
I would like to invoke a method having primitive int argument through the reflection api.
Class[] parTypes = new Class[] {int.class};
Method setIdMethod = myclass.getMethod("setHID", parTypes);
int cnter = 0;
Object[] args = new Object[] {cnter}; !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not do this!
setIdMethod.invoke( obj, args);
The problem, thet the Method.invoce have the obj and Object[] arguments. I can not pass a variable with primitive type.
Do you know a work-around?

To pass primitive values, you have to wrap them in the corresponding Object type.
E.g. to call a method taking an "int", via reflection, you have to do the actual call as follows:
  setIdMethod.invoke(obj, new Object[]{new Integer(cnter)});

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    Object[] args = new Object[] {4}; // won't work, type
    mismatchShould be:
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    You put the parameters the Method needs to the Object [] -
    This is a call you know:
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    Question1: sometimes, when the user clicks on JButton,
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    What do you get as a result?I think I know what the problem is.
    I tested this using following and it worked fine:
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    public String getName() {
    return null;
    public static void main(String args[]) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
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    else {
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         new Object[] {
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         public static JMenuItem getJMenuItem()
              return menuItem;
         public static void start(JTextArea textArea, JFrame mainFrame)

    Your "params" Class array has to specify the exact classes of the method, not subclasses. The line that is causing the NoSuchObjectException to be thrown is "c.getMethod("start", params);".
    You have to write your own reflection utility methods to find a method that matches on parameter subclasses.

  • Method.invoke hangs. HELP

    that is:
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    Then it hangs.
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    Thanks for helping me get a grip....makes perfect sense, I guess I was just wondering how far you could take the runtime decisions thing.
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    will also be String objects.
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    If you read the docs for Method.invoke, you'll see that the first argument is the object on which you wish to invoke the method, and the second argument is the parameters (with primitives wrapped appropriately)."abc", 123);
    // becomes
    meth.invoke(foo, new Object[] {"abc", new Integer(123) }); (if I haven't screwed up the syntax of the array initialization)

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    I cna't give any solid numbers either, but when I've used it I've noticed it to be much slower than directly invoking the method. Ballpark I'd guess 5 times as much overhead, but don't hold me to that. Of course, if the work your method does is large compared to method invocation overhead, then it shouldn't really matter.

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    Is the method invoke on the Object Method in the java.lang.reflect package threadsafe ?

    I'have created a with a college a ReflectionMap where getter and setter maps to the javabean properties
    using reflection at creation time the map cache the methods of the underlaying object
    now we want to use it i a multiple thread context
    where more than one thread can access the map a time
    if the implementation of Method is threadsafe then we do not need synchronisation else
    we must synchronize our map.
    and sinds that synchronisation is a performence bottleneck i would like to live it out.

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