.
    We removed and tested the SSD drive... it appears to be fine.
    My other problem is that the person who sold the computer to me did not give me original OS disk... is it possible that the OS he used is corrupted?  But then, why would it work fine and then give me the error message after the 5th boot? 
    Is the problem because I am using an SSD? ... but still makes no sence considering it was running fine before the 5th boot! 
    Please help, I am looking at purchasing my own copy of Lion and installing it but will this work without having the original Disks?
    (P.S.  When it did work, the Macbook with the SSD and Lion ran dramatically faster than my 2009 15" Macbook Pro.!)

    Thanks everyone for their help... it was another bad disk!
    I returned the OCZ HD and replaced it with an Intel SSD... The thing has been running spectacular now!  It out performs my Macbook Pro (speed)!
    I did some digging and on the OCZ forums there has been A LOT of similar complaints regarding the HD failing in the same way mine did... when I took it back for a refund to the store I purchased it from, the tech said that they have been getting a lot of returns on that specific manufactures SSD's... and not just the entry level ones.
    Thanks again!

  • Mis Sold - What Now???

    Having signed up to BT Infinity 2 package with BT TV etc, I finally got my line connected on the 18th February. On signing up, I got notified I should expect 73.4mb down and 20mb up. Line got connected and couldnt get above 30 down and 4.5 up. Rang BT and got told initially "tough, thats good speeds for your line". When I kicked off they finally agreed I should have an Openreach Engineer to visit - free this time because I am still a new customer, which was really good of them - and he has now told me that my line is maxxed out at the the heady speeds of 43.2 down and 13 up. To say I am p*ssed off with this is an understatement and I now want out of the contract due to misleading information at sign up and being mis sold the package. 
    To be told on the phone that although I was told that I would get 73.4/20 I cant complain because 43 is well within an acceptable range of the upper limit is an absolute joke. Dropping nearly 40% off my initial sign up speed?? Really???
    So I want advice on what course take next - was told today by some cheeky BT Options CSA that "you are in a contract, so you will have to pay to get out of it" is not on. I am guessing raising a complaint with OFCOM is probably going to be the only way out of this. 
    Forgot to mention - at no point during the signup was I told I what range my speeds may be apart from the initial 73.4/20. If I had been told that I could maybe end up with only a max speed of 43, i would never have went ahead and would have went with the Virgin deal that was on offer.
    Go to Solution.

    Complaining to Ofcom will do you no good. They do not deal with individual complaints. If you were wanting to complain you would need to go through the BT complaints procedure and after it has been exhausted you ask for a deadlock letter then take it to the ombudsman.
    However rather than doing all that you would be better to try and get your problem resolved.
    The speeds are sold as "up to" and not "as" or "guaranteed". You should be getting the speed between those shown in the Range A estimate, that is between 54Mbps and 73Mbps. As you are clearly not getting that it would appear there is still a problem with your connection. 
    The estimater takes into account your distance to the cabinet and would reflect this in the estimated speeds, Even if the line is 700 meters from the cabinet to your house you should still be getting better than what you are getting. See graph for a rough guide distance to speed.
    While the engineer may have replaced the entire line from the cabinet to your house I have my doubts.
    You need to contact BT again and inform them of this and don't be fobbed off with "that is as good as you'll get" or anything else.

  • Problemi di pubblicazione

    abbiamo riscontrato dei problemi di riconoscimento tra folio, in quanto nell'Adobe Viewer non riconosce la differenza tra un folio realizzato per IOS (1024x768) e Android (1280x800).
    La procedura è stata questa:
    • InDesign>Folio per IOS (1024x768)
        (nome folio: PDF - Catalogo Operativo)
    • InDesign>Folio  per Android (1280x800);
        (nome folio: PDF  - Catalogo Operativo)
    Test su Adobe Viewer:
    • iPad - ok
    • Samsung Galaxy 10'' - carica la versione IOS (1024x768)
    Abbiamo fatto un test rinominando in modo diverso la versione Android rispetto a quella IOS ed è andato a buon fine perchè Contnent Viewer del Samsung Galaxy 10'' ha riconosciuto il folio corretto ma continua a vedere quello IOS (quindi è tutto raddoppiato). Stessa cosa vale per gli altri lavori già pubblicati nel kiosk.
    Non capiamo perchè aprendo l'applicazione su dispositivo Android, non riconosce la pubblicazione corretta.
    Perchè crea conflitto usare lo stesso nome folio se si tratta di due layout differenti?
    L'applicazione non dovrebbe basarsi sulle misure del layout in base al dispositivo da cui la si sta aprendo?

    Che problemi e con che rete wifi ?  Spiega quello che succede.
    Hai visto questo documento ?

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