Query a date in a varchar field

I am trying to do a simple query...
Count the number of records in a particular month...
I use variables in the URL and use this query (in MSSQL)
SELECT recorddate FROM sometable
WHERE Year(recorddate) LIKE '#Url.year#'
AND Month(recorddate) LIKE '#Url.month#'
This should work in theory, I believe, but the problem is that the date field is varchar (though all records have a timestamp which has been added as:
<INPUT type="hidden" name="recordate" value="#Now()#">
I'm not that advanced in ColdFusion so I'm hoping someone can help me out... Is there a simple way to do this?

I agree with Dan Bracuk that you should store your date values in a date column.  For SQL server this would be DATETIME, SMALLDATETIME, or DATE depending on your server version and requirements.
As a quick fix you can use a derived table that converts your varchar column values to dates.  Be aware that this should only be used as work around until you can update your table to use a date column.  This query will probably not perform well on large data sets.  You should also use the CFQUERYPARAM tag to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities.
<cfquery name="report" datasource="mydsn">
    SELECT recorddate
         SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, recorddate) AS recorddate
         FROM sometable
     ) AS Q
     WHERE Year(recorddate) = <cfqueryparam value="#url.year#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />   
         AND Month(recorddate) = <cfqueryparam value="#url.month#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />  

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    I'm having trouble selecting a value from a table that contain a varchar column in YYYY-MM format. 
    Emp_id Date Cost
    10264 2013-01 5.00
    33644 2013-12 84.00
    10264 2013-02 12.00
    33644 2012-01 680.0
    59842 2014-05 57.00
    In the sample data above, I would like to be able to select the for each Emp_id by the max date. Ex. For Emp_id 10264, the cost should be 12.00.

    create table test (Emp_id int, Date varchar(10), Cost decimal (6,2))
    insert into test values(
    10264, '2013-01', 5.00 ),
    (33644, '2013-12', 84.00 ),
    (10264, '2013-02', 12.00 ),
    (33644, '2012-01', 680.0 ),
    (59842, '2014-05', 57.00 )
    Select Emp_id,[Date],Cost FROM (
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    from test)
    WHERE rn=1
    drop table test

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    here is the procedure
    create or replace
    procedure temp(
        P_MTR_ID VARCHAR2,
        P_FROM_DATE    IN DATE ,
        L_XML CLOB;
        l_query VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_query:=  'SELECT
        a.s_datetime DATETIME,
        a.downdate Ending_date,
        a.downtime Ending_time,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downusage,3),''9999999.000'') kWh_Usage,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downcost,2),''$9,999,999.00'') kWh_cost,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(B.DOWNUSAGE,3),''9999999.000'') KVARH
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          TO_CHAR(S_DATETIME ,''mm/dd/yyyy'') DOWNDATE,
          DECODE(TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574 ,''hh24:'
          ||'mi''), ''00:'
          ||'00'', TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574,''hh24:'
          ||'mi'')) downtime,
          s_usage downusage,
          s_cost downcost
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = '
       ' AND s_mtrch   = ''1''
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE('
        ',''DD-MON-YY'') AND (TO_DATE('
        ',''DD-MON-YY'') + 1)
        ) a,
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          s_usage downusage
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = '
        ' AND s_mtrch   = ''2''
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE('
        ',''DD-MON-YY'') AND (TO_DATE('
        ','' DD-MON-YY'') + 1)
        ) B
      where a.S_DATETIME = B.S_DATETIME(+)';
    OUTPUT parameters are in bold (the issue is they are coming without single quotes otherwise th equery is fine
        a.s_datetime DATETIME,
        a.downdate Ending_date,
        a.downtime Ending_time,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downusage,3),'9999999.000') kWh_Usage,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downcost,2),'$9,999,999.00') kWh_cost,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(B.DOWNUSAGE,3),'9999999.000') KVARH
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          TO_CHAR(S_DATETIME ,'mm/dd/yyyy') DOWNDATE,
          DECODE(TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574 ,'hh24:mi'), '00:00','24:00', TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574,'hh24:mi')) downtime,
          s_usage downusage,
          s_cost downcost
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = N3165 AND s_mtrch   = '1'
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE(01-JAN-13,'DD-MON-YY') AND (TO_DATE(31-JAN-13,'DD-MON-YY') + 1)
        ) a,
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          s_usage downusage
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = N3165 AND s_mtrch   = '2'
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE(01-JAN-13,'DD-MON-YY') AND (TO_DATE(31-JAN-13,' DD-MON-YY') + 1)
        ) B
      where a.S_DATETIME = B.S_DATETIME(+)

    The correct way to handle this is to use bind variables.
    And use DBMS_XMLGEN instead of DBMS_XMLQUERY :
    create or replace procedure temp (
      p_mtr_id       in varchar2
    , p_from_date    in date
    , p_through_date in date
      l_xml   CLOB;
      l_query VARCHAR2(2000);
      l_ctx   dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
      l_query:=  'SELECT
        a.s_datetime DATETIME,
        a.downdate Ending_date,
        a.downtime Ending_time,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downusage,3),''9999999.000'') kWh_Usage,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(a.downcost,2),''$9,999,999.00'') kWh_cost,
        TO_CHAR(ROUND(B.DOWNUSAGE,3),''9999999.000'') KVARH
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          TO_CHAR(S_DATETIME ,''mm/dd/yyyy'') DOWNDATE,
          DECODE(TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574 ,''hh24:'
          ||'mi''), ''00:'
          ||'00'', TO_CHAR(s_datetime+.000011574,''hh24:'
          ||'mi'')) downtime,
          s_usage downusage,
          s_cost downcost
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = :P_MTR_ID
        AND s_mtrch   = ''1''
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE(:P_FROM_DATE,''DD-MON-YY'')
                           AND (TO_DATE(:P_THROUGH_DATE,''DD-MON-YY'') + 1)
        ) a,
        (SELECT s_datetime + .000011574 s_datetime,
          s_usage downusage
        FROM summary_qtrhour
        WHERE s_mtrid = :P_MTR_ID
        AND s_mtrch   = ''2''
        AND s_datetime BETWEEN TO_DATE(:P_FROM_DATE,''DD-MON-YY'')
                           AND (TO_DATE(:P_THROUGH_DATE,'' DD-MON-YY'') + 1)
        ) B
      where a.S_DATETIME = B.S_DATETIME(+)';
      l_ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(l_query);
      dbms_xmlgen.setBindValue(l_ctx, 'P_MTR_ID', p_mtr_id);
      dbms_xmlgen.setBindValue(l_ctx, 'P_FROM_DATE', to_char(p_from_date, 'DD-MON-YY'));
      dbms_xmlgen.setBindValue(l_ctx, 'P_THROUGH_DATE', to_char(p_through_date, 'DD-MON-YY'));
      l_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(l_ctx);
      insert into nk values (l_xml);

  • Querying a date field with different masks in form and database

    Dear friends,
    I have a field with date format mask dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss, but the same field has date format dd/mm/yyyy inside the form which queries it.
    If I run this form, obviously I will query this date in dd/mm/yyyy format mask, but this date is not being found because it doesn't include hh24:mi:ss (hour) from the database field.
    How can I solve this problem? I tried to change my form, putting a format mask with hours, but it requires me to query this date with time, and obviously no one needs to know the exact moment (with seconds!) when the date was recorded in the database.
    Thanks, and best regards,

    You could instruct your users to use the '%' when they enter a date search criteria. Another alternative would be to programatically add the '%' to the date. Also, if your Block based on a view you could alter the vuew to use TRUNC() on the date field to drop the time.
    Another option would be to use the Pre-Query trigger to modify the Block WHERE clause to: TRUNC(date_field) = :block.date_field.
    Hope this helps.
    -- If my response or the response of another is helpful or answers your question, please mark the response accordingly. Thanks!

  • Converting varchar field to date

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    CAST ( VarChar field AS DATE) in RPD it is not working I am getting sql error.
    Thanks for your help.

    can you try once to cast your char as a timestamp.
    Hope that works.

  • Question - new to BO Data Services Designer - how to automatically transform varchar column data to upper(varchar) across all columns in a table?

    Hello -
    New user to BO Data Services Designer. Company is using Data Services Version 12.2.
    I have many tables that all need the same transformation- converting varchars fields to upper(varchar) fields
    I have a table called Items. It has 40 columns, 25 of which are of type varchar.
    What I have been doing is ....
    I make the Item table as the source table then create a Query transform that is then attached to a new target table called - ITEMS_Production.
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    Obviously, I want to do this quicker as I have to do this for lots and lots of tables.
    How can set up Data Services so that I can drag and drop an upper transform quickly and easily or automate this process.
    I also know Python-Java so am happy to script something if need be.
    the logic would be something like -
    if there is a column with a type varchar, add the upper() transformation to column. Go to next column.
    Excited to be using this new tool-
    Thanks in advance.

    Use the DS Workbench.

  • Clob's versus Varchar fields

    It's been a day of learning. I found out that when Kodo gets a
    columnlength of -1 for a String field, it will ask the Dictionary for
    the sql for generating a Clob. Also when Kodo finds a positive
    columnlength it will call getLenString on the dictionary.
    We're using MySQL and in this case, when the column-length of a String
    is set to -1 this creates a TEXT field and when the column-length is
    positive this creates a VARCHAR(column-length) field.
    When querying the database, Kodo once again turns to the meta data. When
    the column-length has been set to -1 Kodo does a separate query for each
    text field. If the column-length is positive, Kodo includes the field in
    it's default-fetch-group.
    Am I correct so far?
    The problem I have is that when a query for a certain field is
    performed, I want it to be in the first group fetched. It is always
    needed and not that large at all. It will at most be 1500 characters. In
    SQL Server and possibly others, I can put the column-length at 1500 and
    wind up with a varchar field of 1500 characters long. MySQL however,
    does not support anything over 255 characters for a varchar field.
    So, I need to create a field of type TEXT to allow it to contain more
    than 255 chars. However, I do not want a separate query for the field
    since it won't be that big anyway.
    I've been able to get this working using the column-length -1 at schema
    time and the value 1500 at runtime. This is not at all convenient and
    will very likely result in a wrong schema being created or the wrong
    query being run in the long run.
    Is the solution I just mentioned the only one, or are there other scenarios?
    Thanks in advance,
    Martin van Dijken

    Your analysis is exactly right. Kodo 3.0 allows a lot more latitude in
    how this behavior is defined.
    One way in which you might be able to get around this problem is to
    leave the "column-length" attribute to -1, but manually force the
    mapping to not be the ClobMapping (which is the mechanism by which Kodo
    knows to issue a separate query for the object). You can do this by
    setting the "custom-mapping" field-level metadata extension to
    I'll be interested to know if this works for you.
    In article <[email protected]>, Martin van Dijken wrote:
    It's been a day of learning. I found out that when Kodo gets a
    columnlength of -1 for a String field, it will ask the Dictionary for
    the sql for generating a Clob. Also when Kodo finds a positive
    columnlength it will call getLenString on the dictionary.
    We're using MySQL and in this case, when the column-length of a String
    is set to -1 this creates a TEXT field and when the column-length is
    positive this creates a VARCHAR(column-length) field.
    When querying the database, Kodo once again turns to the meta data. When
    the column-length has been set to -1 Kodo does a separate query for each
    text field. If the column-length is positive, Kodo includes the field in
    it's default-fetch-group.
    Am I correct so far?
    The problem I have is that when a query for a certain field is
    performed, I want it to be in the first group fetched. It is always
    needed and not that large at all. It will at most be 1500 characters. In
    SQL Server and possibly others, I can put the column-length at 1500 and
    wind up with a varchar field of 1500 characters long. MySQL however,
    does not support anything over 255 characters for a varchar field.
    So, I need to create a field of type TEXT to allow it to contain more
    than 255 chars. However, I do not want a separate query for the field
    since it won't be that big anyway.
    I've been able to get this working using the column-length -1 at schema
    time and the value 1500 at runtime. This is not at all convenient and
    will very likely result in a wrong schema being created or the wrong
    query being run in the long run.
    Is the solution I just mentioned the only one, or are there other scenarios?
    Thanks in advance,
    Martin van Dijken
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com

  • Dividing sum of varchar fields?

    I'm using SQL Server 2014 and I have the following table containing two varchar fields I need to sum and divide:
    [VMID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [vCenter] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [VMName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Template] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [PowerState] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [ClusterName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Disk] [int] NULL,
    [DiskPartition] [varchar](70) NULL,
    [DiskSizeGB] [decimal](10, 3) NULL,
    [Hostname] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [VMID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    I'm trying to get the distinct sum of 'VMName' and 'Hostname' to get the count of each, and then divide the 'VMName' count by 'Hostname' count on a per 'vCenter' basis.
    I'm not sure how to perform calculations against the varchar fields and any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    This is the main query, the top portion was sample data I just put based on your provided data
    ;With CTE
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT VMName) As CountVMName
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT HostName) As CountHostName
    SELECT *, (CASE WHEN CountHostName <> 0 THEN CountVMName / CountHostName ELSE 0 END) As CountPerVCenter
    Best Wishes, Arbi; Please vote if you find this posting was helpful or Mark it as answered.

  • Format Date question as VARCHAR

    Using Oracle 10g:
    I have a varchar field that is holding a date like:
    2010-08-28 14:40:21
    I'm trying to format the date so I can check if it's greater than the sysdate. I'm trying to do:
    TO_CHAR(end_date, 'YYYYMMDD' ) > to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD');
    I'm getting an error:
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
    Which makes sense but I'm just not sure how to properly format the end_date to the YYYYMMDD format.

    user9179751 wrote:
    Using Oracle 10g:
    I have a varchar field that is holding a date like:
    2010-08-28 14:40:21
    I'm trying to format the date so I can check if it's greater than the sysdate. I'm trying to do:
    TO_CHAR(end_date, 'YYYYMMDD' ) > to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD');
    I'm getting an error:
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
    Which makes sense but I'm just not sure how to properly format the end_date to the YYYYMMDD format.Is end_date the VARCHAR2 column?
    TO_CHAR, as the name suggests, converts a DATE TO a <b>CHAR</b>acter string. If you already have a character string, then there's no need for TO_CHAR.
    You might want to call TO_DATE, such as
    WHERE   TO_DATE ( end_date
                    , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'
                    )  > SYSDATEbut it's more efficient and less error prone to say
    WHERE   end_date > TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')Why is it more efficient? The optimizer considers SYSDATE to be a constant, even if the query takes a significant amount of time. Therefore, it will only convert SYSDATE into a string once, even if you have a million rows in the table. If you did it the first way, you would have to call TO_DATE a million times, once for each row. Also, because your column, end_date, is alone on one side of the > operator, the optimizer can use an index on that column.
    Why is it less error prone? If you have even one row where end_date is malformed, you'll get an error if you call TO_DATE. By not even trying to convert end_date, you don't risk any errors.
    This only works because the format of end_date is suitable for sorting. If the format were, say, 'DD-Mon-YYYY', you would have to convert it to a DATE.
    It would be better if end_date were a DATE column. It's never a good idea to use a VARCHAR2 column to store points in time.

  • Best practice to define length for varchar field of table in sql server

    What is best practice to define length for a varchar field in table
    where field suppose Remarks By Person  varchar(max) or varchar(4000)
    Could it affect on optimization in future????
    experts Reply Must ... 
    Dilip Patil..

    Hi Dilip,
    Varchar(n/max) is a variable-length, non-unicode character data. N defines the string length and can be a value from 1 through 8,000. Max indicates that the maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes (2 GB). The storage size is the actual length of the data entered
    + 2 bytes. We always use varchar when the sizes of the column data entries vary considerably. While if the filed data size might exceed 8,000 bytes in some way, we should use varchar(max).
    So the conclusion is just like Uri said, use varchar(max) or varchar(4000) is depends on how much characters we are going to store.
    The following document about varchar in SQL Server is for your reference:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to get the histoical data for newly added field in the cube?

    Hi Experts,
    I have small doubt on remodeling the infocube.
    After adding the characteristic or keyfigure  to a cube by using remodeling concept, how can I get the historical data for that particular field.
    I have searched in SDN also but I didn't get proper information.
    Please excuse me if I posted repeated question.
    helpful answer will be awarded with poitns.
    Thanks & regards,

    depending on your customer need you could use the remodelling functionnality but sometimes you have no way to retrieve what you want so another option you should consider is the following:
    that will cost less effort and guarantee the result.
    data is redondant for a while
    space (depending on the volume of historical data)
    So here are the steps :
    step 1Adjust your extraction process according to the fields you need to add to populate the cube.
    step 2 Then create a dso next or even a cube, feed the dso with a full load with the enhanced extractor you adjusted with the new fields in step 1 only once in fact this should be one shot.
    step 3 Copy the query to the previous built  multi-provider on top of the new historical data from dso and the running live delta cube. Adjust the queries if necessary.
    optionnal Then if you want to get rid of the dso or new cube for historical data you could empty the actual one push the data from the new data provider and that's all.

  • SAP Query for difference of 2 currency fields

    Hello Experts,
    I have created a SAP query in which I need to fetch data from only 1 custom table through "direct read of table" method.
    I have also added an additionl field in the query output and the field name is "Difference" (difference between 2 currency fields).
    Please help me out in writing the code for this additional field which gives the difference of 2.
    Ex: there are 5 fields A, B, C, D and E to be displayed in output of SAP query. I have added additional field X. So please help me out to write the code which gives difference of A and B fields.

    By using t-code SQ02. Use option direct read from table. Then move forward. you have a code option, click on it.
    Here you declare your data as same as your report.
    On coding section, you get a option of events. use event and move you code forward as per your requirement.

  • POST-QUERY trigger cannot retrieve the database field in TEMPLATE.fmb

    I have tried to create a form using TEMPLATE.fmb in Oracle Apps R11i. I found that the POST-QUERY trigger cannot retrieve the database field (which is display item property) properly. Can anyone tell me how to retrieve the displayed database fields? Thanks for any helps.

    POST-QUERY would fire after the query has been executed, it does not do the actual data retrieve.
    See if the items you have put have the data source properties set and are not control items.
    btw, this forum is for OA users, you would get better response to your query if you post it in forms forum

  • Custom KFF on custom form not querying concatenated data

    Hi ,
    A custom form is created ,which has a custom KFF field(which pops up a form with segment field).Both form field and segment1-n fields are based on same table ,the KFF field is inserting data into table,but unable to query concatenaed segment data into the KFF field fnd_flex.event call are made from pre-query,post-query,pre insert,pre update and when new item instance (form level triggers).pls help

    The KFF view did not get created in case of custom KFF,Is that the reason?

  • Getting all VARCHAR fields with string length different then x

    I am trying to get from a table all the rows which contain in a certain varchar field a string length different than x (5 i.e.):
    varchar field
    fd <-
    sdfsdfsdf <-
    the marked rows will been given out.

    Term, the Oracle SQL manual contains documentation on the Oracle functions. Most of the functions can be classified as either character functions, number (math) functions, date functions, and conversion functions.
    If you are going to work with Oracle you will benefit from looking on the list of available functions to become familiar with what is available.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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