Putting a file name in an item(not by hand)

Sorry. Should have explained myself better.
I have a file c:\????????. The file name will change every day. I want to input this file into an item in a form(not by hand).
What and how is the best way to do this?
Thanks in advanced

not sure if there is a PATTERN to your file name..
like: schedule180.dat
next day
next day
schedule182.dat, etc
Use the HOST cmd to read the file names into text file, then use the TEXT_IO
to read text file.
here is some old code, maybe you can use some of it..
i am check on file size and times..you could use it to read a FILE NAME
-- routine to check
-- the file size and file date
dirfile     text_io.file_type;
linebuf     varchar2(400)     ;
cmd           varchar2(80)      := 'dir X:\*.DAT > X:\LAST_CHECK.TXT';
ct           number(10)     :=0;
type var1 is record
fname           varchar2(100),
fdate          varchar2(100),
fsize           varchar2(100),
ftime          varchar2(100)
type var2 is table of var1 index by BINARY_INTEGER ;
fileinfo var2;
TMP1      VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
myinfo1      varchar2(1000);
myinfo2      varchar2(1000);
-- This routine will
-- create a text file
-- of all the files in the X:\xxx\ subdirectory.
-- read in the file
-- check the date and size
-- if the date is not equal to today's date
-- then the stars feed is not work
dirfile := TEXT_IO.FOPEN('X:\LAST_CHECK.TXT','R');
          -- put everything in upper case
          --check on key words in the dir file.
          --if found..skip over
          --IF INSTR(LINEBUF,'VOLUME',1,400)>0 OR INSTR(LINEBUF,'DIRECTORY',1,400)>0 OR instr(linebuf,'<DIR>',1,400)>0 then
               IF TMP1='SIMSCHED.DAT' THEN
                    fileinfo(ct).fname           :=null;
                    fileinfo(ct).fdate           :=null;
                    fileinfo(ct).fsize           :=null;
               END IF;
                    fileinfo(ct).fname           :=null;
                    fileinfo(ct).fdate           :=null;
                    fileinfo(ct).fsize           :=null;
               END IF;
WHEN no_data_found THEN
IF CT =0 then
IF (TO_NUMBER(fileinfo(1).fsize)=0 or TO_NUMBER(fileinfo(2).fsize)=0) and TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24')) not in (23,0,1,2,3,4,5) then
     -- need to create a counter
     -- to keep track of how
     -- many times it has send out
     -- a call to me, cindy, etc
     -- stop the calling, email after 2 times
          myinfo1:='Alert! Simsched file 0 bytes';
          myinfo2:='File '||fileinfo(1).fname||' is at '||fileinfo(1).fsize||' size. And File '||fileinfo(2).fname||' is at '||fileinfo(2).fsize||' bytes. If one is at 0, then feed problem. Please check ASAP!';
          -- THIS IS BAD NEWS..
     END IF;
-- let make sure it is not check inbetween 11 (23hr)pm and 0 in the morning.
-- maint. time ..
IF TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24')) not in (23,0,1,2,3,4,5) then
     -- if the dates are equal to today...
     IF fileinfo(1).fDATE != MYTODAY or fileinfo(2).fdate != MYTODAY then
     -- need to create a counter
     -- to keep track of how
     -- many times it has send out
     -- a call to me, cindy, etc
     -- stop the calling, email after 2 times
          IF CALL_CT<=2 THEN
               myinfo1:='Alert! dates IS WRONG!';
               myinfo2:='Today:'||mytoday||'.'||fileinfo(1).fname||' has a date of '||fileinfo(1).fdate||' and '||fileinfo(2).fname||' has date of '||fileinfo(2).fdate||' date. Need to be equal to today';
          END IF;
     END IF;

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    dear frank,
    how to put the file name in notepad file via power shell. I mean i want to put the file name in that notepad file
    for example,
    my file name is ABL and in this file data is
    and i want to data in this form
    There are many file like this that i want to be edit
    plese tell me how can i do it, i think it is possible via windows power shell.
    thanks in advance.

    Just for completeness, what version of VB.NET are you using?
    Here is a complete project to copy all the files with the added "ABL," at the start of each line.  You need to start a new Project with a BLANK default Form1, and replace all of Form1 code with the code below. When you run this project, you
    need to use the 2 buttons to set up the ORIGINAL file folder and a folder to place the copies. You need to check if the file EXTENSION is correct (I assumed txt), and check the text to add to each line is correct.  Once all is set up you should have a
    big red button to start the operation.
    NOTE: it is important that you try this out on a copy of some of the files to verify accuracy BEFORE trying on original files. Make sure you have a good back up of the original files before doing anything else.
    ' new project with default BLANK Form1
    ' replace all Form1 code with this code
    ' WARNING: make sure you have a backup of
    ' any files you use this application to
    ' operate on.
    Option Strict On
    Option Infer Off
    Option Explicit On
    Public Class Form1
    Dim OrigFileFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim CopyToFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim lab1, lab2, lab3 As New Label
    Dim tb1, tb2, tb3 As New TextBox
    Dim b1, b2, b3, b4 As New Button
    Dim fb As New FolderBrowserDialog
    Dim bgw As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Me.Size = New Size(731, 300)
    With lab1
    .Text = "Original Files Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 5)
    End With
    With tb1
    .Width = 560
    .Location = New Point(10, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab2
    .Text = "Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 125)
    End With
    With tb2
    .Width = 665
    .Location = New Point(10, 150)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab3
    .Text = "File Ext"
    .Location = New Point(600, 5)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With tb3
    .Text = ".txt"
    .Width = 80
    .Location = New Point(590, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With b1
    .Text = "Choose Original Files Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 65)
    End With
    With b2
    .Text = "Choose Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 185)
    End With
    With b3
    .Text = "DO THE COPY"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    With b4
    .Text = "CANCEL JOB"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    Me.Controls.AddRange({lab1, lab2, lab3, tb1, tb2, tb3, b1, b2, b3, b4})
    With bgw
    .WorkerReportsProgress = True
    .WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
    End With
    AddHandler bgw.DoWork, AddressOf bgw_DoWork
    AddHandler bgw.RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf bgw_Completed
    AddHandler b1.Click, AddressOf b1_Click
    AddHandler b2.Click, AddressOf b2_Click
    AddHandler b3.Click, AddressOf b3_Click
    AddHandler b4.Click, AddressOf b4_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub b1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = False
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb1.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = True
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb2.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = True
    If Not tb3.Text.StartsWith(".") Then tb3.Text = "." & tb3.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub b4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ReadPWFile(fn As String)
    Dim filename As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(fn)
    Dim barename As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn)
    Dim copyto As String = tb2.Text & "\" & filename
    Dim line As String = Nothing
    Dim lines As New List(Of String)
    Using sr As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(fn)
    line = sr.ReadLine()
    If Not line = Nothing Then
    lines.Add(barename & "," & line)
    End If
    Loop Until line = Nothing
    End Using
    Using sw As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(copyto)
    For Each s As String In lines
    End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub bgw_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
    Dim ftc As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(tb1.Text)
    For Each f As String In ftc
    If bgw.CancellationPending Then
    e.Cancel = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Dim ex As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower = tb3.Text.ToLower Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub bgw_Completed(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
    tb1.Text = Nothing
    tb2.Text = Nothing
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = False
    MessageBox.Show("Finished copying files", "Job Completed")
    End Sub
    End Class
    Regards Les, Livingston, Scotland

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    You will need to do this with a text field and a Javascript that executes on open.

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    DonRicklin wrote:
    Or put the file name as Copyright in Metadata and add Watermark (Simple Copyright) on Export!
    A plugin called LR/Transporter could probably automate that. However, I don't think many people will want to do this once all usages of the image are considered!
    So an export plugin called LR/Mogrify (which calls in the utility ImageMagick as an output processor) would be the next suggestion. This should let you put more or less whatever image parameter you want, onto the image as an automated label - also add borders outside or inside the image boundary, place the thumbnail inside a larger square canvas, a few other options. Then that can all be saved as a LR export preset for greater convenience and repeatability in the future.

  • Get/put dynamic file name using FTP

    Hi Friends,
      I am currently using FTP_Connect, FTP_command and FTP_disconnect to get/put a file from a remote server.
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    So the filename became dynamic (example from 'test.txt' to 'test_200512160800.txt').
    I tried using get test. but my FTP command failed. Do you know anyway of doing this?

    Hi Lego,
    here's another sample for the fm:
    REPORT ztest_epsf.
    PARAMETERS: date LIKE sy-datum,
                dir  TYPE epsf-epsdirnam,
                pattern TYPE epsf-epsfilnam,
                zid   LIKE vers_dest-rfcdest.
    DATA dir_list LIKE epsfili OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA cnt_file TYPE epsf-epsfilsiz.
    DATA err_file TYPE epsf-epsfilsiz.
      IF date IS INITIAL.
        date = sy-datum.
    *build pattern with input-pattern and date
      CONCATENATE pattern date '*' INTO pattern.
    *search for files in foreign system
           DESTINATION                   zid
                dir_name               = dir
                file_mask              = pattern
                file_counter           = cnt_file
                error_counter          = err_file
                dir_list               = dir_list
                invalid_eps_subdir     = 1
                sapgparam_failed       = 2
                build_directory_failed = 3
                no_authorization       = 4
                read_directory_failed  = 5
                too_many_read_errors   = 6
                empty_directory_list   = 7
                OTHERS                 = 8.
      WRITE: / pattern.
      LOOP AT dir_list.
        WRITE: / dir_list-name.
      WRITE: / cnt_file.
      WRITE: / err_file.
    pls reward points for useful hints.
    thanks and
    regards Andreas

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    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    you can't.
    Except you save the file under a different name before you send it.

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    Thank you! But do you think that a defective cable would cause it to not boot the cd now as well as the HD errors?
    Also, this is kind of embarrassing, but if my trackpad happened to be broken to where I couldn't click it (broke a while back, but I use an external mouse so it never really bothered me) can I hold down the mouse button on my external mouse at startup to eject the cd or does it have to be the trackpad. If not, is there another way I can eject the cd?
    Thanks again!

  • Date in File name is importing date, not shooting date

    Lightroom 2.0 on Windows XP
    I always used the model (in the french version) "{Nom de fichier>>}_{Date (AAAAMMJJ)>>}" for importing my images (RAW files from Nikon D50, option "convert to DNG").
    It gave me names like _DSC8347_20080715 for a picture which was shot on July 15.
    For some time now (probably since I upgraded to Lightroom 2, but I only remarked it recently), my pictures are now - with the same model - imported as e.g. _DSC8347_20080925, this time meaning "_imported_ on September 25". This is very annoying!
    Is this a bug? Thank you for your help!

    The bug was fixed in Lr 2.1 RC http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Lightroom_2.1

  • Generated PDF file...TOC Items Not Linked

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    Thank you,
    Eric G.

    Hi Art, thank you for responding so fast.  My TOC is being generated by an external source (ATA iSpec2200 app), so I don't have a "TOC" FM file to view properties on.   At one time I was saving docs to PDF and having the TOC links active.  Do you think the problem lies in my external TOC generator?

  • File names in project panel not updating in timeline...

    Hey guys,
         So I cut together a few scenes before I had named all the media in the project bin... But the new names are not reflecting in the timeline... is there someway to make this update and using the new name thats in the project pannel and the color label into the timeline???
    Thanks for any help...

    If no one answers, it could just be that no one knows.

  • Full file name under desktop icon, not a finder window.

    Hello, is it possible to have icons/dirs on the desktop display their entire name without ellipses? Don't care about /path.

    Try launching "/Applications" > "Utilities" > "Terminal.app" and entering these commands:<pre>
    defaults write com.apple.finder FXDesktopLayoutGridCharCount -int 50
    osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to quit'</pre>
    Then restart the "Finder" by clicking on its "Dock" icon.
    You can try different numbers other than "50" until you find a value that suits your preferences.
    Edit: oops, too slow I guess.
    Message was edited by: biovizier

  • File names are not being created correctly!!

    Problem I have, and it seems to be an issue with iTunes in Windows and not Mac or in Windows Media Player for that matter.
    Anyway, the problem is that the files are not being written as they are displayed in the Album Data in iTunes itself. It just appears as though iTunes will create any length of file name it wants and not the one that you create??
    The reason I have an issue with this, is because I am trying to create one large album directory on an external Hard Drive connected to my Router so that any machine I have on the network can access it from there as opposed to creating a directory on every single machine.
    I have a tone of discs that I am loading up and just felt that having one large directory on a networked drive would be the best route to take.
    The machines I will be using to access the files using iTunes is my Mac Mini and my Windows PC depending on what room I am in, and then probably a few other devices scattered around the house to make up a Media network.
    Anyway, the issue is with the file names.
    It just seems that Windows iTunes wants to create whatever file name size it pleases, where as Mac iTunes and Windows Media Player seem to create the files as listed in the Track List and Album File Data.
    It would seem that Windows iTunes has a serious bug in it's File Structure Handling which is a pain in the proverbial.
    Just to test this out, I created the same Album both in Windows and Mac and the Mac version had the full file name structure but the PC one doesn't, however, Windows Media Player created it exactly the same as Mac iTunes.
    It definitely appears as though there is an issue with iTunes in Windows, because it creates other albums without a problem. It just seems to pick and choose as it pleases.
    Anyone else get this or know if there is a way to fix it??

    Katrina S. wrote:
    I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps if you gave a specific example?
    I put my CD's into iTunes so that they go in Album Format with the albums in seperate folders and the song names as they are retrieved from the internet, so that they are not songs all in one long Directory Listing. (Unless of course there is another way of using iTunes??)
    When using iTunes on Mac or the Windows Media Player, all the songs are loaded onto the computer as they are written in the descriptions downloaded from the web.
    Example in Directory format:
    Artist Album Song Name
    Queen - Innuendo - 08 These Are The Days Of Our Lives
    This works fine in Mac iTunes or Windows Media Player. However, if I'm using iTunes in Windows, it may give me the following,
    Artist Album Song Name
    Queen - Innuendo - 08 These Are The Days O
    Now, that is just an example and not a song that is affected, but it gives you an idea of what happens. It appears to happen on any Album and File Name combinations, and only appears to happen when using iTunes in Windows. The much longer filename and album names seem to be far more affected and I think this is to do with Windows Naming structure, but it doesn't explain why it's not happening in Windows Media Player??
    The problem with this, is that when trying to use the same File Directory stored on my external Networked HDD for both Apple and Windows iTunes, the Windows version is causing havoc by doing what it wants where as the Apple iTunes seems to work as intended.
    So when it comes to using either to rip a new CD to the library, I have to start using the Mac Mini each time because it seems to not be causing any issues when ripping discs.
    I'm still in the process of sorting out my Album Directory and having to load everything up on the iMac so that everything gets loaded properly, but this seems to be a really bad bug in iTunes.
    The reason I want to use this external NAS HDD is to keep my data in one area as opposed to having two large directories for both machine formats.
    I hope that is a little more clear on what is happening.
    P.S. Just to add to this. I prefer to use the PC for CD Ripping because the CD Drive is much faster than my Mac Mini and doesn't get anywhere near as hot when used constantly. I can rip 20 albums or more on my PC in the time it takes to sometimes rip just 5 to 10 on my Mac Mini, which is why I wanted this to work properly on the Windows version of iTunes.
    Message was edited by: Capeview

  • Method for quickly putting file names into IPTC core description?

    I would like to put the file names into the IPTC core description. The files are all named differently .Is there a way to batch this or any other way of automatically including it so that I don't have to do each file separately? Or perhaps there is a plug in?
    I am using PS5/ bridge on a mac.

    You only need a script… not a plug-in to do this. Search the bridge scripting forum as Im sure Paul has posted several variations of scripts that do this…

  • CS5 does not let me copy & paste file names

    Mac OS 10.5.8     Before upgrading from CS3 to CS5, I could open a folder of files, select one file, highlight the file name and copy it.  I could then work on an image in CS3 and when ready, Save As.  With the current name of the image highlighted, I could then paste in the name I had copied from the file in the folder.  I can no longer do this with CS5.  Any idea why I can't?

    The only time I see this is when I'm having issues with Finder. Since the "copy" part is done in Finder and the "paste" is done from the Finder clipboard, It would appear to be that something in Finder is not putting the file name onto the clipboard.
    I can do what you describe with no trouble, in CS5, but on Snow Leopard.
    I've had similar troubles in Finder and with Office apps as well, when renaming files from the clipboard. Usually a quick relaunch of Finder cures it. If it doesn't, a reboot will.

  • Wait_for_file() not working for certain file names

    Data Services Version:
    OS: Windows Server 2003.
    I'm using wait_for_file to poll for files in a certain directory. I've used this in the past for other projects and never had an issue until now.
    What seems to be happening is with certain file names, wait_for_file is returning a 1 (meaning at least one file found), however the file list is coming back as blank.
    For example:
    If I put a file name called cs.p.P110113CN.b.110114 in the directory, I get a blank return file list.
    If I then rename this to 110114, it works fine.
    Here's the code I'm using:
    wait_for_file($GV_InputDirectory || '*',0,0,1,$GV_InputFileName);
    $GV_InputDirectory varchar(1000)
    $GV_InputFileName varchar(100)
    Any ideas why this might be happening? Renaming the file isn't really an option as it's a standard format that we've used for years.
    Edited by: Craig Cartmell on Mar 7, 2011 11:16 AM

    Thanks for the reply.
    $GV_InputDirectory is set to
    wcs-dev-boweb2\c$\DebtManager\Dev\Interfaces\Bulk Payments\Agency\credit-security\Input\.
    I'm wondering if it's something to do with the length of the directory/filename combined?
    If I place a file called "110114" in there, wait_for_file() works perfectly. If I change it to "cs.p.P110113CN.b.110114", I have problems.

Maybe you are looking for