Raw material not using for production

I have a raw material which will be a line item for different FERT
But some particular FERT i don't want to this raw material is use for costing and planning and consumption
Please tell me how we can map this
I try  in BOM Item status we can select not relevent for costing as well as in material master can be select asP D ,But the problem is that in some FERT i will use this raw material for costing as well as planing ,consumption etc...
Any hints please...
Abu Fathima

Bulk material is normally included in the BOM for information purpose. It normally has not impact on planning, costing, consumption. Materials like grease, washers etc are used as bulk. For what you asked in your first post, bulk material concept suits the best.
You need to remember that if you set bulk material indicator in BOM (it is set in BOM only if in certain fert materials you don't want that component material to be planned costed and consumed) or material master ( for all Ferts), it will not get copied to component overview of production (meaning, you cannot see it in production order, but you can see it in BOM).
But you can make it appear in production order by changing the setting Excl. Bulk Material in BOM explosion in OPPQ  and/or OPPR. In this case when you create production order it will appear in the component overview and it will also appear in the order reservation but... movement allowed field will be blank , meaning you cannot post good consumption for the bulk material even if it appears in component overview. So it is not visible in MD04 or MD05.
Another thing to note is there is a third place you can set bulk indicator, you can set any material as bulk in component overview in CO02, it will not be planned, costed or consumed.
You do not control those things with item catagory in BOM
For R&D, the normal procedure is creating an Engineering BOM (Usage 2). But if you want to use production BOM's for R&D also, you need to go to OS20 and for BOM Usage 1 (for Prodution), change + to .(period)  and now go to CS02 and uncheck production relevant for the items you want to not to be considered for production (planning and consumption) and uncheck costing. Then check Engineering/Design Relevant. This should fulfill your need and also looks politically correct because you're just not bulking it out.
Edited by: Jeevan Sagar on Feb 24, 2012 12:54 AM
Edited by: Jeevan Sagar on Feb 24, 2012 12:59 AM

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  • Raw material cost report for production of finished produt.?(urgent..REWARD

    any one can help in this issue.
    i am not getting the raw materila cost & manfacture conversion cost for  for the bom of FG - SFG - SFG - SFG- RAW
    FG - finished goods,
    SFG - semi finished goods
    RAW - raw material.
    plz provide the solution.
    raw material  and manfacture conversion cost is calculated in PERFORM z_process_data. subroutine.
    REPORT z_co_production_cost_nsk.
    TABLES: afko, bkpf, t001w , caufv.
    TYPE-POOLS: kkblo,
    DATA: d_datefrom LIKE sy-datum,
          d_dateto LIKE sy-datum,
          d_repid LIKE sy-repid,
          d_uname LIKE sy-uname,
          d_returncode TYPE i,
          d_tabix TYPE i,
          d_kokrs LIKE tka01-kokrs,
          d_waers LIKE tka01-waers,
          wa_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_fieldcat_main,
          wa_listevents TYPE slis_alv_event,
          wa_listlayout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          wa_print_info TYPE slis_print_alv,
          wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
          d_headerlines TYPE i.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_caufv OCCURS 0,
            aufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
            werks TYPE caufv-werks,
            objnr TYPE covp-objnr,
            gamng TYPE caufv-gamng,
            plnbez TYPE caufv-plnbez,
            rsnum TYPE caufv-rsnum,
          END OF t_caufv.
    *Added by Anand Bothra on 24/11/2003
    DATA: t_ab_caufv LIKE t_caufv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: t_temp_caufv LIKE t_caufv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_afpo OCCURS 0,
            aufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
            posnr TYPE afpo-posnr,
            wemng TYPE afpo-wemng,
            amein TYPE afpo-amein,
            charg TYPE afpo-charg,
          END OF t_afpo.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_afpo1 OCCURS 0,
            aufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
            refaufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
            objnr TYPE caufv-objnr,
            rsnum TYPE afko-rsnum,
            wemng TYPE afpo-wemng,
            werks TYPE afpo-dwerk,
            charg TYPE afpo-charg,
          END OF t_afpo1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_makt OCCURS 0,
            matnr TYPE makt-matnr,
            maktx TYPE makt-maktx,
          END OF t_makt.
    DATA: t_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          t_listevents TYPE slis_t_event,
          t_sortsequence TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
          t_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_production_costs OCCURS 0,
            objnr TYPE covp-objnr,       " Object Number
            kstar TYPE covp-kstar,       " Cost Element
            wkgbtr TYPE covp-wkgbtr,     " Cost of Line Item in CO area curr
            mbgbtr TYPE covp-mbgbtr,     " Quantity of Line Item
            matnr TYPE covp-matnr,       " Material Number
            kokrs TYPE covp-kokrs,       " Controlling Area
            belnr TYPE covp-belnr,       " Cost Accounting Document
            buzei TYPE covp-buzei,       " Item Number in Document
          END OF t_production_costs.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_production_costs1 OCCURS 0,
            objnr TYPE covp-objnr,       " Object Number
            kstar TYPE covp-kstar,       " Cost Element
            wkgbtr TYPE covp-wkgbtr,     " Cost of Line Item in CO area curr
            mbgbtr TYPE covp-mbgbtr,     " Quantity of Line Item
            kokrs TYPE covp-kokrs,       " Controlling Area
            belnr TYPE covp-belnr,       " Cost Accounting Document
            buzei TYPE covp-buzei,       " Item Number in Document
          END OF t_production_costs1.
    DATA t_production_costs2 LIKE t_production_costs1
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_suborders OCCURS 0,
            aufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
            prevaufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
            objnr TYPE covp-objnr,
            rsnum TYPE caufv-rsnum,
          END OF t_suborders.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_outputtab OCCURS 0,
            plnbez LIKE afko-plnbez,             " Material Number
            objnr LIKE caufv-objnr,              " Object Number
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,               " Material Description
            charg LIKE afpo-charg,               " Batch Number
            aufnr LIKE afko-aufnr,               " Production Order Number
            gamng LIKE caufv-gamng,              " Total Order Quantity
            wemng LIKE afpo-wemng,               " Goods Receipt Quantity
            amein LIKE afpo-amein,               " Unit of Measure
            yield TYPE p DECIMALS 2,             " Percentage Yield
            totalrmcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       " Total Raw Material Cost
            totalpmcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       " Total Packing Mat. Cost
            mfgconvcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       " Manu. Conversion Cost
            pkgconvcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       " Packing Conv. Cost
            rmperunit TYPE p DECIMALS 2,         " Raw Cost per unit
            pmperunit TYPE p DECIMALS 2,         " Pack Mat cost per unit
            ccperunit TYPE p DECIMALS 2,         " Conv Cost per unit
            totperunit TYPE p DECIMALS 2,        " Total Cost per unit
            waers LIKE tka01-waers,              " Currency Key for CO Area
          END OF t_outputtab.
    *Added by Anand Bothra on 24/11/2003.
    DATA: t_ab_outputtab LIKE t_outputtab OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          t_temp_outputtab LIKE t_outputtab OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA:wa_prev_outputtab LIKE LINE OF t_outputtab,
         wa_production_costs LIKE LINE OF t_production_costs.
    DATA:prev_totmatqty TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
         prev_tot_mfgconv_cst TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
         grand_mat_qty TYPE p DECIMALS 2 ,
         tmp_aufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_suborders_propcost OCCURS 0,
            aufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
            prevaufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
            objnr TYPE covp-objnr,
            rsnum TYPE caufv-rsnum,
            proprmcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
            prop_mfg_convcost TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
          END OF t_suborders_propcost.
    DATA: wa_suborders LIKE LINE OF t_suborders.
    DATA: prev_aufnr TYPE caufv-aufnr,
          prev_matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
          curr_matnr TYPE mara-matnr.
    DATA: bln_suborder ,
          ratio TYPE p DECIMALS 5.
    *Added by Anand Bothra on 28/11/2003
    DATA: d_flag TYPE c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_plnbez FOR afko-plnbez,
                    s_aufnr FOR afko-aufnr,
    "Added By Vivek on 29.11.2005
                    s_auart FOR caufv-auart obligatory.
    PARAMETERS p_werks LIKE t001w-werks OBLIGATORY.
    PARAMETERS p_gjahr LIKE bkpf-gjahr OBLIGATORY.
                p_sum RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad.
      d_repid = sy-repid.
      d_uname = sy-uname.
    p_werks = 'G001'.
       IF screen-name EQ 'P_WERKS'.
         screen-input = 0.
      IF s_monat-high IS INITIAL.
        IF NOT ( s_monat-low BETWEEN 1 AND 12 ).
          MESSAGE e398(00) WITH text-023 text-024 space space.
        IF ( ( s_monat-low LT 1 ) OR ( s_monat-high GT 12 ) ).
          MESSAGE e398(00) WITH text-023 text-024 text-025 space.
      PERFORM z_get_period_dates.
      PERFORM z_select_prod_orders.
      PERFORM z_select_prod_costs.
      PERFORM z_select_addl_prod_costs.
      PERFORM z_select_mat_desc.
      IF d_returncode EQ 0.
        PERFORM z_process_data.
    *Added by Anand Bothra on 24/11/2004.
        PERFORM z_select_to_print.
        PERFORM z_prepare_fieldcat.
        PERFORM z_get_alv_events.
        PERFORM z_define_sortsequence.
        PERFORM z_define_layout.
        PERFORM z_display_list.
    *Added by Anand Botra on 25/11/2003.
        PERFORM z_export_to_excel.
        PERFORM z_send_mail_and_download.
        MESSAGE i017(p5).
    *&      Form  Z_GET_PERIOD_DATES
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_get_period_dates.
    Determine the date range from the fiscal period range and
    fiscal year entered on the selection screen
      DATA: d_firstdate LIKE sy-datum,
            d_lastdate LIKE sy-datum,
            t_dates LIKE scscp_period_str OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
          i_gjahr        = p_gjahr
          i_periv        = 'V3'
          e_first_day    = d_firstdate
          e_last_day     = d_lastdate
          input_false    = 1
          t009_notfound  = 2
          t009b_notfound = 3
          OTHERS         = 4.
          i_datuv    = d_firstdate
          i_datub    = d_lastdate
          i_timeunit = 'M'
          et_dates   = t_dates.
      SORT t_dates BY sindex.
      DELETE t_dates INDEX 1.
      LOOP AT t_dates.
        SUBTRACT: 1 FROM t_dates-sindex,
                  1 FROM t_dates-datub.
        MODIFY t_dates TRANSPORTING sindex datub.
      CLEAR: d_datefrom,
      READ TABLE t_dates WITH KEY sindex = s_monat-low.
      d_datefrom = t_dates-datuv.
      CLEAR d_dateto.
      IF s_monat-high IS INITIAL.
        d_dateto = t_dates-datub.
        CLEAR t_dates.
        READ TABLE t_dates WITH KEY sindex = s_monat-high.
        d_dateto = t_dates-datub.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_GET_PERIOD_DATES
    *&      Form  Z_SELECT_PROD_ORDERS
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_select_prod_orders.
    Select all production orders as per the selection criteria provided
      DATA: d_dlv_code LIKE jstat-stat,
            d_teco_code LIKE jstat-stat,
            t_status LIKE jstat OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO t001w-name1 FROM t001w WHERE werks = p_werks.
    if s_plnbez-low eq space and s_plnbez-high eq space.
      SELECT aufnr werks objnr gamng rsnum plnbez
      TABLE t_caufv FROM caufv
      WHERE aufnr IN s_aufnr
    AND   auart IN ('PP01', 'LL02') : BY VIVEK
      AND   auart in s_auart " Added By Vivek on 29.11.2005
      AND   werks = p_werks
      AND   plnbez IN s_plnbez
      AND   getri BETWEEN d_datefrom AND d_dateto
      ORDER BY aufnr.
      d_returncode = sy-subrc.
      IF d_returncode NE 0.
    Filter out only those production orders that have a status
    DLV (Delivered) or TECO (Technically Confirmed).
      CLEAR: d_dlv_code,
      PERFORM z_get_status_code USING 'DLV' CHANGING d_dlv_code.
      PERFORM z_get_status_code USING 'TECO' CHANGING d_teco_code.
      LOOP AT t_caufv.
        REFRESH t_status.
              CLIENT           = SY-MANDT
                  objnr            = t_caufv-objnr
                 only_active      = 'X'
              OBTYP            =
              STSMA            =
              STONR            =
                 status           = t_status
                 object_not_found = 1
                 OTHERS           = 2
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          CLEAR t_status.
          READ TABLE t_status WITH KEY stat = d_dlv_code.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            CLEAR t_status.
            READ TABLE t_status WITH KEY stat = d_teco_code.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              DELETE t_caufv.
          DELETE t_caufv.
      IF t_caufv[] IS INITIAL.
        d_returncode = 4.
    Added by Anand Bothra on 24/11/2003**********
      t_ab_caufv[] = t_caufv[].
    Added by Anand Bothra on 28/11/2003.
      IF ( s_plnbez-low EQ space AND s_plnbez-high EQ space ).
        IF ( s_aufnr-low EQ space AND s_aufnr-high EQ space ).
          d_flag = 'N'.
          d_flag = 'Y'.
        d_flag = 'Y'.
      IF d_flag = 'Y'.
    Added by Anand Bothra on 21/11/2003.**********
    *Get the batch number of the entered order
        DATA: itab_afpo LIKE afpo OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.
        DATA: BEGIN OF t_ab_charg OCCURS 0,
    *Added by Anand on 27/11/2003
                aufnr LIKE afpo-aufnr,
                charg LIKE afpo-charg,
                END OF t_ab_charg.
        LOOP AT t_caufv.
          SELECT aufnr charg FROM afpo INTO t_ab_charg WHERE aufnr =
            APPEND t_ab_charg.
            CLEAR t_ab_charg.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
       SELECT * FROM afpo INTO TABLE itab_afpo WHERE charg = d_ab_charg.
        LOOP AT t_ab_charg.
          SELECT * FROM afpo INTO itab_afpo WHERE charg = t_ab_charg-charg.
            APPEND itab_afpo.
            CLEAR itab_afpo.
        CLEAR t_caufv.
        REFRESH t_caufv.
    *Get all the orders with the same batch number.
        LOOP AT itab_afpo.
          SELECT aufnr werks objnr gamng rsnum plnbez
          t_caufv FROM caufv WHERE aufnr = itab_afpo-aufnr.
            APPEND t_caufv.
        CLEAR t_caufv.
        SORT t_caufv BY aufnr.
    delete adjacent duplicates from t_caufv comparing all fields.
      SELECT aufnr posnr wemng amein charg INTO TABLE t_afpo
      FROM afpo FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_caufv
      WHERE aufnr = t_caufv-aufnr.
      d_returncode = sy-subrc.
      IF d_returncode NE 0.
      SORT t_afpo BY aufnr.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_SELECT_PROD_ORDERS
    *&      Form  Z_SELECT_MAT_DESC
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_select_mat_desc.
    Get the Description of all materials
      SELECT matnr maktx INTO TABLE t_makt FROM makt
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_caufv
      WHERE matnr = t_caufv-plnbez
      AND   spras = sy-langu.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_SELECT_MAT_DESC
    *&      Form  Z_PROCESS_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_process_data.
    Process the data from all production orders and prepare the output
    table for display appropriately
      DATA: d_mbgbtr TYPE p DECIMALS 3,
            loop_cnt TYPE i.
      REFRESH t_outputtab.
      LOOP AT t_caufv.
        CLEAR t_outputtab.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING t_caufv TO t_outputtab.
        CLEAR t_makt.
        READ TABLE t_makt WITH KEY matnr = t_caufv-plnbez.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          MOVE t_makt-maktx TO t_outputtab-maktx.
        CLEAR t_afpo.
        READ TABLE t_afpo WITH KEY aufnr = t_caufv-aufnr.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          MOVE: t_afpo-wemng TO t_outputtab-wemng,
                t_afpo-amein TO t_outputtab-amein,
                t_afpo-charg TO t_outputtab-charg.
        IF t_outputtab-gamng NE 0.
          COMPUTE t_outputtab-yield =
          ( t_outputtab-wemng / t_outputtab-gamng ) * 100.
        APPEND t_outputtab.
      SORT t_production_costs BY objnr kstar.
      LOOP AT t_production_costs.
        AT NEW objnr.
          CLEAR: d_mbgbtr, d_tabix, t_outputtab.
          READ TABLE t_outputtab WITH KEY objnr = t_production_costs-objnr.
          MOVE sy-tabix TO d_tabix.
          " Add up the Raw Material and Manufacturing Conversion
          " Costs from the previous stage production order
          CLEAR loop_cnt .
          LOOP AT t_suborders WHERE aufnr = t_outputtab-aufnr.
         commented by anand bothra on 20/11/2003
            ADD 1 TO loop_cnt.
            IF loop_cnt > 1.
            LOOP AT t_production_costs1 WHERE objnr = t_suborders-objnr.
              CASE t_production_costs1-kstar.
                WHEN '0005000000' OR '0005010000'.     " Raw Material Cost
    BEGIN OF deletion VIP110703
              ADD t_production_costs1-wkgbtr TO t_outputtab-totalrmcost.
    END   OF deletion VIP110703
                  ADD t_production_costs1-wkgbtr TO prev_totmatqty.
                WHEN '0000500100'.      " Manufacturing Conversion Cost
                  ADD t_production_costs1-wkgbtr TO prev_tot_mfgconv_cst.
    BEGIN OF deletion VIP110703
                ADD t_production_costs1-wkgbtr TO t_outputtab-mfgconvcost.
    END   OF deletion VIP110703
           READ TABLE t_production_costs INTO wa_production_costs
           WITH KEY objnr = t_production_costs-objnr
                      matnr = wa_prev_outputtab-plnbez.
           IF sy-subrc = 0.
             IF  ( wa_production_costs-mbgbtr NE
                                   wa_prev_outputtab-wemng )  .
               prev_totmatqty = ( prev_totmatqty /
                                  wa_prev_outputtab-wemng ) *
               prev_tot_mfgconv_cst = ( prev_tot_mfgconv_cst /
                                  wa_prev_outputtab-wemng ) *
           LOOP AT t_suborders_propcost
                   WHERE prevaufnr = wa_prev_outputtab-aufnr.
             t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost = prev_totmatqty.
             t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost = prev_tot_mfgconv_cst
             MODIFY t_suborders_propcost.
           clear: prev_totmatqty,
            CLEAR: wa_prev_outputtab,
            READ TABLE t_outputtab INTO wa_prev_outputtab
            WITH KEY aufnr = t_suborders-prevaufnr.
            ratio = 1.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              READ TABLE t_production_costs INTO wa_production_costs
              WITH KEY objnr = t_outputtab-objnr
                         matnr = wa_prev_outputtab-plnbez.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                IF  ( wa_production_costs-mbgbtr NE
                                      wa_prev_outputtab-wemng ) .
                  ratio = wa_production_costs-mbgbtr /
                  prev_totmatqty = ( prev_totmatqty /
                                     wa_prev_outputtab-wemng ) *
                  prev_tot_mfgconv_cst = ( prev_tot_mfgconv_cst /
                                     wa_prev_outputtab-wemng ) *
            LOOP AT t_suborders_propcost
                    WHERE prevaufnr = wa_prev_outputtab-aufnr
                    AND aufnr = t_outputtab-aufnr.
              t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost = prev_totmatqty.
              t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost = prev_tot_mfgconv_cst.
              MODIFY t_suborders_propcost.
    *Commented by Anand Bothra on 20/11/2003.
            CLEAR: prev_totmatqty,
        AT END OF kstar.
          CASE t_production_costs-kstar.
            WHEN '0000500200'.    " Packing Conversion Costs
              t_outputtab-pkgconvcost = t_production_costs-wkgbtr.
            WHEN '0005000500'.   " Semi-Finished Cost/Quantity
              MOVE t_production_costs-mbgbtr TO d_mbgbtr.
            WHEN '0005050000' OR '0005050001' OR '0005050002'.
              " Packing Mat Costs
              ADD t_production_costs-wkgbtr TO t_outputtab-totalpmcost.
            WHEN '0005000000' OR '0005010000'.
              ADD t_production_costs-wkgbtr TO t_outputtab-totalrmcost.
            WHEN '0000500100'.      " Manufacturing Conversion Cost
              ADD t_production_costs-wkgbtr TO t_outputtab-mfgconvcost.
        AT END OF objnr.
          MOVE d_waers TO t_outputtab-waers.
    Calculations for the Production Order
          " Determine the RM Cost/Unit and Mfg Conv Cost/Unit
          CLEAR t_afpo1.
          READ TABLE t_afpo1 WITH KEY aufnr = t_outputtab-aufnr.
          IF ( ( sy-subrc EQ 0 ) AND ( t_afpo1-wemng NE 0 ) ).
    BEGIN OF insertion VIP110703
           tmp_aufnr = t_production_costs-objnr+2(12).
           LOOP AT t_suborders_propcost
           WHERE aufnr = tmp_aufnr  .
            ADD t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost TO t_outputtab-totalrmcost
             ADD t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost  TO
    END   OF insertion VIP110703
    BEGIN OF insertion VIP111003
            CLEAR: t_suborders_propcost , tmp_aufnr.
            READ TABLE t_suborders_propcost
            WITH KEY aufnr = t_outputtab-aufnr.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
             t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost =
                 t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost * ratio.
              ADD t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost
                    TO t_outputtab-totalrmcost.
             t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost =
                 t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost * ratio.
              ADD t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost
                   TO t_outputtab-mfgconvcost.
              tmp_aufnr = t_suborders_propcost-prevaufnr.
              bln_suborder = 'T'.
              WHILE bln_suborder = 'T'.
                CLEAR: t_suborders_propcost .
                READ TABLE t_suborders_propcost
                WITH KEY aufnr = tmp_aufnr.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost =
                    t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost * ratio.
                  ADD t_suborders_propcost-proprmcost
                        TO t_outputtab-totalrmcost.
                  t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost =
                      t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost * ratio.
                  ADD t_suborders_propcost-prop_mfg_convcost
                       TO t_outputtab-mfgconvcost.
                  tmp_aufnr = t_suborders_propcost-prevaufnr.
                  bln_suborder = 'F'.
                  CLEAR tmp_aufnr.
    END   OF insertion VIP111003
    END   OF deletion VIP110703
           t_outputtab-mfgconvcost = ( t_outputtab-mfgconvcost /
                                       t_afpo1-wemng ) * d_mbgbtr.
           t_outputtab-totalrmcost = ( t_outputtab-totalrmcost /
                                       t_afpo1-wemng ) * d_mbgbtr.
    END   OF deletion VIP110703
          IF t_outputtab-wemng NE 0.
            t_outputtab-rmperunit = t_outputtab-totalrmcost /
            " PM Cost Per Unit = Total PM Cost / Quantity Delivered
            t_outputtab-pmperunit = t_outputtab-totalpmcost
                                    / t_outputtab-wemng.
            " Conv Cost Cost Per Unit = (Manu Conv Cost + Pack Conv Cost)
            "                           / Qty Delv
            t_outputtab-ccperunit = ( t_outputtab-mfgconvcost
                                    + t_outputtab-pkgconvcost )
                                    / t_outputtab-wemng.
          " Total Cost Per Unit = (RM Cost per unit + PM Cost per Unit
          "                       + Conv Cost per unit)
          t_outputtab-totperunit = t_outputtab-rmperunit
                                   + t_outputtab-pmperunit
                                   + t_outputtab-ccperunit.
    Update the calculated values in the internal table
          CHECK d_tabix GT 0.
          MODIFY t_outputtab INDEX d_tabix
                             TRANSPORTING totalrmcost totalpmcost
                                          mfgconvcost pkgconvcost
                                          rmperunit pmperunit
                                          ccperunit totperunit waers.
         MOVE t_outputtab TO wa_prev_outputtab.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_PROCESS_DATA
    *&      Form  Z_DISPLAY_LIST
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_display_list.
    Display the Report
            I_INTERFACE_CHECK        = ' '
             i_callback_program       = d_repid
            I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET = ' '
            I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND  = ' '
            I_STRUCTURE_NAME         =
             is_layout                = wa_listlayout
               it_fieldcat              = t_fieldcatalog
            IT_EXCLUDING             =
            IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS        =
               it_sort                  = t_sortsequence
            IT_FILTER                =
            IS_SEL_HIDE              =
            I_DEFAULT                = 'X'
            I_SAVE                   = ' '
            IS_VARIANT               = ' '
             it_events                = t_listevents
            IT_EVENT_EXIT            =
             is_print                 = wa_print_info
            IS_REPREP_ID             =
            I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN    = 0
            I_SCREEN_START_LINE      = 0
            I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN      = 0
            I_SCREEN_END_LINE        = 0
            I_BYPASSING_BUFFER       =
            I_BUFFER_ACTIVE          =
            E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER  =
            ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER   =
                t_outtab                 = t_outputtab
               program_error            = 1
               OTHERS                   = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_DISPLAY_LIST
    *&      Form  Z_FILL_FIELDCATALOG
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING      p_rownum LIKE sy-curow
                                        p_colnum LIKE sy-cucol
                                        p_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname
                                        p_tabname TYPE slis_tabname
                                        p_reffield TYPE dd03p-fieldname
                                        p_reftable TYPE dd03p-tabname
                                        p_qfield TYPE slis_fieldname
                                        p_qtab TYPE slis_tabname
    Prepare the fields for ALV list output
      CLEAR wa_fieldcatalog.
      wa_fieldcatalog-row_pos = p_rownum.
      wa_fieldcatalog-col_pos = p_colnum.
      wa_fieldcatalog-fieldname = p_fieldname.
      wa_fieldcatalog-tabname = p_tabname.
      wa_fieldcatalog-ref_fieldname = p_reffield.
      wa_fieldcatalog-ref_tabname = p_reftable.
      wa_fieldcatalog-qfieldname = p_qfield.
      wa_fieldcatalog-qtabname = p_qtab.
      wa_fieldcatalog-do_sum = p_sum.
      wa_fieldcatalog-seltext_s = p_stext.
      wa_fieldcatalog-seltext_m = p_mtext.
      wa_fieldcatalog-seltext_l = p_ltext.
      wa_fieldcatalog-datatype = p_datatype.
      wa_fieldcatalog-outputlen = p_outputlen.
      APPEND wa_fieldcatalog TO t_fieldcatalog.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_FILL_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  Z_PREPARE_FIELDCAT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_prepare_fieldcat.
    Append all the display fields into the field catalog internal table
    First Row
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 1 1 'PLNBEZ' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'AFKO' space space
                                        space space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 1 2 'MAKTX' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'MAKT' space space
                                        space space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 1 3 'CHARG' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'AFPO' space space
                                        space space space space space
    Second Row
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 2 1 'AUFNR' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'AFKO' space space
                                        space space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 2 2 'GAMNG' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'CAUFV' 'AMEIN' space
                                        'X' space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 2 3 'WEMNG' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'AFPO' 'AMEIN' space
                                        'X' space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 2 4 'AMEIN' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space 'AFPO' space space
                                        space space space space space
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 2 5 'YIELD' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        space text-010 text-010 text-010
                                        'QUAN' 17.
    Third Row
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 3 1 'TOTALRMCOST' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        'X' text-011 text-011 text-011
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 3 2 'TOTALPMCOST' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        'X' text-012 text-012 text-012
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 3 3 'MFGCONVCOST' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        'X' text-013 text-013 text-013
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 3 4 'PKGCONVCOST' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        'X' text-014 text-014 text-014
                                        'CURR' 21.
    Fourth Row
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 4 1 'RMPERUNIT' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        space text-015 text-015 text-015
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 4 2 'PMPERUNIT' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        space text-016 text-016 text-016
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 4 3 'CCPERUNIT' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        space text-017 text-017 text-017
                                        'CURR' 21.
      PERFORM z_fill_fieldcatalog USING 4 4 'TOTPERUNIT' 'T_OUTPUTTAB'
                                        space space space space
                                        space text-018 text-018 text-018
                                       'CURR' 21.
    ENDFORM.                    " Z_PREPARE_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  Z_GET_ALV_EVENTS
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM z_get_alv_events.
    Returns table of possible events for a list type
      REFRESH t_listevents.
            I_LIST_TYPE     = 0
               et_events       = t_listevents
               list_type_wrong = 1
               OTHERS          = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CLEAR: wa_listevents, d_tabix.
        READ TABLE t_listevents WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
        INTO wa_listevents.
        d_tabix = sy-tabix.

    Hi Sai,
          You can try using MB51, use filter movement type 261. Add a filter for the posting date coverage.
    Then proceed. Click on the icon DETAIL LIST.
    Then click on the SUBTOTAL, add MATERIAL as a Criteria. The click the column AMOUNT IN LC.
    You should see the total issuances to per material.
    I hope this helps.
    Heinrick Palad

  • to R12.1.1 upgrade : AutoPatch warning : Product Data File $APPL_TOP/admin/*prod.txt does not exist for product

    Hello Sir,
    OS version : AIX 6.1
    DB version :
    EBS version :
    As a part of to R12.1.1 upgrade, I am applying merged patch (9179588:R12.AD.B) with 9477107:R12.AD.B and patch 7461070(R12.AD.B.1 upgrade driver).
    I can see AutoPatch warning messages during adpatch session as below so I have not yet started this merged patch. Please suggest.
                         Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
                            Redwood Shores, California, USA
                             Oracle Applications AutoPatch
                                     Version 12.0.0
    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
          unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
    Attention: AutoPatch no longer checks for unapplied pre-requisite patches.
    You must use OAM Patch Wizard for this feature. Alternatively, you can
    review the README for pre-requisite information.
    Your default directory is '/fmstop/r12apps/apps/apps_st/appl'.
    Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ?
    AutoPatch records your AutoPatch session in a text file
    you specify.  Enter your AutoPatch log file name or press [Return]
    to accept the default file name shown in brackets.
    Filename [adpatch.log] : adpatch_u_merged_R12AD11.log
    You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.
    Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ?
    Please enter the batchsize [1000] : 2000
    Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this
    APPL_TOP belongs to.
    The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle
    Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters
    long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,
    and must start with a letter.
    Sample Applications System names are: "prod", "test", "demo" and
    Applications System Name [FMSTEST] : FMSTEST *
    NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed
    in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.
    Example 1: If you don't have files used for installing or upgrading
    the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade
    the database from this APPL_TOP.
    Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot
    generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.
    Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,
    you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.
    Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database
    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
    Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality
    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
    Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed
    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
    Do you currently have concurrent program files installed
    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
    Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.
    The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle Applications
    System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain
    alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.
    Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".
    APPL_TOP Name [drix10] : drix10 *
    You are about to apply a patch to the installation of Oracle Applications
    in your ORACLE database 'FMSTEST'
    using ORACLE executables in '/fmstop/r12apps/apps/tech_st/10.1.2'.
    Is this the correct database [Yes] ?
    AutoPatch needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema
    in order to determine your installation configuration.
    Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema:
    The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library
    uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS
    Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :
    AutoPatch is verifying your username/password.
    The status of various features in this run of AutoPatch is:
                                               <-Feature version in->
    Feature                          Active?   APPLTOP    Data model    Flags
    CHECKFILE                        Yes       1          1             Y N N Y N Y
    PREREQ                           Yes       6          6             Y N N Y N Y
    CONCURRENT_SESSIONS              No        2          2             Y Y N Y Y N
    PATCH_TIMING                     Yes       2          2             Y N N Y N Y
    PATCH_HIST_IN_DB                 Yes       6          6             Y N N Y N Y
    SCHEMA_SWAP                      Yes       1          1             Y N N Y Y Y
    JAVA_WORKER                      No        1          -1            Y N N Y N N
    CODELEVEL                        No        1          -1            Y N N Y N N
    Identifier for the current session is 2987
    Reading product information from file...
    Reading language and territory information from file...
    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "eaa".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "abm".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "evm".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "ipd".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "zfa".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "zsa".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "css".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "me".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "xnm".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "xnc".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "xns".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "fpt".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "okr".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "cue".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "iba".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "ozp".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "ozs".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "rla".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "veh".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "rhx".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "imt".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "ahm".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "okb".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "oko".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "xni".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "jts".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "amf".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    AutoPatch warning:
    Product Data File
    does not exist for product "cun".
    This product is registered in the database but the
    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP.  The product
    will be ignored without error.
    Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.
    Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.
    Currently, the following language is installed:
    Code   Language                                Status
    US     American English                        Base
    Your base language will be AMERICAN.
    Setting up module information.
    Reading database for information about the modules.
    Saving module information.
    Reading database for information about the products.
    Reading database for information about how products depend on each other.
    Reading topfile.txt ...
    Saving product information.
    Trying to obtain a lock...
      Attempting to instantiate the current-view snapshot...
      No baseline bug-fixes info available. Will attempt next time.
         **************** S T A R T   O F   U P L O A D ****************
    Start date: Sun Aug 04 2013 18:45:12
    0 "left over" javaupdates.txt files uploaded to DB: Sun Aug 04 2013 18:45:12
    0 patches uploaded from the ADPSV format patch history files: Sun Aug 04 2013 18:45:12
    Uploading information about files copied during the previous runs ...
    0 "left over" filescopied_<session_id>.txt files uploaded to DB: Sun Aug 04 2013 18:45:12
         ****************** E N D   O F   U P L O A D ******************
    End date: Sun Aug 04 2013 18:45:12
    Enter the directory where your Oracle Applications patch has been unloaded
    The default directory is [/fmstop/patches/R1211AD/merge] :

    I checked under 11i $APPL_TOP/admin directory, I can see only one izuprod.txt file apart from applprod.txt.
    drix10:/fmstop/fmstest/fmstestappl/admin>ls -lrt *prod.txt
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 appltest dba          231650 Oct 30 2004  applprod.txt
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 appltest dba            4966 Sep 21 2007  izuprod.txt
    R12 code tree is newly installed so there is only applprod.txt
    drix10:/fmstop/r12apps/apps/apps_st/appl/admin>ls -lrt *prod.txt
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 appltest dba          226340 Jul 29 15:19 applprod.txt
    Please suggest if I can ignore these warning to proceed with applying merged patch.

  • Scheduling parameters are not defined for production orders

    Hi All,
             when i convert the planned order to production order  i got this massage popup coming  Scheduling parameters are not defined for production orders . please let me know this .

    One of major customization steps for the order type is missing. Run OPU3 and maintain settings for the order type you are using. You may copy settings from an older type.

  • Material availability  check for production order

    Is there any functional module to check the material availability of production order. So that it can be used in developments.

    Following are the available Function Modules for avaibility checks in Production orders,
    BAPI_PRODORD_CHECK_MAT_AVAIL -  BAPI: Execute Material Availability Check for Production Orders
    And for Process Orders,
    BAPI_PROCORD_CHECK_MAT_AVAIL - BAPI: Execute Material Availability Check for Process Orders

  • Camera Raw Edits Not used in Batch

    Hey Everyone,
    I hope that someone can help me. I made alot of edits to about 100 images in Camera Raw ( ie (de)saturation, exposure adjustments, color adjustments,etc).
    I wanted  to finish up the images ( sharpening, saving) with an action that i created in Photoshop CS6.
    However, when i run the action in photoshop, none of the adjustments that I made in camera raw are visible. In other words, the saved images that were output of photoshop batch were essentially the images right out of the camera. What am I doing wrong?
    I appreciate your help in advance.

    The Action is very simple and does not make much sense to me.  The open step is not expanded so I can only guess that its and interactive open step inserted into the action using insert menu item and you selected file>open.  Other Since your original question is about RAW files I assume your opening a RAW file that has ACR settings previously set. So ACR should open the RAW file you select with its previously set ACR settings.  If  this is and interactive ACR step you can use Open as Object or Open Image.  Since later on in the action I see select layer "Background" you must be using open image for open object would create a smart object layer not a background layer.  You action then dupe the background layer and sharpens the duped layer select the background flattens and save as jpeg.   The result would be the same without the dupe and flatten.  These are needless steps.
    I also don't fully understand your original title "Camera Raw Edits Not used in Batch". Batch actions would normally not have and open step. Photoshop Automate Batch or a Photoshop script like the Image Processor would normally process open document or open files select in the bridge or pointed to in the batch process dialog. If the action has an open step the Batch Dialog has an option that can be used to override open steps. You did not show your bath dialog setting. I have never user that option and don't know exactly that option works. Particularly in this case where you failed to expand the open step.  If it is and Open As Camera RAW all image files in the source location will be open through ACR however JPEG  and Tiff files may not have ACR settings and other image file formats other the raw may cause errors. I do not know how the open step was recorded or how a open as camera raw steps are overridden. I'm sure Open recent and open file would open raw file through ACR and other image files formats would be open Photoshop where JPEG and Tiff file may be set to open through ACR.  Do all image file in you source image location have ACR setting and the file type set to be open via ACR?

  • Material not defined for a sales area

         When i use an existing material to create a sales order, it says "Material not defined for a given sales area"
         When i go to MMO1 and type in copy from, i just get to copy the existing plant, but not the sales org, dist chnl or div.
         Could someone tell me how do i define my material for a given sales area?

    when you are entering your material number you will have a n option called select views  there you have find the followings views such as
    basic data 1, basic data 2 , classification,sales org data 1,sales org data 2,sales; general data etc
    if you select these views you can enter your division as you are going to enter the sales organisation, distribution channel in the begining by checking organizational elements.
    Please reward the points if the answer is helpful

  • Move the stock from the raw material storage type to production storage typ

    How to move the stock from the raw material storage type to production storage type.
    note that both stoare type be in same storage location only.
    pls reply me

    Hi Raj,
    I WM process, issue or transfer to Production process results in picking of material from the RM storge location / storage type.
    If you mean your production stoarge location is same as that of the RM stoage location, it is just a tranfer within a warehous.
    which you could do with posting change document. This doesnt reduce your WM stock.
    If the production stoarge location is differnt from RM stiage location, then it is picking process from WM and goods issue.
    this reduces your WM stock.
    hope it helps.

  • Following a software update, I can no longer access/authorise music purchased via iTunes from my old Apple ID, which I have not used for 8  years, and no longer have password.  Any ideas how I can re-access/recover that music?

    Following a software update, I can no longer access/authorise music purchased via iTunes from my old Apple ID, which I have not used for 8  years, and no longer have password.  Any ideas how I can re-access/recover that music?

    Apple ID FAQs  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5622

  • Set type COMM_PR_UNIT is not allowed for product type

    Hello all, I am working in SRM 7.0 and when I try to replicate service master (DNL_CUST_SRVMAS) I have this error:
    Set type COMM_PR_UNIT is not allowed for product type
    What can I do? I think that is an ABAP problem
    Thanks in advance
    Rosa Rodríguez

    This note is something different and nothing to do with the issue. Can you share how did you resolve the DNL_CUST_SRVMAS issue? We are also getting same error.

  • My Macbook Pro purchased Dec 2011 has suddenly become very slow after not using for 2 weeks (close to frozen). What is the problem and how to solve it?

    My Macbook Pro purchased Dec 2011 has suddenly become very slow after not using for 2 weeks (close to frozen). What is the problem and how to solve it?

    Need Help Ye,
    boot your MacBook Pro into Recovery mode by holding down a Command key and the R key as it starts up. Once the Mac OS X Utilities menu appears, select Disk Utility. On the left-hand side of the Disk Utility window, select your internal disk’s boot partition (typically called “Macintosh HD”). On the right-hand side, press the Verify Disk button if it’s not greyed out; if it is greyed out, or if it reports that errors were found, press the Repair Disk button. Once the verification/repair is completed, exit Disk Utility and select Restart from the Apple menu to restart in normal mode. Is it still very slow?

  • Why when I try to update certain app it require an old email address and password I have not used for years and I do I get to update them on my new details

    Why when I try to update certain app it require an old email address and password I have not used for years and I do I get to update them on my new details

    Apps are tied to the Apple ID that was used to purchase them and you will always need to use that ID and password in order to update them.
    Saying that you do get to update them on your new details makes no sense at all.

  • Why Inner join or Outer join is not used for Pool or Cluster tables  ?

    Hi SAP-ABAP Experts .
    With Due Regards .
    May u explain me why Inner join or Outer join is not useful for Pool or Cluster tables  ?
    because peoples advised not use Joins for Pool and Cluster tables , What harm will take place , If we do this ?
    Best Regards to all : Rajneesh

    Both Pooled and Cluster Tables are stored as tables within the database. Only the structures of the two table types which represent a single logical view of the data are defined within the ABAP/4 Data Dictionary. The data is actually stored in bulk storage in a different structure. These tables are commonly loaded into memory (i.e., 'buffered') due to the fact they are typically used for storing internal control information and other types of data with little or no external (business) relevance.
    Pooled and cluster tables are usually used only by SAP and not used by customers, probably because of the proprietary format of these tables within the database and because of technical restrictions placed upon their use within ABAP/4 programs. On a pooled or cluster table:
    Secondary indexes cannot be created.
    You cannot use the ABAP/4 constructs select distinct or group by.
    You cannot use native SQL.
    You cannot specify field names after the order by clause. order by primary key is the only permitted variation.
    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards,
    Please mark all the helpful answers

  • I have a version of photoshop 7.0 which I have not used for some years. I would like to install it o

    I have a version of Photoshop 7.0 that I have not used for some years. I want to now install it on my computer which uses Windows XP. How do I go about it?

    You simply run the install program and hack in your serial number.

  • Material not defined for sales org

    when i try to select the item code in CUSTOMER-MATERIAL info. i cant able to get the item which created in MM01. and also getting the message .
    "material not defined for sales org". can you help us how to resolve this one.

    That means that particular material has either been created without extending the required sales views or material code has not been created.
    Go to MM01,  key in that material code, select all sales views and execute.  Maintain the required sales area and save.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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