Procedure that checks for a value in the database and returns related info

Hi Everyone,
I need to create a stored procedure that takes customer info(any of these fname,lname,id,email etc) and looks for it in the database and displays the customer info of that particular customer(kinda search engine).
I have to use dynamic sql and sql injection.Can anyone give me a brief idea from where to start.Thankyou.

create or replace procedure pro_customer(p_customer_id number, p_customer out customer%rowtype) is
select *
into p_customer
from customer
where customer_id = p_customer_id;
end pro_customer;
the names,keys and others are invented

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    Don’t know if I am being paranoid here. But is there a way to search for a particular value in the entire set of tables in oracle.
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    Many Thanks,

    Hope this link ll help you,

  • Store procedure which get list of values separated by semicolon and return result set as a string semicolon separated strin

    I am trying to make stored procedure in what i am getting i_group_id  as a list of groups seprated by semicoln like 1,2,14,17,23.
    And i want list of emails based on that group. And result set will be as a list of emails seprated by semicolon.
    Can anybody please help me for that. Thanks in advance.
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM( email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
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       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR  
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL;  
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                        
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    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM( email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR  
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL;  
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                        
    END get_groups_email;

    Can anybody please help me for that
    Not in this forum they can't. This forum, as the title says, is for SQL Developer questions only.
    Please mark this question ANSWERED and repost it in the SQL and PL/SQL forum

  • Store procedure which get list of values separated by semicolon and return result set as a string semicolon separated string

    I am trying to make stored procedure in what i am getting i_group_id  as a list of groups seprated by semicoln like 1,2,14,17,23.
    And i want list of emails based on that group. And result set will be as a list of emails seprated by semicolon.
    If you know how to install that in stored procedure please help me. Appreciate your help.
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM( email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR 
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL; 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                       
    END get_groups_email;
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM( email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR 
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL; 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                       
    END get_groups_email;

    1013527 wrote:
    I am using Oracle 9.7.2. Not 11g.
    No Database at hand to provide a working example.
    So use to split your list into rows.
    Join that to your table of e-mail addresses
    then take a look at maybe chosing
    and you're done.
    something to play with (still NOT TESTED!)
    e_mails as
    (select 1 user_id,'alpha' || chr(64) || '' e_mail from dual union all
    select 2,'beta' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 3,'gamma' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 4,'delta' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 5,'epsilon' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 6,'zeta' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 7,'eta' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 8,'theta' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 9,'iota' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 10,'kappa' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 11,'lambda' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 12,'mu' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 13,'nu' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 14,'xi' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 15,'omicron' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 16,'pi' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 17,'rho' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 18,'sigma' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 19,'tau' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 20,'upsilon' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 21,'phi' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 22,'chi' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 23,'psi' || chr(64) || '' from dual union all
    select 24,'omega' || chr(64) || '' from dual
    groups as
    (select 1 g_id,'1,15,21,17' members from dual union all
    select 2,'23,10,3,20,7,23,15,9' from dual union all
    select 3,'3,4,5,6,7,8' from dual union all
    select 4,'23,24,15,16,7,18' from dual
    select g_id,
           substr(sys_connect_by_path(e_mail,';'),2) e_mail_list
      from (select g.g_id,
                   row_number() over (partition by g.g_id order by e.user_id) rn
              from e_mails e,
                   groups g
             where instr(','||g.members||',',','||to_char(e.user_id)||',') > 0
               and instr(','||:group_list||',',','||to_char(g.g_id)||',') > 0
    where connect_by_isleaf = 1
    start with rn = 1
    connect by rn = prior rn + 1
            and g_id = prior g_id
    Message was edited by: Etbin provided a small example

  • How to check for null values in bpel?? Please Help! very urgent!!!

    Hello Guys,
    I have a problem. I have an external webservice to which I have to post my request. My task is to create an Webservice and Service Assembly to which others would post request and get response. I have to create SA to deploy onto the bus.
    The problem is that there are optional elements in the request and response xsd's. In the Response sometimes certain feilds may come or they may not. for Example:- my response could contain a tag like this <firstName></firstName>
    I have to copy these feilds in my bpel process from one variable to another.(like in the mapper).
    My Question is , Is there any way in BPEL process or BPEL mapper where I could Check for null values in the request or response???
    Your inputs would be very helpful.

    Thanks for replying man :)
    Ok I will be more clear.
    Here is a snippet of one of the xsd's that I am using.
    <xs:element name="returnUrl" nillable="false" minOccurs="0">
                             <xs:documentation>Partner specifies the return URL to which responses need to be sent to, in case of
    Async message model.
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="300"/>
                                  <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
    This means that the return URL field can be there or it may not be there. But if it is there it cant be null because nillable=false. But the whole <returnURL> </returnURL> can be there or it may not be there because minOccurs=0.
    My requirement is , if returnURL is there in the response with a value, then in my BPEL mapper I should map it else I should not map it.
    Thats the issue.
    and Yes kiran, the node be non-existant.
    So can you please help me with this.

  • Checking for null value in arraylist

    i have an excel file which i i am reading into an arraylist row by row but not necesarrily that all columns in the row mite be filled. So how do i check for null values in the array list.
                        int cellCount = 0;
                        int emptyRow = 0;
                        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file));
                        HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
                        Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); 
                        myRow = new ArrayList();
                        int r = 1;
                             while (rows.hasNext())
                                  System.out.println("Row # " + r);
                                  HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow);
                                  Iterator cells = row.cellIterator();          
                                  cellCount = 0;
                                  boolean isValid = false;
                                  while (cells.hasNext())
                                       HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell);
                                       switch (cell.getCellType())
                                            case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                                                 double num = cell.getNumericCellValue();     
                                                 DecimalFormat pattern = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###");     
                                                 NumberFormat testNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
                                                 String mob = testNumberFormat.format(num);               
                                                 Number n = null;
                                                      n = pattern.parse(mob);
                                                 catch ( ParseException e )
                                                 //System.out.println("numeric: " +cell.getNumericCellValue());
                                            case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                                                 System.out.println("string: " + cell.getStringCellValue().trim());
                                            case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK:
                                                 myRow.add(" ");
                                                 System.out.println("add empty:");
                                       } // end switch
                                  } // end while                    
                             }// end while
                   } myRow is the arrayList i am adding the cells of the excel file to. I have checked for blank spaces in my coding so please help with how to check for the black spaces that has been added to my arraylist.
    I have tried checking by looping through the ArrayList and then checking for null values like this
      // do something
    // i have tried this also
    //do something
    }Edited by: nb123 on Feb 3, 2008 11:23 PM

    From your post I see you are using a 3rd party package to access the Excel SpreadSheets, you will have to look in your API for you 3rd party package and see if there is a method that will identify a blank row, if there is and it does not work, then you have to take that problem up with them. I know this is a pain, but it is the price we pay for 3rd party object use.
    In the mean time, you can make a workaround by checking every column in your row and seeing if it is null, or perhaps even better: check and see if the trimmed value of each cell has a lenth of 0.

  • How to get and disply dynamic values on the fly and display in applet

    hello all ,
    i have a problem in refreshing a applet.
    i have a scrolling applet which will get the share values from the database and display in a scrolling applet in the browser . i am getting the values and displaying it.
    but the problem is , if i enter a new record in the database, until and unless i press refresh button of the browser, i am not getting the new values . please help me if anybody having the idea. please mail me to [email protected]
    thank you all.

    You want a database update to trigger an applet refresh? Can't be done.
    However, you can have the applet periodically re-query the database and update its display with the information it retrieves. Just kick off a Thread that sleeps for a bit, wakes up, queries the db, updates the display, and goes back to sleep.

  • How does APEX check for null values in Text Fields on the forms?

    Hello all,
    How does APEX check for null values in Text Fields on the forms? This might sound trivial but I have a problem with a PL/SQL Validation that I have written.
    I have one select list (P108_CLUSTER_ID) and one Text field (P108_PRIVATE_IP). I made P108_CLUSTER_ID to return null value when nothing is selected and assumed P108_PRIVATE_IP to return null value too when nothign is entered in the text field.
    All that I need is to validate if P108_PRIVATE_IP is entered when a P108_CLUSTER_ID is selected. i.e it is mandatory to enter Private IP when a cluster is seelcted and following is my Pl/SQL code
    v_valid boolean;
    v_valid := TRUE;
    v_valid := TRUE;
    v_valid := FALSE;
    v_valid := FALSE;
    END IF;
    return v_valid;
    My problem is it is returning FALSE for all the cases.It works fine in SQL Command though..When I tried to Debug and use Firebug, I found that Text fields are not stored a null by default but as empty strings "" . Now I tried modifying my PL/SQL to check Private_IP against an empty string. But doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how I need to proceed.

    See SQL report for LIKE SEARCH I have just explained how Select list return value works..

  • HT1338 My Mac Book Pro is currently runnng OS X v10.5.8. When I check for updates by clicking the apple icon it tells me that my computer is up to date.  What is the easiest way to upgrade to OS X Lion?  Do I need to get OS X Snow Leopard first?

    My Mac Book Pro is currently runnng OS X v10.5.8. When I check for updates by clicking the apple icon it tells me that my computer is up to date.  What is the easiest way to upgrade to OS X Lion?  Do I need to get OS X Snow Leopard first?

    Yes, there's been no updates to 10.5.8 for quite awhile, next is paid Upgrades.
    Snow Leopard/10.6.x Requirements...
    General requirements
       * Mac computer with an Intel processor
        * 1GB of memory (I say 4GB at least)
        * 5GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least)
        * DVD drive for installation
        * Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
        * Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
    Which apps work with Mac OS X 10.6?...
    It looks like they might still have it...
    If it's a core Duo & not a Core2Duo, then it'll only run in 32 bit mode.
    Lion/101.7 System requirements
        •    x86-64 processor (Macs with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, or Xeon processor.)
        •    At least 2GB of memory, I say 6 GB
        •    Latest version of Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8), with the Mac App Store installed
        •    At least 4GB of disk space for downloading, I say 50 GB.
    Like Snow Leopard, Lion does not support PowerPC-based Macs (e.g., Power Macs, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs (G3-G5), eMacs).
    Lion also does not support 32-bit Intel Core Duo or Core Solo based Macs. Rosetta is no longer available in Lion, which means Lion no longer supports PowerPC applications.
    What applications are not compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion"?

  • How may one cancel the download of an update that was started by having actuated the "Check for Updates" button in the "About Firefox" window, please?

    How may one cancel the download of an update that was started by having actuated the "Check for Updates" button in the "About Firefox" window, please? If possible please cover all platforms, Mac, Windows, Linux, although the first mentioned is what currently applies to my circumstances.
    Thank you.

    Such a download is usually saved in an updates or updated folder in the Firefox program/application folder.
    You can delete this folder to cancel the download.
    If files already have been downloaded then remove the files in the updates and updates\0 folder.
    Mac: /Applications/ "/path_to/"
    Linux: "/path_to/firefox/updated"
    Windows: C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Mozilla Firefox\updates

  • HT203128 "Unable to check for available downloads. The network connection was lost." I have 3 downloads from yesterday that I receive this error code. Any ideas?

    I have 3 downloads from yesterday that I receive this error code. Any ideas?
    Thank you!

    I may have stumbled upon something that could help. A type of "detour" around the problem.
    I just started experiencing this problem a few days ago. Anytime I'd try to download a song/video/movie, I would get the message, "Unable to check for available downloads. The network connection was reset".
    So, instead of selecting "Check for Available Downloads" under "Advanced" menu...
    I logged into "My Account" page in itunes. If there are available downloads it comes up at the top of the page with the option button "Download Now". When I select that -- it downloads immediately.
    Can't promise it will work every time. But it's worked for me so far. Good luck...

  • Unable to check for available downloads. The network connection timed out.

    I downloaded iTunes 10.1.2 last week, and attempted to upgrade some music to iTunes Plus. I'm showing 35 items in my download queue, but when I attempt to download I get a message "Unable to check for available downloads. Network connection timed out."
    I e-mailed Apple Tech Support multiple times, and received their standard list of links for things to try. So far I have reinstalled iTunes, turned off my Norton Firewall, checked the program rules settings, flushed the dns cache, and unchecked the "allow simultaneous downloads" box. Still no luck.
    Apple's last e-mail requested I send them my account info so they could reset my password, and check my system. I'm still waiting for that to happen.
    I'd appreciate any user suggestions for this problem.

    Fundamentally it is an apple itunes server issue - if you have a lot of downloads the "check for downloads" request can take longer than the default windows internet connection timeout setting - which is 30 seconds on more recent versions of windows.
    You can work around it though - without requiring apple to "segment" your download list, by adding a windows registry setting.
    Apple re-enabled my downloads after I was burgled and then I was stuck - my "check for downloads" was always timing out - and the support guy had no clue - so I went digging, and found a a microsoft article here which tells you how to change change that default timout value by adding a registry setting. Besides adding the ReceiveTimeout setting detailed on that page - I also changed the KeepAliveTimeout - just in case.
    HKEYCURRENTUSER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ReceiveTimeout
    which I set to 180000 milliseconds (3 mins)
    HKEYCURRENTUSER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\KeepAliveTimeout
    which I set to 181000 milliseconds (3 mins and 1 second)
    Use regedit to make the change - both settings are DWORDS with decimal values. You'll need to restart your PC to apply the change.
    After the change and restart and one initial failed attempt the request for downloads worked - when the apple itunes server responded after 2 minutes !!

  • To develop an error checker for consecutive values

    Thanks Doug. Your answer has given me further insight into the problem.
    However, I was wondering if it is possible to make an error checker for consecutive values of a particular variable.
    That is, the first value and second value might be 100 and 100.5 respectively, but the third value might be 110, which is a wrong value. How do I discard the 110 point from being plotted?

    Really difficult. How do you know the first two values aren't errors and
    the third one is correct. If you're getting these sorts of values fromn
    your A-D hardware, I'd suggest fixing the problem at the source.
    Alf Katz,
    [email protected]
    "leon2001" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > Thanks Doug. Your answer has given me further insight into the
    > problem.
    > However, I was wondering if it is possible to make an error checker
    > for consecutive values of a particular variable.
    > That is, the first value and second value might be 100 and 100.5
    > respectively, but the third value might be 110, which is a wrong
    > value. How do I discard the 110 point from being plotted?
    > Thanks.
    > Choy

  • HT1725 When I click on a Movie I get the following "You have already purchased this item but it has not been downloaded. To download it, select Check For Available Downloads from the Store menu." Then get err = 11111

    iTunes quit unexpectedly during the download of a movie.  When I click on that movie now I get the following message: "You have already purchased this item but it has not been downloaded. To download it, select Check For Available Downloads from the Store menu."
    I follow the instructions, but the download still doesn't resume - err = 11111
    Any advice?

    Yeah, I am going to blast my iPhone for the 4th time today and pray this goes away. I had 6 apps showing updates, the 6 badge icon shows on the App Store on my iPhone and, having run them all, the 6 apps have two copies each on my iPhone: one that is the old version of the app and will not run and the other is a faded version of the app with an empty progress bar on the icon. Click those and you get an error message about connecting to iTunes, etc. as described in the article I linked to above.
    It gets stranger than this. If I install a completely NEW app, the 6 that are stuck mid-update heal themselves and appear with the new version only, however now completely different apps (Hold Em for instance - which I did not update and didn't need an update) will not launch "app name Cannot Launch" message comes up.

  • Schedule a Webi XIR2 report to run for all values of the prompt ...

    Hi there,
    Any ideea about if it's possible to schedule a Web Intelligence XIR2 report to automatically run for all  150 different prompt values in the LOV (and have 150 different instances)?
    BOXIR2, Java deployment.
    Many thanks.

    You'd be scheduling the document 150 different times, each for one value of the LOV.
    You'd use the ReportEngine (REBean) SDK to read the LOV values, then use the Enterprise SDK to schedule.
    Here's a bit of code that illustrates how to schedule a Webi doc a single time with specified prompts.  You'd do something similar, but iterate the prompt setting and scheduling:
        IInfoStore iStore  = (IInfoStore) eSession.getService("InfoStore");
        ReportEngine reportEngine =  ((ReportEngines) eSession.getService("ReportEngines"))
        IInfoObjects objs = iStore.query("Select TOP 1 * From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where "
                                          + " SI_KIND='Webi' And SI_INSTANCE=0 "
                                          + " And SI_NAME = '" + reportName + "'");
        // Open Webi document, then get and set Prompts collection
        IWebi            webi    = (IWebi) objs.get(0);
        DocumentInstance di      = reportEngine.openDocument(webi.getID());
        Prompts          prompts = di.getPrompts();
        for(int i = 0, m = prompts.getCount() ; i < m ; i++) {
            Prompt prompt = prompts.getItem(i);
            String name   = prompt.getName();
            if("Enter value(s) for State:".equals(name)) {
                Lov lov = prompt.getLOV();
                Values values = lov.getAllValues();
                prompt.enterValues(new ValueFromLov[] { values.getValueFromLov(0),
            } else if ("Enter Shop Id:".equals(name)) {
                prompt.enterValues(new String[] { "261" });
        // Copy prompts over to InfoObject
        PromptsUtil.populateWebiPrompts(prompts, webi);
        // Schedule Webi report to run once now
        ISchedulingInfo schedInfo = webi.getSchedulingInfo();
    Ted Ueda

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